USMB Coffee Shop IV

I found a super great deal on an '82 Case 450, only 1200 hours and in great condition for only $19,000. I figured that since the partner has been working two full time jobs all summer, and he's doubled his income and has theoretically been saving at least one of those incomes, we should have enough for hi to buy the thing. He informed me that he's got a whopping $3,000 in the bank. What in hell has he been throwing money away on now? Oh, well, maybe later. We could certainly use that beast, we have a lot of clearing and ground work to do.
Only three more days until my girls are gone to Japan. Guess I'll just have to get a new passport and start saving for the trip. Does anyone know when would be a better time to visit Japan? Last time I was there was in October. It was pleasant and my companions saw to it that we got to sample a wide range of dining/drinking establishments.
Thank Hombre for the updates on Foxy's welfare. I worry about everyone in the CS, but Foxy is like our den mother, keeping tabs on all of us and caring.
So did you decide not to move to Korea then?
I thought, if there are jobs in Korea, there might be jobs in Okinawa, too. As soon as they are settled, my daughter will be looking around to see what's available for an airplane mechanic. It's a BIG change, moving to a foreign country, taking on a new up everything I love about my life here...I guess the jury's still out about such a change.
But it is only for a few years they are there, right? Its not forever, is it?
Where is Willow you speak of? Your other home?
I found a super great deal on an '82 Case 450, only 1200 hours and in great condition for only $19,000. I figured that since the partner has been working two full time jobs all summer, and he's doubled his income and has theoretically been saving at least one of those incomes, we should have enough for hi to buy the thing. He informed me that he's got a whopping $3,000 in the bank. What in hell has he been throwing money away on now? Oh, well, maybe later. We could certainly use that beast, we have a lot of clearing and ground work to do.
Only three more days until my girls are gone to Japan. Guess I'll just have to get a new passport and start saving for the trip. Does anyone know when would be a better time to visit Japan? Last time I was there was in October. It was pleasant and my companions saw to it that we got to sample a wide range of dining/drinking establishments.
Thank Hombre for the updates on Foxy's welfare. I worry about everyone in the CS, but Foxy is like our den mother, keeping tabs on all of us and caring.
So did you decide not to move to Korea then?
I thought, if there are jobs in Korea, there might be jobs in Okinawa, too. As soon as they are settled, my daughter will be looking around to see what's available for an airplane mechanic. It's a BIG change, moving to a foreign country, taking on a new up everything I love about my life here...I guess the jury's still out about such a change.
But it is only for a few years they are there, right? Its not forever, is it?
Where is Willow you speak of? Your other home?
Willow, Alaska is a small community about 80 miles north of Anchorage. My place there is my home but the cost of fuel, and the 2 hour commute, make it necessary that I maintain a place closer to work. It would be wonderful if they would see fit to provide rail service to the small, Alaskan communities along the rail belt, but it has been publicized that Alaskans would not pay as much as tourists. So, rail service remains a summertime luxury for the tourist trade, or is used to move coal and other cargo from the mines to the ports. The ARR used to provide whistle stop service, but no longer.
How are things going for you, Gracie?
Things are puttin' along here, lol. SSDD, knowwhutImean, Vern?
Can't you see Japan from your house? :lol:
You might be able to find some really good bargains with it being fall/winter.
There is a Fox lounging around in my garden at mid day. I thought they would all be back in their burrows at this time of day. It may be the same one that keeps dragging out my rubbish and spreading it all over the street.
There's something between her belly and the branch that doesn't look natural.

Why am I looking at that when there's a naked woman laying on a branch?

I don't know... :lol:

(The Air Force must have instilled too much demand for attention to detail in me.)
I bought a software program that analyzes patterns in the lottery.

We'll see if it's worth anything after tonights drawing.
I bought a software program that analyzes patterns in the lottery.

We'll see if it's worth anything after tonights drawing.

I can tell you how to win the lottery. You get in touch with a discarnate spirit that can see into the future and get them to give you the numbers by telepathy. It works because I did it in 1998. But I only got five numbers out of six and the spirit world have not given me any winning numbers since, because it would be bad karma.

This is absolutely true. Unbelievable but true.
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There is a Fox lounging around in my garden at mid day. I thought they would all be back in their burrows at this time of day. It may be the same one that keeps dragging out my rubbish and spreading it all over the street.

I saw a fox last year running down the street. At first, I thought it was dog, but it was clearly a fox. It was early in the morning, but I was still really surprised. I think I've only seen a fox one other time in real life. They are really beautiful animals.
That's why I'm happy I can work on my own computers, if they replaced what I think they replaced it was a $12 part and takes a minute to swap out.

Sounds like she was talking about the power supply to me. Can you find one for $12? I just spent $60 on mine. :p

Unless it was just a rear case fan.......

She said Fan twice and the whole back now is Fan.
A power supply unit has one or two built in fans.
I have 2 fans in my pc. One in the middle just sitting there spinning away. Other one was encased in a metal box with all those wires. THAT was the one that stopped spinning. Now its a BIG fan and instead of a round hole where that fan was on the other side...the whole half top section is one big assed fan. He gave me that fan for the price of the el cheapo one it was supposed to be replaced with. Happy me!

Staples, people. STAPLES.

We had to make a Staples run today to pick up ink cartridges for my son's printer...I discovered that WQ has fetish for office products.:lol:

It is a sign of hardware store mania.
Havin' all kinds of fun. Since the upgrade/reset worked so flawlessly I decided to do it with my desktop....... Upgraded then started the reset....... Finally today, it was still telling me 10 hours later it was resetting I opened the optical drive to put in my Win 7 disc just in case, sure enough the moment I opened it the computer told me there was a problem and restarted...... twice, boot errors.... The third time I was able to get the 7 disc in the drive and it's now reloading Win 7 as a clean install....... Hey, it's been a few years longer than I normally do it so it needed a clean install. :D
Havin' all kinds of fun. Since the upgrade/reset worked so flawlessly I decided to do it with my desktop....... Upgraded then started the reset....... Finally today, it was still telling me 10 hours later it was resetting I opened the optical drive to put in my Win 7 disc just in case, sure enough the moment I opened it the computer told me there was a problem and restarted...... twice, boot errors.... The third time I was able to get the 7 disc in the drive and it's now reloading Win 7 as a clean install....... Hey, it's been a few years longer than I normally do it so it needed a clean install. :D

Wait, are you reverting to Win 7, or running Win 10 with your 7 setup?

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