USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okay my Coffee Shop family, I'm headed for bed and will up and off to the hospital early so this is likely my last post for up to a week or so. Please keep the home fires burning here until I can get back. If he can remember how to get in here, Hombre will report in probably tomorrow evening sometime or Friday morning if he's really wiped out. There is no harder work than sitting around in a hospital for hour after hour. I'll miss you all. Miss me a little. :)
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Okay my Coffee Shop family, I'm headed for bed and will up and off to the hospital early so this is likely my last post for up to a week or so. Please keep the home fires burning here until I can get back. If he can remember how to get in here, Hombre will report in probably tomorrow evening sometime or Friday morning if he's really wiped out. There is no harder work than sitting around in a hospital for hour after hour. I'll miss you all. Miss me a little. :)

We miss you already!!! :)

testing 1,2,3 testing.

Okay, this thing appears to be working. This is not a test, this is an actual Foxfyre emergency. Polite conversation, mutual support and prayers for all in need are the orders of the day as per usual.

Of course I take this as an opportunity to rearrange all the silverware and water down all the booze...
Thanks for the welcome....I'll try to report tomorrow or Friday am (If I can remember how)

I appreciate the updates Hombre. Keeps me from worrying as much. Really though, the best help you can be for us is to take great care of Foxfyre, as we cannot. So if that means some quiet time, it is okay.
Good morning, Coffee Shoppers! I checked in and found I hadn't been the the Shop since Saturday. I miss a lot that way. I've been busy on a couple projects at Doc's and pulled an extra security shift Sunday.
Poker, of course, last night, so I was there until midnight and a my usual Tuesday night to act like a big burly bouncer.

Interesting group came in last night. 2 men and 2 women in their 30's. They were laughing loudly and joking around at first, but after a while, one of the women walked by the poker tables and pulled up the hem of her dress revealing all of her overly ample derrière.

Apparently I was the only one who saw it, so I let it slide until my bartender comes over and tells me she is doing it all over the place and that another woman has just left the bar with her boyfriend.
Dilemma time. Who am I pissed off at now? "Another woman" has been a problem before and likely will be again. She just loves men too freely. Gotta figure out what to do about her.....

Put up a sign about rules in the bar and include NO indecent exposure. :)
This is Alabama. It is understood that showing your ass in public is way bad. The woman was pissed and with good reason.
We do have signs like check your six shooter with the bartender... but geeze!
Frankly, I'm more bothered by "another woman". What she's doing is a more serious crime and potentially more dangerous to my patrons.
You can steal another woman's boyfriend by exposing yourself? Maybe I've missed something, but that's not a boyfriend any decent, self-respecting woman should want to keep in the first place.

Stealing another woman's boyfriend has been a problem since the beginning of time.
I don't think you can do anything about that, it's up to the boyfriend and girlfriend.
Prostitution on the other hand is something altogether.
So, mom is fine. We went out for lunch too, and then I didn't feel like going back to work, so I used more of my PTO time today. I know, I'm a bad girl. :oops: Whenever I have to do something that messes with my schedule, I have a difficult time motivating myself. I don't know why.
PTO is your time. Your mom is no doubt worth a few hours, don't you think?
Of course every situation is different, but....I am speaking of my own experience of not only being raised by bar owners, working in that bar when I was 21, having two small apparel businesses, managing small to large apartment complexes from Maui to Tahoe to LA to the valley surrounding Bakes and Fresno to here on the central coast.....a rep is hard to maintain once established. The property I had near Port Hueneme (Oxnard) had a really bad rep. Took me 1 year to clean it up where the Navy stopped black balling us due to the gangs and bad previous owners/managers. But clean it up, I did. I didn't fuck around doing it, either. Not saying Ernie is, just saying that sometimes, ya gotta SHOW patrons you mean business. Those screwing with the biz, those that want to continue going there without those that are screwing it up.
Dad and Ma both 86'd whores and lowlifes. It was a working mans/womans bar. Poker, pool table, cafe next door connected so they could eat while drinking while playing cards while playing pool or dart games after a hard day at work. Yes, whores tried to get clients there. Dad and Ma put a whoa to that right quick. No mercy, either. 86'd for life and all bartenders, waitresses, chip ladies and men...all knew WHO was 86'd and did what they were told to do. That Undercover Boss crap is exactly that. Crap. So is the show where they send in patrons and find the employees stealing and/or abusing their position. ALL of them should have been not only fired, but arrested for theft since most were doing exactly that. So I don't put much stock in that show.

Anyway..Ernie fought hard for that bar. Some skank flashing people and another skank getting customers to fuck..well....I'm like my Ma (shudder) and would 86 both as soon as I saw them come in the door. And if their pimps came in to get guys to go outside to meet the girls, they would be 86'd too. Period. No ands, ifs or butts about it. But, I ain't ernie, and I don't know the depth of what he is having to deal with. I'll just wish him good luck that he can get it all taken care of.:)
Gracie, you never cease to amaze me with the breadth of your life experiences!
Sounds like Chris' nickname should be fast fingers. :)

I swear I have to relearn the keyboard everyday.

Chris makes a living with that keyboard. I have for a good deal of my life too. And if you want to get your work done quick, you get very fast fingers on the keyboard. :)

Once I get on a roll, I can type around 90 WPM. Of course, I have my bad days too though where I'm slower or the dictator is much more difficult, so it varies.
That's about what I type. Anybody have suggestions about how to earn a living with a keyboard from home? I'm thinking I'm ready to retire to my Willow place, and I'm not all that enthusiastic about finding another aircraft maintenance job.
I lived in Buzzards Bay when JFK was president..........

Oh, then you are familiar with how we talk around here. :p It really depends on whereabouts you live though. I do have a New England accent, but it is not as bad as some areas. It seems the closer you get to Boston, the worse the accents get. Lol.
Yup..... Think I was in 4th grade, it's where I learned how to ride a 2 wheeler, the bike was initially too big for me so to stop I would just jump off..... I was allergic to food coloring at the time (everything had food coloring in it) and was having a serious reaction and contracted the mumps at the same time...... My mom said she couldn't even see my eyes......... :lol:

Well that sounds like a terrible experience. Poor baby! :(
honestly I don't really remember it very well just as I don't remember the few times my parents had to take me to the hospital because I swelled up so much I couldn't breath. Buzzards Bay was also where I "grew out of" the allergy. Mass was fun for me at that age, my parents hated it because every time JFK would come home it would create a traffic nightmare.......

One time a couple/few years back, I had planned on going to Martha's Vineyard for the day, and I had totally forgotten Obama was going to be there. Needless to say, I cancelled those plans. Lol. I do not like to deal with huge crowds. :) I feel very uncomfortable in big crowds of people. I feel almost claustrophobic. Probably has something to do with being short and only being able to see everyone's butts and backs! :lol:
'Specially since the "crowds" are all imported for only certain "special events"...given our recent "special events" experiences here
Good morning, Coffee Shoppers! I checked in and found I hadn't been the the Shop since Saturday. I miss a lot that way. I've been busy on a couple projects at Doc's and pulled an extra security shift Sunday.
Poker, of course, last night, so I was there until midnight and a my usual Tuesday night to act like a big burly bouncer.

Interesting group came in last night. 2 men and 2 women in their 30's. They were laughing loudly and joking around at first, but after a while, one of the women walked by the poker tables and pulled up the hem of her dress revealing all of her overly ample derrière.

Apparently I was the only one who saw it, so I let it slide until my bartender comes over and tells me she is doing it all over the place and that another woman has just left the bar with her boyfriend.
Dilemma time. Who am I pissed off at now? "Another woman" has been a problem before and likely will be again. She just loves men too freely. Gotta figure out what to do about her.....

Put up a sign about rules in the bar and include NO indecent exposure. :)
This is Alabama. It is understood that showing your ass in public is way bad. The woman was pissed and with good reason.
We do have signs like check your six shooter with the bartender... but geeze!
Frankly, I'm more bothered by "another woman". What she's doing is a more serious crime and potentially more dangerous to my patrons.
You can steal another woman's boyfriend by exposing yourself? Maybe I've missed something, but that's not a boyfriend any decent, self-respecting woman should want to keep in the first place.

Stealing another woman's boyfriend has been a problem since the beginning of time.
I don't think you can do anything about that, it's up to the boyfriend and girlfriend.
Prostitution on the other hand is something altogether.

Well I don't know what happened but the top part above the word Stealing was not me who said that.
I was answering the question back and was talking to Ernie. Post # 25765
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