USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good luck at the dentist. I hate the dentist too, and people always try to tell me it's not so bad. Well, that would be a lie! Yes, it is that bad! :lol:

Well I'm back. Just a routine cleaning today but I have some major work coming up that is going to wipe out our entertainment budget for awhile. In all honesty, I would dread open heart surgery less than I dread going to the dentist.

I too have an irrational fear of the dentist! :lol: Even the thing they put in your mouth for the x-rays hurts!
Buncha wimps!!

Even the cleanings hurt! Scrape, scrape, scrape, dig, dig, dig. You leave the dentist feeling like you've been chewing on some glass or something! :crybaby:
Not me. The biggest cause of what you're feeling is the fear, it heightens your pain expectations making it worse than what it really is. Pretty common with some people.

That very well may be, but when you have that kind of almost irrational fear, you just don't turn it off at will.
Good luck at the dentist. I hate the dentist too, and people always try to tell me it's not so bad. Well, that would be a lie! Yes, it is that bad! :lol:

Well I'm back. Just a routine cleaning today but I have some major work coming up that is going to wipe out our entertainment budget for awhile. In all honesty, I would dread open heart surgery less than I dread going to the dentist.

I too have an irrational fear of the dentist! :lol: Even the thing they put in your mouth for the x-rays hurts!
Buncha wimps!!

Even the cleanings hurt! Scrape, scrape, scrape, dig, dig, dig. You leave the dentist feeling like you've been chewing on some glass or something! :crybaby:
Not me. The biggest cause of what you're feeling is the fear, it heightens your pain expectations making it worse than what it really is. Pretty common with some people.

You sound like the dentist!! Lol! :biggrin: I have sensitive gums, and they're always poking and prodding around. My teeth and gums never hurt BEFORE a cleaning, but afterwards they always hurt. Or if you have a pain or something, they always stick that stupid hook in it and ask if it hurts! Well, yeah it hurts!
Well I'm back. Just a routine cleaning today but I have some major work coming up that is going to wipe out our entertainment budget for awhile. In all honesty, I would dread open heart surgery less than I dread going to the dentist.

I too have an irrational fear of the dentist! :lol: Even the thing they put in your mouth for the x-rays hurts!
Buncha wimps!!

Even the cleanings hurt! Scrape, scrape, scrape, dig, dig, dig. You leave the dentist feeling like you've been chewing on some glass or something! :crybaby:
Not me. The biggest cause of what you're feeling is the fear, it heightens your pain expectations making it worse than what it really is. Pretty common with some people.

That very well may be, but when you have that kind of almost irrational fear, you just don't turn it off at will.
Of course you don't, just explaining how the mind (fear in this case) can cause the body to overreact to stimuli, in this case the sense of pain is heightened.
In my case it's getting the sterile "WD-40" shots in my knees, it doesn't really hurt but the pressure of the fluid being injected I feel as discomfort (pain).
I spent 20+ years in Florida and have been in Georgia for close to 5 years, but I've never picked up y'all. It's probably because I never wanted to; it's not a word I like. :p

I plead guilty to using ya'll or you-all a lot. It is just so much easier than having to say Ladies, Gentlemen, and honored guests or whatever. :)

I'm from Chicago and say "you guys".:D
Well I'm back. Just a routine cleaning today but I have some major work coming up that is going to wipe out our entertainment budget for awhile. In all honesty, I would dread open heart surgery less than I dread going to the dentist.

I too have an irrational fear of the dentist! :lol: Even the thing they put in your mouth for the x-rays hurts!
Buncha wimps!!

Even the cleanings hurt! Scrape, scrape, scrape, dig, dig, dig. You leave the dentist feeling like you've been chewing on some glass or something! :crybaby:
Not me. The biggest cause of what you're feeling is the fear, it heightens your pain expectations making it worse than what it really is. Pretty common with some people.

You sound like the dentist!! Lol! :biggrin: I have sensitive gums, and they're always poking and prodding around. My teeth and gums never hurt BEFORE a cleaning, but afterwards they always hurt. Or if you have a pain or something, they always stick that stupid hook in it and ask if it hurts! Well, yeah it hurts!
My primary billet (job) in the Navy was Dental Technician.......... :D
I spent 20+ years in Florida and have been in Georgia for close to 5 years, but I've never picked up y'all. It's probably because I never wanted to; it's not a word I like. :p

I plead guilty to using ya'll or you-all a lot. It is just so much easier than having to say Ladies, Gentlemen, and honored guests or whatever. :)

I'm from Chicago and say "you guys".:D
Could be worse, ya could be from Jeuisey and say youz guyz.......
I spent 20+ years in Florida and have been in Georgia for close to 5 years, but I've never picked up y'all. It's probably because I never wanted to; it's not a word I like. :p

I plead guilty to using ya'll or you-all a lot. It is just so much easier than having to say Ladies, Gentlemen, and honored guests or whatever. :)

I'm from Chicago and say "you guys".:D

I do that some too and I've never lived north of Kansas. But it does work pretty much like you-all or y'all. :)
I too have an irrational fear of the dentist! :lol: Even the thing they put in your mouth for the x-rays hurts!
Buncha wimps!!

Even the cleanings hurt! Scrape, scrape, scrape, dig, dig, dig. You leave the dentist feeling like you've been chewing on some glass or something! :crybaby:
Not me. The biggest cause of what you're feeling is the fear, it heightens your pain expectations making it worse than what it really is. Pretty common with some people.

You sound like the dentist!! Lol! :biggrin: I have sensitive gums, and they're always poking and prodding around. My teeth and gums never hurt BEFORE a cleaning, but afterwards they always hurt. Or if you have a pain or something, they always stick that stupid hook in it and ask if it hurts! Well, yeah it hurts!
My primary billet (job) in the Navy was Dental Technician.......... :D

I'll bet you said, "this won't hurt a bit!" Lies! :lol:
I spent 20+ years in Florida and have been in Georgia for close to 5 years, but I've never picked up y'all. It's probably because I never wanted to; it's not a word I like. :p

I plead guilty to using ya'll or you-all a lot. It is just so much easier than having to say Ladies, Gentlemen, and honored guests or whatever. :)

I'm from Chicago and say "you guys".:D

I do that some too and I've never lived north of Kansas. But it does work pretty much like you-all or y'all. :)

What about "all you all." Example . . . "All you all better stay away from my teeth if you want to keep your fingers!" :D
Buncha wimps!!

Even the cleanings hurt! Scrape, scrape, scrape, dig, dig, dig. You leave the dentist feeling like you've been chewing on some glass or something! :crybaby:
Not me. The biggest cause of what you're feeling is the fear, it heightens your pain expectations making it worse than what it really is. Pretty common with some people.

You sound like the dentist!! Lol! :biggrin: I have sensitive gums, and they're always poking and prodding around. My teeth and gums never hurt BEFORE a cleaning, but afterwards they always hurt. Or if you have a pain or something, they always stick that stupid hook in it and ask if it hurts! Well, yeah it hurts!
My primary billet (job) in the Navy was Dental Technician.......... :D

I'll bet you said, "this won't hurt a bit!" Lies! :lol:
Nope, never said that. I did tell people they were gonna be pretty sore after this or that proceedure though....... :lol:
Even the cleanings hurt! Scrape, scrape, scrape, dig, dig, dig. You leave the dentist feeling like you've been chewing on some glass or something! :crybaby:
Not me. The biggest cause of what you're feeling is the fear, it heightens your pain expectations making it worse than what it really is. Pretty common with some people.

You sound like the dentist!! Lol! :biggrin: I have sensitive gums, and they're always poking and prodding around. My teeth and gums never hurt BEFORE a cleaning, but afterwards they always hurt. Or if you have a pain or something, they always stick that stupid hook in it and ask if it hurts! Well, yeah it hurts!
My primary billet (job) in the Navy was Dental Technician.......... :D

I'll bet you said, "this won't hurt a bit!" Lies! :lol:
Nope, never said that. I did tell people they were gonna be pretty sore after this or that proceedure though....... :lol:

Did you tell them, "this is going to hurt me more than you."??? :lol: I had a doctor tell me that before he gave me a shot once . . . wanted to slap him.
Well, I suppose I do call them "southerners." But that's about it. :biggrin: Not very creative, I know.

But honestly, doesn't 'southerners' conjure up all manner of images in the mind from rednecks to Southern belles to magnolia blossoms to Southern manners and charm, etc. etc. etc. etc.?
That's funny. Here in my neck of the woods, we don't refer to people by such titles except for maybe when joke telling.
That's what he was referring to..... :D

"He" being you? Or "he' being Chris who is a she who would like for there to be more good looking guys closer to her age in the Coffee Shop. :) (We need to start recruiting again I think.)

I don't mind older guys, as long as they aren't married. :beer: I stay away from the young guys though. Even guys my age are really immature, spend all kinds of time playing video games, act childish, unappreciative, selfish, etc. . . . :uhoh3: So, as a matter of fact, I prefer older men to younger ones.

Besides, I want to be the young one! :lol:

Well, I'm a bit older than you....but yep, that describes me! :D

Must be one of your tactics for remaining single. :p

I don't need any tactics! I do that by having no social life outside of the little one. :p
But honestly, doesn't 'southerners' conjure up all manner of images in the mind from rednecks to Southern belles to magnolia blossoms to Southern manners and charm, etc. etc. etc. etc.?
That's what he was referring to..... :D

"He" being you? Or "he' being Chris who is a she who would like for there to be more good looking guys closer to her age in the Coffee Shop. :) (We need to start recruiting again I think.)

I don't mind older guys, as long as they aren't married. :beer: I stay away from the young guys though. Even guys my age are really immature, spend all kinds of time playing video games, act childish, unappreciative, selfish, etc. . . . :uhoh3: So, as a matter of fact, I prefer older men to younger ones.

Besides, I want to be the young one! :lol:

Well, I'm a bit older than you....but yep, that describes me! :D

Must be one of your tactics for remaining single. :p

I don't need any tactics! I do that by having no social life outside of the little one. :p

Well get out there! That little one is going to grow up and have interests of her own soon enough!
Not me. The biggest cause of what you're feeling is the fear, it heightens your pain expectations making it worse than what it really is. Pretty common with some people.

You sound like the dentist!! Lol! :biggrin: I have sensitive gums, and they're always poking and prodding around. My teeth and gums never hurt BEFORE a cleaning, but afterwards they always hurt. Or if you have a pain or something, they always stick that stupid hook in it and ask if it hurts! Well, yeah it hurts!
My primary billet (job) in the Navy was Dental Technician.......... :D

I'll bet you said, "this won't hurt a bit!" Lies! :lol:
Nope, never said that. I did tell people they were gonna be pretty sore after this or that proceedure though....... :lol:

Did you tell them, "this is going to hurt me more than you."??? :lol: I had a doctor tell me that before he gave me a shot once . . . wanted to slap him.
Nope, Novocain shots in the gums hurt.
You sound like the dentist!! Lol! :biggrin: I have sensitive gums, and they're always poking and prodding around. My teeth and gums never hurt BEFORE a cleaning, but afterwards they always hurt. Or if you have a pain or something, they always stick that stupid hook in it and ask if it hurts! Well, yeah it hurts!
My primary billet (job) in the Navy was Dental Technician.......... :D

I'll bet you said, "this won't hurt a bit!" Lies! :lol:
Nope, never said that. I did tell people they were gonna be pretty sore after this or that proceedure though....... :lol:

Did you tell them, "this is going to hurt me more than you."??? :lol: I had a doctor tell me that before he gave me a shot once . . . wanted to slap him.
Nope, Novocain shots in the gums hurt.

Oddly enough though, that kind of pain doesn't bother me. I expect it, am psychologically ready for it, and don't even flinch. Especially now that the dentist gives you the deadening stuff and bitty shots to partially deaden things before they go in with the big needles. My fear is that I won't be completely deadened when they go in with that drill. That has actually happened to me a couple of times and that is probably what has triggered my irrational fear.
My primary billet (job) in the Navy was Dental Technician.......... :D

I'll bet you said, "this won't hurt a bit!" Lies! :lol:
Nope, never said that. I did tell people they were gonna be pretty sore after this or that proceedure though....... :lol:

Did you tell them, "this is going to hurt me more than you."??? :lol: I had a doctor tell me that before he gave me a shot once . . . wanted to slap him.
Nope, Novocain shots in the gums hurt.

Oddly enough though, that kind of pain doesn't bother me. I expect it, am psychologically ready for it, and don't even flinch. Especially now that the dentist gives you the deadening stuff and bitty shots to partially deaden things before they go in with the big needles. My fear is that I won't be completely deadened when they go in with that drill. That has actually happened to me a couple of times and that is probably what has triggered my irrational fear.
I'm from the old school, just jam that needle all the way up next to the brain and let loose......... :eusa_whistle:
I'll bet you said, "this won't hurt a bit!" Lies! :lol:
Nope, never said that. I did tell people they were gonna be pretty sore after this or that proceedure though....... :lol:

Did you tell them, "this is going to hurt me more than you."??? :lol: I had a doctor tell me that before he gave me a shot once . . . wanted to slap him.
Nope, Novocain shots in the gums hurt.

Oddly enough though, that kind of pain doesn't bother me. I expect it, am psychologically ready for it, and don't even flinch. Especially now that the dentist gives you the deadening stuff and bitty shots to partially deaden things before they go in with the big needles. My fear is that I won't be completely deadened when they go in with that drill. That has actually happened to me a couple of times and that is probably what has triggered my irrational fear.
I'm from the old school, just jam that needle all the way up next to the brain and let loose......... :eusa_whistle:

Could we call you "numb skull?" :lol:
Whew! So long since I've been visiting in the CS. Life has moved on for you all, as well as for me.
It's been over 2 weeks since the semester ended but I've been swamped with postponed projects and a couple of bouts of exhaustion and stomach flu. My partner got another job so he's not able to come over and help with the farm chores like he was before, either.
A couple of my daughter's friends took me out to lunch yesterday. One was bemoaning the fact that she's turning 30 soon. I told her I could barely recall thirty, that it seemed like half a lifetime ago (which it is!) We had a nice visit and they updated me on how their lives are going. One I've known since my daughter was in grade school, the other is a recent transplant from Ft Bragg, NC, another Army wife who became good friends with the daughter. Maybe having some young people in my life will make it a little brighter? Of course, I just had to drive the Corvette, it makes such an impression on young ladies...well, pretty much everybody loves that Corvette.
Oddest thing happened yesterday. The last of my spring kids was born, about a month late, too. The momma was obviously in a post-partum state when I got home, so I went looking for the kid. I found it, dead. But it would never have lived in the condition it was in. While the body was fully formed, its spine ended where a skull should have been. No skull, no facial features as all, just a blob of meat. In a lifetime of raising animals, I have never seen a defect like that before. Nature is queer sometimes...
Well, I'm looking forward to engaging the CS again. It's a matter of making a bit of time daily. With no school to teach, I should be able to do that.
Hope everyone has a fine day!

Welcome back GW and happy all is well for you other than a bout of stomach flu. I was getting worried about you and was about to put you on the MIA list. :) Have been missing your posts.

Have you put your move back to the lower 48 on the back burner? Or is that still in the works?
Thanks for the warm welcome back, Foxy. The SIL hasn't received orders yet and my daughter thinks it might be as late as Oct before they move. I am not too keen on dragging a 28 ft trailer down the Alcan in the winter. It just gives me another few months to build my road stake.
The last week has been glorious here. I always try to have people visit in May if they can. Everything is fresh and the locals have not gotten burned out on the hordes of tourists that invade every summer. Plus, July and August tend to bring the rainy season.

Did you see the photo of Denali on the Vigil List last night? I presume since it is so visible from Talkeetna, it is probably visible from your goat farm as well? With scenery like that, I would also love to be where you are.

And yes, the week we spent in Alaska was in early August and it rained most of the time we were there. Oddly enough we only had light rain for one of our excursions--no rain everywhere else--but it was constant overcast and threatening all the time. So no view of Denali--it was obscured in fog. No northern lights -- never a clear sky. And we never saw a moose in the wild--one of the major things on my bucket list. But it was all glorious just the same. Enjoyed it immensely.
Missed the pic on the vigil list. This time of year is also the absolute best time for a Denali view. Talkeetna is remarkably close to Denali, hence it is a base for most climbing parties. While I cannot see Denali from where I currently keep my goats, if I go less than a quarter mile to the overpass, I can certainly see the Great One. My place in Willow has a beautiful view of Denali from the location I'd like to someday build my B&B. Imagine kicking back in front of the big, plate windows, Tulakivi stove at your back, a beverage of your choice (or maybe some of the house hooch), with that view?! But really, for my money, the lineup of Mt Blackburn, Mt Drum, and Mt Wrangell are by far the most magnificent view available.
Finally got our ceiling fan up in the master bedroom, forgot how complex that one was....... no instructions, had to do it from memory.

What do ya think? Pretty good job, eh?


You have a peasant in your master bedroom?
By the way the quip I made about needing to buy sandbags because of the monsoons was a pointed joke. They do get monsoons here in the desert and it appears El Paso never put drainage in so the roads literally become rivers, if you're house is in the wrong location........ :dunno:
I remember driving through Phoenix just after a rainstorm. Parts of Interstate 10 had been closed due to flooding. I lived in Sierra Vista for a while and they just build in dips in the roads that act as culverts when it rains. Just hope you have enough ground clearance to cross those impromptu streams when they occur.

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