USMB Coffee Shop IV

The C-130s were not uncomfortable but they were loud inside, I figure the C-17s are much better at comfort and noise level.

How quiet are they on the outside Ringel?
Depends on how close one is to the props......... You stand next to em and tell me.......
My first flight in a C-130 was 10 hours, I sat next to the right inboard engine without ear protection, when I arrived at my destination I couldn't hear for about an hour after. Never made that mistake again........
They're also a bit "bouncy" in flight, got air sick the first time, never got air sick after that. On one trip we had some senior officers with us, it was fun watching them turn green at the gills...... :D

England has sunny weather?

I am throwing out my London Fog coat.

You may need that coat, it has been raining a lot for weeks. I don't mind that because we had a drought a few years ago and the reservoirs were almost empty. There was talk of cutting off the water supply and putting stand pipes in the street. Meaning we would have had to go to a communal tap in the street and fill up buckets.
Disaster averted!

Yesterday the little one and her friend from next door went outside our house to play on her playset and trampoline. I brought my Kindle so I could read while they played, but of course, they ended up wanting me to help with things and then bounce them on the trampoline. I put the Kindle down on the box that holds the hose outside. After we bounced for a while, the friend's mom came over and we all took a walk with their dog down the street. When we were coming back it started raining. It wasn't until we got back to the house that I realized I had left my Kindle outside and it was being rained on.

I dried it off and it seems to have suffered no ill-effects. Whew! I was sure it would be ruined.
Disaster averted!

Yesterday the little one and her friend from next door went outside our house to play on her playset and trampoline. I brought my Kindle so I could read while they played, but of course, they ended up wanting me to help with things and then bounce them on the trampoline. I put the Kindle down on the box that holds the hose outside. After we bounced for a while, the friend's mom came over and we all took a walk with their dog down the street. When we were coming back it started raining. It wasn't until we got back to the house that I realized I had left my Kindle outside and it was being rained on.

I dried it off and it seems to have suffered no ill-effects. Whew! I was sure it would be ruined.
Best thing is to make sure it's off, open the battery compartment and remove the battery and let it sit open for a day or two in a dry (low humidity) area just to be on the safe side.
I was going with Sprout...
I was going with snail and slug feeder...... I can picture it now, him sitting on a park bench, slugs and snails flocking around and him tossing sunflower seeds out for them........
Never ended up getting any rain here today. It cleared up and the sun is now out. Water ban is still on for now I suppose. It doesn't really matter to me because I'm not a homeowner who has to worry about a dead lawn or anything. Still, I don't like to see the reservoirs and ponds, etc., so low.
All but one item to rebuild my computer arrived over the last 4 days, realized I'd forgotten one thing, a proper heatsink-fan for the 6 core CPU...... Oh well, ordered it last night a 3 or 4 more days. The last thing I was waiting for (other than the fan) arrived this morning.
Was going through my boxes of computer parts and found a 400 Watt power supply still sealed in the box that I forgot I'd ordered years ago, think the wife's desktop has a 350 Watt PS, I might switch it out. That one's running an AMD3 3-core Athlon CPU. Also wonder if the Phenom ii x 2 in my current desktop wouldn't be better than the Athlon........ Uuummmmm.

Never mind, pretty much the same in some areas but much better in multi-threading with the Athlon.
All but one item to rebuild my computer arrived over the last 4 days, realized I'd forgotten one thing, a proper heatsink-fan for the 6 core CPU...... Oh well, ordered it last night a 3 or 4 more days. The last thing I was waiting for (other than the fan) arrived this morning.
Was going through my boxes of computer parts and found a 400 Watt power supply still sealed in the box that I forgot I'd ordered years ago, think the wife's desktop has a 350 Watt PS, I might switch it out. That one's running an AMD3 3-core Athlon CPU. Also wonder if the Phenom ii x 2 in my current desktop wouldn't be better than the Athlon........ Uuummmmm.

Never mind, pretty much the same in some areas but much better in multi-threading with the Athlon.

Does your chip get too hot with the fan that comes with it? Or did you get one sans cpu fan?

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