USMB Coffee Shop IV

So I tried the new 2015 'Do Us a Flavor' chips from Lay's.

Undecided on the Greektown Gyro chips. Biscuits and Gravy is actually really good, and is a delicate chip that tastes exactly like the real deal. New York Reuben does taste strongly of rye bread, sauerkraut and thousand island dressing: it's alright. The real gem is the California Truffle Fries: has a buttery, delicious taste. It'd be very good crumbled on a casserole. Originally I wanted the Gyro chips to win because I'm biased, but the Truffle Fries really nailed it, with B&G coming in second place.

Somebody at work had a bag of the Reuben chips yesterday and I tried one...tasted like rotten cheese.:puke: Today they had a bag of the Gyro chips and I thought I'd like it also tasted like rotten cheese.:lol:
For dinner I made herb crusted (marinated) petite sirloin steaks with a creamy horseradish sauce, garlic potatoes and cooked asparagus marinated in balsamic vinaigrette.
Doomed with turkey bacon, GW. :(

Actually it isn't too bad. I fixed some for a recent house guest who can't have any pork and ate some in solidarity with her. It wasn't half bad.
It would be one way f limiting fat intake. When I am finished with my weight loss program and go into weight maintenance mode, I'll have changed my diet significantly. Limiting and changing the types of fat I eat are part of those changes.
My mom died a few weeks after our last conversation on the phone. I was fortunate to have persuaded her to make a road trip with me when I retired from the Army. I picked her up in Carson City and we had a great time driving to Alaska. During her month with me, she experienced so many things...I was shocked when she ate BBQ bear and fried squid, among other things. I also found out that one of her favorite meals was grilled liver and onions, which she ordered almost as often as it was offered on a menu. I was pretty adamant when she told me she'd have to ask my Dad's permission take the trip and that Dad hated the smell of liver, so it was never to be cooked at home. I do believe she enjoyed herself on our trip. She was 59 when she passed away, but at least I had that drive remember.
Dad died about a year and a half later, wasted away to around 90 lbs, wheelchair bound, and totally dependent on my brother to are for him. Dad didn't want any of us to see him that way and we respected his wishes. Didn't stop me from telling him that I loved him every time I called. He could never say it back...real men just don't say things like that, you know?
Greetings, Everyone!
I finally made it back. And quite a journey it was. First, my converter finally died, frying my battery in the process. I was fortunate that I noticed the hissing and issue of toxic battery fumes before the thing blew up! Had to wait a week for the new converter and brought a new battery home, too. Reinstalled all pertinent equipment and all is running well. Just as I got the converter installed, though, we had a power outage. Good news there, at least I finally had lights again (lights, fans, 'fridge, water pump are all 12VDC). At least I had a microwave!
And then, my laptop experience the blue screen of death phenomenon. Took it in for treatment but the only thing they could do was reboot to factory settings. OK...I don't store a lot of info on the laptop, preferring thumb drives instead. A day after getting my "new" laptop home, the keyboard failed. At first, it only wanted to type 'o', then nothing at all. Fortunately, the local Office Depot was offering a smoking deal on a Dell laptop with all requisite software and security installations. I tapped the savings account and am now becoming accustomed to my new equipment. If I miss a letter here and there, it's because the keystroke pressures are a bit different.
I'm glad Gracie's problem is manageable. I hope and pray that Foxy's will be, too.
While I'd love to show up on Ringel's doorstep for scraps, I can't afford the airfare or the time to do so...perhaps some day...
Greetings, Everyone!
I finally made it back. And quite a journey it was. First, my converter finally died, frying my battery in the process. I was fortunate that I noticed the hissing and issue of toxic battery fumes before the thing blew up! Had to wait a week for the new converter and brought a new battery home, too. Reinstalled all pertinent equipment and all is running well. Just as I got the converter installed, though, we had a power outage. Good news there, at least I finally had lights again (lights, fans, 'fridge, water pump are all 12VDC). At least I had a microwave!
And then, my laptop experience the blue screen of death phenomenon. Took it in for treatment but the only thing they could do was reboot to factory settings. OK...I don't store a lot of info on the laptop, preferring thumb drives instead. A day after getting my "new" laptop home, the keyboard failed. At first, it only wanted to type 'o', then nothing at all. Fortunately, the local Office Depot was offering a smoking deal on a Dell laptop with all requisite software and security installations. I tapped the savings account and am now becoming accustomed to my new equipment. If I miss a letter here and there, it's because the keystroke pressures are a bit different.
I'm glad Gracie's problem is manageable. I hope and pray that Foxy's will be, too.
While I'd love to show up on Ringel's doorstep for scraps, I can't afford the airfare or the time to do so...perhaps some day...


Aw, so sorry Save. But what happened to the internet date?

You mean other than the threat to beat her up, go to prison again and then kill her when he got out? Nothing so far.

Geez. For real?


Scary stuff. Do you have a restraining order? Law enforcement informed?
Good luck with that, they generally will not adhere to any restraining order, there are other ways to deal with people like that, all ya need are some willing and closed mouth friends...... He'll get the message.......

My kids refer to me as Chuck Norris...
You mean other than the threat to beat her up, go to prison again and then kill her when he got out? Nothing so far.

Geez. For real?


Scary stuff. Do you have a restraining order? Law enforcement informed?
Good luck with that, they generally will not adhere to any restraining order, there are other ways to deal with people like that, all ya need are some willing and closed mouth friends...... He'll get the message.......

My kids refer to me as Chuck Norris...

You mean other than the threat to beat her up, go to prison again and then kill her when he got out? Nothing so far.

Geez. For real?


Scary stuff. Do you have a restraining order? Law enforcement informed?
Good luck with that, they generally will not adhere to any restraining order, there are other ways to deal with people like that, all ya need are some willing and closed mouth friends...... He'll get the message.......

My kids refer to me as Chuck Norris...
We like to think of you as Nuck Chorris....... :D

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