USMB Coffee Shop IV

Grew up in Mobile Alabama............

Just West of I-65..............a few miles..............Beau Terra Subdivision........
I'm a damned Yankee. Grew up in CT.
I thought the damn Yankees were in New York....... :eusa_whistle:

Play ball!!
In the south, a Yankee is a Northerner who comes to visit. A damned Yankee is one who stays.
What if they learn to say "ya'll?"
I've learned y'all and all y'all.

I stopped and laughed at myself about a year ago when I told the wife I was "fixin' ta go ta WalMart."

I really do think I belong here. The life style and people fit my personality.
Hey, that southern lingo is addicting. When I lived in Florida it wasn't long before I was saying y'all, and b'cawz, and don't make me haffa come ova dair' an whoooop y'ass naa.... :lol:
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Reminds me many years ago when it was official that Jimmy Carter of Georgia had been elected President, my southern-bred and reared sister-in-law solemnly stated, "At least it will be good to finally have a prezeedunt who doesn't speak with an accent."
Well, I suppose I do call them "southerners." But that's about it. :biggrin: Not very creative, I know.

But honestly, doesn't 'southerners' conjure up all manner of images in the mind from rednecks to Southern belles to magnolia blossoms to Southern manners and charm, etc. etc. etc. etc.?
Yup. We folks in New Mexico consider Colorado 'up north'. :)
A friend of mine from New York told me that southerners call everyone up north a Yankee, the people in the northern cities call the country folk up there Yankees and the country folk call the northern hillbillies Yankees. :lol:

That's funny. Here in my neck of the woods, we don't refer to people by such titles except for maybe when joke telling.
That's what he was referring to..... :D

"He" being you? Or "he' being Chris who is a she who would like for there to be more good looking guys closer to her age in the Coffee Shop. :) (We need to start recruiting again I think.)

I don't mind older guys, as long as they aren't married. :beer: I stay away from the young guys though. Even guys my age are really immature, spend all kinds of time playing video games, act childish, unappreciative, selfish, etc. . . . :uhoh3: So, as a matter of fact, I prefer older men to younger ones.

Besides, I want to be the young one! :lol:

Well, I'm a bit older than you....but yep, that describes me! :D
I spent 20+ years in Florida and have been in Georgia for close to 5 years, but I've never picked up y'all. It's probably because I never wanted to; it's not a word I like. :p

I plead guilty to using ya'll or you-all a lot. It is just so much easier than having to say Ladies, Gentlemen, and honored guests or whatever. :)
I spent 20+ years in Florida and have been in Georgia for close to 5 years, but I've never picked up y'all. It's probably because I never wanted to; it's not a word I like. :p

I plead guilty to using ya'll or you-all a lot. It is just so much easier than having to say Ladies, Gentlemen, and honored guests or whatever. :)

I would usually just say 'you'. ;)
I spent 20+ years in Florida and have been in Georgia for close to 5 years, but I've never picked up y'all. It's probably because I never wanted to; it's not a word I like. :p

I plead guilty to using ya'll or you-all a lot. It is just so much easier than having to say Ladies, Gentlemen, and honored guests or whatever. :)

I would usually just say 'you'. ;)

Yes, but 'you people' has been judged to be politically incorrect. And 'you' just doesn't feel as universally inclusive as 'ya'll'. :)
Just received 5 "final notices" for extending vehicle warranties...... Probably the same final notices I've been getting for the last six months........ :lol:
Well, I suppose I do call them "southerners." But that's about it. :biggrin: Not very creative, I know.

But honestly, doesn't 'southerners' conjure up all manner of images in the mind from rednecks to Southern belles to magnolia blossoms to Southern manners and charm, etc. etc. etc. etc.?
A friend of mine from New York told me that southerners call everyone up north a Yankee, the people in the northern cities call the country folk up there Yankees and the country folk call the northern hillbillies Yankees. :lol:

That's funny. Here in my neck of the woods, we don't refer to people by such titles except for maybe when joke telling.
That's what he was referring to..... :D

"He" being you? Or "he' being Chris who is a she who would like for there to be more good looking guys closer to her age in the Coffee Shop. :) (We need to start recruiting again I think.)

I don't mind older guys, as long as they aren't married. :beer: I stay away from the young guys though. Even guys my age are really immature, spend all kinds of time playing video games, act childish, unappreciative, selfish, etc. . . . :uhoh3: So, as a matter of fact, I prefer older men to younger ones.

Besides, I want to be the young one! :lol:

Well, I'm a bit older than you....but yep, that describes me! :D

Must be one of your tactics for remaining single. :p
I have to go get ready to go to the dentist now. :(

Pray for me.

Good luck at the dentist. I hate the dentist too, and people always try to tell me it's not so bad. Well, that would be a lie! Yes, it is that bad! :lol:

Well I'm back. Just a routine cleaning today but I have some major work coming up that is going to wipe out our entertainment budget for awhile. In all honesty, I would dread open heart surgery less than I dread going to the dentist.
I have to go get ready to go to the dentist now. :(

Pray for me.

Good luck at the dentist. I hate the dentist too, and people always try to tell me it's not so bad. Well, that would be a lie! Yes, it is that bad! :lol:

Well I'm back. Just a routine cleaning today but I have some major work coming up that is going to wipe out our entertainment budget for awhile. In all honesty, I would dread open heart surgery less than I dread going to the dentist.

I too have an irrational fear of the dentist! :lol: Even the thing they put in your mouth for the x-rays hurts!
I have to go get ready to go to the dentist now. :(

Pray for me.

Good luck at the dentist. I hate the dentist too, and people always try to tell me it's not so bad. Well, that would be a lie! Yes, it is that bad! :lol:

Well I'm back. Just a routine cleaning today but I have some major work coming up that is going to wipe out our entertainment budget for awhile. In all honesty, I would dread open heart surgery less than I dread going to the dentist.

I too have an irrational fear of the dentist! :lol: Even the thing they put in your mouth for the x-rays hurts!
Buncha wimps!!
Welp, finally took the plunge today, literally, in the pool. Yup, there was the initial cold shock but it went away fairly quickly. Wasn't in for long as I haven't been in a pool in decades, just moving around, treading water and doing a couple of laps wore me out. What's strange is my ears are plugged up now, that was a rare occurrence in the past.
Plan on doing a little bit every day, at least my front crawl technique isn't as rusty as I thought it might be. :lol:
I have to go get ready to go to the dentist now. :(

Pray for me.

Good luck at the dentist. I hate the dentist too, and people always try to tell me it's not so bad. Well, that would be a lie! Yes, it is that bad! :lol:

Well I'm back. Just a routine cleaning today but I have some major work coming up that is going to wipe out our entertainment budget for awhile. In all honesty, I would dread open heart surgery less than I dread going to the dentist.

I too have an irrational fear of the dentist! :lol: Even the thing they put in your mouth for the x-rays hurts!
Buncha wimps!!

Even the cleanings hurt! Scrape, scrape, scrape, dig, dig, dig. You leave the dentist feeling like you've been chewing on some glass or something! :crybaby:
I have to go get ready to go to the dentist now. :(

Pray for me.

Good luck at the dentist. I hate the dentist too, and people always try to tell me it's not so bad. Well, that would be a lie! Yes, it is that bad! :lol:

Well I'm back. Just a routine cleaning today but I have some major work coming up that is going to wipe out our entertainment budget for awhile. In all honesty, I would dread open heart surgery less than I dread going to the dentist.

I too have an irrational fear of the dentist! :lol: Even the thing they put in your mouth for the x-rays hurts!
Buncha wimps!!

Even the cleanings hurt! Scrape, scrape, scrape, dig, dig, dig. You leave the dentist feeling like you've been chewing on some glass or something! :crybaby:
Not me. The biggest cause of what you're feeling is the fear, it heightens your pain expectations making it worse than what it really is. Pretty common with some people.
I have to go get ready to go to the dentist now. :(

Pray for me.

Good luck at the dentist. I hate the dentist too, and people always try to tell me it's not so bad. Well, that would be a lie! Yes, it is that bad! :lol:

Well I'm back. Just a routine cleaning today but I have some major work coming up that is going to wipe out our entertainment budget for awhile. In all honesty, I would dread open heart surgery less than I dread going to the dentist.

I too have an irrational fear of the dentist! :lol: Even the thing they put in your mouth for the x-rays hurts!

Oh yeah, those little cardboard thingees cut into a person something awful. But I expect that, and that doesn't freak me out because I know it is just a few seconds and I feel like I have some control. And I tolerate the cleaning routine pretty well. But the drill, the root canal, all that. . .I just can't handle it.
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