USMB Coffee Shop IV

2 late nights in a row! I heard the song "Closing Time" again at 2AM but left the clean up to others.
It was almost 5 by the time I got to sleep and my first sip of coffee was at 11:30.
Been a looooong day. The wife was turned down for Medicaid, apparently to get Medicaid in Texas the must be a child under 18 in the household, all others have to sign up for Obama Care. Okay, go on the website, fill out the form, did it wrong so she was denied open enrollment even though she qualified for the waiver. Called the number, amazingly was answered very quickly and the problem supposedly fixed, logged back on and looking at $300 to $600 per month premiums, uummmmm, no income, that's not right. Called back, they fixed that problem now the plans are $60 to $200 per month........ What part of no income don't they understand?
She needs a partial knee replacement and the Doctor we saw two days ago doesn't do Obama care (but does do Medicaid).
The COBRA plan is outrageous, the ACA plans are much, much better. More phone calls tomorrow......
First day of school tomorrow. Why the hell do the schools want to start on a Friday? :dunno:

The little one will be taking the bus starting Monday. She's been asking to since last year. I don't understand the appeal; I remember the bus being much less comfortable than someone's car. :lol:
OK... It looks like I may have the old laptop on the road to recovery. MBR was lunched so I had to format the whole thing for windows on a non windows machine that doesn't automatically ignore hidden partitions.
The renewed interest is due to the wife surrendering her book keeper position at Doc's and wanting her laptop back.

Long process. For some reason, my old laptop doesn't want to boot to a DVD but another, nearly identical machine I had at the bar for karaoke does OK. I swapped hard drives and my laptop booted from the other hard drive, so I'm installing windows 7 on the karaoke machine and will swap the drives back and deal with a few drivers as soon as I get it up on wifi.
At this point, it is at 60% "expanding windows files", so it looks like this will work.

71% woopee!
First day of school tomorrow. Why the hell do the schools want to start on a Friday? :dunno:

The little one will be taking the bus starting Monday. She's been asking to since last year. I don't understand the appeal; I remember the bus being much less comfortable than someone's car. :lol:

From a teacher's perspective, it's great to start on a Friday. We would go through all of the procedures and rules, and just spend the day getting to know each other. Then the kids would take all their paperwork home and come back fresh and ready to start "working" on Monday.:)
First day of school tomorrow. Why the hell do the schools want to start on a Friday? :dunno:

The little one will be taking the bus starting Monday. She's been asking to since last year. I don't understand the appeal; I remember the bus being much less comfortable than someone's car. :lol:
And lots more dangerous. Lots of bullying on the bus, and if there are attendants, they are so crippled by rules that there is precious little they can actually do to help the kids being picked on.
Soup and an avacado for us. I know. Boring. But it fills the stomach.

I had chicken and fries and some reheated broccoli. Now I'm drinking green tea from a soup bowl. :p
How...Bohemian of you!
Or maybe you should do some dishes?

I don't care about my tea getting cold, I keep drinking it. I've always been someone who drinks a little at a time. So I like a big cup of tea, I just plop it on my desk and have it ready whenever I want a sip while I'm on the computer. A soup bowl makes a perfectly good tea mug. ;)
So, the drive boots lap top 2 and the drive from lap top 2 boots laptop 1 but the drive from laptop 1 with a fresh install of Win 7 will not boot laptop 1. I'm at wit's end.
Windows installed. Now I'm trying to get ethernet drivers installed.
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.
Windows installed. Now I'm trying to get ethernet drivers installed.
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.

I would agree except in Ernie's case I think Docs is truly a labor of love. At least that's the vibes I get through his posts. I know a number of people who just are not ready to fully retire yet, but they are all in jobs they love.

I did the Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop too, but so far am not all that convinced it is better. What happened to the Computer access where you can see your disk usage and all the features? And I can't seem to find a control panel.
Windows installed. Now I'm trying to get ethernet drivers installed.
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.
It ain't all work. I played poker for 6 hours Wednesday. The work involves some maintenance, opening up, closing.... If I'm there 12 hours, I'm actually working 3 and sitting 9. Even Tuesdays when I'm the bouncer, I mostly sit at the bar drinking coffee. I restock the beer coolers and maybe go in the office for a fresh bottle of hooch.
The work begins at closing time. Every table gets cleaned, pool tables are brushed, chairs inverted on the tables, bar scrubbed, stools up, floors swept and mopped, garbage cans (6) emptied and scrubbed, mats behind the bar picked up, taken outside and scrubbed and the last stragglers are convinced to call it a night.
By that time, the bartender has all her stuff done and perishables put away and is ready to count out her drawer. If the till is over $1.25, I want to know why. If it's under 2 bucks, I shrug my shoulders. The cash gets put away or bagged for deposit and the lights I can't control from the bar turned off, POS system shut down, music shut down, AC set to 78.
When all of us are ready, staff goes to the door and I shut off everything but the outside lights. Staff leaves while I watch. Once my bartender is in her car, the outside lights are shut off and the alarm armed. I'm out of there!
Depending on how busy it is at closing time, it can take 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours to close.
But remember, it IS a bar. Occasionally, the party goes on for staff only after closing.
Let's just say, the house is due east of the bar and I have been blinded by the sun on my way home.
Windows installed. Now I'm trying to get ethernet drivers installed.
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.
I would agree except in Ernie's case I think Docs is truly a labor of love. At least that's the vibes I get through his posts. I know a number of people who just are not ready to fully retire yet, but they are all in jobs they love.

I did the Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop too, but so far am not all that convinced it is better. What happened to the Computer access where you can see your disk usage and all the features? And I can't seem to find a control panel.
So, how do I go about this W10 upgrade? I use Windows so little that I've yet to see an option
Windows installed. Now I'm trying to get ethernet drivers installed.
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.
I would agree except in Ernie's case I think Docs is truly a labor of love. At least that's the vibes I get through his posts. I know a number of people who just are not ready to fully retire yet, but they are all in jobs they love.

I did the Windows 10 upgrade on my laptop too, but so far am not all that convinced it is better. What happened to the Computer access where you can see your disk usage and all the features? And I can't seem to find a control panel.
So, how do I go about this W10 upgrade? I use Windows so little that I've yet to see an option
It comes with one of the updates, a small Windows icon shows up on the bottom right of the taskbar, you click on that to reserve you download.

Right now I'm waiting for the Lenovo to get the ready message then I'll try it on that. Not holding out much hope that I'm gonna like it especially if it's still anything like Win 8.
OK... It looks like I may have the old laptop on the road to recovery. MBR was lunched so I had to format the whole thing for windows on a non windows machine that doesn't automatically ignore hidden partitions.
The renewed interest is due to the wife surrendering her book keeper position at Doc's and wanting her laptop back.

Long process. For some reason, my old laptop doesn't want to boot to a DVD but another, nearly identical machine I had at the bar for karaoke does OK. I swapped hard drives and my laptop booted from the other hard drive, so I'm installing windows 7 on the karaoke machine and will swap the drives back and deal with a few drivers as soon as I get it up on wifi.
At this point, it is at 60% "expanding windows files", so it looks like this will work.

71% woopee!
You usually have to hit F2 or F12 (during bootup) to open the boot sequencer, then use the arrow keys to highlight the CD/DVD then hit enter.
(it's different with Windows 8.)
Windows installed. Now I'm trying to get ethernet drivers installed.
I did the W10 upgrade on my ASUS desktop PC yesterday and I love it. It went off without a hitch. Lots of great new features. I think W10 is destined to be their best OS yet. I had the tech preview of W10 on my laptop but took it off because most of my fn keys were dead, and my pointer would disappear every time it slept, and I'd have to physically hold in the power key to power down to get it back, that was the only way. Got sick of that real fast.

And you work some hellacious hours there, brother. You're a different kinda man than I am. I never figured chasing money was worth spending the majority of my life on. You grow old and have a lot of money, but you've worked your life away. I just figure a guy has to slow down and smell the roses, enjoy life, it ain't all about work and money.
It ain't all work. I played poker for 6 hours Wednesday. The work involves some maintenance, opening up, closing.... If I'm there 12 hours, I'm actually working 3 and sitting 9. Even Tuesdays when I'm the bouncer, I mostly sit at the bar drinking coffee. I restock the beer coolers and maybe go in the office for a fresh bottle of hooch.
The work begins at closing time. Every table gets cleaned, pool tables are brushed, chairs inverted on the tables, bar scrubbed, stools up, floors swept and mopped, garbage cans (6) emptied and scrubbed, mats behind the bar picked up, taken outside and scrubbed and the last stragglers are convinced to call it a night.
By that time, the bartender has all her stuff done and perishables put away and is ready to count out her drawer. If the till is over $1.25, I want to know why. If it's under 2 bucks, I shrug my shoulders. The cash gets put away or bagged for deposit and the lights I can't control from the bar turned off, POS system shut down, music shut down, AC set to 78.
When all of us are ready, staff goes to the door and I shut off everything but the outside lights. Staff leaves while I watch. Once my bartender is in her car, the outside lights are shut off and the alarm armed. I'm out of there!
Depending on how busy it is at closing time, it can take 1 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours to close.
But remember, it IS a bar. Occasionally, the party goes on for staff only after closing.
Let's just say, the house is due east of the bar and I have been blinded by the sun on my way home.
Well that ain't too bad. I kinda pictured you laboring away most of the time.

I bartended a lot in my younger years and in some darn busy places. It's WORK when they're three deep at the bar, but the tips can make up for that. I know how much work there is to clean up and restock after a busy night too, and there's been nights when the after bar time cleanup party for staff went on 'til it was dawn. Good times actually. I made more in three nights than a lot of my friends did working full time with over time.

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