USMB Coffee Shop IV

The little one has had trouble with lice lately. Of course, whenever I hear she has lice, my head immediately starts to itch. It's been 3 or 4 times this year that she's had them, and it's difficult because she has 3 step sisters at her father's and I get the feeling we may be passing them back and forth between the houses. Anyway, it's got me considering shaving my head. That's a big deal for me, I haven't cut my hair in about 25 years, other than a couple of trims (and I do mean a couple, I think I've had my hair trimmed twice in that time). Admittedly, my hair stopped growing longer years ago and has actually gotten shorter over time, but I don't have any real memories of what it is like to live without long hair.

I'm waiting until the little one gets back from her dad's to decide. If she still has lice, I'm definitely going to let her shave my hair. If not, I don't know; I worry that I could have them, but it's not easy to tell with my dark, thick hair, and it's a bit weird to ask my employer to check my head. :p I also don't think I'll look good without hair, but that's only an issue for my self image, I don't really have a social life where it would matter. :lol:

I suppose it would be more comfortable in the heat, at least....
This is supposed to be our last 100+ degree day this week.... good. Last night we went to bed the house was still "warm", woke up this morning and the house was still "warm". Checked the air coming out of the swamp coolers, nice and cool then I realized what we had done. All but one window on the other side of the house was closed, cracked open a few more and sure enough, the temp in the house started dropping rapidly. :thup:

Happy to hear that you are getting cooler.
We are at 104 right now and it is suppose to be over a hundred everyday for the rest of the week. :(
104?!!! That sucks! I cannot imagine 104 here.

I'm glad I don' live in Tucson or Phx.
Today Phx will get up to 113 and Tucson 109.
Lice require a complete program to eradicate, that is tough with two households. Aren't you worried about that biker tattoo on your head Montrovant? ;)
[QUOTE="peach174, post: 11662142, member: 23262]

I'm glad I don' live in Tucson or Phx.
Today Phx will get up to 113 and Tucson 109.[/QUOTE]

I love a dry heat.
Retrieved an old car that is too expensive to repair.
Sent two drivers to pick up an auction car.
Had the dent repair guy check out three used cars that came in since last week.
Ordered rail guards and a bed liner for used truck.
Checked the auction for possible buys.
Scheduled an inspection for another used car.
Fixed a clerical error.

...its eleven o'clock...

...I'm bored....
Hanging out at the Yota service center........ Talk about bored.......
I'm thinnin' the wife is going to have to get a "new" used vehicle soon, maybe another Prius but she likes the VW bug remake, not the new design but the design when they first reintroduced them. :dunno:
Lice require a complete program to eradicate, that is tough with two households. Aren't you worried about that biker tattoo on your head Montrovant? ;)

The trick to getting rid of them with 2 homes is to clean everything at the same time or else it will continue spreading from home to home.
My girlfriend and her sister had to do the lice thing, so this is how they did it. The kids got it from their school.
Lice is indeed a problem once it gets into the community. Its kind of like bedbugs I guess--once they get into an area, they can move from room to room. And it does require a dedicated eradication program. We've never had either but hearing the stories of those who do, it can be a big deal.

Peach is describing weather that I have always associated with southern Arizona and is quite normal for this kind of year. But humidity, while not really low, doesn't usually get above 50% so it isn't uncomfortable. We on the other hand seem to have hit the maximum peak we expect for Albuquerque this time of year and will be entering a cooling down period--low to mid 90's the rest of the week and then back into the 80's by the weekend. And that is uncommonly cool for us. But I'm not complaining.

And boredom on the job. I can't remember being bored on the job--impatient with the tedium of a boring task now and then, but I haven't had many jobs with any free time at all. I tend to use such times to make more work for myself. :)
Elev 65 ft 30.40 °N, 87.67 °W | Updated 1 sec ago

96.9 °F
Feels Like 113 °F

Wind from ESE
Gusts 2.0 mph

Expect occasional thunderstorms to begin at 12:45pm.

Today is forecast to be nearly the same temperature as yesterday.

High 93 | Low 77 °F
60% Chance of Precip.

High 95.5 | Low 73 °F
Precip. 0 in

Feels more like 126, but we'll accept what the weather man says
Tomorrow morning I have to be out of the house by 8:30 to get mama to USA in Mobile by 10 for her cath.

I do not do morning that well since I bought Doc's.
Elev 65 ft 30.40 °N, 87.67 °W | Updated 1 sec ago

96.9 °F
Feels Like 113 °F

Wind from ESE
Gusts 2.0 mph

Expect occasional thunderstorms to begin at 12:45pm.

Today is forecast to be nearly the same temperature as yesterday.

High 93 | Low 77 °F
60% Chance of Precip.

High 95.5 | Low 73 °F
Precip. 0 in

Feels more like 126, but we'll accept what the weather man says
Tomorrow morning I have to be out of the house by 8:30 to get mama to USA in Mobile by 10 for her cath.

I do not do morning that well since I bought Doc's.

Higher humidity does tend to make the heat 'hurt' more. There were summers in Kansas when the temps would be over 100 with near 100% humidity and that was miserable.

But we have been in the far southern tip of Nevada at Laughlin one summer when the temperature was registering 120 degrees. And because they usually took the 'official' temperature on the water surface of the Colorado river so the tourists won't freak out, it was probably several degrees above that when we were on dry land. You wouldn't think there is that much difference between 110 degrees and 120 degrees, but there is. You get the feeling that if you go out into the sun, you will just simply die.

But do hope the cath goes quickly, uneventfully, and without much if any discomfort for Mrs. Ernie and that the results are the best to be hoped for.
By the way, several damaging tornadoes are reported for northern Illinois yesterday. Need BBD to report in so we know he is okay.
Meh, we had one tornado about 70 miles from here and some straight line winds with tornado like results 30 miles away. Not like its a hurricane.
Meh, we had one tornado about 70 miles from here and some straight line winds with tornado like results 30 miles away. Not like its a hurricane.

That's close enough you were probably watching the sky though. I love natural phenomena and have been watching that stuff since I was a kid, but I have a healthy respect for what nature can throw at us too.

I was just reading up on the what--six?--tornadoes that touched down in eastern Michigan yesterday. Ya'll had a wild day. We would have considered that an above-average day in Kansas or west Texas:
Multiple tornadoes touch down across eastern Michigan
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Yesterday when the high hit 104 I went for a swim, it was just plane hot outside! Later in the evening after the sun went down I was out back, it was 91 degrees with a good stiff breeze..... felt wonderful.
Got home about a half hour ago, they could find nothing wrong with the AC in the Prius, stopped and got lunch then went by Albertsons. The house was warm even though the swamp coolers are running, opened the back slider and the house is cooling off very quickly. :thup:
Yesterday when the high hit 104 I went for a swim, it was just plane hot outside! Later in the evening after the sun went down I was out back, it was 91 degrees with a good stiff breeze..... felt wonderful.
Got home about a half hour ago, they could find nothing wrong with the AC in the Prius, stopped and got lunch then went by Albertsons. The house was warm even though the swamp coolers are running, opened the back slider and the house is cooling off very quickly. :thup:

That's the thing with a swamp cooler. We instinctively think if we close up the house, the cool air will stay inside, but it just doesn't work that way. You have to have enough ways for the unit to push the warm air out and replace it with cool for it to be 100% effective. Also if you don't let it push enough air out, the interior air gets more and more humid until you start having trouble with doors sticking and other evidence of high humidity.

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