USMB Coffee Shop IV

That is my only real complaint about Cheddars as well as Cracker Barrel and several other popular places around here. They are very noisy and I too don't like that. But it doesn't seem to hurt their business--they sure are packed all the time.
Lots of people like that "inner city" noisy atmosphere, makes them feel comfortable and secure. I haven't found Cracker Barrel to be all that noisy though not like many of the chain restaurants. We've actually asked the manager to turn the music level down so people could have a conversation without having to yell..... Many don't realize how loud it is because they're used to it and in some laces like Jimmy Johns someone has turned it up because they can't hear it well in the noisy prep-area and they want to hear the music as they're working. Asked a Jimmy Johns manager once if he thought it was a normal noise level and his response was no, it's loud but that he'd never really noticed, he turned it down but a few minutes later someone else must have walked by the volume control and turned it back up........ He didn't notice...... :dunno:

They should all be sent to Cancun for a day to tour the restraunts on the main strip, competing concert hall level of "background" music. They might actually see how annoying it is.........
Fair is over here. Too bad the giant pumpkin fell and they had to cancel the giant pumpkin weigh-off.
My daughter and family are now in Okinawa. There's an open professorship at the University. Since I will not be moving South to Ft Lewis, I suppose I will apply for the position. Cross your hooks for me. I've been teaching as an adjunct for 15 years and that may tip the scales. The job is about 8-5, Mon-Fri, with summers and a month-and-a-half off. That will give me plenty of time to ship overseas and plague my daughter.'s indoors!
Although I confess, since it has been dark at night, and clear, the Northern Lights (Aurora) have been spectacular. I will miss working graves.

I will definitely keep positive thoughts for you so that what will allow maximum joy for you is the outcome in all this. However, we don't always know what that is until we have it. And congrats on that weight loss. As soon as I have my blood work looking decent again, I'll be back on a more sensible diet hoping to shed a few pounds, but for now I have to push the nutrition, protein, etc. to get my system back in whack.
Good nutrition consists of good, fresh food, sensibly prepared. I've learned to not only do without sugary stuff, I don't crave it anymore, either. I've found that the biggest thing about losing, and keeping leaner, is to change your diet.
You know, joy can be found in many places and we are often responsible for whatever joy we find in our lives. I will dearly miss the time I might have had with my daughter and granddaughters, but with the schedule offered by the University job, I should have ample time to visit them in Okinawa.
How are you coming along, Foxy? I'm late to the discussion, as usual. I'll probably catch up shortly, though. I am wishing for all the best for you, good healing. And thank Hombre for his kind updates when we would all have worried.
Yes indeed. I finally decided to make permanent changes in what I eat, how much I eat and when I eat, and I have lost 15 pounds in the last 6 months. I'm knocking on 200's door, and I plan to get under that too. I'm back in my 36 waist jeans and feel lean, strong and full of energy. Funny how you feel lighter on your feet when you lose a bunch of weight. I should keep it off too, because I'm not going to go back to the bad eating habits I used to have.

They say you can break your diet one day a week though, but I find that still, I don't do over eat or eat too late. Like having a pizza and a can of pop is breaking my diet.
I've never been a big eater, my downfall is my schedule. Too many things, so little time. I end up eating in restaurants way to often, expensive but convenient, and I usually have at least two meals. Restaurant food is really bad, though. I did discover one of my old haunts has new menu offerings they call "Muscle Menus". 4 or 8 oz piece of beef or chicken and a steamed veggie side. The 4 oz portions are perfect for me. I usually stop there for their Greek salad the best blue cheese dressing evah! Guess I have a new favorite place.
I know what you mean about the changes in energy and agility. I went from a 40 in waist jean to a 32 an am determined to stay in that size. My job requires lots of climbing. One of the places I climb into is the electronics by of Boeing jets. That requires a ladder that gets you to about elbow level. It's been a struggle, but for the first time in years, I was able to lift myself with just my arms, kind of a press. It felt, great, I can assure you.
Good luck with your endeavor. As you have noticed, losing that weight is well worth the changes.
Some folders just randomly disappeared off of my Vista desktop. The folders still exist, I can find them through the start menu, but I am having to copy/paste them back onto the desktop. Hooray for random computer glitches! :mad:
Apparently it's a random "bug" that was never corrected by Microsoft in Vista, happens more if your desktop folders link to websites.

It turns out that a few folders on my desktop ended up in another random folder that I wasn't even accessing at the time. Unless the little one managed to move them when I wasn't looking (and she hasn't been home long today, it's very unlikely) it's an annoying but not terrible bug.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
Hossfly for wellness for his trip this week,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
I love these designs!
An update on Sochenda: her brain cancer is once again in remission but she's suffered some pretty significant damage to her brain function due to the aggressive treatment she underwent. She is recovering but the docs have no idea how much she will recover. Her husband is doing better, too, but the stress of caring for an ailing loved one, particularly someone with memory loss, can be almost as devastating as the illness. Thank you for including her on your list, Foxy.
That can of soda is probably the most fattening thing that you consume. You would be surprised at just how fattening soda really is. Even the diet soda.

Soda may be fattening through calorie content, but there is no fat in it.
Loads of nasty sugar, though. Some of my co-workers who drink soda try to get it from the planes coming in from Asia. They make soda using cane sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup.
That can of soda is probably the most fattening thing that you consume. You would be surprised at just how fattening soda really is. Even the diet soda.

Soda may be fattening through calorie content, but there is no fat in it.
Loads of nasty sugar, though. Some of my co-workers who drink soda try to get it from the planes coming in from Asia. They make soda using cane sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup.
Well..still here, playing catch up. Dayum! Lots of stuff happens in a week, doesn't it?

On MY end...I gave one of the roomie's an eviction notice cuz she is batshit crazy and I am tired of it. Got a new roomie moving in 10/15, too! We will be a multi cultural house so it should be interesting. One 24 year old hispanic. One 30 year old black man. One 68 year old Native American man. One soon to be 63 year old caucasian (me).
Roomie already knows of the new roomie cuz his cousin went to school with him. All references were glowing. We all liked him at first meeting.

Then, Mr Gracie turned 68 4 days ago. And last monday, Karma went to the vet and so far, the bill is at almost 800 bucks. Pancreatitis. She is doing better but she is still not the dog she used to be and I am hoping she pulls out of this. All this in one week. Jeez.
Whoosh! That is a lot, Gracie! Good luck with the new roomie. I'll cross fingers and toes for Karma, but pancreatitis usually requires a change in diet and ongoing medication. Crossing my hooves for you and Karma.
Well..still here, playing catch up. Dayum! Lots of stuff happens in a week, doesn't it?

On MY end...I gave one of the roomie's an eviction notice cuz she is batshit crazy and I am tired of it. Got a new roomie moving in 10/15, too! We will be a multi cultural house so it should be interesting. One 24 year old hispanic. One 30 year old black man. One 68 year old Native American man. One soon to be 63 year old caucasian (me).
Roomie already knows of the new roomie cuz his cousin went to school with him. All references were glowing. We all liked him at first meeting.

Then, Mr Gracie turned 68 4 days ago. And last monday, Karma went to the vet and so far, the bill is at almost 800 bucks. Pancreatitis. She is doing better but she is still not the dog she used to be and I am hoping she pulls out of this. All this in one week. Jeez.
Whoosh! That is a lot, Gracie! Good luck with the new roomie. I'll cross fingers and toes for Karma, but pancreatitis usually requires a change in diet and ongoing medication. Crossing my hooves for you and Karma.
Well...I just got out of the shower, blow dried my hair that was below my shoulders and almost to my scar where my breast used to be (took 3 friggin' years to get it that long again) and it was all lopsided. One side shorter than the other in the back. So.....I grabbed the scissors, pulled left side over my shoulder, right side over my shoulder...and.....sigh....cut it. Now it is back to shoulder length again. Sometime next September 2016 it will be where it was about an hour ago.

But at least it is not 1 inch long any more. (gotta find a silver lining somewhere).
After having almost waist-length hair since I retired from the Army, I finally got it cut down to about 2 inches. So much easier to care for! It grows fast enough to need trimming every couple of months. But I have no compelling reason to have it long, like you do, Gracie.
Well..still here, playing catch up. Dayum! Lots of stuff happens in a week, doesn't it?

On MY end...I gave one of the roomie's an eviction notice cuz she is batshit crazy and I am tired of it. Got a new roomie moving in 10/15, too! We will be a multi cultural house so it should be interesting. One 24 year old hispanic. One 30 year old black man. One 68 year old Native American man. One soon to be 63 year old caucasian (me).
Roomie already knows of the new roomie cuz his cousin went to school with him. All references were glowing. We all liked him at first meeting.

Then, Mr Gracie turned 68 4 days ago. And last monday, Karma went to the vet and so far, the bill is at almost 800 bucks. Pancreatitis. She is doing better but she is still not the dog she used to be and I am hoping she pulls out of this. All this in one week. Jeez.
Whoosh! That is a lot, Gracie! Good luck with the new roomie. I'll cross fingers and toes for Karma, but pancreatitis usually requires a change in diet and ongoing medication. Crossing my hooves for you and Karma.
Well...I just got out of the shower, blow dried my hair that was below my shoulders and almost to my scar where my breast used to be (took 3 friggin' years to get it that long again) and it was all lopsided. One side shorter than the other in the back. So.....I grabbed the scissors, pulled left side over my shoulder, right side over my shoulder...and.....sigh....cut it. Now it is back to shoulder length again. Sometime next September 2016 it will be where it was about an hour ago.

But at least it is not 1 inch long any more. (gotta find a silver lining somewhere).
After having almost waist-length hair since I retired from the Army, I finally got it cut down to about 2 inches. So much easier to care for! It grows fast enough to need trimming every couple of months. But I have no compelling reason to have it long, like you do, Gracie.
Karma is back to normal; my hair is whacked again cuz it is still in the 90's here and just way too hot, and I am reading but rarely posting due to right hand in a splint (not sure what is going on with it...can't use 2 fingers without horrible pain)....and I see ortho doc next thursday.
Well, here I am up before the crack of dawn. I must have went to bed too early last night because I woke up and I'm wide awake. Hope I don't get tired during work time!

I retired years ago and now I don't have to get up for work my sleep is erratic, I normally sleep late and can sleep the clock round, but I often wake up in the middle of the night and lay awake until I decide to get up and do some web surfing. But it does not matter as I don't have to get up for work.
It's strange, but when I'm not working (2400-1000), I get up at around 0800 (or 0700 for Daylight Savings), regardless of when I actually go to sleep. Unless it's a school day, then I have to rise earlier.
Well..still here, playing catch up. Dayum! Lots of stuff happens in a week, doesn't it?

On MY end...I gave one of the roomie's an eviction notice cuz she is batshit crazy and I am tired of it. Got a new roomie moving in 10/15, too! We will be a multi cultural house so it should be interesting. One 24 year old hispanic. One 30 year old black man. One 68 year old Native American man. One soon to be 63 year old caucasian (me).
Roomie already knows of the new roomie cuz his cousin went to school with him. All references were glowing. We all liked him at first meeting.

Then, Mr Gracie turned 68 4 days ago. And last monday, Karma went to the vet and so far, the bill is at almost 800 bucks. Pancreatitis. She is doing better but she is still not the dog she used to be and I am hoping she pulls out of this. All this in one week. Jeez.
Whoosh! That is a lot, Gracie! Good luck with the new roomie. I'll cross fingers and toes for Karma, but pancreatitis usually requires a change in diet and ongoing medication. Crossing my hooves for you and Karma.
Well...I just got out of the shower, blow dried my hair that was below my shoulders and almost to my scar where my breast used to be (took 3 friggin' years to get it that long again) and it was all lopsided. One side shorter than the other in the back. So.....I grabbed the scissors, pulled left side over my shoulder, right side over my shoulder...and.....sigh....cut it. Now it is back to shoulder length again. Sometime next September 2016 it will be where it was about an hour ago.

But at least it is not 1 inch long any more. (gotta find a silver lining somewhere).
After having almost waist-length hair since I retired from the Army, I finally got it cut down to about 2 inches. So much easier to care for! It grows fast enough to need trimming every couple of months. But I have no compelling reason to have it long, like you do, Gracie.
Karma is back to normal; my hair is whacked again cuz it is still in the 90's here and just way too hot, and I am reading but rarely posting due to right hand in a splint (not sure what is going on with it...can't use 2 fingers without horrible pain)....and I see ortho doc next thursday.
Good news about Karma. Was it pancreatitis? Did you happen to break you fingers, or maybe jamb the joints? I hope the doc helps.
I hacked off my hair because what was once a fat braided ponytail become little more than a rat's tail due to hair loss. I wouldn't stay back and kept getting in my face at work, too. I always looked totally ragged with my hair poking out everywhere.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Hossfly for wellness for his trip this week,
Gracie's Karma,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Oh, yeah! Now that's my kind of kitchen. I've been saving for a nice wood cookstove like that to replace the woodstove I have now. You would not believe what those things cost!
Hello everybody... I'm still around. Happily so too! Today was an interesting kind of day. I took the RV down to the dealer to have it winterized. Before I left the house, Mrs. BBD suddenly said that she would like to go. I said "Great. I'll even take you out to lunch when they finish up the winterization of the RV." So, off to Rockford we went. We got to the dealership and they carried it into the shop to begin to winterize it. Mrs. BBD said we should look at some Fifth Wheels to pass the time. So we began to look at them. To make a long story short, we no longer own the RV but we do own a very pretty fifth wheel that Mrs. BBD is in love with. I was going to buy a new truck next month but it looks like I need to move up the purchase of the new truck so I can haul the new fifth wheel home. I got an excellent deal on the fifth wheel and am having them add a tankless hot water heater so Mrs. BBD will be able to take her 45 minute showers she is so famous for. I got my tummy rubbed earlier this evening and she even scratched me behind my ears. It's been an interesting day.
Are planning to become "full-timers", or "snowbirds"? I had looked at some 5th-wheels when I bought my trailer but am glad to have gotten what I did because I would not have been able to park a 5th-wheel in a warm garage in Winter, like I can my travel trailer. Well, happy roads, make sure you get enough truck for a monster like that.
OK, caught up now.
I've been up at my place in Willow since last Monday, but Monday doesn't count since I got in late. So, I'm starting a project Tuesday and the ladder fell. Spent the next four days nursing a shoulder and my back is still killing me. I broke my good glasses, too! Now I'm back on track, several projects behind but I did get the living room wallpaper finished. I have to go to town tomorrow to teach class and will pick up a few things needed to finish the living room entirely. Then I'll start looking at the kitchen backsplash. That means setting up some saws and doing some tape and mud that might be dry and sanded by the end of the week. I was going to shred and chip some of the slash around here but am unable to unload the chipper, danged. I'm thinking I'll take that back to town and load a bunch of trash into the pickup and take it to the local transfer station, get rid of some of the fire-fodder lying around that way. (Wildfires have made me nervous enough to try to clear up a lot of flammable junk.)
The first couple of days up here it rained like someone had turned the faucet on. Since then, it's been a glorious gold and blue season. I was planning on hunting in the evenings but my back made it just too daunting. I'm planning on going out this evening, though. I was going to go last night but between the stink of BenGay and my daughter catching me on Skype, I timed out and decided to postpone hunting another day.
I have my milking does up here with me. They are loving it! As a matter of fact, I have to get out and get the milking chores done as soon as I've finished reading through so many pages.
Putting the laptop on the charger and charging out to do chores...
Fair is over here. Too bad the giant pumpkin fell and they had to cancel the giant pumpkin weigh-off.
My daughter and family are now in Okinawa. There's an open professorship at the University. Since I will not be moving South to Ft Lewis, I suppose I will apply for the position. Cross your hooks for me. I've been teaching as an adjunct for 15 years and that may tip the scales. The job is about 8-5, Mon-Fri, with summers and a month-and-a-half off. That will give me plenty of time to ship overseas and plague my daughter.'s indoors!
Although I confess, since it has been dark at night, and clear, the Northern Lights (Aurora) have been spectacular. I will miss working graves.

I will definitely keep positive thoughts for you so that what will allow maximum joy for you is the outcome in all this. However, we don't always know what that is until we have it. And congrats on that weight loss. As soon as I have my blood work looking decent again, I'll be back on a more sensible diet hoping to shed a few pounds, but for now I have to push the nutrition, protein, etc. to get my system back in whack.
Good nutrition consists of good, fresh food, sensibly prepared. I've learned to not only do without sugary stuff, I don't crave it anymore, either. I've found that the biggest thing about losing, and keeping leaner, is to change your diet.
You know, joy can be found in many places and we are often responsible for whatever joy we find in our lives. I will dearly miss the time I might have had with my daughter and granddaughters, but with the schedule offered by the University job, I should have ample time to visit them in Okinawa.
How are you coming along, Foxy? I'm late to the discussion, as usual. I'll probably catch up shortly, though. I am wishing for all the best for you, good healing. And thank Hombre for his kind updates when we would all have worried.
Yes indeed. I finally decided to make permanent changes in what I eat, how much I eat and when I eat, and I have lost 15 pounds in the last 6 months. I'm knocking on 200's door, and I plan to get under that too. I'm back in my 36 waist jeans and feel lean, strong and full of energy. Funny how you feel lighter on your feet when you lose a bunch of weight. I should keep it off too, because I'm not going to go back to the bad eating habits I used to have.

They say you can break your diet one day a week though, but I find that still, I don't do over eat or eat too late. Like having a pizza and a can of pop is breaking my diet.
I've never been a big eater, my downfall is my schedule. Too many things, so little time. I end up eating in restaurants way to often, expensive but convenient, and I usually have at least two meals. Restaurant food is really bad, though. I did discover one of my old haunts has new menu offerings they call "Muscle Menus". 4 or 8 oz piece of beef or chicken and a steamed veggie side. The 4 oz portions are perfect for me. I usually stop there for their Greek salad the best blue cheese dressing evah! Guess I have a new favorite place.
I know what you mean about the changes in energy and agility. I went from a 40 in waist jean to a 32 an am determined to stay in that size. My job requires lots of climbing. One of the places I climb into is the electronics by of Boeing jets. That requires a ladder that gets you to about elbow level. It's been a struggle, but for the first time in years, I was able to lift myself with just my arms, kind of a press. It felt, great, I can assure you.
Good luck with your endeavor. As you have noticed, losing that weight is well worth the changes.
Holy cow, man, you really went to town, nice going. Yeah the changes I've made are permanent. I think the biggest help was the new rule, "past eight, it's too late," because I used to snack it up at night watching tv, sometimes right before I went to bed, and nothing can be worse for your waist line. So after eight o'clock, no matter what, I don't eat anything. Our hearts are thanking us, pard.

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