USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good Deal BBD, we're having our Officer installation Dinner tonight. I will unfortunately take the podium for year 4.....

What can I say? Why don't you pack up Mrs BBD and move down here and you can be Commander next year.......I can make it happen....

I have no political ambitions! Besides, you do a great job as Commander.
Good morning everybody. I could see the photos both places??? So don't think it is a site glitch. We use Comcast/Xfinity for highspeed internet (plus phone and HDTV cable) and they recently reduced our fees $50/month when we complained their fees were getting too high. We were pleased because that puts them down in the same range with the crappy services around here. We are blessed with having a lot of different options though and competition is a very good thing when it comes to stuff like that.

Today is Senior Saints Day--the youth at the church are treating us 'old folks' to hotdogs and hamburgers and will entertain us as well. Of course we have to provide all the sides and desserts but that's okay. It's a tradition every June and always great fun. But I hit the deck running and will have to be scarce for awhile. So I'll leave ya'll all with a Mama Fox ((hug)) and wishes for a great day.

Have a wonderful day, Foxy! ((hugs)) back.
Good Deal BBD, we're having our Officer installation Dinner tonight. I will unfortunately take the podium for year 4.....

What can I say? Why don't you pack up Mrs BBD and move down here and you can be Commander next year.......I can make it happen....

I have no political ambitions! Besides, you do a great job as Commander.
Every organization I belong to I am an officeholder of some type. VFW, AL, Division, Regimental and State Chapter. These Desert Storm and later veterans are going to get their feet wet soon. Some offices I've held for 10-15 years. Time for new blood!
Been another long day and I am dragging my.....posterior! :)

Sometimes I wonder if I have become an old fogey because I can see what everyone should be doing but they just keep on making the same stupid mistakes over and over again!

I was far too lazy to have to repeat the same mistakes.

Once was enough and there were so many more mistakes that I still had to make that I just didn't have time to keep repeating the same ones over and over again!

Rant over!

/puts away soap box and wanders off muttering!


No, DT, I understand about the mistakes. Too many new ones to make, why keep making the same old mistakes.
I feel like I live in seattle. A week straight of rain and drizzle. looks like it is continuing through at least monday too

I'd rather have full blown rain than that drizzle stuff.
I lived in Tacoma for 4 years and loved it from April-October. Oct-April was steady drizzle 24/7 and my sinuses killed me during that season. Lived overlooking the Narrows Bridge.
Good morning everybody. My rib is still really sore but much better--at least I can draw a deep breath without hurting today--so I'm guessing I'll be all well in a day or two.

Congrats to Ollie on another year as Commander. I count things like that as adding to one's stars in heaven. At least I like the metaphor. :)

I watched President Bush 41 jump out of an airplane a little while ago. He does that on milestone birthdays. Today is his 90th birthday. Yesterday at Senior Saints we sat at the same table with our now oldest Senior Saint who is I believe is 93. He explained how he gave up golf at age 90 because he thought his game was starting to deteriorate and he hated developing a nasty hook. You gotta love em. :)

And about wearing socks to bed. If any of you have foot cramps at night, a pair of snug socks can often keep that from happening. And I was just reading a medical article recently that wearing socks to bed can often help insomnia or help people fall to sleep more quickly. Just for what it is worth.

Okay another cup of coffee, waiting for the Naproxen to kick in, and then need to get ready to make a medical taxi run later this morning.

Ya'll all have a great day, rain and sunshine and all.
I just washed the dishes, carried out the trash and cleaned up the kitchen! Taco was a big help. He learned how to dry dishes today.
I just washed the dishes, carried out the trash and cleaned up the kitchen! Taco was a big help. He learned how to dry dishes today.

Back from the medical taxi run and now waiting for a friend to come by for a basic computer skills lesson.

I was just remembering Hombre saying once that if our little dog (RIP) was just taller, he would be a master chef. Absolutely nothing ever happened in the kitchen that he wasn't there watching every move, the slightest twitch or adjustment, with great interest.
Good morning everybody. My rib is still really sore but much better--at least I can draw a deep breath without hurting today--so I'm guessing I'll be all well in a day or two.

Congrats to Ollie on another year as Commander. I count things like that as adding to one's stars in heaven. At least I like the metaphor. :)

I watched President Bush 41 jump out of an airplane a little while ago. He does that on milestone birthdays. Today is his 90th birthday. Yesterday at Senior Saints we sat at the same table with our now oldest Senior Saint who is I believe is 93. He explained how he gave up golf at age 90 because he thought his game was starting to deteriorate and he hated developing a nasty hook. You gotta love em. :)

And about wearing socks to bed. If any of you have foot cramps at night, a pair of snug socks can often keep that from happening. And I was just reading a medical article recently that wearing socks to bed can often help insomnia or help people fall to sleep more quickly. Just for what it is worth.

Okay another cup of coffee, waiting for the Naproxen to kick in, and then need to get ready to make a medical taxi run later this morning.

Ya'll all have a great day, rain and sunshine and all.

The bolded: that is awesome, even more awesome that he is still with us. This is the longest period in a long time that we have so many living ex-presidents. That is very, very cool.
Checking in. Missed corn on the cob day, darn! I'm doing a little better but still wiped. I'm seriously rethinking this surgery right now. My son keeps saying I'll feel differently in a couple of months. I can't hardly wait. Well, I knew I'd be off my feet for six weeks, but I didn't know I'd be this far off my feet. Oh well, at least I'm keeping down what I eat. I'm trying to drink a lot of water too. I think I'm seriously dehydrated right now. I wish they kept you in the hospital longer. Apparently my numb leg is a complication of surgery and may take a year or more to get better. Whoopee! Oh well, I shall try to stay up a little longer today. Hope all of you are doing well. Probably won't be posting much more than a check in everyday. If you want a personal response, send something to me privately and even then I don't guarantee to get back to you right away. Thanks to you all for your prayers. -Sheila (again) :D


My ex-wife always complained about this phenomenon.

I can't ever get my feet to get "hot" hub is like a little pot belly stove emitting hot waves, and he won't let me put my cold feet in between his thighs to warm 'em selfish, I think....:D

One of the few things my ex was good for...I was always sandwiching my cold feet between his thighs. I took pleasure in his initial groan...but he'd never say no.:D

My ex-wife always complained about this phenomenon.

I can't ever get my feet to get "hot" hub is like a little pot belly stove emitting hot waves, and he won't let me put my cold feet in between his thighs to warm 'em selfish, I think....:D

One of the few things my ex was good for...I was always sandwiching my cold feet between his thighs. I took pleasure in his initial groan...but he'd never say no.:D

Oh, yer bad, but yer my kind of bad.


My ex-wife always complained about this phenomenon.

I can't ever get my feet to get "hot" hub is like a little pot belly stove emitting hot waves, and he won't let me put my cold feet in between his thighs to warm 'em selfish, I think....:D

One of the few things my ex was good for...I was always sandwiching my cold feet between his thighs. I took pleasure in his initial groan...but he'd never say no.:D

It is admissions like these that make me believe that I am correct when I say that all women are "cold blooded"! :badgrin:

/ducks and runs for the door...

My ex-wife always complained about this phenomenon.

I can't ever get my feet to get "hot" hub is like a little pot belly stove emitting hot waves, and he won't let me put my cold feet in between his thighs to warm 'em selfish, I think....:D

One of the few things my ex was good for...I was always sandwiching my cold feet between his thighs. I took pleasure in his initial groan...but he'd never say no.:D

:whip: & :smiliehug:...

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