USMB Coffee Shop IV

Havin' all kinds of fun. Since the upgrade/reset worked so flawlessly I decided to do it with my desktop....... Upgraded then started the reset....... Finally today, it was still telling me 10 hours later it was resetting I opened the optical drive to put in my Win 7 disc just in case, sure enough the moment I opened it the computer told me there was a problem and restarted...... twice, boot errors.... The third time I was able to get the 7 disc in the drive and it's now reloading Win 7 as a clean install....... Hey, it's been a few years longer than I normally do it so it needed a clean install. :D

Wait, are you reverting to Win 7, or running Win 10 with your 7 setup?
I upgraded it from 7 to 10 that's when the problems started so I did a reset to wipe everything and reload 10, didn't work so now I'm reinstalling Win 7. The problem with that is I don't know which Win 7 disc I used 6 years ago when I first installed it so it will probably come back as an unauthorized copy in a month which means I may have to buy a win 10 security key....... We'll see. :dunno:
Hi all, I just got in from the hospital. Foxy is doing well. She is still in ICU and hopefully will be transferred to a room tomorrow. They are still having a little trouble stabilizing her blood pressure. She did have a blood transfusion today. They put her on a liquid diet today which helped. She sure enjoyed her beef broth, Sprite and Italian Ice!! Her spirits are high. Every time I go see her she asked me if I let y'all know how she's doing. I assured her that I have. She definitely misses her daily visits with you. You can bet your life that as soon as she gets home she will be on the computer. Date to come home has not yet been determined, but the doctor told us if she continues to improve as she has, there is a possibility that she can come home late Tuesday.
How are you doing Hombre?
Are you holding up fine on your own at home?
I am a caregiver myself with my Husband who has MS so I know how important it is for caregivers to take care of themselves .:biggrin:
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Hi all, I just got in from the hospital. Foxy is doing well. She is still in ICU and hopefully will be transferred to a room tomorrow. They are still having a little trouble stabilizing her blood pressure. She did have a blood transfusion today. They put her on a liquid diet today which helped. She sure enjoyed her beef broth, Sprite and Italian Ice!! Her spirits are high. Every time I go see her she asked me if I let y'all know how she's doing. I assured her that I have. She definitely misses her daily visits with you. You can bet your life that as soon as she gets home she will be on the computer. Date to come home has not yet been determined, but the doctor told us if she continues to improve as she has, there is a possibility that she can come home late Tuesday.

Thank you very much for keeping us up to date.
That is great news that she gets to go home in a few days.
I hear that having trouble with stabilizing blood pressure is rather common after some types of surgery.
Found my original Win 7 disc for the desktop, it's up and running, purring like a kitten........ :thup:

That's good news!
Are you going to try win 10 again?
That's a decision I'll leave for later but as of right now....... no.
It's on this laptop and the Lenovo 3 in 1, that's fine for now.

I also found out if you have a Sony VAIO laptop DO NOT upgrade yet, there are some serious compatibility problems with Windows 10 and Sony that need to be worked out first.
Found my original Win 7 disc for the desktop, it's up and running, purring like a kitten........ :thup:

That's good news!
Are you going to try win 10 again?
That's a decision I'll leave for later but as of right now....... no.
It's on this laptop and the Lenovo 3 in 1, that's fine for now.

I also found out if you have a Sony VAIO laptop DO NOT upgrade yet, there are some serious compatibility problems with Windows 10 and Sony that need to be worked out first.

Thanks for the info, I have a Lenovo laptop with win 8.1 and a dell desktop with 8.1
Found my original Win 7 disc for the desktop, it's up and running, purring like a kitten........ :thup:

That's good news!
Are you going to try win 10 again?
That's a decision I'll leave for later but as of right now....... no.
It's on this laptop and the Lenovo 3 in 1, that's fine for now.

I also found out if you have a Sony VAIO laptop DO NOT upgrade yet, there are some serious compatibility problems with Windows 10 and Sony that need to be worked out first.

Thanks for the info, I have a Lenovo laptop with win 8.1 and a dell desktop with 8.1
This Dell laptop and the Lenovo are new, both came with 8.1, the Dell I wiped and loaded Win 7 on it right after I bought it. Both seem to be doing well with Win 10 though I rarely use the Lenovo, bought it for the wife but she ended up not liking it, she's currently using my older Dell laptop with Win 7 pre-installed. We have not upgraded that one yet and I have no idea if she even want's it upgraded. Currently I have it set to not download or install the upgrade.
Found my original Win 7 disc for the desktop, it's up and running, purring like a kitten........ :thup:

That's good news!
Are you going to try win 10 again?
That's a decision I'll leave for later but as of right now....... no.
It's on this laptop and the Lenovo 3 in 1, that's fine for now.

I also found out if you have a Sony VAIO laptop DO NOT upgrade yet, there are some serious compatibility problems with Windows 10 and Sony that need to be worked out first.

Thanks for the info, I have a Lenovo laptop with win 8.1 and a dell desktop with 8.1
This Dell laptop and the Lenovo are new, both came with 8.1, the Dell I wiped and loaded Win 7 on it right after I bought it. Both seem to be doing well with Win 10 though I rarely use the Lenovo, bought it for the wife but she ended up not liking it, she's currently using my older Dell laptop with Win 7 pre-installed. We have not upgraded that one yet and I have no idea if she even want's it upgraded. Currently I have it set to not download or install the upgrade.

I like my Lenovo.
My husband bought it for me 3 years ago for Christmas.
I haven't had any problems with either one of mine.
Found my original Win 7 disc for the desktop, it's up and running, purring like a kitten........ :thup:

That's good news!
Are you going to try win 10 again?
That's a decision I'll leave for later but as of right now....... no.
It's on this laptop and the Lenovo 3 in 1, that's fine for now.

I also found out if you have a Sony VAIO laptop DO NOT upgrade yet, there are some serious compatibility problems with Windows 10 and Sony that need to be worked out first.
Yup, I'll vouch for that. I have a Sony VAIO laptop and I upgraded it to W10, and I had all kinds of problems, none of the function keys worked, touchpad was messed up, the volume was really low and other things. I reinstalled W7 on it and it's working great again. I'm not even going to try W10 on here again at all.

I upgraded to W10 on my ASUS desktop and that's running fine. Totally different story.
There is a Fox lounging around in my garden at mid day. I thought they would all be back in their burrows at this time of day. It may be the same one that keeps dragging out my rubbish and spreading it all over the street.

I saw a fox last year running down the street. At first, I thought it was dog, but it was clearly a fox. It was early in the morning, but I was still really surprised. I think I've only seen a fox one other time in real life. They are really beautiful animals.
I used to have a pair of foxes that raised kits under my car-hauler every year. Did you know foxes eat strawberries? They decimated my strawberries long before the birds had a chance. It was neat, though, watching them raise a family every year.
Well, I moved further into the 21st Century. I set up a Skype account and got to chat with my daughter "live". Skype, Facebook and such media will be my lifeline with my family the next few years, it appears.
Thank you, Hombre, for keeping us updated on Foxy's status. Maybe you won't be a stranger once she returns to the CS? We're not all that bad here. Give Foxy my best regards and wishes for her swift and complete recovery.
Well, I moved further into the 21st Century. I set up a Skype account and got to chat with my daughter "live". Skype, Facebook and such media will be my lifeline with my family the next few years, it appears.
Thank you, Hombre, for keeping us updated on Foxy's status. Maybe you won't be a stranger once she returns to the CS? We're not all that bad here. Give Foxy my best regards and wishes for her swift and complete recovery.

Although I've used Skype for years (not often anymore since I stopped playing MMORPGs, but I do still use it for a FF draft every year) I've never bothered with a web cam. Probably because most of the time when I've used Skype, the people I'm talking to and I were looking at something else, anyway. :p
Well, I moved further into the 21st Century. I set up a Skype account and got to chat with my daughter "live". Skype, Facebook and such media will be my lifeline with my family the next few years, it appears.
Thank you, Hombre, for keeping us updated on Foxy's status. Maybe you won't be a stranger once she returns to the CS? We're not all that bad here. Give Foxy my best regards and wishes for her swift and complete recovery.

Although I've used Skype for years (not often anymore since I stopped playing MMORPGs, but I do still use it for a FF draft every year) I've never bothered with a web cam. Probably because most of the time when I've used Skype, the people I'm talking to and I were looking at something else, anyway. :p
It's nice to see my daughter, granddaughters, and SIL. I can see my granddaughters as they grow, change, and mature when I could otherwise only witness this in photos.
Well, I moved further into the 21st Century. I set up a Skype account and got to chat with my daughter "live". Skype, Facebook and such media will be my lifeline with my family the next few years, it appears.
Thank you, Hombre, for keeping us updated on Foxy's status. Maybe you won't be a stranger once she returns to the CS? We're not all that bad here. Give Foxy my best regards and wishes for her swift and complete recovery.

Although I've used Skype for years (not often anymore since I stopped playing MMORPGs, but I do still use it for a FF draft every year) I've never bothered with a web cam. Probably because most of the time when I've used Skype, the people I'm talking to and I were looking at something else, anyway. :p
It's nice to see my daughter, granddaughters, and SIL. I can see my granddaughters as they grow, change, and mature when I could otherwise only witness this in photos.
I've been using Skype for years. They recently changed it from one at a time video call for free to multiple. It can be a useful tool as well as just a great way to talk with family and friends.

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