USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning Greetings!
Am I really the first one on this morning, and it's already 8:45 am here. Not much going on, a slow night with only two flights for me. I still have another hour on the clock, too.
Glad Foxy's company got in OK. It's always fun to catch up with friends you may not have seen for a while.
It's gotten much cooler and more comfortable here. Overcast and some moisture in the air are definitely helping with the fire situation. What we really need is a good toad-soaker to finish off the fire up my way. They are closing the Emergency Operations Center this afternoon and the power company has issued guidelines for people who have lost power. The fire down in Kenai has been mapped and looks like it burned about the same amount of real estate as our Willow fire did. They only lost 11 structures, our area lost 26 homes. We were told it was going to be a bad fire season...they were right so far.
Any reports on your immediate area?
Morning Greetings!
Am I really the first one on this morning, and it's already 8:45 am here. Not much going on, a slow night with only two flights for me. I still have another hour on the clock, too.
Glad Foxy's company got in OK. It's always fun to catch up with friends you may not have seen for a while.
It's gotten much cooler and more comfortable here. Overcast and some moisture in the air are definitely helping with the fire situation. What we really need is a good toad-soaker to finish off the fire up my way. They are closing the Emergency Operations Center this afternoon and the power company has issued guidelines for people who have lost power. The fire down in Kenai has been mapped and looks like it burned about the same amount of real estate as our Willow fire did. They only lost 11 structures, our area lost 26 homes. We were told it was going to be a bad fire season...they were right so far.
Any reports on your immediate area?
Little fire growth, only small, local flare ups, but the wind has changed direction. Still pretty good, so far. The fire South (Kenai) is now top priority. I'll be heading up to my place this weekend to check things out and do some work. All it takes are some stupid people to get another conflagration ripping through the area. I found a buddy who will go up and stay at my place (I have to work) over 4th of July.
Here's an excerpt from the latest updates for the fire up near my place:

"Firefighters are making substantial progress on the Sockeye Fire, and several restrictions are being reduced today. Today firefighters will closely monitor fire lines and fire behavior as winds shift 180 degrees and begin coming from the south.
The fire did not grow significantly yesterday, although small isolated pockets of vegetation burned on the southwest flank of the fire, producing noticeable columns of smoke. The 7,066-acre fire is five percent contained. That containment figure refers to completed fire line. While firefighters are making excellent progress suppressing the fire and establishing lines, they are ensuring those lines are secure before considering them in the containment figure."

Looks like I'll get back up there Monday, when all restrictions will be lifted, providing they continue making good progress with their containment efforts. Now, much attention is being directed to the Card Street Fire in Sterling. Although it's eating up the acreage (over 12,000 by this morning), the wind is pushing it into an uninhabited wildland area. Burns in areas like this are actually beneficial to the environment and usually create prime wildlife habitat.

Best of luck! Hopefully they can keep it contained.
Hope you had a great vacation Mr. H. And I hope everybody in the Coffee Shop is having a good weekend. We had a great day with our friends and look forward to tomorrow.

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Was out most of the day yesterday, went for a drive with the wife eventually ending up in Deming, NM. That's out in the middle of nowhere...... not to mention some of those people looked downright scary......... Inbreeding? The temps were in the low 100s and even the swamp coolers were having a hard time keeping it cool in the house, if they weren't on top of the roof they'd probably work better.
Was out most of the day yesterday, went for a drive with the wife eventually ending up in Deming, NM. That's out in the middle of nowhere...... not to mention some of those people looked downright scary......... Inbreeding? The temps were in the low 100s and even the swamp coolers were having a hard time keeping it cool in the house, if they weren't on top of the roof they'd probably work better.
Hey, wait just a minute! I used to have a buddy, a rancher, down in Deming. Been hunting with him in the Sierra Huecho and Big Hachett mountains. Some pretty tough riding.
Was out most of the day yesterday, went for a drive with the wife eventually ending up in Deming, NM. That's out in the middle of nowhere...... not to mention some of those people looked downright scary......... Inbreeding? The temps were in the low 100s and even the swamp coolers were having a hard time keeping it cool in the house, if they weren't on top of the roof they'd probably work better.
Oh, eah, if you're interested in vintage aircraft, visit the War Eagles Museum in Santa Teresa, NM. It makes a good day trip from El Paso.
Was out most of the day yesterday, went for a drive with the wife eventually ending up in Deming, NM. That's out in the middle of nowhere...... not to mention some of those people looked downright scary......... Inbreeding? The temps were in the low 100s and even the swamp coolers were having a hard time keeping it cool in the house, if they weren't on top of the roof they'd probably work better.
Oh, eah, if you're interested in vintage aircraft, visit the War Eagles Museum in Santa Teresa, NM. It makes a good day trip from El Paso.
The plan is to either move back to Colorado or New Mexico, El Paso doesn't seem to be working out all that well for us on many levels. Unfortunately we're currently locked in a lease, if we weren't we'd be gone tomorrow.
I should rephrase some of that, the VA here is very proactive so I'm getting the care I need, that's a positive, The pool at the house is another positive as is the fact we have almost all the amenities we could want, the house is nice but really does need some work. The cost of living is relatively cheap but some things you would think would be less expensive here are actually the same (nationwide) price or even more expensive.
The drivers are crazy, lots of dust hot (and it's not even really hot yet) the culture is one we're not accustomed to (as FF says, the land of manana) and it's extremely clannish down here, heck nepotism is rampant. It's also a pain having to stop at Border Patrol Checkpoints whichever direction we go out of town, if we go far enough out of town.
Been going through office boxes, separating out that which goes and that which stays. Earlier today found a small box filled with old duplicate checks, copies of the checks that were written, from 1997 to 2004. Been shredding off and on all morning......... I know there's at least three medium sized boxes of files that I'll have to go through and purge also. Before we left Virginia I was shredding old files for a week, I'm so glad that now most of my bills and other paperwork is done online not to mention I write maybe 1 or 2 checks every quarter. Anything really important I back up and print out and save, cut my paper filing down by 8/10s.
Was out most of the day yesterday, went for a drive with the wife eventually ending up in Deming, NM. That's out in the middle of nowhere...... not to mention some of those people looked downright scary......... Inbreeding? The temps were in the low 100s and even the swamp coolers were having a hard time keeping it cool in the house, if they weren't on top of the roof they'd probably work better.

Mrs. R isn't liking her job there? I knew it would be a powerful culture shock for folks acclimated to Colorado and eastern metro areas.

You should plan to return to Deming in August for the annual duck races--Deming has been famous for them for as long as I can remember. And Deming used to have the best tasting water anywhere in the state, but we haven't been there for quite awhile now.


Was out most of the day yesterday, went for a drive with the wife eventually ending up in Deming, NM. That's out in the middle of nowhere...... not to mention some of those people looked downright scary......... Inbreeding? The temps were in the low 100s and even the swamp coolers were having a hard time keeping it cool in the house, if they weren't on top of the roof they'd probably work better.

Mrs. R isn't liking her job there? I knew it would be a powerful culture shock for folks acclimated to Colorado and eastern metro areas.

You should plan to return to Deming in August for the annual duck races--Deming has been famous for them for as long as I can remember. And Deming used to have the best tasting water anywhere in the state, but we haven't been there for quite awhile now.


I doubt we'll go back to Deming unless we're stopping for a potty break on the way through.........

No, the job situation has gone from bad to worse, it honestly looks like someone(s) don't want her there and is trying to make life difficult to make her to make her quit and they're friends with the boss. Her boss thought that the wife would simply come in, wave a magic wand and everything would be done....... doesn't work that way so there's a real problem there.
The wife can't get any cooperation from people she needs stuff from (hording information) and her boss is blaming the wife for it claiming the reason being the wife's bad attitude (which she was written up for simply on the say-so of two of the bosses cohorts). She's ready to bolt!! If I had my disability coming in she'd have quit already.
She's busy tossing out resumes left and right, when we get something in NM or Colorado if they won't let us out of the lease we'll just let them evict us....... :eusa_whistle:
Was out most of the day yesterday, went for a drive with the wife eventually ending up in Deming, NM. That's out in the middle of nowhere...... not to mention some of those people looked downright scary......... Inbreeding? The temps were in the low 100s and even the swamp coolers were having a hard time keeping it cool in the house, if they weren't on top of the roof they'd probably work better.

Mrs. R isn't liking her job there? I knew it would be a powerful culture shock for folks acclimated to Colorado and eastern metro areas.

You should plan to return to Deming in August for the annual duck races--Deming has been famous for them for as long as I can remember. And Deming used to have the best tasting water anywhere in the state, but we haven't been there for quite awhile now.


I doubt we'll go back to Deming unless we're stopping for a potty break on the way through.........

No, the job situation has gone from bad to worse, it honestly looks like someone(s) don't want her there and is trying to make life difficult to make her to make her quit and they're friends with the boss. Her boss thought that the wife would simply come in, wave a magic wand and everything would be done....... doesn't work that way so there's a real problem there.
The wife can't get any cooperation from people she needs stuff from (hording information) and her boss is blaming the wife for it claiming the reason being the wife's bad attitude (which she was written up for simply on the say-so of two of the bosses cohorts). She's ready to bolt!! If I had my disability coming in she'd have quit already.
She's busy tossing out resumes left and right, when we get something in NM or Colorado if they won't let us out of the lease we'll just let them evict us....... :eusa_whistle:

So sorry. An unsolvable toxic work environment compelled me to leave the last job I had and that's why Hombre and I went into business for ourselves. It just isn't worth it.
If you are in a rental situation and signed a lease, YOU can make THEM break it by not paying rent. Of course you will pay rent, I assume, but wait. Wait until they give you a 3 day notice to pay or quit the premises. Once they do that, THEY broke the lease....not you. Then pay the rent, give them 30 days notice, prorate yourself out. IF they try to stick you with the rest of the lease owed, you can show the 3 day pay or quit notice...issued by THEM, to the judge when they file a judgement against you. They won't be able to collect a dime, and you won't get an eviction on your rental history. :biggrin: left about 15 minutes ago. Funny how much one can be eager to see folks but then be eager for them to leave. We breathed a sigh of relief when they drove away and at the same time know we will miss them in a couple of days and wish they were back again. Oy.
Was out most of the day yesterday, went for a drive with the wife eventually ending up in Deming, NM. That's out in the middle of nowhere...... not to mention some of those people looked downright scary......... Inbreeding? The temps were in the low 100s and even the swamp coolers were having a hard time keeping it cool in the house, if they weren't on top of the roof they'd probably work better.

Mrs. R isn't liking her job there? I knew it would be a powerful culture shock for folks acclimated to Colorado and eastern metro areas.

You should plan to return to Deming in August for the annual duck races--Deming has been famous for them for as long as I can remember. And Deming used to have the best tasting water anywhere in the state, but we haven't been there for quite awhile now.


I doubt we'll go back to Deming unless we're stopping for a potty break on the way through.........

No, the job situation has gone from bad to worse, it honestly looks like someone(s) don't want her there and is trying to make life difficult to make her to make her quit and they're friends with the boss. Her boss thought that the wife would simply come in, wave a magic wand and everything would be done....... doesn't work that way so there's a real problem there.
The wife can't get any cooperation from people she needs stuff from (hording information) and her boss is blaming the wife for it claiming the reason being the wife's bad attitude (which she was written up for simply on the say-so of two of the bosses cohorts). She's ready to bolt!! If I had my disability coming in she'd have quit already.
She's busy tossing out resumes left and right, when we get something in NM or Colorado if they won't let us out of the lease we'll just let them evict us....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh, Ringel! I'm sorry to see that things have taken a turn for the bad for your wife. Especially after you guys relocated and were so hopeful. I'll keep my good vibes coming your way, hopeful that something better turns up, or that your disability finally comes through. Good luck to both of you!
Was out most of the day yesterday, went for a drive with the wife eventually ending up in Deming, NM. That's out in the middle of nowhere...... not to mention some of those people looked downright scary......... Inbreeding? The temps were in the low 100s and even the swamp coolers were having a hard time keeping it cool in the house, if they weren't on top of the roof they'd probably work better.

Mrs. R isn't liking her job there? I knew it would be a powerful culture shock for folks acclimated to Colorado and eastern metro areas.

You should plan to return to Deming in August for the annual duck races--Deming has been famous for them for as long as I can remember. And Deming used to have the best tasting water anywhere in the state, but we haven't been there for quite awhile now.


I doubt we'll go back to Deming unless we're stopping for a potty break on the way through.........

No, the job situation has gone from bad to worse, it honestly looks like someone(s) don't want her there and is trying to make life difficult to make her to make her quit and they're friends with the boss. Her boss thought that the wife would simply come in, wave a magic wand and everything would be done....... doesn't work that way so there's a real problem there.
The wife can't get any cooperation from people she needs stuff from (hording information) and her boss is blaming the wife for it claiming the reason being the wife's bad attitude (which she was written up for simply on the say-so of two of the bosses cohorts). She's ready to bolt!! If I had my disability coming in she'd have quit already.
She's busy tossing out resumes left and right, when we get something in NM or Colorado if they won't let us out of the lease we'll just let them evict us....... :eusa_whistle:

So sorry. An unsolvable toxic work environment compelled me to leave the last job I had and that's why Hombre and I went into business for ourselves. It just isn't worth it.
I agree. Unfortunately, the toxic environments I had to endure were in the military. Escape is not so easy, so you learn to cope. I have to admit that I was prey to clinical depression during the time I had to serve in that hell. I'd be just fine, but as I got closer as I drove to work, I got headaches, stomach aches, and my attitude went to hell. I usually ended up taking a "nap" after I got home that lasted until it was time to go to bed.
Was out most of the day yesterday, went for a drive with the wife eventually ending up in Deming, NM. That's out in the middle of nowhere...... not to mention some of those people looked downright scary......... Inbreeding? The temps were in the low 100s and even the swamp coolers were having a hard time keeping it cool in the house, if they weren't on top of the roof they'd probably work better.

Mrs. R isn't liking her job there? I knew it would be a powerful culture shock for folks acclimated to Colorado and eastern metro areas.

You should plan to return to Deming in August for the annual duck races--Deming has been famous for them for as long as I can remember. And Deming used to have the best tasting water anywhere in the state, but we haven't been there for quite awhile now.


I doubt we'll go back to Deming unless we're stopping for a potty break on the way through.........

No, the job situation has gone from bad to worse, it honestly looks like someone(s) don't want her there and is trying to make life difficult to make her to make her quit and they're friends with the boss. Her boss thought that the wife would simply come in, wave a magic wand and everything would be done....... doesn't work that way so there's a real problem there.
The wife can't get any cooperation from people she needs stuff from (hording information) and her boss is blaming the wife for it claiming the reason being the wife's bad attitude (which she was written up for simply on the say-so of two of the bosses cohorts). She's ready to bolt!! If I had my disability coming in she'd have quit already.
She's busy tossing out resumes left and right, when we get something in NM or Colorado if they won't let us out of the lease we'll just let them evict us....... :eusa_whistle:
Oh, Ringel! I'm sorry to see that things have taken a turn for the bad for your wife. Especially after you guys relocated and were so hopeful. I'll keep my good vibes coming your way, hopeful that something better turns up, or that your disability finally comes through. Good luck to both of you!
Well the disability lawyer called a few days ago. Trying to get my case before a judge for approval due to SS violating their own rules (my case is in Colorado still). One judge just went on vacation then is retiring and 2 other judges are going in for surgery leaving only a very few to handle the workload. Transferring my case to Texas could take up to 18 months more but it could also take that long in Colorado now with the judge situation. I swear, sometimes I think God is punishing me........ :lol:
(Maybe I should never have claimed I feel like Job.......) :eek-52:
I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! This is the 1st day in two weeks it hasn't rained so I spent some time in the yard/gardens pulling weeds. Not exactly my favorite chore but the beds looks so much better. Cheers!

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