USMB Coffee Shop IV

Odd, it's already mid-October and I think we've had 2, maybe 4 days when temps went below freezing. I'm thinking this winter might top last year as one of the warmest on record.

Seeing similar here it seems. I remember distinctly that last year on October 4th, less than one week into the month, I was not only running heat, but it was cold enough to run the wood stove. This year, have yet to turn the heat on at all. Haven't even sealed off half the windows.
News every night shows record heats. It's been summer since January. Sun is out, about 4:30pm, and it is 75%.
They keep talking about El Nino....but i haven't seen any water yet. Or cold days or nights. Or fall. We may not even get a winter..again.
Shoulda done a little more homework on phyllo dough, came out loose and crunchy (at least the top did). Apparently it dries out very, very quickly so don't bring it out of the fridge till you're ready to use it. Also it's best to brush each sheet with butter or oil. Still it was good, live and learn. :thup:
Odd, it's already mid-October and I think we've had 2, maybe 4 days when temps went below freezing. I'm thinking this winter might top last year as one of the warmest on record.

Seeing similar here it seems. I remember distinctly that last year on October 4th, less than one week into the month, I was not only running heat, but it was cold enough to run the wood stove. This year, have yet to turn the heat on at all. Haven't even sealed off half the windows.

It has been in the high 80's here this week and us with no air conditioning. But a cold front is due Friday and it will turn quite chilly.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Ringel's Jasper,
Pogo's brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern with a special RIP for Bert.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Finally emerging from doing taxes. There is nothing in the world more unspeakably hair-pullingly screamingly frustrating than an income tax return.

Actually the return itself was relatively easy. Took a couple of days. It's taken longer than that to print. Software kept giving error messages. Turns out it needs Internet Exploder at least version 9 to be installed -- even though I'm doing it completely offline, as always -- to print the form. I've never even used IE but the version on the desktop was 7, and it won't take version 9. Had to jump through all kinds of hoops but it's finally done, of course too late to mail it. Now off to write a strongly worded email to the tax software company. :death:

rant rant moan bitch complain

None of my business, but since you brought it up, are you doing your 2015 taxes early? Or your 2014 taxes late?
Odd, it's already mid-October and I think we've had 2, maybe 4 days when temps went below freezing. I'm thinking this winter might top last year as one of the warmest on record.

Seeing similar here it seems. I remember distinctly that last year on October 4th, less than one week into the month, I was not only running heat, but it was cold enough to run the wood stove. This year, have yet to turn the heat on at all. Haven't even sealed off half the windows.

It has been in the high 80's here this week and us with no air conditioning. But a cold front is due Friday and it will turn quite chilly.

We've been in the 50s overnight, but probably up to the low 70s in the least in the sun. Pretty nice weather really, except for getting the little one warm enough in the morning without making her too hot by the afternoon. :p
Finally emerging from doing taxes. There is nothing in the world more unspeakably hair-pullingly screamingly frustrating than an income tax return.

Actually the return itself was relatively easy. Took a couple of days. It's taken longer than that to print. Software kept giving error messages. Turns out it needs Internet Exploder at least version 9 to be installed -- even though I'm doing it completely offline, as always -- to print the form. I've never even used IE but the version on the desktop was 7, and it won't take version 9. Had to jump through all kinds of hoops but it's finally done, of course too late to mail it. Now off to write a strongly worded email to the tax software company. :death:

rant rant moan bitch complain

None of my business, but since you brought it up, are you doing your 2015 taxes early? Or your 2014 taxes late?

I haven't had to file taxes in years, but I wondered the same. :)
Finally emerging from doing taxes. There is nothing in the world more unspeakably hair-pullingly screamingly frustrating than an income tax return.

Actually the return itself was relatively easy. Took a couple of days. It's taken longer than that to print. Software kept giving error messages. Turns out it needs Internet Exploder at least version 9 to be installed -- even though I'm doing it completely offline, as always -- to print the form. I've never even used IE but the version on the desktop was 7, and it won't take version 9. Had to jump through all kinds of hoops but it's finally done, of course too late to mail it. Now off to write a strongly worded email to the tax software company. :death:

rant rant moan bitch complain

None of my business, but since you brought it up, are you doing your 2015 taxes early? Or your 2014 taxes late?

Some people do them quarterly.
Odd, it's already mid-October and I think we've had 2, maybe 4 days when temps went below freezing. I'm thinking this winter might top last year as one of the warmest on record.

Seeing similar here it seems. I remember distinctly that last year on October 4th, less than one week into the month, I was not only running heat, but it was cold enough to run the wood stove. This year, have yet to turn the heat on at all. Haven't even sealed off half the windows.

It has been in the high 80's here this week and us with no air conditioning. But a cold front is due Friday and it will turn quite chilly.

It'll be nice for sleeping probably. :)
Finally emerging from doing taxes. There is nothing in the world more unspeakably hair-pullingly screamingly frustrating than an income tax return.

Actually the return itself was relatively easy. Took a couple of days. It's taken longer than that to print. Software kept giving error messages. Turns out it needs Internet Exploder at least version 9 to be installed -- even though I'm doing it completely offline, as always -- to print the form. I've never even used IE but the version on the desktop was 7, and it won't take version 9. Had to jump through all kinds of hoops but it's finally done, of course too late to mail it. Now off to write a strongly worded email to the tax software company. :death:

rant rant moan bitch complain

None of my business, but since you brought it up, are you doing your 2015 taxes early? Or your 2014 taxes late?

October 15 is my deadline. I almost always file for extension in April because it's way too busy a time to be tearing my hair out and keeping up with work.

It didn't have to go all the way to October, but :dunno: --- it did.
Finally emerging from doing taxes. There is nothing in the world more unspeakably hair-pullingly screamingly frustrating than an income tax return.

Actually the return itself was relatively easy. Took a couple of days. It's taken longer than that to print. Software kept giving error messages. Turns out it needs Internet Exploder at least version 9 to be installed -- even though I'm doing it completely offline, as always -- to print the form. I've never even used IE but the version on the desktop was 7, and it won't take version 9. Had to jump through all kinds of hoops but it's finally done, of course too late to mail it. Now off to write a strongly worded email to the tax software company. :death:

rant rant moan bitch complain

None of my business, but since you brought it up, are you doing your 2015 taxes early? Or your 2014 taxes late?

October 15 is my deadline. I almost always file for extension in April because it's way too busy a time to be tearing my hair out and keeping up with work.

It didn't have to go all the way to October, but :dunno: --- it did.

I hate math. I hate taxes, so I hear you! :lol:
Finally emerging from doing taxes. There is nothing in the world more unspeakably hair-pullingly screamingly frustrating than an income tax return.

Actually the return itself was relatively easy. Took a couple of days. It's taken longer than that to print. Software kept giving error messages. Turns out it needs Internet Exploder at least version 9 to be installed -- even though I'm doing it completely offline, as always -- to print the form. I've never even used IE but the version on the desktop was 7, and it won't take version 9. Had to jump through all kinds of hoops but it's finally done, of course too late to mail it. Now off to write a strongly worded email to the tax software company. :death:

rant rant moan bitch complain

None of my business, but since you brought it up, are you doing your 2015 taxes early? Or your 2014 taxes late?

Some people do them quarterly.

True as we did that for a lot of years when self employed, but I didn't think Pogo was self employed. :)
Finally emerging from doing taxes. There is nothing in the world more unspeakably hair-pullingly screamingly frustrating than an income tax return.

Actually the return itself was relatively easy. Took a couple of days. It's taken longer than that to print. Software kept giving error messages. Turns out it needs Internet Exploder at least version 9 to be installed -- even though I'm doing it completely offline, as always -- to print the form. I've never even used IE but the version on the desktop was 7, and it won't take version 9. Had to jump through all kinds of hoops but it's finally done, of course too late to mail it. Now off to write a strongly worded email to the tax software company. :death:

rant rant moan bitch complain

None of my business, but since you brought it up, are you doing your 2015 taxes early? Or your 2014 taxes late?

October 15 is my deadline. I almost always file for extension in April because it's way too busy a time to be tearing my hair out and keeping up with work.

It didn't have to go all the way to October, but :dunno: --- it did.

Understood. I often filed an annual extension too, but thought that only got me to August. But that has been awhile back so things do change.
Morning !
I hope you all have a good Thursday.
The weather is nice here, it is suppose to get up to 89 today and a 30% chance of rain.
Friday & Saturday we are suppose to get 80% chance of rain and cooler. My arthritis is not going to like that. :biggrin:

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