USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okay, I want one of these:


Wait! Put chalk on your hat first...
Good morning! I hope the day finds everyone well. I've been a busy bee this morning. I went the gym, got my haircut, went to Home Depot for more mulch, placed the mulch, sprayed the weeds in the drive way, and got dinner made in the fridge. I am already exhausted. lol. Cheers!
By the way, several damaging tornadoes are reported for northern Illinois yesterday. Need BBD to report in so we know he is okay.

I'm alive and well. There was six small tornadoes near my area a couple days ago. Sterling took a big hit. A mall and camp ground there was badly damaged. Weather is supposed to be bad again later today. Both Mrs BBD and I are doing well - just very busy these days with little time to post. Thanks for the concerns though. Yes, we're going to Montana for vacation but not until early August. All is well so don't worry about us. Busy trying to get Taco ready for his new act that will open in Vegas just as soon as I can find him a manager. He will be another Elvis impersonator!

There's no such thing as a "small" tornado when it is in your area. Even a F1 can do a lot of damage. But happy to hear you guys dodged the bullet again. I wish we could join you in Montana. And good luck to Taco in his new gig:

And good morning everybody. Where else in the world could you have a morning with discussions that include everything from tornados to vacations to yard work to bed bugs to forest fires to Elvis impersonators to keeping Ernie company at the hospital? But always happy when folks check in.
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So, we get here, and no one knows she is scheduled for the cardiac cath. As far as they know, she has been referred for assessment.
So, they assess that she needs a cardiac cath at 8 AM tomorrow morning. I'm pretty much disgusted and although I didn't vent, I bet the temperature went up a few degrees from the steam exiting my collar.
So, we were about to be shuffled off for blood work and sent home when they find that the person on deck for a cath has a clotting problem and won't be done today.
Momma is in the cath lab now.
Looks like the midwest got hit again yesterday and the extreme weather moved east too--Massachusetts had a tornado warning yesterday and a lot of storm damage. So hope ChrisL is okay and that she will be able to report in soon.
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So, we get here, and no one knows she is scheduled for the cardiac cath. As far as they know, she has been referred for assessment.
So, they assess that she needs a cardiac cath at 8 AM tomorrow morning. I'm pretty much disgusted and although I didn't vent, I bet the temperature went up a few degrees from the steam exiting my collar.
So, we were about to be shuffled off for blood work and sent home when they find that the person on deck for a cath has a clotting problem and won't be done today.
Momma is in the cath lab now.

So sometimes things work out. Whether it is or not, I always like to think of things like that as answered prayer.
The electrician came today and said I need a new fuse box with trip switches, but I don't trust them not to trip for no reason, and it could happen during a system update. That would undoubtedly cause corruption of windows.
So I have looked up uninterruptable powers supplies on the Internet and I am going to buy one.
The electrician came today and said I need a new fuse box with trip switches, but I don't trust them not to trip for no reason, and it could happen during a system update. That would undoubtedly cause corruption of windows.
So I have looked up uninterruptable powers supplies on the Internet and I am going to buy one.

We have battery backup on our surge protector systems and they seem to work pretty effectively. Don't know how long they would keep things going and they don't always prevent the computer from turning itself off but at least we don't blow whatever element gets blown in the computer during a power surge.
So, we get here, and no one knows she is scheduled for the cardiac cath. As far as they know, she has been referred for assessment.
So, they assess that she needs a cardiac cath at 8 AM tomorrow morning. I'm pretty much disgusted and although I didn't vent, I bet the temperature went up a few degrees from the steam exiting my collar.
So, we were about to be shuffled off for blood work and sent home when they find that the person on deck for a cath has a clotting problem and won't be done today.
Momma is in the cath lab now.

So sometimes things work out. Whether it is or not, I always like to think of things like that as answered prayer.
Cath is done and I can go see her in a few and take her home tomorrow.
2 stints and no bypass needed at this time.
So, we get here, and no one knows she is scheduled for the cardiac cath. As far as they know, she has been referred for assessment.
So, they assess that she needs a cardiac cath at 8 AM tomorrow morning. I'm pretty much disgusted and although I didn't vent, I bet the temperature went up a few degrees from the steam exiting my collar.
So, we were about to be shuffled off for blood work and sent home when they find that the person on deck for a cath has a clotting problem and won't be done today.
Momma is in the cath lab now.

So sometimes things work out. Whether it is or not, I always like to think of things like that as answered prayer.
Cath is done and I can go see her in a few and take her home tomorrow.
2 stints and no bypass needed at this time.

And that too we can count as answered prayer or in response to all those positive vibes, Ernie. And now I suggest that after you see her and let her know how much you love her, that you get some rest that I know you need.
Was running the wife around today, visiting clinics when we were leaving the last one to take her back to her office when the "Check AC connection" popped up on the center display and wouldn't let us turn on the AC for about 15 minutes. Dropped her off and I'm back at the dealership. Pretty sure it's the center display/computer that's going on the fritz due to other little things we've noticed. Don't think that one will be cheap........
Have been checking up on this, it seems there are some problems with the 2nd Generation Prius multi-function displays that Toyota knows about but refuses to admit there's a manufacturer defect. It looks simple to replace and a refurbished unit only costs about $500, I've read where some people were quoted as much as $7000 to replace it!!!
Have been checking up on this, it seems there are some problems with the 2nd Generation Prius multi-function displays that Toyota knows about but refuses to admit there's a manufacturer defect. It looks simple to replace and a refurbished unit only costs about $500, I've read where some people were quoted as much as $7000 to replace it!!!

Eeek. Well at least you're onto the scam so I figure you'll get an honest deal out of it.
So, we get here, and no one knows she is scheduled for the cardiac cath. As far as they know, she has been referred for assessment.
So, they assess that she needs a cardiac cath at 8 AM tomorrow morning. I'm pretty much disgusted and although I didn't vent, I bet the temperature went up a few degrees from the steam exiting my collar.
So, we were about to be shuffled off for blood work and sent home when they find that the person on deck for a cath has a clotting problem and won't be done today.
Momma is in the cath lab now.

So sometimes things work out. Whether it is or not, I always like to think of things like that as answered prayer.
Cath is done and I can go see her in a few and take her home tomorrow.
2 stints and no bypass needed at this time.

And that too we can count as answered prayer or in response to all those positive vibes, Ernie. And now I suggest that after you see her and let her know how much you love her, that you get some rest that I know you need.
I'll rest when I'm dead. I've seen her and she is firmly ensconced in her room. I told them she will need a nicotine patch or they had better go out to the car and get their weapons...

I'm back at Docs. Max has the tables set up and all I have to do is set up chip stacks.
I'll have to be out of the house about 9:45 tomorrow morning to make my way back to pick her up.
Hi coffee shop! :) I have some news on the job front. I have an interviewed scheduled on Monday for a position as a medical records supervisory position at my local hospital!!! I found the ad last night and sent in my resume, and they called me to schedule the interview today. I'm expecting it to be a bit less money and maybe even less hours, but I've really wanted to get my foot in the door at this hospital for a long time. I think that alone might be worth taking a little cut in pay. Also, the experience this will give me and also the opportunity to work outside of my home, which will be a nice change of pace and scenery.

Keeping my fingers crossed for Monday. :up:
In other news, we had some tornado warnings last night!! No tornado here though, thankfully. I was wondering what I would do! I have no basement. I've never even seen a tornado, so I have really no idea what to do during a tornado. Scary!! :eek: They were actually saying on the emergency broadcasts to seek shelter NOW and don't wait to see the tornado and that people had seen funnel clouds!
Looks like the midwest got hit again yesterday and the extreme weather moved east too--Massachusetts had a tornado warning yesterday and a lot of storm damage. So hope ChrisL is okay and that she will be able to report in soon.

Thank you for asking Foxy! :smiliehug: I'm fine. No tornadoes in my area thankfully, just warnings. I found those to be a little frightening though. I have zero experience with tornadoes.

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