USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning all. Will be leaving for a medical taxi run within the hour. Thought I had overslept and jumped out of bed and had my shower and was already to go an hour early. Me who is not a morning person and needs quite a while to get her motor running on a normal day. . . amazing what misreading the clock can do for a body.

So anybody have anything special planned for the weekend? Hard to believe it is Friday again already. But even after all this time of not having work responsibilities, I still emotionally give myself permission to relax more on the weekend. I honestly can't say weekend days are no different than weekdays so far as how it works in my head. Strange that.
The little one had her kindergarten graduation today. Over the top to do that, sure, but it wasn't too long. The little one has a short story she wrote in competition among kindergarteners at the state level. She won in her school and in her district, we'll find out in a month or so how she did amongst the state-wide submissions. It's just a little 5 or 6 sentence thing (she is a kindergartener ;)) but we are, of course, overly proud of her for it. :D
The little one had her kindergarten graduation today. Over the top to do that, sure, but it wasn't too long. The little one has a short story she wrote in competition among kindergarteners at the state level. She won in her school and in her district, we'll find out in a month or so how she did amongst the state-wide submissions. It's just a little 5 or 6 sentence thing (she is a kindergartener ;)) but we are, of course, overly proud of her for it. :D

Congratulations to the little one and her mentor. :)

I'm curious if you recognized the building featured on the Vigil List last night Monto?
Good morning folks! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day thus far. I have a busy afternoon of getting the screened-in porch all set up. Sadly, I have to break out the rug scrubber. I hate that damn thing. lol
The little one had her kindergarten graduation today. Over the top to do that, sure, but it wasn't too long. The little one has a short story she wrote in competition among kindergarteners at the state level. She won in her school and in her district, we'll find out in a month or so how she did amongst the state-wide submissions. It's just a little 5 or 6 sentence thing (she is a kindergartener ;)) but we are, of course, overly proud of her for it. :D

Congratulations to the little one and her mentor. :)

I'm curious if you recognized the building featured on the Vigil List last night Monto?

No, sorry, I did not. It could be a building downtown here, but I don't remember quite that look. :)
The little one had her kindergarten graduation today. Over the top to do that, sure, but it wasn't too long. The little one has a short story she wrote in competition among kindergarteners at the state level. She won in her school and in her district, we'll find out in a month or so how she did amongst the state-wide submissions. It's just a little 5 or 6 sentence thing (she is a kindergartener ;)) but we are, of course, overly proud of her for it. :D

Congratulations to the little one and her mentor. :)

I'm curious if you recognized the building featured on the Vigil List last night Monto?

No, sorry, I did not. It could be a building downtown here, but I don't remember quite that look. :)

Well it very well may not be in your town, but it is one of the amazing historic courthouses in your neck of the woods.
The little one had her kindergarten graduation today. Over the top to do that, sure, but it wasn't too long. The little one has a short story she wrote in competition among kindergarteners at the state level. She won in her school and in her district, we'll find out in a month or so how she did amongst the state-wide submissions. It's just a little 5 or 6 sentence thing (she is a kindergartener ;)) but we are, of course, overly proud of her for it. :D

Congratulations to the little one and her mentor. :)

I'm curious if you recognized the building featured on the Vigil List last night Monto?

No, sorry, I did not. It could be a building downtown here, but I don't remember quite that look. :)

Well it very well may not be in your town, but it is one of the amazing historic courthouses in your neck of the woods.

It's got a similar look to ours, but is not, I think, the same. At least, I don't remember our courthouse looking quite like that. :p
Been outside...which is lovely except for the rolling clouds that keep blocking out the sun. My veggies are not doing well. Only the scallions, tomatoes and strawberries. The rest? Not too slick. I thought I would have a nice crop of cauliflower and zucchini...but, doesn't look like that is gonna happen what with water rationing.

Getting bad. And it isn't even June yet. I can imagine what its going to be like here in July and August. :(
Been outside...which is lovely except for the rolling clouds that keep blocking out the sun. My veggies are not doing well. Only the scallions, tomatoes and strawberries. The rest? Not too slick. I thought I would have a nice crop of cauliflower and zucchini...but, doesn't look like that is gonna happen what with water rationing.

Getting bad. And it isn't even June yet. I can imagine what its going to be like here in July and August. :(

Hey Gracie. Haven't seen you in awhile. Glad you stopped in. And I'm not remembering exactly where you are--I know Sheila is in Washington State, Aqua is in Oregon, you are in mid California somewhere?
Been outside...which is lovely except for the rolling clouds that keep blocking out the sun. My veggies are not doing well. Only the scallions, tomatoes and strawberries. The rest? Not too slick. I thought I would have a nice crop of cauliflower and zucchini...but, doesn't look like that is gonna happen what with water rationing.

Getting bad. And it isn't even June yet. I can imagine what its going to be like here in July and August. :(

Hey Gracie. Haven't seen you in awhile. Glad you stopped in. And I'm not remembering exactly where you are--I know Sheila is in Washington State, Aqua is in Oregon, you are in mid California somewhere?
I think I will be here more often, hon. It's getting kinda creepy "out there" now. I'm glad you have the coffee shop, Foxfyre. It's a nice safe haven for just yakking. :)
Yes, I am central calif coast area, halfway twixt SF and LA. I guess it could be least I get fog which helps a little bit with some moisture...just not enough. I am hoping June Gloom is nice and thick when it arrives. We need it.
If I dozing off in the sun...I can't sleep at night. I got to bed at 3am this morning but didn't fall asleep til 4ish. Woke up at 9am. Tonight I should sleep better since I didn't doze off today while out there.
Been outside...which is lovely except for the rolling clouds that keep blocking out the sun. My veggies are not doing well. Only the scallions, tomatoes and strawberries. The rest? Not too slick. I thought I would have a nice crop of cauliflower and zucchini...but, doesn't look like that is gonna happen what with water rationing.

Getting bad. And it isn't even June yet. I can imagine what its going to be like here in July and August. :(

Hey Gracie. Haven't seen you in awhile. Glad you stopped in. And I'm not remembering exactly where you are--I know Sheila is in Washington State, Aqua is in Oregon, you are in mid California somewhere?
I think I will be here more often, hon. It's getting kinda creepy "out there" now. I'm glad you have the coffee shop, Foxfyre. It's a nice safe haven for just yakking. :)
Yes, I am central calif coast area, halfway twixt SF and LA. I guess it could be least I get fog which helps a little bit with some moisture...just not enough. I am hoping June Gloom is nice and thick when it arrives. We need it.

Yes the Coffee Shop is a great place for yakking and pranking and teasing and philosophizing and grieving and blowing off steam and solving problems and having fun. We just don't preach or politick or nitpick when we do it and that makes it a safe haven for everybody :) I can't take credit for it though--it is what we all together make of it.
Woke up a little while ago, still feeling like I want to rip someones head off......... I hate these long "naps".

I don't dare take long naps for that very reason. A 10-minute power nap in my chair usually is sufficient to get me through until bedtime and does me a world of good, but if I get so tired and lie down and sleep for a couple of hours, I feel like something the cat dragged out and am the world's worst grouch.
Been outside...which is lovely except for the rolling clouds that keep blocking out the sun. My veggies are not doing well. Only the scallions, tomatoes and strawberries. The rest? Not too slick. I thought I would have a nice crop of cauliflower and zucchini...but, doesn't look like that is gonna happen what with water rationing.

Getting bad. And it isn't even June yet. I can imagine what its going to be like here in July and August. :(

Hey Gracie. Haven't seen you in awhile. Glad you stopped in. And I'm not remembering exactly where you are--I know Sheila is in Washington State, Aqua is in Oregon, you are in mid California somewhere?
I think I will be here more often, hon. It's getting kinda creepy "out there" now. I'm glad you have the coffee shop, Foxfyre. It's a nice safe haven for just yakking. :)
Yes, I am central calif coast area, halfway twixt SF and LA. I guess it could be least I get fog which helps a little bit with some moisture...just not enough. I am hoping June Gloom is nice and thick when it arrives. We need it.

Our daughter just moved back to the Monterey Bay area--southern end--she lived a number of years in Santa Cruz before her stint in Washington DC. Texas and New Mexico are getting more rain than either state has seen for a very long time--our weather used to come from California but I guess the patterns have really changed because you guys are still way too dry.
Monterey is really nice. But I fear for the trees and the dryness everywhere. Heck, all of california is nothing but one big tinderbox.
We're getting visitors shortly and if they stay awhile, I may not be back tonight, so I'll sign off now.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Chris in transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

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