USMB Coffee Shop IV

Inlaws are coming again this weekend. Mr Gracie's sister is dying so they are all converging to her house to give last respects. When they leave there...2 are coming here for a night, then heading back up north. Double whammy of houseguests two weeks in a row. I hope my health continues as it has been (semi normal) cuz being sick with them here is not going to be fun for me.

I hear that. I am really feeling the pressure of getting ready for our house guests who arrive tomorrow. Hombre and I just got home and unloaded $226 of groceries and still didn't get everything we need. And I still don't have the two back bedrooms company ready and I'm pretty well wiped out. But I'm sure I'll get my second wind shortly. I better.
Inlaws are coming again this weekend. Mr Gracie's sister is dying so they are all converging to her house to give last respects. When they leave there...2 are coming here for a night, then heading back up north. Double whammy of houseguests two weeks in a row. I hope my health continues as it has been (semi normal) cuz being sick with them here is not going to be fun for me.
Best of luck and best wishes that all goes well for you, Gracie. Count yourself fortunate that you are not in the same boat as you SIL. Enjoy family while you still can. Luvs ya!
Inlaws are coming again this weekend. Mr Gracie's sister is dying so they are all converging to her house to give last respects. When they leave there...2 are coming here for a night, then heading back up north. Double whammy of houseguests two weeks in a row. I hope my health continues as it has been (semi normal) cuz being sick with them here is not going to be fun for me.

I hear that. I am really feeling the pressure of getting ready for our house guests who arrive tomorrow. Hombre and I just got home and unloaded $226 of groceries and still didn't get everything we need. And I still don't have the two back bedrooms company ready and I'm pretty well wiped out. But I'm sure I'll get my second wind shortly. I better.
Aww, Foxy, company should be a joy. Perhaps they'll forgive a few things not 100% in order? Or maybe they'll offer to treat you and Hombre to dinner "out"?
Inlaws are coming again this weekend. Mr Gracie's sister is dying so they are all converging to her house to give last respects. When they leave there...2 are coming here for a night, then heading back up north. Double whammy of houseguests two weeks in a row. I hope my health continues as it has been (semi normal) cuz being sick with them here is not going to be fun for me.

I hear that. I am really feeling the pressure of getting ready for our house guests who arrive tomorrow. Hombre and I just got home and unloaded $226 of groceries and still didn't get everything we need. And I still don't have the two back bedrooms company ready and I'm pretty well wiped out. But I'm sure I'll get my second wind shortly. I better.
Aww, Foxy, company should be a joy. Perhaps they'll forgive a few things not 100% in order? Or maybe they'll offer to treat you and Hombre to dinner "out"?

Oh we, as a group, have already planned for some 'away' meals and I suspect our guests will at least attempt to pick up the tab. These are very old and dear friends who are coming--one couple coming home from California on the way home to Kansas and the other coming from Kansas just so we can all be together. Really looking forward to it, but as a matter of pride I do want things to be nice for them.
I haave at least 8 coming for the Fourth. It will be great to see the grand kids, but with Mrs. Ernie's health problems, I'm afraid it will be just about all on me.

I hear that too. It's the weird mix of anticipating being with loved ones coupled with the stress of having the responsibility to prepare, entertain, and all that. I have planned meals to be as little labor intensive as possible but I still have to dust and vacuum and make sure clean linens are on the beds and that everybody's dietary needs are accommodated, etc. etc. etc. One is allergic to everything, one can't have fried foods, another avoids nuts, and on it goes.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Save and Mrs. L in adversity,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Becki, R.D., Spoonman and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
I have my first appointment with my counselor next week and I am pretty darned nervous. I guess I will give it a go and see if it helps, seeing I have been on a waiting list for two months.

I would love the people responsible to be brought to justice but that probably won't happen, so talking about it might have to be what I can settle for.
OK, Noomi. What did I miss? Do you mean "counselor" as in attorney, or as in mental health professional?

Sexual assuault counselor.
Had my first appointment last week, it went okay. Big struggle is keeping it from family and deciding whether to file a police report. They need to convince me I am not to blame for it, first. I am in counseling until Xmas, at a minimum, which is a comfort to know.

Anyway, aside from that, things are okay. Sort of. I think I mentioned that my sister was going to have a baby in December? Well, not anymore. She miscarried last week and had surgery yesterday to remove what didn't reabsorb into her body. We are unsure as to what exactly happened but we know something went wrong in the last two weeks. She was ten weeks gone when she found out, but the miscarriage could have happened between the 8th and 9th week.

Going to see if I can enter another tournament. This one is different from my club tournaments, its competing against those who do different forms of karate. Its basically a huge competition with lots of different martial arts, so I'll get to watch all that, too. Just need to make sure I can attend as there may be a rule saying you have to be in the State Team to compete there. If that is the case, I would think it discrimination, as its a four hour round trip to do State training, and I cannot financially justify it. Fingers crossed I get the go ahead! If I do, I will have my regular tournament next month, a seminar the weekend after, then this new tournament.
My new goal is to compete in AMAC (Australian Martial Arts Championships) which is a pretty big deal. Not many people from my club compete there.
Oh, Noomi! I'm sorry you have to go through so much. Hopefully, your counselor will help you move on and overcome your ordeal. You really should consider filing a police report, though. Otherwise another predator walks free to stalk yet other young women.
Hopefully, the doctors will find out what happened with your sister and will be able to help her, too.
You go right ahead and get into your tournaments. Seems to me that's the best therapy around for you.
Good luck, best wishes for your healing. GW

Thanks GW. Things are going okay. Parents are in Queensland for the week so I get the house to myself and its awesome. I love being able to relax and do my own thing.

Met up with a friend of mine that I have known online for four years, but have never met in person. He was going to a job interview and was just down the road from me so I went down to meet him. I met his wife and his two youngest daughters, who are just adorable! It was great to finally meet him in person. We shall have to catch up again!
Ah I see Noomi dropped by in the late evening yesterday, which of course was her Friday and our tomorrow. Glad to hear that things are at least okay for you.

And good morning everybody. I'm up. Not happy about it, but I'm up. But Hombre just announced that the coffee is ready so I should achieve an attitude adjustment shortly.
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Inlaws are coming again this weekend. Mr Gracie's sister is dying so they are all converging to her house to give last respects. When they leave there...2 are coming here for a night, then heading back up north. Double whammy of houseguests two weeks in a row. I hope my health continues as it has been (semi normal) cuz being sick with them here is not going to be fun for me.

I hear that. I am really feeling the pressure of getting ready for our house guests who arrive tomorrow. Hombre and I just got home and unloaded $226 of groceries and still didn't get everything we need. And I still don't have the two back bedrooms company ready and I'm pretty well wiped out. But I'm sure I'll get my second wind shortly. I better.
Aww, Foxy, company should be a joy. Perhaps they'll forgive a few things not 100% in order? Or maybe they'll offer to treat you and Hombre to dinner "out"?

Oh we, as a group, have already planned for some 'away' meals and I suspect our guests will at least attempt to pick up the tab. These are very old and dear friends who are coming--one couple coming home from California on the way home to Kansas and the other coming from Kansas just so we can all be together. Really looking forward to it, but as a matter of pride I do want things to be nice for them.
Yah, I understand. I like to make sure my visitors are always well taken care of. Enjoy your friends. Good friends are a treasure to be cherished.
I have my first appointment with my counselor next week and I am pretty darned nervous. I guess I will give it a go and see if it helps, seeing I have been on a waiting list for two months.

I would love the people responsible to be brought to justice but that probably won't happen, so talking about it might have to be what I can settle for.
OK, Noomi. What did I miss? Do you mean "counselor" as in attorney, or as in mental health professional?

Sexual assuault counselor.
Had my first appointment last week, it went okay. Big struggle is keeping it from family and deciding whether to file a police report. They need to convince me I am not to blame for it, first. I am in counseling until Xmas, at a minimum, which is a comfort to know.

Anyway, aside from that, things are okay. Sort of. I think I mentioned that my sister was going to have a baby in December? Well, not anymore. She miscarried last week and had surgery yesterday to remove what didn't reabsorb into her body. We are unsure as to what exactly happened but we know something went wrong in the last two weeks. She was ten weeks gone when she found out, but the miscarriage could have happened between the 8th and 9th week.

Going to see if I can enter another tournament. This one is different from my club tournaments, its competing against those who do different forms of karate. Its basically a huge competition with lots of different martial arts, so I'll get to watch all that, too. Just need to make sure I can attend as there may be a rule saying you have to be in the State Team to compete there. If that is the case, I would think it discrimination, as its a four hour round trip to do State training, and I cannot financially justify it. Fingers crossed I get the go ahead! If I do, I will have my regular tournament next month, a seminar the weekend after, then this new tournament.
My new goal is to compete in AMAC (Australian Martial Arts Championships) which is a pretty big deal. Not many people from my club compete there.
Oh, Noomi! I'm sorry you have to go through so much. Hopefully, your counselor will help you move on and overcome your ordeal. You really should consider filing a police report, though. Otherwise another predator walks free to stalk yet other young women.
Hopefully, the doctors will find out what happened with your sister and will be able to help her, too.
You go right ahead and get into your tournaments. Seems to me that's the best therapy around for you.
Good luck, best wishes for your healing. GW

Thanks GW. Things are going okay. Parents are in Queensland for the week so I get the house to myself and its awesome. I love being able to relax and do my own thing.

Met up with a friend of mine that I have known online for four years, but have never met in person. He was going to a job interview and was just down the road from me so I went down to meet him. I met his wife and his two youngest daughters, who are just adorable! It was great to finally meet him in person. We shall have to catch up again!
I've met a few of my online friends in person. It was always a hoot to find out whether they were like their online peronae, most were, and if they looked like you pictured them.
Good to read you're doing better.
Ah I see Noomi dropped by in the late evening yesterday, which of course was her Friday and our tomorrow. Glad to hear that things are at least okay for you.

And good morning everybody. I'm up. Not happy about it, but I'm up. But Hombre just announced that the coffee is ready so I should achieve an attitude adjustment shortly.
Good morning! Enjoy that first cup of joe.
So we just heard from the house guests--one group spent the night in Flagstaff and is just now getting around--that would be roughly six hours west of us. The other spent the night in Guymon OK which would be roughly six hours northeast of us. But coffee has kicked in and I need to get my rear in gear now. Ya'll hold the fort while I make one more bed and do a bit of vacuuming and dusting.

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