USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hello everybody... I'm still around. Happily so too! Today was an interesting kind of day. I took the RV down to the dealer to have it winterized. Before I left the house, Mrs. BBD suddenly said that she would like to go. I said "Great. I'll even take you out to lunch when they finish up the winterization of the RV." So, off to Rockford we went. We got to the dealership and they carried it into the shop to begin to winterize it. Mrs. BBD said we should look at some Fifth Wheels to pass the time. So we began to look at them. To make a long story short, we no longer own the RV but we do own a very pretty fifth wheel that Mrs. BBD is in love with. I was going to buy a new truck next month but it looks like I need to move up the purchase of the new truck so I can haul the new fifth wheel home. I got an excellent deal on the fifth wheel and am having them add a tankless hot water heater so Mrs. BBD will be able to take her 45 minute showers she is so famous for. I got my tummy rubbed earlier this evening and she even scratched me behind my ears. It's been an interesting day.
Are you a sock?

Naw, he's pretty close to a charter member of the Coffee Shop and a really great guy. If you two haven't gotten to know each other you should because I know you would really like each other.

By the way Hossfly, how are you doing? Did you get to go to the gathering you were hoping to attend?
I've known BBD ever since I started posting. He's a great guy. I am in Willow, Kansas tonight on my way back to Cowtown. My session with the cardiologist wound up with me promising to quit smoking and walk more. I do have an EKG scheduled Wednesday. Had a great time with the buddies who were in my company 50 years ago in Vietnam. We're all getting old, deaf and toothless but in good spirits. You can remove me from the vigil. Many thanks. And a belated Happy birthday to you, young'n.
Small world, Hoss. I'm in Willow, Alaska.

It really is.
We live in Willowlakes a small little community outside of Benson. :)

Well now I'm beginning to feel left out. Does it count that the pussy willow is my favorite weed?
Are you a sock?

Naw, he's pretty close to a charter member of the Coffee Shop and a really great guy. If you two haven't gotten to know each other you should because I know you would really like each other.

By the way Hossfly, how are you doing? Did you get to go to the gathering you were hoping to attend?
I've known BBD ever since I started posting. He's a great guy. I am in Willow, Kansas tonight on my way back to Cowtown. My session with the cardiologist wound up with me promising to quit smoking and walk more. I do have an EKG scheduled Wednesday. Had a great time with the buddies who were in my company 50 years ago in Vietnam. We're all getting old, deaf and toothless but in good spirits. You can remove me from the vigil. Many thanks. And a belated Happy birthday to you, young'n.
Small world, Hoss. I'm in Willow, Alaska.

It really is.
We live in Willowlakes a small little community outside of Benson. :)

Well now I'm beginning to feel left out. Does it count that the pussy willow is my favorite weed?
One aspect of that statement has always been one of my favorites.......... :eusa_whistle:
Naw, he's pretty close to a charter member of the Coffee Shop and a really great guy. If you two haven't gotten to know each other you should because I know you would really like each other.

By the way Hossfly, how are you doing? Did you get to go to the gathering you were hoping to attend?
I've known BBD ever since I started posting. He's a great guy. I am in Willow, Kansas tonight on my way back to Cowtown. My session with the cardiologist wound up with me promising to quit smoking and walk more. I do have an EKG scheduled Wednesday. Had a great time with the buddies who were in my company 50 years ago in Vietnam. We're all getting old, deaf and toothless but in good spirits. You can remove me from the vigil. Many thanks. And a belated Happy birthday to you, young'n.
Small world, Hoss. I'm in Willow, Alaska.

It really is.
We live in Willowlakes a small little community outside of Benson. :)

Well now I'm beginning to feel left out. Does it count that the pussy willow is my favorite weed?
One aspect of that statement has always been one of my favorites.......... :eusa_whistle:

Yeah,yeah we know, just like Mrs. Slocombe's pussy. :lmao:
Are you a sock?

Naw, he's pretty close to a charter member of the Coffee Shop and a really great guy. If you two haven't gotten to know each other you should because I know you would really like each other.

By the way Hossfly, how are you doing? Did you get to go to the gathering you were hoping to attend?
I've known BBD ever since I started posting. He's a great guy. I am in Willow, Kansas tonight on my way back to Cowtown. My session with the cardiologist wound up with me promising to quit smoking and walk more. I do have an EKG scheduled Wednesday. Had a great time with the buddies who were in my company 50 years ago in Vietnam. We're all getting old, deaf and toothless but in good spirits. You can remove me from the vigil. Many thanks. And a belated Happy birthday to you, young'n.
Small world, Hoss. I'm in Willow, Alaska.

It really is.
We live in Willowlakes a small little community outside of Benson. :)

Well now I'm beginning to feel left out. Does it count that the pussy willow is my favorite weed?

I planted a willow tree 20 years ago.:D
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Gracie's sore hand,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Hello everybody... I'm still around. Happily so too! Today was an interesting kind of day. I took the RV down to the dealer to have it winterized. Before I left the house, Mrs. BBD suddenly said that she would like to go. I said "Great. I'll even take you out to lunch when they finish up the winterization of the RV." So, off to Rockford we went. We got to the dealership and they carried it into the shop to begin to winterize it. Mrs. BBD said we should look at some Fifth Wheels to pass the time. So we began to look at them. To make a long story short, we no longer own the RV but we do own a very pretty fifth wheel that Mrs. BBD is in love with. I was going to buy a new truck next month but it looks like I need to move up the purchase of the new truck so I can haul the new fifth wheel home. I got an excellent deal on the fifth wheel and am having them add a tankless hot water heater so Mrs. BBD will be able to take her 45 minute showers she is so famous for. I got my tummy rubbed earlier this evening and she even scratched me behind my ears. It's been an interesting day.
Are you a sock?

Naw, he's pretty close to a charter member of the Coffee Shop and a really great guy. If you two haven't gotten to know each other you should because I know you would really like each other.

By the way Hossfly, how are you doing? Did you get to go to the gathering you were hoping to attend?
I've known BBD ever since I started posting. He's a great guy. I am in Willow, Kansas tonight on my way back to Cowtown. My session with the cardiologist wound up with me promising to quit smoking and walk more. I do have an EKG scheduled Wednesday. Had a great time with the buddies who were in my company 50 years ago in Vietnam. We're all getting old, deaf and toothless but in good spirits. You can remove me from the vigil. Many thanks. And a belated Happy birthday to you, young'n.
Small world, Hoss. I'm in Willow, Alaska.

It really is.
We live in Willowlakes a small little community outside of Benson. :)
Benson, AZ? Smaller all the time. I had some in-laws in Benson. I used to visit often when I was stationed at Huachuca. They had a pomegranate tree in their yard. I'd often go back to post with shopping bags full.
Good night, everybody. It was a busy day, started at 0545 and I'm a bit pooped right now. It's a two-hour commute from here to school and I'll have that to look forward to five days a week if I get the job and move out here permanently next summer. I would have at least on co-worker who also lives out here and our working hours/months would be the same. We could ride-share, and he's even talking about getting a small plane for the nicer days/seasons.
I also found out that the Air Force flies regular direct flights between Elmendorf AB and Kadina, Japan. As a retired military member, I am eligible for Space A(vailable) "hops". I'd be flying on C17's, not the most comfortable (although the current state of civilian commercial aircraft, maybe not so bad, either), but the price is right!
Good morning everybody. We were up at o-dark-thirty to hug our son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter goodbye and send them on their way home. Beginning to be light outside and the sun would be coming up except that we have heavy overcast. Hombre has his gift shop duties this afternoon and I haven't decided whether I want to just crash after several very busy days or do something productive. Oh well I don't have to decide that right now. . . .

We had a good rain before we got up this morning with a good chance for more today. We desert dwellers love the rain, though looking at the map, I think Peach's area may get more than they want all at once.
Good morning everybody. We were up at o-dark-thirty to hug our son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter goodbye and send them on their way home. Beginning to be light outside and the sun would be coming up except that we have heavy overcast. Hombre has his gift shop duties this afternoon and I haven't decided whether I want to just crash after several very busy days or do something productive. Oh well I don't have to decide that right now. . . .

We had a good rain before we got up this morning with a good chance for more today. We desert dwellers love the rain, though looking at the map, I think Peach's area may get more than they want all at once.

You should just take it easy today. You deserve it.
Yes we are and all of us who have arthritis are really feeling it with such high humidity.
It's funny in a way, because so many are getting out of their cars and making groaning sounds as they get out. :)
But it is nice to see the desert so nice and green for a change.
I planted a willow tree 20 years ago.:D

A few years ago I tried to plant sunflowers all over the south coast of England. Every where I went I threw handfuls of seeds into peoples gardens, and into parks and woodlands. I even threw handfuls of seeds out of train windows in between towns. But the results were very disappointing because only a few actually grew. I discovered the reason for this is because slugs and snails love eating the seedlings. Otherwise I would have spread sunflowers far and wide over Sussex.
I planted a willow tree 20 years ago.:D

A few years ago I tried to plant sunflowers all over the south coast of England. Every where I went I threw handfuls of seeds into peoples gardens, and into parks and woodlands. I even threw handfuls of seeds out of train windows in between towns. But the results were very disappointing because only a few actually grew. I discovered the reason for this is because slugs and snails love eating the seedlings. Otherwise I would have spread sunflowers far and wide over Sussex.

Should we call you Johnny sunflower seed? :D
Good night, everybody. It was a busy day, started at 0545 and I'm a bit pooped right now. It's a two-hour commute from here to school and I'll have that to look forward to five days a week if I get the job and move out here permanently next summer. I would have at least on co-worker who also lives out here and our working hours/months would be the same. We could ride-share, and he's even talking about getting a small plane for the nicer days/seasons.
I also found out that the Air Force flies regular direct flights between Elmendorf AB and Kadina, Japan. As a retired military member, I am eligible for Space A(vailable) "hops". I'd be flying on C17's, not the most comfortable (although the current state of civilian commercial aircraft, maybe not so bad, either), but the price is right!
The C-130s were not uncomfortable but they were loud inside, I figure the C-17s are much better at comfort and noise level.

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