USMB Coffee Shop IV

Interesting day! I've been helping my business partner erect a steel building at his place and had my tractor there to lift beams and such.
The last couple days there, I've been moving 10 or 12 yards of dirt from excavation for the slab. I finished up today and loaded the tractor on a borrowed trailer. A half mile up the road, I came to the sudden realization that I didn't have enough weight on the tongue. The tractor and trailer started whipping back and forth I did manage to tear up some grass along the road, but eventually got all 4 tires back on the road and everything under control.
The tractor is fine, the trailer is fine, my truck is fine and surprisingly enough, my pants are fine too.
Took it very slow after rechaining the load. 8 mile ride took an hour.
I can't ever get my feet to get "hot" hub is like a little pot belly stove emitting hot waves, and he won't let me put my cold feet in between his thighs to warm 'em selfish, I think....:D

One of the few things my ex was good for...I was always sandwiching my cold feet between his thighs. I took pleasure in his initial groan...but he'd never say no.:D

It is admissions like these that make me believe that I am correct when I say that all women are "cold blooded"! :badgrin:

/ducks and runs for the door...

You better duck and run.....only my feet are does that saying go, cold feet, warm heart?
This was a very hot day....97 degrees. Went to the movies - it was nice and cold in the theater.....a friend of ours opened up a new gourmet restaurant and we decided to try it out for supper. I had filet mignon with a topping called Diane....crab meat/asparagus and some tasty was really good.

Tired out....

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Marg’s mom,
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Blackhawk’s mom,
Newby's mom,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Meister and his mom,
Drake's injured friend,
PixieStix's sister,
Hollie's stepdad,
Coyote's father-in-law,
Spoonie, Ringel, Sheila, and 007's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
BDBoop, her sis, and family,
Avg-Joe & furry companion Boo
Becki!!! and Becki’s hubby,
Smilebong for his brother-in-law and family,
Sheila and Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana and cousin,
Ringel and his family in transition and post surgery healing for Mrs. Ringel
Grandma and family dealing with death of extended family member,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Ollie's daughter Angie and his youngest brother,
Stat's aunt,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Bigfoot, Oddball, and Sunshine.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
This was a very hot day....97 degrees. Went to the movies - it was nice and cold in the theater.....a friend of ours opened up a new gourmet restaurant and we decided to try it out for supper. I had filet mignon with a topping called Diane....crab meat/asparagus and some tasty was really good.

Tired out....


Hope you have some good AC. Try and get some rest, that kind of weather is exhausting.
Happy Friday the 13th! I'm not superstitious but my brother has a, well I was going to say 'fear' but more accurately I should say 'reluctance' about Friday the 13th. The year my family moved into the Big House (1966) a Friday the 13th happened in September. I was at a Boy Scout camp that weekend and my brother was still feeling out our new digs.

The Big House had a side porch from which there was a precipitous drop of better than six feet off the rear. Mom and Pop had yet to install a railing around the side porch, but they placed the heavy steel glider across the back to keep the wee bairns from tumbling down. You may or may not remember gliders. They are still around, but not as popular as they were in mid century. Shaped like a sofa, gliders 'rocked' back and forth on porches all around our area.

That's what got my brother in trouble. He and one of the new neighborhood kids were raucously playing on the glider when gravity made its presence known. One too many hard pushes made the glider, my brother and his new friend tip over the side and plummet to the ground. Mom said there were a lot of tears, but from the neighborhood kid, not my intrepid baby brother. Instead, he stood up and looked as his left wrist flopped over in an unnatural way.

Off to the hospital they drove to reset the broken wrist. When I got home Sunday afternoon, I got to sign his cast. School pictures for the new year were scheduled for that week. My brother, now the talk of the second grade, lifted his cast clad arm so the photographer could get a good shot. He was so proud, but he never regarded Friday the 13th with anything but trepidation afterward.
Happy Friday the 13th! I'm not superstitious but my brother has a, well I was going to say 'fear' but more accurately I should say 'reluctance' about Friday the 13th. The year my family moved into the Big House (1966) a Friday the 13th happened in September. I was at a Boy Scout camp that weekend and my brother was still feeling out our new digs.

The Big House had a side porch from which there was a precipitous drop of better than six feet off the rear. Mom and Pop had yet to install a railing around the side porch, but they placed the heavy steel glider across the back to keep the wee bairns from tumbling down. You may or may not remember gliders. They are still around, but not as popular as they were in mid century. Shaped like a sofa, gliders 'rocked' back and forth on porches all around our area.

That's what got my brother in trouble. He and one of the new neighborhood kids were raucously playing on the glider when gravity made its presence known. One too many hard pushes made the glider, my brother and his new friend tip over the side and plummet to the ground. Mom said there were a lot of tears, but from the neighborhood kid, not my intrepid baby brother. Instead, he stood up and looked as his left wrist flopped over in an unnatural way.

Off to the hospital they drove to reset the broken wrist. When I got home Sunday afternoon, I got to sign his cast. School pictures for the new year were scheduled for that week. My brother, now the talk of the second grade, lifted his cast clad arm so the photographer could get a good shot. He was so proud, but he never regarded Friday the 13th with anything but trepidation afterward.

For some reason, there are statistically more accidents or mishaps on Friday the 13th. I'm guessing it's caused by fear, that is those who are superstitious would tend to be more careless on that day.
Happy Friday the 13th! I'm not superstitious but my brother has a, well I was going to say 'fear' but more accurately I should say 'reluctance' about Friday the 13th. The year my family moved into the Big House (1966) a Friday the 13th happened in September. I was at a Boy Scout camp that weekend and my brother was still feeling out our new digs.

The Big House had a side porch from which there was a precipitous drop of better than six feet off the rear. Mom and Pop had yet to install a railing around the side porch, but they placed the heavy steel glider across the back to keep the wee bairns from tumbling down. You may or may not remember gliders. They are still around, but not as popular as they were in mid century. Shaped like a sofa, gliders 'rocked' back and forth on porches all around our area.

That's what got my brother in trouble. He and one of the new neighborhood kids were raucously playing on the glider when gravity made its presence known. One too many hard pushes made the glider, my brother and his new friend tip over the side and plummet to the ground. Mom said there were a lot of tears, but from the neighborhood kid, not my intrepid baby brother. Instead, he stood up and looked as his left wrist flopped over in an unnatural way.

Off to the hospital they drove to reset the broken wrist. When I got home Sunday afternoon, I got to sign his cast. School pictures for the new year were scheduled for that week. My brother, now the talk of the second grade, lifted his cast clad arm so the photographer could get a good shot. He was so proud, but he never regarded Friday the 13th with anything but trepidation afterward.

For some reason, there are statistically more accidents or mishaps on Friday the 13th. I'm guessing it's caused by fear, that is those who are superstitious would tend to be more careless on that day.
Superstition runs high today! Friday the 13th AND full moon! If I worked as a police dispatcher or in an emergency room, I think I'd call in sick today.

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