USMB Coffee Shop IV

I haave at least 8 coming for the Fourth. It will be great to see the grand kids, but with Mrs. Ernie's health problems, I'm afraid it will be just about all on me.

You can do it, Ernie! I have faith in your host with the most abilities! :up:
I have staff at Doc's. I have just so much tolerance for small talk. I generally make sure everyone is comfortable and have the means to entertain themselves.
The little grandkids will get tractor rides and maybe even a motorcycle ride.
Holy cow! It's already in the mid- 60s and it's only 6: 30! Weather prognosticators claim we've broken a couple of records for high temperatures this week. I think I'll play in a sprinkler today.

In the mid 60's we're in sweatshirts and slacks plus maybe a wind breaker or light jacket. Now the high 90's or even 100 that we'll get to all weekend here might merit a skip or two through the sprinkler.
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Hey coffee dwellers.....Another selection for your musical enjoyment. A very obscure Elton John song. The guitar part is hard as hell. If anyone else wants a shot at it....have fun. :)

Have a great weekend everyone.

Hey coffee dwellers.....Another selection for your musical enjoyment. A very obscure Elton John song. The guitar part is hard as hell. If anyone else wants a shot at it....have fun. :)

Have a great weekend everyone.

You are really good WQ. You ought to go on The Voice or some competition like that. And I can hear the chord exchanges on the guitar, so yeah, challenging. Our son is a professional engineer to make a living but runs a music school for kids (80+ of them) on the side and, among other things, he teaches classical and contemporary guitar. I play very marginally myself, but I know good when I hear it.
Hey coffee dwellers.....Another selection for your musical enjoyment. A very obscure Elton John song. The guitar part is hard as hell. If anyone else wants a shot at it....have fun. :)

Have a great weekend everyone.

You are really good WQ. You ought to go on The Voice or some competition like that. And I can hear the chord exchanges on the guitar, so yeah, challenging. Our son is a professional engineer to make a living but runs a music school for kids (80+ of them) on the side and, among other things, he teaches classical and contemporary guitar. I play very marginally myself, but I know good when I hear it.

Thanks Foxy. I'll be honest....I hate my voice. Hate it. :lol: But I am a pretty good guitar player. I like interpreting difficult piano pieces on guitar because it's more of a challenge.

I can pretty much sight read anything, which Sherry sees as some kind of magic trick. :D She's a big Eagles fan and their songs are usually quite simple. I'll say sure hon...what to do want to hear and just play it straight away. "It shouldn't be that simple," she says. :lol:

I play piano a little bit but I'm not great....I just mess around. Thanks for the feedback.

Here's one more....very simple....but I like the song. Take care.

I haave at least 8 coming for the Fourth. It will be great to see the grand kids, but with Mrs. Ernie's health problems, I'm afraid it will be just about all on me.

You can do it, Ernie! I have faith in your host with the most abilities! :up:
I have staff at Doc's. I have just so much tolerance for small talk. I generally make sure everyone is comfortable and have the means to entertain themselves.
The little grandkids will get tractor rides and maybe even a motorcycle ride.
Grandkids are the best! My granddaughters are now big enough to give themselves tractor rides, though...and maybe do some work at the same time. I'll have to weld a roll bar on the tractor before they get to drive.
Here's an excerpt from the latest updates for the fire up near my place:

"Firefighters are making substantial progress on the Sockeye Fire, and several restrictions are being reduced today. Today firefighters will closely monitor fire lines and fire behavior as winds shift 180 degrees and begin coming from the south.
The fire did not grow significantly yesterday, although small isolated pockets of vegetation burned on the southwest flank of the fire, producing noticeable columns of smoke. The 7,066-acre fire is five percent contained. That containment figure refers to completed fire line. While firefighters are making excellent progress suppressing the fire and establishing lines, they are ensuring those lines are secure before considering them in the containment figure."

Looks like I'll get back up there Monday, when all restrictions will be lifted, providing they continue making good progress with their containment efforts. Now, much attention is being directed to the Card Street Fire in Sterling. Although it's eating up the acreage (over 12,000 by this morning), the wind is pushing it into an uninhabited wildland area. Burns in areas like this are actually beneficial to the environment and usually create prime wildlife habitat.
Hey coffee dwellers.....Another selection for your musical enjoyment. A very obscure Elton John song. The guitar part is hard as hell. If anyone else wants a shot at it....have fun. :)

Have a great weekend everyone.

You are really good WQ. You ought to go on The Voice or some competition like that. And I can hear the chord exchanges on the guitar, so yeah, challenging. Our son is a professional engineer to make a living but runs a music school for kids (80+ of them) on the side and, among other things, he teaches classical and contemporary guitar. I play very marginally myself, but I know good when I hear it.

Thanks Foxy. I'll be honest....I hate my voice. Hate it. :lol: But I am a pretty good guitar player. I like interpreting difficult piano pieces on guitar because it's more of a challenge.

I can pretty much sight read anything, which Sherry sees as some kind of magic trick. :D She's a big Eagles fan and their songs are usually quite simple. I'll say sure hon...what to do want to hear and just play it straight away. "It shouldn't be that simple," she says. :lol:

I play piano a little bit but I'm not great....I just mess around. Thanks for the feedback.

Here's one more....very simple....but I like the song. Take care.

Amazing playing AND voice!!:banana:
House guests have arrived--lots of hugs--up dates--reminiscing and precious conversation for the last seven hours or so. Everybody is getting tucked in for the night.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki, R.D., and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Morning Greetings!
Am I really the first one on this morning, and it's already 8:45 am here. Not much going on, a slow night with only two flights for me. I still have another hour on the clock, too.
Glad Foxy's company got in OK. It's always fun to catch up with friends you may not have seen for a while.
It's gotten much cooler and more comfortable here. Overcast and some moisture in the air are definitely helping with the fire situation. What we really need is a good toad-soaker to finish off the fire up my way. They are closing the Emergency Operations Center this afternoon and the power company has issued guidelines for people who have lost power. The fire down in Kenai has been mapped and looks like it burned about the same amount of real estate as our Willow fire did. They only lost 11 structures, our area lost 26 homes. We were told it was going to be a bad fire season...they were right so far.

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