USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning, Coffee Crew... Mrs. BBD has gone to curves and when she comes home we are going to go shopping for a RV. Should be interesting today. Hope it isn't an expensive day! Mrs. BBD has wanted an RV for quite some time. My thinking is you can stay in a lot of hotel rooms for what an RV costs but her thinking is she wants an RV. Oh my... The scary thing is that I don't think I'm going to win this debate.
13 is a great number, And Friday the 13th is a great day.

I won't go into the 13's in my household but there are a lot of them, One is the oldest son was born on Friday the thirteenth....

13 is a very lucky number here...........
Happy Friday the 13th! I'm not superstitious but my brother has a, well I was going to say 'fear' but more accurately I should say 'reluctance' about Friday the 13th. The year my family moved into the Big House (1966) a Friday the 13th happened in September. I was at a Boy Scout camp that weekend and my brother was still feeling out our new digs.

The Big House had a side porch from which there was a precipitous drop of better than six feet off the rear. Mom and Pop had yet to install a railing around the side porch, but they placed the heavy steel glider across the back to keep the wee bairns from tumbling down. You may or may not remember gliders. They are still around, but not as popular as they were in mid century. Shaped like a sofa, gliders 'rocked' back and forth on porches all around our area.

That's what got my brother in trouble. He and one of the new neighborhood kids were raucously playing on the glider when gravity made its presence known. One too many hard pushes made the glider, my brother and his new friend tip over the side and plummet to the ground. Mom said there were a lot of tears, but from the neighborhood kid, not my intrepid baby brother. Instead, he stood up and looked as his left wrist flopped over in an unnatural way.

Off to the hospital they drove to reset the broken wrist. When I got home Sunday afternoon, I got to sign his cast. School pictures for the new year were scheduled for that week. My brother, now the talk of the second grade, lifted his cast clad arm so the photographer could get a good shot. He was so proud, but he never regarded Friday the 13th with anything but trepidation afterward.

For some reason, there are statistically more accidents or mishaps on Friday the 13th. I'm guessing it's caused by fear, that is those who are superstitious would tend to be more careless on that day.
Superstition runs high today! Friday the 13th AND full moon! If I worked as a police dispatcher or in an emergency room, I think I'd call in sick today.
Yup. If I had a job as a helicopter traffic reporter, I'd call in sick as well. I wouldn't advise anyone to be doing any mountain climbing today also ... :D
Happy Friday the 13th! I'm not superstitious but my brother has a, well I was going to say 'fear' but more accurately I should say 'reluctance' about Friday the 13th. The year my family moved into the Big House (1966) a Friday the 13th happened in September. I was at a Boy Scout camp that weekend and my brother was still feeling out our new digs.

The Big House had a side porch from which there was a precipitous drop of better than six feet off the rear. Mom and Pop had yet to install a railing around the side porch, but they placed the heavy steel glider across the back to keep the wee bairns from tumbling down. You may or may not remember gliders. They are still around, but not as popular as they were in mid century. Shaped like a sofa, gliders 'rocked' back and forth on porches all around our area.

That's what got my brother in trouble. He and one of the new neighborhood kids were raucously playing on the glider when gravity made its presence known. One too many hard pushes made the glider, my brother and his new friend tip over the side and plummet to the ground. Mom said there were a lot of tears, but from the neighborhood kid, not my intrepid baby brother. Instead, he stood up and looked as his left wrist flopped over in an unnatural way.

Off to the hospital they drove to reset the broken wrist. When I got home Sunday afternoon, I got to sign his cast. School pictures for the new year were scheduled for that week. My brother, now the talk of the second grade, lifted his cast clad arm so the photographer could get a good shot. He was so proud, but he never regarded Friday the 13th with anything but trepidation afterward.

For some reason, there are statistically more accidents or mishaps on Friday the 13th. I'm guessing it's caused by fear, that is those who are superstitious would tend to be more careless on that day.

There is actually a full Honey moon today as well. Statistically more ER visits and the police are busier. Might get a little hinkey out there today, guys. Be careful!!
Not exactly 13 but close enough for CS purposes. I went to the doctor this morning and my blood pressure is down to 130/60. Lost a couple more pounds according to his scale too so all that swimming is starting to pay off healthwise.

On the downside Mrs Te has thrown her back out so I will be doing the household chores this weekend. This is right after we decided to splurge on a new lighter vacuum cleaner for the upstairs. No good deed goes unpunished. :( I offered her my left over muscle relaxants but she refused. Stubborn doesn't begin to cover it.

Oh well, it is still Friday even if it is the 13th. Have a wonderful day. :)
Good morning, Coffee Crew... Mrs. BBD has gone to curves and when she comes home we are going to go shopping for a RV. Should be interesting today. Hope it isn't an expensive day! Mrs. BBD has wanted an RV for quite some time. My thinking is you can stay in a lot of hotel rooms for what an RV costs but her thinking is she wants an RV. Oh my... The scary thing is that I don't think I'm going to win this debate.
Good morning everybody. I've been reading through the thread and note that all are aware that we are having the uncommon occurrence of Friday the 13th AND a full moon. Awhile back I gave a little presentation on Friday 13th, just for fun. The superstition has roots in Christianity and numberology lore--12 is considered a complete number so 13 people at the Last Supper with the resulting betrayal and the Crucifixion was to mark the Number 13 as unlucky evermore.

That was followed by a persistent myth that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit on Friday 13th; Cain slew Abel on Friday 13th, etc. No basis in fact that, but it became a useful legend for Friday 13th.

And somebody with way too much time on his/her hands came up with a list of major disasters that happened on Friday 13th:

On Aug. 13, 1521, the Aztec Empire comes to an end after Conquistador Cortés captures the ruler of Tenochtitlán, claiming the city for Spain and renaming it Mexico City.

On July 13, 1821 notorious Confederate general and Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard Nathan Bedford Forrest is born in Tennessee.

On Sep. 13, 1940, German bombs hit Buckingham Palace, completing destroying the palace’s chapel.

On July 13, 1956, Great Britain and the U.S. reject pleas from India and Yugoslavia to stop atmospheric testing of nuclear weaponry.

On Nov. 13, 1970, a monsoon storm kills close to 300,000 people in Bangladesh. Even worse, the storm causes a flood that kills close to 1 million people in the Ganges Delta and leaves countless more without shelter and other basic necessities.

On June 13, 1986, The Olsen twins (Mary-Kate and Ashley) are born. If you happened to catch their movie New York Minute, you clearly know why their birth is included on this unfortunate list.

On Jan. 13, 1989, the Friday the 13th virus hits and negatively affects IBM computer all over Great Britain. And in the beginning of the digital age (before troubleshooting and spyware existed) this was a very big deal–and caused mass hysteria.

On Oct. 13, 1989, the Dow Jones experienced the second largest drop that it had ever experienced (at the time at least). This event was later nicknamed the Friday the 13th mini crash.​

Of course comparable lists could be compiled for any other day of the month as well if we go back far enough in history. But it is a statistical fact that the economy takes a dip on Friday the 13th because so many people refuse to use public transportation or schedule stuff on this fateful day.

There does seem to be an increase in mishaps on Friday 13th--self-fulfilling prophecy? Or we are just more aware? And as for the full moon. . . well anybody who has ever worked in a hospital is a true believer and many do add extra staff both for expected births and in the emergency room.

All in all, it couldn't hurt for all of us to be on our toes today and be a little extra careful.
Oh and as for that RV Mrs. BBD is wanting? Not this girl. There was a day when I enjoyed camping and being out under the stars and all that. But these days I think about all the work in getting ready to go--doing the cooking and cleaning and all that on the road under less-than-optimal conditions--and then the repacking to come home and the time and energy to unpack, clean everything up, and put it away when we get home. . . give me a Super 8 with a great continental breakfast any day.

Anyhow everybody have a great Friday and a good start to a great weekend. :)
And I still don't know what's going on with USMB. My virus/malware protection program goes nuts every time I log into here - I get a 'threat has been detected' message about every 10-15 seconds. It isn't happening on other websites that I visit frequently. So far I've not picked up any uglies--Avast seems to be successfully blocking whatever is out there.
And I still don't know what's going on with USMB. My virus/malware protection program goes nuts every time I log into here - I get a 'threat has been detected' message about every 10-15 seconds. It isn't happening on other websites that I visit frequently. So far I've not picked up any uglies--Avast seems to be successfully blocking whatever is out there.

I wrote a thread about this in the announcements section.

Gesendet von meinem BASE Lutea 2 mit Tapatalk 2
Oh and as for that RV Mrs. BBD is wanting? Not this girl. There was a day when I enjoyed camping and being out under the stars and all that. But these days I think about all the work in getting ready to go--doing the cooking and cleaning and all that on the road under less-than-optimal conditions--and then the repacking to come home and the time and energy to unpack, clean everything up, and put it away when we get home. . . give me a Super 8 with a great continental breakfast any day.

Anyhow everybody have a great Friday and a good start to a great weekend. :)

My daughter and her husband are really into camping and I feel the same way. Just get me a hotel when we go on vacation. I'll pack all the clothes and make arrangements but camping is not my thing.
Well, the wedding was a fantastic success and the reception was a blast. A good time was had by all.

The weather has cooperated for the entire week, so there has been lots of hanging out on the beach, shopping, touring the area, and of course drinking.

I also learned something this week, I am incredibly good at the game corn-hole (glorified bean bag toss). Seems that just about everybody wants to be my partner for the game.

Today is the last day we have the beach house. We have to check out by 10:00 am tomorrow, then an almost 4 hour drive to get home.
After being off for a week and a half, it's going to be rough going back to work Monday.
And I still don't know what's going on with USMB. My virus/malware protection program goes nuts every time I log into here - I get a 'threat has been detected' message about every 10-15 seconds. It isn't happening on other websites that I visit frequently. So far I've not picked up any uglies--Avast seems to be successfully blocking whatever is out there.

I wrote a thread about this in the announcements section.

Gesendet von meinem BASE Lutea 2 mit Tapatalk 2

I turned off my AdBlock a couple of days ago because it was blocking every image anyone posted -- so far I haven't seen any intrusive ads. I do have to put up with images I purposely blocked like Mudwhistle's chewing thing and Rat in the Hat's stepdancing apes, but so far no pop-up ads and no threat warnings...

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