USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okay back from the gastroenterologist again--another 35 mile round trip--they had an opening happen and called me back in for an 11:30 am appointment. Almost two hours later advised they couldn't do anything for me and were referring me on to another group--I should be called with the info on when my appointment will be within a day or two. If I have something I could die from, I probably will. :)

In about an hour go to the orthopedic to see about this shoulder.

Have I mentioned I HATE going to doctors?
Doomed with turkey bacon, GW. :(
I guess I'll try some of that. If it isn't too bad, I'll start eating turkey bacon in sympathy with you. Otherwise, you're on your own.;)
You guys were discussing bacon yesterday, and lo and behold yesterday, for the first time in ages, I had bacon in a big, fat BLT, one of my all time favorite sammiches, Reuben taking top honors. (Now I want a Reuben.) Actually though, I was researching yesterday how to make a good home Gyro. Probably going to do a shopping run today, I'll pick up what I need for those.

It has been very hot and humid here for practically the entire month of July. It's hard to do any work outside because it only takes minutes to be dripping with sweat, and because your body doesn't cool properly because of the high humidity, you need to take frequent cool down breaks and hydrate, or you certainly do risk dehydration and/or heat stroke. I saw this at Nellis AFB in Vegas and it ain't pretty. Put a guy I knew well in the hospital, deathly ill for about a week. So I've been getting things done in late afternoon and at night.
As odd as it may seem, when I'm working outside on a sunny day, I get up at 4 am and work until around noon, when it becomes too hot to work outside. Hold in mind we have practically nil for humidity and the temps might soar into the 70s. I suppose it's all what type of climate you are accustomed to. I doubt I would live long in the Southeast anymore, despite having been born and raised in NC.
Who needs amusement parks and thrill rides? As I sit, wasting my life on line, the house begins to shake, rattle, and roll. Preliminary 6.2 on the Richter scale. I guess we all have our crosses to bear.
That right there is the #1 reason I could never live in Alaska, even over the cold. I hate earth quakes... the ground is NOT supposed to move.
Imagine our joy when the mountains start spewing ash! Nothing locally right now, but the Aleutian volcanos are like acne pimples, always popping off.
I suppose I could mention that I joined the 6-0 club earlier this month.

Where the hell did all those years go?

At first, I thought you got taller...
I've actually lost about a half an inch. You really do shrink as you get older, especially if you've spent the majority of your life working on your feet.

Yep same with me.
Went from 5' 2 1/2" to 5' 2"
Okay back from the gastroenterologist again--another 35 mile round trip--they had an opening happen and called me back in for an 11:30 am appointment. Almost two hours later advised they couldn't do anything for me and were referring me on to another group--I should be called with the info on when my appointment will be within a day or two. If I have something I could die from, I probably will. :)

In about an hour go to the orthopedic to see about this shoulder.

Have I mentioned I HATE going to doctors?
There's a reason some of us just prefer not going. Whatever they find, I hope the find it soon and that it is something easily cared for. Best of luck, Foxy!
I found out a couple of weeks ago that I had somehow acquired a urinary tract infection. Treated it with cranberry and goldenseal, thing went away nicely. I rely heavily on herbal and other natural treatments. Last time I took my animals to the vets, Peepers bit me hard enough to go clean through the meat. The vet gave me the "go directly to the doc's" lecture. I came home and applied a plantain poultice. Bite not only didn't get infected, it healed within a week and a half.
Oh, I think I pinpointed my hip problem, too. After retiring the pair of shoes I had been wearing, replacing them with another pair, that hip pain has begun to abate. I'm still dropping calcium and magnesium to strengthen the infrastructure, though.
I suppose I could mention that I joined the 6-0 club earlier this month.

Where the hell did all those years go?

At first, I thought you got taller...
I've actually lost about a half an inch. You really do shrink as you get older, especially if you've spent the majority of your life working on your feet.

Yep same with me.
Went from 5' 2 1/2" to 5' 2"
Ditto. I went from 5'8" to 5' 7". :(
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Okay back from the gastroenterologist again--another 35 mile round trip--they had an opening happen and called me back in for an 11:30 am appointment. Almost two hours later advised they couldn't do anything for me and were referring me on to another group--I should be called with the info on when my appointment will be within a day or two. If I have something I could die from, I probably will. :)

In about an hour go to the orthopedic to see about this shoulder.

Have I mentioned I HATE going to doctors?
Why did they say there isn't anything they can do???? Did you have a colonoscopy? And if not, why can't they do an MRI or ct scan on you to see what that cyst thingy is? And you ain't dying, Foxy. It's just a cyst of fatty fluids. Keep telling yourself that. ;)
I began drinking ACV again with my tea in the morning and using it on my face. I also have been using the bejesus outta my aloe in the yard, smearing it all over my skin. I prefer natural remedies, too, GW. Only time I go to the doc is for something those natural remedies can't fix.
I began drinking ACV again with my tea in the morning and using it on my face. I also have been using the bejesus outta my aloe in the yard, smearing it all over my skin. I prefer natural remedies, too, GW. Only time I go to the doc is for something those natural remedies can't fix.
I've been reading up about coconut oil, too. ACV is one of my favorite all-purpose remedies. I even put it in the goat's water, especially post-partum. It helps tone up the uterus, among other things. Raspberries, the whole plant, are also a good post--partum toner.
I am kinda bummed about the coconut oil. I put some on my scalp cuz tonight I have to wash my hair and I wanted to have the healing properties on it before washing. But...I began to itch something fierce, so I took it off asap. I think I may be allergic to it. I think I will give cocoa butter a try. Or xtra virgin olive oil. But I wanted the coconut oil to work. :(
I am kinda bummed about the coconut oil. I put some on my scalp cuz tonight I have to wash my hair and I wanted to have the healing properties on it before washing. But...I began to itch something fierce, so I took it off asap. I think I may be allergic to it. I think I will give cocoa butter a try. Or xtra virgin olive oil. But I wanted the coconut oil to work. :(
I'm not sure I'd want to smear oils like that on my hair. I do make a lavender/rosemary essential oil that I put on my hair post-wash. It isn't greasy, makes the hair shiny and healthy, and you smell pretty nice, too.
Back from the orthopedic. He assured me the shoulder is not serious but the diagnosis in layman's terms is 'frozen shoulder' with absolutely no clue how it got that way. He injected it and ordered me to physical therapy to be trained in the exercises I need to do to regain full range of motion. He said if problem is resolved in 90 days or less, it's all good. If not, come back and he'll inject it again. But at least I have been reassured that I won't harm myself doing physical therapy on my own.
Fox, glad to see you're shoulder is something as simple as frozen shoulder, pretty much in line with what I suspected. Yup, it's gonna take some time to heal.
Decided to go simple this afternoon for dinner, store bought rotisserie chicken and some frozen veggies (heated in the nukafier of course....... For dessert I'll have some butter pecan, caramel swirl ice cream. :D
(Would be better if it was butterscotch instead......)
I am kinda bummed about the coconut oil. I put some on my scalp cuz tonight I have to wash my hair and I wanted to have the healing properties on it before washing. But...I began to itch something fierce, so I took it off asap. I think I may be allergic to it. I think I will give cocoa butter a try. Or xtra virgin olive oil. But I wanted the coconut oil to work. :(
When Coconut Oil May Not Be Right for You The Healthy Home Economist The Healthy Home Economist
I don't like coconut. Actually, I hate eating it in candybars or even on shrimp. So as a kid, I was not exposed to it much. The cocoa butter does better. And the aloe. But in my hair and scalp...cocoa butter is harder to get out.
Back from the orthopedic. He assured me the shoulder is not serious but the diagnosis in layman's terms is 'frozen shoulder' with absolutely no clue how it got that way. He injected it and ordered me to physical therapy to be trained in the exercises I need to do to regain full range of motion. He said if problem is resolved in 90 days or less, it's all good. If not, come back and he'll inject it again. But at least I have been reassured that I won't harm myself doing physical therapy on my own.

It is explained here at this site
Frozen Shoulder - What Is It Symptoms Causes

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