USMB Coffee Shop IV

Yesterday when the high hit 104 I went for a swim, it was just plane hot outside! Later in the evening after the sun went down I was out back, it was 91 degrees with a good stiff breeze..... felt wonderful.
Got home about a half hour ago, they could find nothing wrong with the AC in the Prius, stopped and got lunch then went by Albertsons. The house was warm even though the swamp coolers are running, opened the back slider and the house is cooling off very quickly. :thup:

That's the thing with a swamp cooler. We instinctively think if we close up the house, the cool air will stay inside, but it just doesn't work that way. You have to have enough ways for the unit to push the warm air out and replace it with cool for it to be 100% effective. Also if you don't let it push enough air out, the interior air gets more and more humid until you start having trouble with doors sticking and other evidence of high humidity.
Yeah, I only had one window cracked plus the one in the maids room (now storage and litter room) with the outblowing fan in it....... There's a reason the fan is on all the time and blowing out........ :eusa_whistle:
My dad had a 1600 sqft house and only one swamp cooler, all one needed to do was crack 2 windows upstairs and one downstairs to turn that house into a walk in refrigerator........
This is supposed to be our last 100+ degree day this week.... good. Last night we went to bed the house was still "warm", woke up this morning and the house was still "warm". Checked the air coming out of the swamp coolers, nice and cool then I realized what we had done. All but one window on the other side of the house was closed, cracked open a few more and sure enough, the temp in the house started dropping rapidly. :thup:

Happy to hear that you are getting cooler.
We are at 104 right now and it is suppose to be over a hundred everyday for the rest of the week. :(
104?!!! That sucks! I cannot imagine 104 here.

I'm glad I don' live in Tucson or Phx.
Today Phx will get up to 113 and Tucson 109.
Yesterday when the high hit 104 I went for a swim, it was just plane hot outside! Later in the evening after the sun went down I was out back, it was 91 degrees with a good stiff breeze..... felt wonderful.
Got home about a half hour ago, they could find nothing wrong with the AC in the Prius, stopped and got lunch then went by Albertsons. The house was warm even though the swamp coolers are running, opened the back slider and the house is cooling off very quickly. :thup:

Do they make air conditioners in cars the way they used to? All the talk about heat and everything made me think about the days I was driving most of the state in our little Mercury capri that we brought from Kansas--this was probably 1985 or 86 or 87 or somewhere during that period. And when it was really really hot, the air conditioner would work so hard it would freeze up.

I was driving into Carlsbad one afternoon when the temperature on the bank clock registered 112 degrees - just as the air conditioner froze up. The only way to unfreeze it quickly is to run the heater. You cannot imagine what 112 degrees heat feels like when you're running the heater in your car.
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Okay, I want one of these:

Yesterday when the high hit 104 I went for a swim, it was just plane hot outside! Later in the evening after the sun went down I was out back, it was 91 degrees with a good stiff breeze..... felt wonderful.
Got home about a half hour ago, they could find nothing wrong with the AC in the Prius, stopped and got lunch then went by Albertsons. The house was warm even though the swamp coolers are running, opened the back slider and the house is cooling off very quickly. :thup:

Do they make air conditioners in cars the way they used to? All the talk about heat and everything made me think about the days I was driving most of the state in our little Mercury capri that we brought from Kansas--this was probably 1985 or 86 or 87 or somewhere during that period. And when it was really really hot, the air conditioner would work so hard it would freeze up.

I was driving into Carlsbad one afternoon when the temperature on the bank clock registered 112 degrees - just as the air conditioner froze up. The only way to unfreeze it quickly is to run the heater. You cannot imagine was 112 degrees heat feels like when you're running the heater in your car.
Nah, they've come a long way though AC in cars will take longer to cool and keep cool when temps hit 100 and above. Yes I remember the old AC vehicle units freezing up and having to run the heater but that was in friends cars, none of my vehicles had AC until the 80s or as some people say, my AC was WD80, windows down and 80 mph........ :lol:
It's around 86 - 87 outside and breezy, opened the house up and we're comfortable. By the time this summer is over with I'm gonna think 70 degrees is chilly........ :eek-52:
Well, we got a couple thunder storms this afternoon and it is down to 88 here.
Just to our west, they got golf ball sized hail and some 70 mph gusts. Just rain and some lightning here. The wife says we didn't even lose satellite reception.

Interesting story from Northern New York State.
Seems they are sure this time they have the escapees surrounded in their perimeter. There are over 1,000 Corrections Officers and State police guarding this perimeter.
Anyhow, some kid thought it would be fun to sneak past guards and then run out past them in a black hoodie. These guys are all on edge, more than a few still out there with broken bones and other trauma. They are wound kid of tight. My buddy Tom ended up chasing him down 9complete with an untreated broken foot) and tackling him. The kid has a broken leg for his troubles and came damned close to getting shot. IDIOTS!
Yesterday when the high hit 104 I went for a swim, it was just plane hot outside! Later in the evening after the sun went down I was out back, it was 91 degrees with a good stiff breeze..... felt wonderful.
Got home about a half hour ago, they could find nothing wrong with the AC in the Prius, stopped and got lunch then went by Albertsons. The house was warm even though the swamp coolers are running, opened the back slider and the house is cooling off very quickly. :thup:

Do they make air conditioners in cars the way they used to? All the talk about heat and everything made me think about the days I was driving most of the state in our little Mercury capri that we brought from Kansas--this was probably 1985 or 86 or 87 or somewhere during that period. And when it was really really hot, the air conditioner would work so hard it would freeze up.

I was driving into Carlsbad one afternoon when the temperature on the bank clock registered 112 degrees - just as the air conditioner froze up. The only way to unfreeze it quickly is to run the heater. You cannot imagine what 112 degrees heat feels like when you're running the heater in your car.
I can imagine it because I've been there. Bosses Honda back in Albuquerque ca 1995.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Lice is indeed a problem once it gets into the community. Its kind of like bedbugs I guess--once they get into an area, they can move from room to room. And it does require a dedicated eradication program. We've never had either but hearing the stories of those who do, it can be a big deal.

Peach is describing weather that I have always associated with southern Arizona and is quite normal for this kind of year. But humidity, while not really low, doesn't usually get above 50% so it isn't uncomfortable. We on the other hand seem to have hit the maximum peak we expect for Albuquerque this time of year and will be entering a cooling down period--low to mid 90's the rest of the week and then back into the 80's by the weekend. And that is uncommonly cool for us. But I'm not complaining.

And boredom on the job. I can't remember being bored on the job--impatient with the tedium of a boring task now and then, but I haven't had many jobs with any free time at all. I tend to use such times to make more work for myself. :)

I had bedbugs from a second hand mattress. I got rid of the mattress but not the bugs. I never saw anything, or felt anything, but I would wake up with a line of holes up my legs. I searched for them and sprayed insecticide but did not stop them. Then finally I plastered up cracks in the doorframe and it stopped. They were obviously living in a crack in the plaster and I sealed them up inside. They probably starved to death after a few months. Because they can live a long time between meals.
Well I had a visit from the electrician this morning and he found a lot wrong. I will have to have a lot of work done to comply with the wiring regulations. I am just hoping it does not mean rewiring the ring main as that will mean pulling up the floors, and that will mean moving bookcases, and tons of books. Not to mention having to move all my furniture and computing equipment.
Lice is indeed a problem once it gets into the community. Its kind of like bedbugs I guess--once they get into an area, they can move from room to room. And it does require a dedicated eradication program. We've never had either but hearing the stories of those who do, it can be a big deal.

Peach is describing weather that I have always associated with southern Arizona and is quite normal for this kind of year. But humidity, while not really low, doesn't usually get above 50% so it isn't uncomfortable. We on the other hand seem to have hit the maximum peak we expect for Albuquerque this time of year and will be entering a cooling down period--low to mid 90's the rest of the week and then back into the 80's by the weekend. And that is uncommonly cool for us. But I'm not complaining.

And boredom on the job. I can't remember being bored on the job--impatient with the tedium of a boring task now and then, but I haven't had many jobs with any free time at all. I tend to use such times to make more work for myself. :)

I had bedbugs from a second hand mattress. I got rid of the mattress but not the bugs. I never saw anything, or felt anything, but I would wake up with a line of holes up my legs. I searched for them and sprayed insecticide but did not stop them. Then finally I plastered up cracks in the doorframe and it stopped. They were obviously living in a crack in the plaster and I sealed them up inside. They probably starved to death after a few months. Because they can live a long time between meals.
Put some diatomaceous earth in shallow dishes and place those under the legs of your bed. Kills the critters pretty well.
Well I had a visit from the electrician this morning and he found a lot wrong. I will have to have a lot of work done to comply with the wiring regulations. I am just hoping it does not mean rewiring the ring main as that will mean pulling up the floors, and that will mean moving bookcases, and tons of books. Not to mention having to move all my furniture and computing equipment.
And lots of dust and dirt. You will not believe what lives in the nooks and crannies that usually never see the light of day!
Good Morning, CS!
Up early so I can get some work done before it gets too hot to do anything. 70 feels like 100 when one is acclimated to the northern climate. While I can well imagine what many of you are experiencing, that doesn't mean I would want to submit myself to those temperatures again.
Last report, there were over 200 fires burning statewide. The community lost 55 homes here but the fire is listed as 95% contained and people are starting to recover from their losses. The investigation of the source of our fire was finalized but authorities are only saying it was "human caused". A resident on an adjacent property was interviewed and he said that there was a group of campers being careless with their fire and fireworks.
They have started moving fire fighting teams to other fires. One on the Yukon river has forced the evacuation of all residents, about 200. Many other fires are being allowed to burn out on their own, these are located in uninhabited expanses.
Well, here's hoping for all to have a safe, happy day. Bottoms up, the coffee cup!
By the way, several damaging tornadoes are reported for northern Illinois yesterday. Need BBD to report in so we know he is okay.

I'm alive and well. There was six small tornadoes near my area a couple days ago. Sterling took a big hit. A mall and camp ground there was badly damaged. Weather is supposed to be bad again later today. Both Mrs BBD and I are doing well - just very busy these days with little time to post. Thanks for the concerns though. Yes, we're going to Montana for vacation but not until early August. All is well so don't worry about us. Busy trying to get Taco ready for his new act that will open in Vegas just as soon as I can find him a manager. He will be another Elvis impersonator!

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