USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, I suppose I do call them "southerners." But that's about it. :biggrin: Not very creative, I know.

But honestly, doesn't 'southerners' conjure up all manner of images in the mind from rednecks to Southern belles to magnolia blossoms to Southern manners and charm, etc. etc. etc. etc.?

In these parts some people see themselves as Latino, but all, even the Latinos, see themselves as southwesterners or westerners which is a whole different thing than being 'southern' or 'yankee'.
All y'all are Cheechacos!
I spent 20+ years in Florida and have been in Georgia for close to 5 years, but I've never picked up y'all. It's probably because I never wanted to; it's not a word I like. :p

I plead guilty to using ya'll or you-all a lot. It is just so much easier than having to say Ladies, Gentlemen, and honored guests or whatever. :)
Y'all is one of the few colloquialisms I still use from my childhood.
Been moderately busy today. Too many projects but I am slowly wading through the messes. My partner got another job and asked if I would be kind enough to bake some cookies for him. So, I'm working through a batch of peanut butter cookie dough. He's now working two full-time jobs (at 64!!!). He's admitted to trying to keep up with my schedule, one full-time and two part-time jobs, but I am younger. Makes me worry a bit. While he drives me nuts at times, he's a long-time friend and business partner.
Watching old "Bewitched" series while baking...what a hoot!!! It's amazing how different the standards are now. Imagine a TV show featuring a stay-at-home wife in this day and age...
Been moderately busy today. Too many projects but I am slowly wading through the messes. My partner got another job and asked if I would be kind enough to bake some cookies for him. So, I'm working through a batch of peanut butter cookie dough. He's now working two full-time jobs (at 64!!!). He's admitted to trying to keep up with my schedule, one full-time and two part-time jobs, but I am younger. Makes me worry a bit. While he drives me nuts at times, he's a long-time friend and business partner.
Watching old "Bewitched" series while baking...what a hoot!!! It's amazing how different the standards are now. Imagine a TV show featuring a stay-at-home wife in this day and age...

"He" being you? Or "he' being Chris who is a she who would like for there to be more good looking guys closer to her age in the Coffee Shop. :) (We need to start recruiting again I think.)

I don't mind older guys, as long as they aren't married. :beer: I stay away from the young guys though. Even guys my age are really immature, spend all kinds of time playing video games, act childish, unappreciative, selfish, etc. . . . :uhoh3: So, as a matter of fact, I prefer older men to younger ones.

Besides, I want to be the young one! :lol:

Well, I'm a bit older than you....but yep, that describes me! :D

Must be one of your tactics for remaining single. :p

I don't need any tactics! I do that by having no social life outside of the little one. :p

Well get out there! That little one is going to grow up and have interests of her own soon enough!

If it weren't for her I'd have no social life at all. :lol: I don't really have any friends in GA. Hell, even before I came up here, I only occasionally saw my friends in FL. :p
Had an amazing night of TV tonight. Okay, I watched The Bachelorette only to see whether the guys were smart enough to catch on to the absolutely unsuitable bachelorette selected for this season. (They didn't.) I probably won't be watching much of that. Sometimes it gets too dumb even for me.

But Hombre and my favorite won in the finale on The Voice tonight, and my favorite won in the finale on Dancing with the Stars tonight. This was absolutely the best season of DWTS ever. So next week American Ninja Warrior starts up again along with America's Got Talent. So there will be something fun to watch over the summer. And I think Master Chef starts again next week. And maybe Project Runway? We'll see. Love both of those shows.

Anyhow it is past midnight and I'm calling it a night.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
I don't mind older guys, as long as they aren't married. :beer: I stay away from the young guys though. Even guys my age are really immature, spend all kinds of time playing video games, act childish, unappreciative, selfish, etc. . . . :uhoh3: So, as a matter of fact, I prefer older men to younger ones.

Besides, I want to be the young one! :lol:

Well, I'm a bit older than you....but yep, that describes me! :D

Must be one of your tactics for remaining single. :p

I don't need any tactics! I do that by having no social life outside of the little one. :p

Well get out there! That little one is going to grow up and have interests of her own soon enough!

If it weren't for her I'd have no social life at all. :lol: I don't really have any friends in GA. Hell, even before I came up here, I only occasionally saw my friends in FL. :p

You are a nice friendly person. I can't imagine you'd have trouble making friends. :) It does get more difficult to be in the position where you meet new people, the older you get, I suppose. I think we also become more "picky" about friendships as we age.
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Been moderately busy today. Too many projects but I am slowly wading through the messes. My partner got another job and asked if I would be kind enough to bake some cookies for him. So, I'm working through a batch of peanut butter cookie dough. He's now working two full-time jobs (at 64!!!). He's admitted to trying to keep up with my schedule, one full-time and two part-time jobs, but I am younger. Makes me worry a bit. While he drives me nuts at times, he's a long-time friend and business partner.
Watching old "Bewitched" series while baking...what a hoot!!! It's amazing how different the standards are now. Imagine a TV show featuring a stay-at-home wife in this day and age...


Everybody Loves Raymond - one of my favorite sitcoms!
OK All caught up and now I can go to beddiebye. I got to Doc's at 12:35 (brought the lap top) and just got home. (4:15)

By the time you got there I'd had already been in bed for two hours.

I used to be an absolute night bird years ago when I was younger. Now, when it gets dark, it's time to go to bed, and when it's light, it's time to get up. I can't stand to be in bed when the sun is up. Got no idea how that changed.
OK All caught up and now I can go to beddiebye. I got to Doc's at 12:35 (brought the lap top) and just got home. (4:15)

By the time you got there I'd had already been in bed for two hours.

I used to be an absolute night bird years ago when I was younger. Now, when it gets dark, it's time to go to bed, and when it's light, it's time to get up. I can't stand to be in bed when the sun is up. Got no idea how that changed.

I stay up quite late a lot of times, but I always wake up fairly early in the morning. I usually only get about 6 hours of sleep every night. My dad was the same way too.
Good morning everybody. Hombre and I stayed up until 1 a.m. last night--that is almost unheard of for him who is the proverbial early to bed type--he got interested in something on his computer last night and just didn't get sleepy and I am the proverbial night owl. So did we both sleep in this morning? Nope. Bet it's an early night tonight. :)

And there you go Chris. 007 is another one of our 'older' single guys. :)

Beautiful morning here and shaping up to be a gorgeous day and we might reach 80 today before another good chance for rain tomorrow. Still uncommonly cool for us this time of year.
OK All caught up and now I can go to beddiebye. I got to Doc's at 12:35 (brought the lap top) and just got home. (4:15)

That's a long night, Ernie! Get some sleep! :wink_2: I guess we shouldn't expect to see you around here until much later.
Hi, all y'all!
Yup, a normal Tuesday, but I'm awake and alive and ready to start again. I'll be back in an hour and will be there to midnight today.
OK All caught up and now I can go to beddiebye. I got to Doc's at 12:35 (brought the lap top) and just got home. (4:15)

That's a long night, Ernie! Get some sleep! :wink_2: I guess we shouldn't expect to see you around here until much later.
Hi, all y'all!
Yup, a normal Tuesday, but I'm awake and alive and ready to start again. I'll be back in an hour and will be there to midnight today.

Um, it's Wednesday Ernie? Isn't it? (Quickly checking calendar.)
OK All caught up and now I can go to beddiebye. I got to Doc's at 12:35 (brought the lap top) and just got home. (4:15)

That's a long night, Ernie! Get some sleep! :wink_2: I guess we shouldn't expect to see you around here until much later.
Hi, all y'all!
Yup, a normal Tuesday, but I'm awake and alive and ready to start again. I'll be back in an hour and will be there to midnight today.

Um, it's Wednesday Ernie? Isn't it? (Quickly checking calendar.)

Lol! I didn't realize it was Wednesday either . . . yay! :razz: Always better to be off one day early than one day late!

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