USMB Coffee Shop IV

And a warm Coffee Shop welcome to Sgt_Gath who I believe is visiting for the first time this evening. Welcome, welcome, and glad to see you're joining right in. If you have not done so already, please read over the OP to get the gist of what the Coffee Shop is all about and then just become a beloved member of the group.

Your first timer's complimentary beverage:
Thanks sweetie! :smiliehug:

Nope, I've never even seen one before. I have seen a funnel cloud once when I was small, but it never touched down or anything.

No problem! :)

I actually had one start to form right over me and the rest of my company during Basic Training. That was in Missouri, though, and thankfully it stopped before it formed an actual tornado! Lol

I would like to see one some day . . . from waaaaayyyyy over there! [emoji38]

Me too! [emoji38]

Did you ever see the movie, Twister?

This answer your question? :D


I used to love that movie as a kid! Lol

I liked that movie too! The part where the 18-wheeler was flying through the air at them was pretty intense too! :ack-1:
Thanks sweetie! :smiliehug:

Nope, I've never even seen one before. I have seen a funnel cloud once when I was small, but it never touched down or anything.

No problem! :)

I actually had one start to form right over me and the rest of my company during Basic Training. That was in Missouri, though, and thankfully it stopped before it formed an actual tornado! Lol

I would like to see one some day . . . from waaaaayyyyy over there! [emoji38]

Me too! [emoji38]

Did you ever see the movie, Twister?

"Twister" is definitely in our movie library. We practically have the dialogue memorized and watch it for group fun and giggles.
Good luck on the interview--I'll bump you onto the list until you get through that and hope for the best. And yes, if you can afford some reduction in your initial pay, the experience you will get will be invaluable and hopefully you'll have a great group to work with and it will be a great opportunity for you.

As for tornadoes, hopefully you will never need the information, but chances are any tornadoes in your area will be the smaller F1 or F2 that are unlikely to destroy a well built building but are still dangerous and can do some damage. Go to an interior room--put as many walls between you and the outside as you can. An interior bathroom is the safest but if you must be in a room with a window, the bathroom is usually the most secure because of all the pipes that anchor things. Inside the bathtub most secure area. Cover yourself with a mattress or layers of towels to protect against falling debris and/or broken glass and your chances of surviving even a direct hit are pretty good. An interior closet is good too.

I liked it too. Some people complain about the acting and the "corniness" of the movie, but the effects were pretty cool, IMO.

Thanks for the advice! I'll have to try to remember that for next time. On the emergency broadcasts, they did say to stay away from windows and doors and to go to your basement or to a room in the middle of your house. I felt okay because I live in a townhouse unit with a unit on each side of me, so I'm already kind of in the middle. I was a bit concerned with some trees in the woods out back that look kind of dead though. Scary stuff!
Thanks for the complimentary beverage, FoxFyre. Cool place.

Well you haven't had your complimentary beverage yet have you Spinster? But we're so happy you found us. I see that you have already visited the OP, so will just offer you a warm Coffee Shop welcome. It takes a little while to find your sea legs here and really feel a part of this special community, but those who make the effort usually think it is worth it. And once you do, you find yourself adopted as part of the family here.

So again welcome, make yourself at home, and here is your very own complimentary beverage. :)


(Ernie or somebody like that will have to tell you what it is. I found it in our nightcap inventory but have no clue what's in it. :))
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
ChrisL's interview,
Mrs. Ernie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Congrats, Chris! Good luck! :)

Try not to get swept off to Oz by a twister in the meantime though. :D

Thanks Gath!

Lol! Thank goodness that was only for a couple of hours last night. There was a tornado in a town nearby I guess. The center of town suffered some damage, but nothing huge, just a local park and a gazebo was destroyed. We don't normally get tornadoes around here though. Hurricanes are what I'm used to dealing with. :)

Yea. I was going to say, you don't really think of tornados when you think of New England! Lol!

I'm glad to hear that everything's okay though. :)

Thanks sweetie! :smiliehug:

Nope, I've never even seen one before. I have seen a funnel cloud once when I was small, but it never touched down or anything.

No problem! :)

I actually had one start to form right over me and the rest of my company during Basic Training. That was in Missouri, though, and thankfully it stopped before it formed an actual tornado! Lol

I would like to see one some day . . . from waaaaayyyyy over there! :lol:
One crossed the interstate under a quarter mile away from me near Amarillo, TX.
When my oldest was a Boy Scout, one went through his camp in NE Connecticut. It missed his site, but a few kids were hurt.
Thanks Gath!

Lol! Thank goodness that was only for a couple of hours last night. There was a tornado in a town nearby I guess. The center of town suffered some damage, but nothing huge, just a local park and a gazebo was destroyed. We don't normally get tornadoes around here though. Hurricanes are what I'm used to dealing with. :)

Yea. I was going to say, you don't really think of tornados when you think of New England! Lol!

I'm glad to hear that everything's okay though. :)

Thanks sweetie! :smiliehug:

Nope, I've never even seen one before. I have seen a funnel cloud once when I was small, but it never touched down or anything.

No problem! :)

I actually had one start to form right over me and the rest of my company during Basic Training. That was in Missouri, though, and thankfully it stopped before it formed an actual tornado! Lol

I would like to see one some day . . . from waaaaayyyyy over there! :lol:
One crossed the interstate under a quarter mile away from me near Amarillo, TX.
When my oldest was a Boy Scout, one went through his camp in NE Connecticut. It missed his site, but a few kids were hurt.

Interesting! At least no one was killed! I was thinking that, even if a tornado touched down around here, I would probably not be able to see it until it was right on top of me because it's quite "hilly" around here, lots of big trees too. We don't have big wide open spaces like a lot of places that get frequent tornadoes. Everything is very congested and tight around here.
Thanks for the complimentary beverage, FoxFyre. Cool place.

Well you haven't had your complimentary beverage yet have you Spinster? But we're so happy you found us. I see that you have already visited the OP, so will just offer you a warm Coffee Shop welcome. It takes a little while to find your sea legs here and really feel a part of this special community, but those who make the effort usually think it is worth it. And once you do, you find yourself adopted as part of the family here.

So again welcome, make yourself at home, and here is your very own complimentary beverage. :)


(Ernie or somebody like that will have to tell you what it is. I found it in our nightcap inventory but have no clue what's in it. :))

Well, I can tell you that the thing floating in the drink is a star anise, which is a spice that tastes kind of like licorice. :)
Thanks for the complimentary beverage, FoxFyre. Cool place.

Well you haven't had your complimentary beverage yet have you Spinster? But we're so happy you found us. I see that you have already visited the OP, so will just offer you a warm Coffee Shop welcome. It takes a little while to find your sea legs here and really feel a part of this special community, but those who make the effort usually think it is worth it. And once you do, you find yourself adopted as part of the family here.

So again welcome, make yourself at home, and here is your very own complimentary beverage. :)


(Ernie or somebody like that will have to tell you what it is. I found it in our nightcap inventory but have no clue what's in it. :))
That's called a Starry Night. It's 1 part absinthe and 3 parts chocolate vodka.
Yea. I was going to say, you don't really think of tornados when you think of New England! Lol!

I'm glad to hear that everything's okay though. :)

Thanks sweetie! :smiliehug:

Nope, I've never even seen one before. I have seen a funnel cloud once when I was small, but it never touched down or anything.

No problem! :)

I actually had one start to form right over me and the rest of my company during Basic Training. That was in Missouri, though, and thankfully it stopped before it formed an actual tornado! Lol

I would like to see one some day . . . from waaaaayyyyy over there! :lol:
One crossed the interstate under a quarter mile away from me near Amarillo, TX.
When my oldest was a Boy Scout, one went through his camp in NE Connecticut. It missed his site, but a few kids were hurt.

Interesting! At least no one was killed! I was thinking that, even if a tornado touched down around here, I would probably not be able to see it until it was right on top of me because it's quite "hilly" around here, lots of big trees too. We don't have big wide open spaces like a lot of places that get frequent tornadoes. Everything is very congested and tight around here.
That was the problem there. Wooded area with typical New England hills. They had no warning. Good news is they tend not to last long in that terrain.
Thanks sweetie! :smiliehug:

Nope, I've never even seen one before. I have seen a funnel cloud once when I was small, but it never touched down or anything.

No problem! :)

I actually had one start to form right over me and the rest of my company during Basic Training. That was in Missouri, though, and thankfully it stopped before it formed an actual tornado! Lol

I would like to see one some day . . . from waaaaayyyyy over there! :lol:
One crossed the interstate under a quarter mile away from me near Amarillo, TX.
When my oldest was a Boy Scout, one went through his camp in NE Connecticut. It missed his site, but a few kids were hurt.

Interesting! At least no one was killed! I was thinking that, even if a tornado touched down around here, I would probably not be able to see it until it was right on top of me because it's quite "hilly" around here, lots of big trees too. We don't have big wide open spaces like a lot of places that get frequent tornadoes. Everything is very congested and tight around here.
That was the problem there. Wooded area with typical New England hills. They had no warning. Good news is they tend not to last long in that terrain.

Yes, and they are quite a rare occurrence around here, thankfully. We are much more prone to hurricanes in this part of the country, so I know what to expect when there is a hurricane warning. Tornadoes? That's a new one for me! :lol: Anyway, I didn't get into my closet. I felt rather silly going and sitting in my closet by myself with my rabbit. :D
Hi coffee shop! :) I have some news on the job front. I have an interviewed scheduled on Monday for a position as a medical records supervisory position at my local hospital!!! I found the ad last night and sent in my resume, and they called me to schedule the interview today. I'm expecting it to be a bit less money and maybe even less hours, but I've really wanted to get my foot in the door at this hospital for a long time. I think that alone might be worth taking a little cut in pay. Also, the experience this will give me and also the opportunity to work outside of my home, which will be a nice change of pace and scenery.

Keeping my fingers crossed for Monday. :up:

Good luck! I am sure you'll do just fine in the interview. Sending good thoughts your way. Cheers!

It would be great just to get my foot in the door over there! They do a lot of their hiring from within, so there are a lot of opportunities! :)

I've always found that getting your foot in the door is the biggest challenge. Once you're in though, the possibilities are endless. It is also pretty encouraging they called back so soon!

When I qualified as an electronics repair man I found myself in a trap. Nobody wanted someone with no experience. So I went to the labour exchange and asked about a job advertised for a radio engineer. The labour exchange rang the employer and they said they only wanted someone with experience. But I read their name and address upside down from the sheet on the labour exchange counter, and I went to the factory on my own.
Sure enough they said we told the labour exchange only to send someone with experience. So I told them they did not send me, but I had read their address upside down. The manager laughed, and I got the job. When I left there eighteen months later for a better job as an experienced engineer they gave me a glowing reference.
Hi coffee shop! :) I have some news on the job front. I have an interviewed scheduled on Monday for a position as a medical records supervisory position at my local hospital!!! I found the ad last night and sent in my resume, and they called me to schedule the interview today. I'm expecting it to be a bit less money and maybe even less hours, but I've really wanted to get my foot in the door at this hospital for a long time. I think that alone might be worth taking a little cut in pay. Also, the experience this will give me and also the opportunity to work outside of my home, which will be a nice change of pace and scenery.

Keeping my fingers crossed for Monday. :up:

Benefits can make up for a pay cut Chris. This sounds like your best opportunity so far.
Any interior room should be safest. I have a bathroom in the center of the house, so at least I wouldn't have to worry about you know what while I'm hunkered down.
North Alabama gets hit pretty often, but down here, the few we get are usually associated with hurricanes, though Mobile did get hammered by one Christmas Day 2012.

Thanks sweetie! :smiliehug:

Nope, I've never even seen one before. I have seen a funnel cloud once when I was small, but it never touched down or anything.

No problem! :)

I actually had one start to form right over me and the rest of my company during Basic Training. That was in Missouri, though, and thankfully it stopped before it formed an actual tornado! Lol

I would like to see one some day . . . from waaaaayyyyy over there! [emoji38]

Me too! [emoji38]

Did you ever see the movie, Twister?

This answer your question? :D


I used to love that movie as a kid! Lol

Flying cow, best scene ever!

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