USMB Coffee Shop IV

OK All caught up and now I can go to beddiebye. I got to Doc's at 12:35 (brought the lap top) and just got home. (4:15)

By the time you got there I'd had already been in bed for two hours.

I used to be an absolute night bird years ago when I was younger. Now, when it gets dark, it's time to go to bed, and when it's light, it's time to get up. I can't stand to be in bed when the sun is up. Got no idea how that changed.
You'd really enjoy life here, then. Right now, we're approaching the solstice and will not have a fully dark night for many weeks. Of course, you could catch up on your sleep during the winter.
I have finally started reading some of my extensive library. I started reading 'the blind watchmaker' by Richard Dawkins. I read 25 pages today,so I figure it will take me a week to finish it. Next I am going to read 'the physics of immortality' By Frank Tipler.
I have finally started reading some of my extensive library. I started reading 'the blind watchmaker' by Richard Dawkins. I read 25 pages today,so I figure it will take me a week to finish it. Next I am going to read 'the physics of immortality' By Frank Tipler.

I have started re-reading some books I read decades ago and enjoyed. They are often more enjoyable the second time around.
I have finally started reading some of my extensive library. I started reading 'the blind watchmaker' by Richard Dawkins. I read 25 pages today,so I figure it will take me a week to finish it. Next I am going to read 'the physics of immortality' By Frank Tipler.

I have started re-reading some books I read decades ago and enjoyed. They are often more enjoyable the second time around.

I have a collection of books I have read, like the novels of Herman Hesse. But I also have a large number of books I purchased without reading them. That includes an entire book case of philosophy books. Its time to catch up on them.
Took another short plunge today, did some laps, got tired out then the home owners came by to say hello and check out the house. He's retired Army and they now live in Oklahoma, very nice couple and they have some issues with the management company also........ Basically told me if I need something fixed let then know, they have their own people who do the work and if it's something I can do then let them know and they will reimburse me for whatever I do.
Looks like they're gonna pick a few bones with the management company for stuff that was supposedly done and wasn't, stuff that disappeared from the back yard the management company swore was locked up, etc.
She was making a long list of things that needed attention. I would hate to be the property manager when they get a hold of him........ :lol:
OK All caught up and now I can go to beddiebye. I got to Doc's at 12:35 (brought the lap top) and just got home. (4:15)

That's a long night, Ernie! Get some sleep! :wink_2: I guess we shouldn't expect to see you around here until much later.
Hi, all y'all!
Yup, a normal Tuesday, but I'm awake and alive and ready to start again. I'll be back in an hour and will be there to midnight today.

Um, it's Wednesday Ernie? Isn't it? (Quickly checking calendar.)
I was talking about yesterday. Tuesdays I pull a security shift. Yeah, little old me a bouncer....
I open and close. Closing involves sweeping, mopping, garbage, glasses, restocking coolers and the liquor shelves, paying help and counting money.
On a weekday night, that takes 2-3 hours, longer if we get a late crowd from the restaurants and other bars.
Good morning everybody. We didn't quite make 80 yesterday but almost. Today we'll be lucky to get up to 70 while we wait to see if we will get more rain. But a beautiful morning so far and a good Thursday shaping up. Hope everybody has a good day ahead.
Good morning, Foxy and the rest of y'all!
80, phew! We're looking at a pleasant 45, maybe 50. We've shed the long underwear and are working in shirt sleeves.
Ringel, good to have a pool. They provide a good, low-impact way to exercise. Hope you achieve improvement in your physical well being soon.
I still have one more flight before I get off shift. Total of five flights on a ten-hour shift, pretty busy, really.
I wish everyone a wonderful day.
Good morning, Foxy and the rest of y'all!
80, phew! We're looking at a pleasant 45, maybe 50. We've shed the long underwear and are working in shirt sleeves.
Ringel, good to have a pool. They provide a good, low-impact way to exercise. Hope you achieve improvement in your physical well being soon.
I still have one more flight before I get off shift. Total of five flights on a ten-hour shift, pretty busy, really.
I wish everyone a wonderful day.

Eighty for a high is average for us for the whole month of May but toward the end of May as we are going into our hottest months, it is pretty low. And the low to mid 70's we are expecting the rest of this week is really low. But yeah, I envy Ringel that pool. We have never had one, but I love to swim and I always thought having my own pool would be really great.
Hombre and I are in a state of panic. It is Red Nose Day and we don't have one. We probably won't leave the house though so maybe it isn't a full blown emergency.

As I sit here thinking of everything I need to get done and so far have not been inspired to do it, this seems to sum me up today:

No red noses here either. Somehow, I'll survive.
We made 90 yesterday. I had to pay the garbage bill and was going to walk from the bar to City Hall (maybe 1/3 mile round trip) but it was so bright that I was sure my eyelashes would burst into flames half way there. I took the truck.

Just up a few minutes ago and working on my first cup of coffee. I don't have to be in until 7:30 this evening.
We have a small pool here, a 15' circular that we put up at the end of the driveway. It spent the winter in the garage but has been back up for the past couple of weeks now. The little one wants to go in it almost all the time. :p

It's not too hot today, only about 80, but it is supposed to get back up to the low 90s by the start of next week. :(
We have a small pool here, a 15' circular that we put up at the end of the driveway. It spent the winter in the garage but has been back up for the past couple of weeks now. The little one wants to go in it almost all the time. :p

It's not too hot today, only about 80, but it is supposed to get back up to the low 90s by the start of next week. :(

Tell me again where you are Montro? The general vicinity anyway if you don't want to be really specific.
Some pretty good clouds starting to build up here with a pretty good chance for scattered showers still in the forecast. But this one is for Ringel :)

Read the first three chapters of Richard Dawkins ' the blind watchmaker'. It is more interesting than I thought it would be. I am quite captivated even though it is written by an atheist, and I am not one. So I ordered Dawkins 'the God delusion' for further reading.
We have a small pool here, a 15' circular that we put up at the end of the driveway. It spent the winter in the garage but has been back up for the past couple of weeks now. The little one wants to go in it almost all the time. :p

It's not too hot today, only about 80, but it is supposed to get back up to the low 90s by the start of next week. :(

Tell me again where you are Montro? The general vicinity anyway if you don't want to be really specific.

About 40 miles SW of Atlanta.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.



P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.​
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Was kinda busy yesterday, didn't get a swim in as it was overcast and cool most of the day, got a little bit of rain last night. Not accustomed to the humidity anymore....... :lol:

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