USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okay, checked with some well recommended Orthopods who do partial knee replacements and figured out which insurance (available to us) they take so we've signed her up for one that is very good but also not too expensive. It'll take effect Sept 1 and she'll have to get a referral first before seeing the Ortho surgeon.

Yes I did too re my shoulder, and my primary care doc wouldn't see me any earlier than Sept 21 and wouldn't refer me without seeing me. So the remedy was to go to urgent care where I received an immediate referral.
It took me awhile, but I made my peace with Windows 8, figured out how to configure the interface to make it really user friendly for me, and enjoy it now--find myself resenting Windows 7 on the laptop that doesn't offer the same features.

I'm not convinced yet that I'll like Windows 10 as well as Windows 8.1.
Everyone has their preferences and I'll never begrudge them that, some love Win 7 and hate Win 8 like me, some like Win 8 better like you, some will hate Win 7 and Win 8 but love Win 10, some are pure Linux and Apple fans. Maybe I'm just being stubbornly resistant but I don't care. :lol:

No one loves Windows 8, they just learn to accept it. :lol:

Well, I have apparently accepted it sufficiently that I wouldn't trade it for Windows 7 and I am not at all sure I want to give it up for Windows 10. I really am enjoying Windows 8.1

I've barely used Win 8. The little I've dealt with it I haven't liked it, but maybe if I used it regularly I'd learn to be OK with it. I don't like the concept behind it, though; an OS built to be used with a touch screen tablet or phone as well as a PC. It seems lazy and misguided. Just make separate OS's! I don't use a tablet or a phone, I don't own a tablet or a phone with an OS. I use PC's. I want an OS built for a PC. :D

I haven't seen Win 10 yet, but I probably will soonish. My employer is not a big PC person and she despises Win 8. It has caused her nothing but headaches and she's ill prepared for dealing with the ways it has changed from previous Windows versions. I don't know if she remembered that the update is available (she doesn't actually use her laptop that much) but she was very much wanting to upgrade to 10 ASAP.

I'm still using Vista on both of my machines. I probably won't get a later Windows version until I buy a new PC, and that will only happen when either one of the current ones breaks down or a game comes out that I really need a better system to run and I want to play it. :p

If you are happy with Win 8 Foxy, don't upgrade! Use what you are comfortable with. :)
I'm keeping my eyes open on PC laptops that will run Macs' OS X. Currently many HPs, Lenovos and some Dells will run OS X, with some the problem lies with WiFi card compatibility and Apples' OS X, but that is an easy fix to replace or use a dongle. The reasoning? An "Apple" PC for half the price of a Macbook.
Besides, almost every PC application written will now work on an Apple without having to buy (or download) an application specifically written for Apple. Not to mention OS X looks like a Linux interface so I'm already familiar with it. :thup:

I just recently was reading an article about some sort of cyber security guy who said that OS X is ridiculously easy to hack/write malware for. With Macs getting more popular in recent years, a few more people have targeted them with malicious software. Still nothing compared to PCs, I gather, but I've always wondered how much of the security of Macs comes from not having to fight off many threats.

Why go with OS X rather than just a Linux OS?
Everyone has their preferences and I'll never begrudge them that, some love Win 7 and hate Win 8 like me, some like Win 8 better like you, some will hate Win 7 and Win 8 but love Win 10, some are pure Linux and Apple fans. Maybe I'm just being stubbornly resistant but I don't care. :lol:

No one loves Windows 8, they just learn to accept it. :lol:

Well, I have apparently accepted it sufficiently that I wouldn't trade it for Windows 7 and I am not at all sure I want to give it up for Windows 10. I really am enjoying Windows 8.1

I've barely used Win 8. The little I've dealt with it I haven't liked it, but maybe if I used it regularly I'd learn to be OK with it. I don't like the concept behind it, though; an OS built to be used with a touch screen tablet or phone as well as a PC. It seems lazy and misguided. Just make separate OS's! I don't use a tablet or a phone, I don't own a tablet or a phone with an OS. I use PC's. I want an OS built for a PC. :D

I haven't seen Win 10 yet, but I probably will soonish. My employer is not a big PC person and she despises Win 8. It has caused her nothing but headaches and she's ill prepared for dealing with the ways it has changed from previous Windows versions. I don't know if she remembered that the update is available (she doesn't actually use her laptop that much) but she was very much wanting to upgrade to 10 ASAP.

I'm still using Vista on both of my machines. I probably won't get a later Windows version until I buy a new PC, and that will only happen when either one of the current ones breaks down or a game comes out that I really need a better system to run and I want to play it. :p

If you are happy with Win 8 Foxy, don't upgrade! Use what you are comfortable with. :)
I'm keeping my eyes open on PC laptops that will run Macs' OS X. Currently many HPs, Lenovos and some Dells will run OS X, with some the problem lies with WiFi card compatibility and Apples' OS X, but that is an easy fix to replace or use a dongle. The reasoning? An "Apple" PC for half the price of a Macbook.
Besides, almost every PC application written will now work on an Apple without having to buy (or download) an application specifically written for Apple. Not to mention OS X looks like a Linux interface so I'm already familiar with it. :thup:

I just recently was reading an article about some sort of cyber security guy who said that OS X is ridiculously easy to hack/write malware for. With Macs getting more popular in recent years, a few more people have targeted them with malicious software. Still nothing compared to PCs, I gather, but I've always wondered how much of the security of Macs comes from not having to fight off many threats.

Why go with OS X rather than just a Linux OS?
As I stated, OS X will run almost every application written for Windows now, I like my games which is the only reason I never went full Linux and never went Apple because I think they're very overpriced. Now that Macs run on Intel processors........ :D
Avast and other AVs have security for Macs also so the security risks are better than using Windows because of what you already stated, most malware is written for Windows.
Windows installed. Now I'm trying to get ethernet drivers installed.
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.
I would agree except in Ernie's case I think Docs is truly a labor of love. At least that's the vibes I get through his posts. I know a number of people who just are not ready to fully retire yet, but they are all in jobs they love.

I did the Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop too, but so far am not all that convinced it is better. What happened to the Computer access where you can see your disk usage and all the features? And I can't seem to find a control panel.
So, how do I go about this W10 upgrade? I use Windows so little that I've yet to see an option
It comes with one of the updates, a small Windows icon shows up on the bottom right of the taskbar, you click on that to reserve you download.

Right now I'm waiting for the Lenovo to get the ready message then I'll try it on that. Not holding out much hope that I'm gonna like it especially if it's still anything like Win 8.
Apparently, I have to verify something with Microsoft first before I can upgrade.
They texted me a code that I will try using.
Right now I'm in linux, about to clone the LT2 hard drive and image it on LT1
Windows installed. Now I'm trying to get ethernet drivers installed.
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.
I would agree except in Ernie's case I think Docs is truly a labor of love. At least that's the vibes I get through his posts. I know a number of people who just are not ready to fully retire yet, but they are all in jobs they love.

I did the Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop too, but so far am not all that convinced it is better. What happened to the Computer access where you can see your disk usage and all the features? And I can't seem to find a control panel.
So, how do I go about this W10 upgrade? I use Windows so little that I've yet to see an option

I think you had to reserve a Windows 10 update back when but if you have Windows 7 or 8 or 8.1, you should see a little four pane window in the lower right corner of your screen. Click on that and it should give you the option to upgrade. You reserve it and Microsoft then adds a new window with the button to upgrade at some point. I received that button with my laptop--have not yet received it with my PC. If you are running a windows version earlier than Windows 7, I don't believe there is an option for a free upgrade to Windows 10.
They say it's not to late. I suppose I will go to the end of the line, but WTH. As often as I actually use windows, the upgrade may expire before I get to it.
Windows installed. Now I'm trying to get ethernet drivers installed.
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.
I would agree except in Ernie's case I think Docs is truly a labor of love. At least that's the vibes I get through his posts. I know a number of people who just are not ready to fully retire yet, but they are all in jobs they love.

I did the Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop too, but so far am not all that convinced it is better. What happened to the Computer access where you can see your disk usage and all the features? And I can't seem to find a control panel.
So, how do I go about this W10 upgrade? I use Windows so little that I've yet to see an option

I think you had to reserve a Windows 10 update back when but if you have Windows 7 or 8 or 8.1, you should see a little four pane window in the lower right corner of your screen. Click on that and it should give you the option to upgrade. You reserve it and Microsoft then adds a new window with the button to upgrade at some point. I received that button with my laptop--have not yet received it with my PC. If you are running a windows version earlier than Windows 7, I don't believe there is an option for a free upgrade to Windows 10.
They say it's not to late. I suppose I will go to the end of the line, but WTH. As often as I actually use windows, the upgrade may expire before I get to it.
I think you have a year.
Well, boot partition cloned and the data partition (250 gig) should take nearly 2 hours to zip up the 130 gigs used. There's a 11 gig partition that I assume is for restore that will come after that.
Before I write the images back to the other drive, I have to make 3 partitions of the right size, Gonna be a long night
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.
I would agree except in Ernie's case I think Docs is truly a labor of love. At least that's the vibes I get through his posts. I know a number of people who just are not ready to fully retire yet, but they are all in jobs they love.

I did the Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop too, but so far am not all that convinced it is better. What happened to the Computer access where you can see your disk usage and all the features? And I can't seem to find a control panel.
So, how do I go about this W10 upgrade? I use Windows so little that I've yet to see an option

I think you had to reserve a Windows 10 update back when but if you have Windows 7 or 8 or 8.1, you should see a little four pane window in the lower right corner of your screen. Click on that and it should give you the option to upgrade. You reserve it and Microsoft then adds a new window with the button to upgrade at some point. I received that button with my laptop--have not yet received it with my PC. If you are running a windows version earlier than Windows 7, I don't believe there is an option for a free upgrade to Windows 10.
They say it's not to late. I suppose I will go to the end of the line, but WTH. As often as I actually use windows, the upgrade may expire before I get to it.
I think you have a year.
I may actually need windblows in slightly under the limit.

Helpful hint: if you use a mouse on your laptop like I do, don't leave a pack of cigarettes on the touch pad. The cursor has epileptic seizures.
I would agree except in Ernie's case I think Docs is truly a labor of love. At least that's the vibes I get through his posts. I know a number of people who just are not ready to fully retire yet, but they are all in jobs they love.

I did the Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop too, but so far am not all that convinced it is better. What happened to the Computer access where you can see your disk usage and all the features? And I can't seem to find a control panel.
So, how do I go about this W10 upgrade? I use Windows so little that I've yet to see an option

I think you had to reserve a Windows 10 update back when but if you have Windows 7 or 8 or 8.1, you should see a little four pane window in the lower right corner of your screen. Click on that and it should give you the option to upgrade. You reserve it and Microsoft then adds a new window with the button to upgrade at some point. I received that button with my laptop--have not yet received it with my PC. If you are running a windows version earlier than Windows 7, I don't believe there is an option for a free upgrade to Windows 10.
They say it's not to late. I suppose I will go to the end of the line, but WTH. As often as I actually use windows, the upgrade may expire before I get to it.
I think you have a year.
I may actually need windblows in slightly under the limit.

Helpful hint: if you use a mouse on your laptop like I do, don't leave a pack of cigarettes on the touch pad. The cursor has epileptic seizures.

I've got a piece of cardboard taped over the pad on the laptop here. :p
A man driving a stolen pickup truck jumped off the Causeway Bridge Thursday night, prompting a massive search in Lake Pontchartrain, according to the United States Coast Guard.

The incident happened around 10:30 p.m. Thursday near the middle of the nearly 24-mile long bridge. Officials said that a man, identified as 28-year-old Darryl Clinton Davis Jr. of Foley, Ala., exited a reportedly stolen vehicle and jumped into the lake from the southbound span.

Bridge general manager Carlton Dufrechou said that the man saw an officer's flashing lights near a detour and turned around. As a patrol car followed the vehicle, officials said he exited the pickup and jumped into the lake.

The missing person has been described as a white male in his late twenties or early thirties, the Coast Guard said. He was driving a Ford F-150 Lariat.

Causeway Police and the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office are assisting the Coast Guard in the search. Coast Guard officials have boats and helicopters deployed in the search for the missing man.

Anyone with information on his whereabouts is encouraged to contact USCG Sector New Orleans at 504-365-2533.

We knew him as Clint. He was a fairly regular patron at Doc's, but has been acting quite strange for a few weeks.
The truck he was in was stolen from a bar about 1/4 mile from my place.

I payed off his $10 tab this afternoon.

Bye, Clint. I told you that meth was going to kill you.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Windows installed. Now I'm trying to get ethernet drivers installed.
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.

I would agree except in Ernie's case I think Docs is truly a labor of love. At least that's the vibes I get through his posts. I know a number of people who just are not ready to fully retire yet, but they are all in jobs they love.

I did the Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop too, but so far am not all that convinced it is better. What happened to the Computer access where you can see your disk usage and all the features? And I can't seem to find a control panel.
Where is Control Panel - Windows Help

Yeah I know where it is on Windows 7 and 8.1. I haven't been able to locate it on Windows 10 though.
It's in the same place in W8.1 as it is in W10. If you watch the video it'll show you how to find the control panel.
Windows installed. Now I'm trying to get ethernet drivers installed.
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.

I would agree except in Ernie's case I think Docs is truly a labor of love. At least that's the vibes I get through his posts. I know a number of people who just are not ready to fully retire yet, but they are all in jobs they love.

I did the Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop too, but so far am not all that convinced it is better. What happened to the Computer access where you can see your disk usage and all the features? And I can't seem to find a control panel.
Where is Control Panel - Windows Help

Yeah I know where it is on Windows 7 and 8.1. I haven't been able to locate it on Windows 10 though.
It's in the same place in W8.1 as it is in W10. If you watch the video it'll show you how to find the control panel.

I'll try again--I saw the 'control panel' on the menu but it just didn't seem to have the same functionality of the old control panel icon. And I still haven't found the 'my computer' icon on Windows 10 or all the functionality on that.
By the way folks, preliminary lab tests are in on the procedure done Tuesday - no malignancy or other uglies have shown up so far. Now I'm waiting to hear from the general surgery group to see when they are going to remove the cyst and I'll be done with this for once and for all. Thanks for all those prayers and good vibes though. I'm feeling really positive about it all now.
Still crossing my hooks for you, Foxy. Things seem to be looking good for you, though!
Another gold star day here. Warm and sunny, almost too warm but I got a lot of stuff done. Still so much to do, but I hope to get a lot of it done before the snow flies.
Trying to finish this batch of provolone and get a nap before work tonight.
Finally, for anyone interested in aviation, check this out! Yep, that B747 is bouncing like a basketball:
747 parked at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport during Typhoon Soudelor - GIF on Imgur
By the way folks, preliminary lab tests are in on the procedure done Tuesday - no malignancy or other uglies have shown up so far. Now I'm waiting to hear from the general surgery group to see when they are going to remove the cyst and I'll be done with this for once and for all. Thanks for all those prayers and good vibes though. I'm feeling really positive about it all now.
Fatty clump of something or other. Tolja! (Positive works. :) )

Anyway...YAY!!!! :smiliehug:

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