USMB Coffee Shop IV

Never really considered an RV camping.......

When my father was going through what we called the man's change of life, he bought a new Chrystler Newport and a trailer and we traveled all through British Columbia and back. My dad said, "There's nothing like camping with all the comforts of home."
On a fatherly note, my little 7 year old came to papa's for the weekend with a note from school reminding that Monday is a big sports fest-and-competition day, the 1st graders are to appear in their gym clothing and wil be bussed to another elementary, where there will be a sports competition between 10 1st grade classes, it will take about 2 hours or so.

So, we were out this evening, practicing the 50 meter sprint, deep-knee bends, running and jumping, etc., in a local field.

She was as happy as a lark. And fast, too!!!

I even got her to try to see if she can do a chin-up. She can't, but she's getting close.

And then she wanted to do a push-up contest with papa out in the big field. That was cute.

So, she did her 3 push-ups, I got on the ground and started. Around 18, I felt a small creature climb on my back and yell "Hüüü Pferdchen, hüüüü", which is the German equivalent of "giddyapp, giddyapp....",

I made it to 21 and then kind of died. That kid has really put the weight on...


I think maybe it was just the ole horse.......
In addition, I chose to resume my duties here as the nightwatchman, as I did with the Templar Order. I am the only one left alive!

Did you pass the stress-test?

And the tolerance training?

Meet all EPA standards?


Where I came from there was no such thing. The EPA better not pester me, or I'll sick the Dead Men of Dunharrow on them. (I'll rep the first person who gets the movie reference).

Lord of the Rings....the ghost Army that betrayed the King and subsequently fought for Aragorn.
Never really considered an RV camping.......

You're outside all the time just the same as tent camping. It's a better place to sleep, take a shower, go to the bathroom is all.

They go with their friends, everyone has a camper, they take their motorcycles. It's a huge blast for them just about every weekend of the summer. They can take their dogs too most of the time.

This weekend, I get to check in on the doggies, they went to a festival in Frankenmuth but left them home this time.
On a fatherly note, my little 7 year old came to papa's for the weekend with a note from school reminding that Monday is a big sports fest-and-competition day, the 1st graders are to appear in their gym clothing and wil be bussed to another elementary, where there will be a sports competition between 10 1st grade classes, it will take about 2 hours or so.

So, we were out this evening, practicing the 50 meter sprint, deep-knee bends, running and jumping, etc., in a local field.

She was as happy as a lark. And fast, too!!!

I even got her to try to see if she can do a chin-up. She can't, but she's getting close.

And then she wanted to do a push-up contest with papa out in the big field. That was cute.

So, she did her 3 push-ups, I got on the ground and started. Around 18, I felt a small creature climb on my back and yell "Hüüü Pferdchen, hüüüü", which is the German equivalent of "giddyapp, giddyapp....",

I made it to 21 and then kind of died. That kid has really put the weight on...


You're a good father, Stat.
Never really considered an RV camping.......

When my father was going through what we called the man's change of life, he bought a new Chrystler Newport and a trailer and we traveled all through British Columbia and back. My dad said, "There's nothing like camping with all the comforts of home."

That sounds like a lot of fun. We did that when our kids were little, not to British Columbia, but to Big Bend Nat'l park and other areas of interest in the US.

My parents didn't like camping at all, and they didn't like traveling either.

As you all might remember, when my friend Otis died he left me a very nice gift in his will. Today I spend some of that money and purchased this new RV. Plan on doing a bit of traveling around real soon. Naturally, I had my chief advisor, Mrs. BBD in attendance to ensure it would meet her high standards... It's very nice and I am sure we will enjoy it thanks to my departed friend, Otis.

As you all might remember, when my friend Otis died he left me a very nice gift in his will. Today I spend some of that money and purchased this new RV. Plan on doing a bit of traveling around real soon. Naturally, I had my chief advisor, Mrs. BBD in attendance to ensure it would meet her high standards... It's very nice and I am sure we will enjoy it thanks to my departed friend, Otis.

Well, if you are down my way on July 19th we'll have one of the best fireworks display in the state, can watch it from my front porch.........
Never really considered an RV camping.......

When my father was going through what we called the man's change of life, he bought a new Chrystler Newport and a trailer and we traveled all through British Columbia and back. My dad said, "There's nothing like camping with all the comforts of home."

I damn near bought a 1963 Chrysler Newport this year.
Man, it was sweet ride and I'd have looked good in it.
I'm not a car guy, but that thing was calling my name.
I let it slip away though, I really didn't need it.

As you all might remember, when my friend Otis died he left me a very nice gift in his will. Today I spend some of that money and purchased this new RV. Plan on doing a bit of traveling around real soon. Naturally, I had my chief advisor, Mrs. BBD in attendance to ensure it would meet her high standards... It's very nice and I am sure we will enjoy it thanks to my departed friend, Otis.
Congrats, BBD! Great looking RV. If it's got a built in kitchenette with stove and fridge, you're all set. You can travel throughout North America exploring nature parks, campsites, and national attractions without any worries about hotels.
Howdy folks. Just poppin' in to say howdy. Things are doing well here in the land of cheese. Been so busy I can hardly juggle it all. Life is good.

good to hear man

Ya, had to plant the tomatoes in huge pots this year, and my Romaine lettuce. It grew like a weed in a pot last year though. My garden plot is a disaster, and will have to wait until next year for a complete make over.

Been hittin' 'er like a one legged man in an ass kickin' contest here lately, but lovin' all that I'm getting done, and the weather here has been to die for. Not humid, not hot, just absolutely beautiful. Gotta make hay while the weather is good.

As you all might remember, when my friend Otis died he left me a very nice gift in his will. Today I spend some of that money and purchased this new RV. Plan on doing a bit of traveling around real soon. Naturally, I had my chief advisor, Mrs. BBD in attendance to ensure it would meet her high standards... It's very nice and I am sure we will enjoy it thanks to my departed friend, Otis.

Nice. I bought them a weather resistant patio mat which they love. You put it in your outdoor area where you sit, hang out and cook, it keeps your feet above the dirt and mud if it rains. It is kind of thick with holes so it stays pretty dry and clean.

They have a couple of them now.

You can go to garage sales to get dishes and pots and pans for the camper.

You are gonna have fun.
Morning all! This morning before class all us blue belts were told that we needed to come up with a combination, and go out the front and show the students. I can come up any kind of combination you like in a matter of seconds - strangely, its one of the great 'talents' I have, to think of these things very quickly. So I came up with an easy one, but while at first I was excited about showing people - especially Tracy, I was so thrilled when she walked in the door I ran over and gave her a hug - but when it got closer to the time, I clammed up and just didn't want to move.

I went out there anyway, and made a few mistakes, but my combination was the easiest of them all, and the students worked it out very quickly, which was great. At the end of the class I received an award for my efforts, as Sensei Pam knows that I am not comfortable with being in front of people, but I still went out and did it anyway. :)

I hope everyone is having an awesome day!

As you all might remember, when my friend Otis died he left me a very nice gift in his will. Today I spend some of that money and purchased this new RV. Plan on doing a bit of traveling around real soon. Naturally, I had my chief advisor, Mrs. BBD in attendance to ensure it would meet her high standards... It's very nice and I am sure we will enjoy it thanks to my departed friend, Otis.

Wow! That's the kind of friend everyone should have. Enjoy your rides.....:)

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