USMB Coffee Shop IV

Oh! No, something is flickering. It is either my brain or my monitor. Mind you I was just playing doom 3 and I got killed again. Maybe I got eye strain.

I don't know, but I know that when I turned on our TV this morning it flickered for a few times too.
It never did that before. Maybe we are having some sort of power some thing or other. :)
Apparently some time last night I pulled the CPAP mask off....... Was up by 9 and have been exhausted and brain dead (yeah, yeah, I know......) all day.........
I just got a shipping email from Tigerdirect, where I bought my case. It is supposed to arrive today. Newegg has shipped my stuff and it arrived in GA, which probably means I'll get it at the beginning of next week if it doesn't arrive tomorrow. Amazon.....well, they are still processing, haven't shipped yet, and still show an estimated arrival time of Sept 28 - Oct 2 on 5-8 day shipping. So who knows when I'll get that? :p

Looking at it, I'm getting a keyboard, optical drive and power supply from Amazon. I have old versions of all of those things I might be able to throw into the new PC until the Amazon stuff gets here. I'm not positive my old 400w power supply will work, but I can try it! :lol:
Was ready to order about $600 worth of components for a new build till the wife's job went away.....
As it is I'll probably upgrade her desktop (CPU and RAM).
I also figured out what was causing all the problems with my Win 10 upgrade and fixed on the laptop so it now works like it's supposed to, now I'm prepping my desktop for the upgrade, backing up all my files and upgrading all my drivers.
My case arrived. I haven't bothered to open it since I don't yet have the parts to put in it. :lol: Now I need to go next door and see if I can use their printer as both printers in this house are out of ink, there's a $30 mail in rebate with the case.
Apparently some time last night I pulled the CPAP mask off....... Was up by 9 and have been exhausted and brain dead (yeah, yeah, I know......) all day.........

Bummer sorry to hear that.
Not getting good sleep is a problem with my husband too.
Of course every situation is different, but....I am speaking of my own experience of not only being raised by bar owners, working in that bar when I was 21, having two small apparel businesses, managing small to large apartment complexes from Maui to Tahoe to LA to the valley surrounding Bakes and Fresno to here on the central coast.....a rep is hard to maintain once established. The property I had near Port Hueneme (Oxnard) had a really bad rep. Took me 1 year to clean it up where the Navy stopped black balling us due to the gangs and bad previous owners/managers. But clean it up, I did. I didn't fuck around doing it, either. Not saying Ernie is, just saying that sometimes, ya gotta SHOW patrons you mean business. Those screwing with the biz, those that want to continue going there without those that are screwing it up.
Dad and Ma both 86'd whores and lowlifes. It was a working mans/womans bar. Poker, pool table, cafe next door connected so they could eat while drinking while playing cards while playing pool or dart games after a hard day at work. Yes, whores tried to get clients there. Dad and Ma put a whoa to that right quick. No mercy, either. 86'd for life and all bartenders, waitresses, chip ladies and men...all knew WHO was 86'd and did what they were told to do. That Undercover Boss crap is exactly that. Crap. So is the show where they send in patrons and find the employees stealing and/or abusing their position. ALL of them should have been not only fired, but arrested for theft since most were doing exactly that. So I don't put much stock in that show.

Anyway..Ernie fought hard for that bar. Some skank flashing people and another skank getting customers to fuck..well....I'm like my Ma (shudder) and would 86 both as soon as I saw them come in the door. And if their pimps came in to get guys to go outside to meet the girls, they would be 86'd too. Period. No ands, ifs or butts about it. But, I ain't ernie, and I don't know the depth of what he is having to deal with. I'll just wish him good luck that he can get it all taken care of.:)
Gracie, you never cease to amaze me with the breadth of your life experiences!
I've led an interesting life with quite a few hardships. It was fun. Sometimes. LOL.
Meanwhile....yesterday my pc just shut of for no reason...and I smelled something burning coming from the tower. Fan stopped. Oops. So, I hauled it down to Staples and it was the power fan thingybob and he said I coulda burned my pc up so it was a good thing I took it apart and set it outside to cool off. He gave me a bigger doomaflotchie cuz he didn't have the one in stock that goes to my pc, and only charged me 77 bucks for the thingamabob and his labor to put it in. PC is running like a champ now and the whole back of it is nothing but FAN. I'm lovin' it. Actually, I love Staples!

While waiting, I checked out windows10. Um. Uh. Its ok I guess, but I never found the control panel. Too much gadgetry for me, so I think I will just wait til this PC dies from old age, THEN do what I hafta do.
Meanwhile....yesterday my pc just shut of for no reason...and I smelled something burning coming from the tower. Fan stopped. Oops. So, I hauled it down to Staples and it was the power fan thingybob and he said I coulda burned my pc up so it was a good thing I took it apart and set it outside to cool off. He gave me a bigger doomaflotchie cuz he didn't have the one in stock that goes to my pc, and only charged me 77 bucks for the thingamabob and his labor to put it in. PC is running like a champ now and the whole back of it is nothing but FAN. I'm lovin' it. Actually, I love Staples!

While waiting, I checked out windows10. Um. Uh. Its ok I guess, but I never found the control panel. Too much gadgetry for me, so I think I will just wait til this PC dies from old age, THEN do what I hafta do.
In the Windows search field (bottom left on taskbar) you type in Control Panel and select it when it pops up. That's one reason people are adding StartisBack and closing the Windows search field. All of that is easily fixed.
I learned the trick to upgrading to Win 10 is to backup all of your files, backup your browser profile (save these backups on a thumb (flash) drive. Once your computer has been upgraded go to Recovery and Reset the computer, this will wipe out all of your files, programs, etc and basically reinstall Windows 10 like it was a new "clean" installation. Did that on this laptop and it been purring like a kitten since.
Of course I've done a lot of personal configuring to make it my personal computer not a defacto Microsoft workstation in my possession.......
Meanwhile....yesterday my pc just shut of for no reason...and I smelled something burning coming from the tower. Fan stopped. Oops. So, I hauled it down to Staples and it was the power fan thingybob and he said I coulda burned my pc up so it was a good thing I took it apart and set it outside to cool off. He gave me a bigger doomaflotchie cuz he didn't have the one in stock that goes to my pc, and only charged me 77 bucks for the thingamabob and his labor to put it in. PC is running like a champ now and the whole back of it is nothing but FAN. I'm lovin' it. Actually, I love Staples!

While waiting, I checked out windows10. Um. Uh. Its ok I guess, but I never found the control panel. Too much gadgetry for me, so I think I will just wait til this PC dies from old age, THEN do what I hafta do.
That's why I'm happy I can work on my own computers, if they replaced what I think they replaced it was a $12 part and takes a minute to swap out.
Meanwhile....yesterday my pc just shut of for no reason...and I smelled something burning coming from the tower. Fan stopped. Oops. So, I hauled it down to Staples and it was the power fan thingybob and he said I coulda burned my pc up so it was a good thing I took it apart and set it outside to cool off. He gave me a bigger doomaflotchie cuz he didn't have the one in stock that goes to my pc, and only charged me 77 bucks for the thingamabob and his labor to put it in. PC is running like a champ now and the whole back of it is nothing but FAN. I'm lovin' it. Actually, I love Staples!

While waiting, I checked out windows10. Um. Uh. Its ok I guess, but I never found the control panel. Too much gadgetry for me, so I think I will just wait til this PC dies from old age, THEN do what I hafta do.
That's why I'm happy I can work on my own computers, if they replaced what I think they replaced it was a $12 part and takes a minute to swap out.

Sounds like she was talking about the power supply to me. Can you find one for $12? I just spent $60 on mine. :p

Unless it was just a rear case fan.......
Meanwhile....yesterday my pc just shut of for no reason...and I smelled something burning coming from the tower. Fan stopped. Oops. So, I hauled it down to Staples and it was the power fan thingybob and he said I coulda burned my pc up so it was a good thing I took it apart and set it outside to cool off. He gave me a bigger doomaflotchie cuz he didn't have the one in stock that goes to my pc, and only charged me 77 bucks for the thingamabob and his labor to put it in. PC is running like a champ now and the whole back of it is nothing but FAN. I'm lovin' it. Actually, I love Staples!

While waiting, I checked out windows10. Um. Uh. Its ok I guess, but I never found the control panel. Too much gadgetry for me, so I think I will just wait til this PC dies from old age, THEN do what I hafta do.
That's why I'm happy I can work on my own computers, if they replaced what I think they replaced it was a $12 part and takes a minute to swap out.

Sounds like she was talking about the power supply to me. Can you find one for $12? I just spent $60 on mine. :p

Unless it was just a rear case fan.......

She said Fan twice and the whole back now is Fan.
Meanwhile....yesterday my pc just shut of for no reason...and I smelled something burning coming from the tower. Fan stopped. Oops. So, I hauled it down to Staples and it was the power fan thingybob and he said I coulda burned my pc up so it was a good thing I took it apart and set it outside to cool off. He gave me a bigger doomaflotchie cuz he didn't have the one in stock that goes to my pc, and only charged me 77 bucks for the thingamabob and his labor to put it in. PC is running like a champ now and the whole back of it is nothing but FAN. I'm lovin' it. Actually, I love Staples!

While waiting, I checked out windows10. Um. Uh. Its ok I guess, but I never found the control panel. Too much gadgetry for me, so I think I will just wait til this PC dies from old age, THEN do what I hafta do.
That's why I'm happy I can work on my own computers, if they replaced what I think they replaced it was a $12 part and takes a minute to swap out.

Sounds like she was talking about the power supply to me. Can you find one for $12? I just spent $60 on mine. :p

Unless it was just a rear case fan.......
Probably rear case fan or the CPU fan, though a good generic CPU fan will set ya back $20 to $30 a great one for $40 or $50. Power supply is a whole different story, if that's what they replaced then she did good for $77 installed. :thup:
I have a 650 watt in my desktop, bought it new on Ebay years ago for $50.
Meanwhile....yesterday my pc just shut of for no reason...and I smelled something burning coming from the tower. Fan stopped. Oops. So, I hauled it down to Staples and it was the power fan thingybob and he said I coulda burned my pc up so it was a good thing I took it apart and set it outside to cool off. He gave me a bigger doomaflotchie cuz he didn't have the one in stock that goes to my pc, and only charged me 77 bucks for the thingamabob and his labor to put it in. PC is running like a champ now and the whole back of it is nothing but FAN. I'm lovin' it. Actually, I love Staples!

While waiting, I checked out windows10. Um. Uh. Its ok I guess, but I never found the control panel. Too much gadgetry for me, so I think I will just wait til this PC dies from old age, THEN do what I hafta do.
That's why I'm happy I can work on my own computers, if they replaced what I think they replaced it was a $12 part and takes a minute to swap out.

Sounds like she was talking about the power supply to me. Can you find one for $12? I just spent $60 on mine. :p

Unless it was just a rear case fan.......

She said Fan twice and the whole back now is Fan.
A power supply unit has one or two built in fans.
Power supply is a whole different story, if that's what they replaced then she did good for $77 installed. :thup:
I have a 650 watt in my desktop, bought it new on Ebay years ago for $50.
Yeah! That was it was called. Power supply thingybob. Wires all over the place coming out of there. When he was pulled it all out he looked up and me and said "it's like guts. Dr's need to know what is attached to what".
Staples has been good to me keeping my Asus running for as long as it has. When it acts up....we go to Staples Doctor Office, lol.

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