USMB Coffee Shop IV

I aim to keep using windows 7 for as long as possible, but some new games, like the new wolfenstein use windows 8 ,so I presume I cannot play them. I have a large box full of software and games that was designed for windows 98 and I would still like to be able to play some of them.
Playing the older stuff on later versions of Windows is a crap shoot, some will work , some will work in compatibility mode and some won't work at all.
I have my paint shop pro 7 back (was using 6), got my windows 7 back and they can shove their windows 10. No need for it cuz everything it has as "new convenient" stuff is already there on google chrome.
I will keep windows 7 for as long as possible. And, W7 runs FASTER.
I have my paint shop pro 7 back (was using 6), got my windows 7 back and they can shove their windows 10. No need for it cuz everything it has as "new convenient" stuff is already there on google chrome.
I will keep windows 7 for as long as possible. And, W7 runs FASTER.
With just the upgrade Win 7 is just as fast or faster which is why I backed up all my files and did a full system reset, ya can't go back once that is done. It basically reinstalls Win 10 on the computer erasing everything else and all your backed up files/programs need to be reinstalled, restored to the reset computer. But since I did that the Win 10 boot up time was cut by half.
I did the W10 less than a month ago. I hesitated to do the revert because it said I could lose some files. So I stuck with 10. Until I tried my PSP. I googled and others said it was not compatible with W10 and they were having probs too, so I said fuck it..I'm gonna revert and if something screws up...back to Staples I go.
Took about 20 minutes and it took all W10 out. But by then, I already dumped my PSP6 thinking I would just reload it. Nope. Wouldn't take it even with W7. So I scrounged around and found another disk of PSP7 and that one is working fine.

I have my pc back. No fancy gadgets I never used because I have the same perks on Google Chrome. It was a waste for me. I like things neat and clean and easy to use. So now I am a very happy camper back with my W7 and PSP7.
I have my paint shop pro 7 back (was using 6), got my windows 7 back and they can shove their windows 10. No need for it cuz everything it has as "new convenient" stuff is already there on google chrome.
I will keep windows 7 for as long as possible. And, W7 runs FASTER.
With just the upgrade Win 7 is just as fast or faster which is why I backed up all my files and did a full system reset, ya can't go back once that is done. It basically reinstalls Win 10 on the computer erasing everything else and all your backed up files/programs need to be reinstalled, restored to the reset computer. But since I did that the Win 10 boot up time was cut by half.

One big question I have (and I'll look it up before I decide to buy Win7) is what happens if I want to format my HD or buy a new one. Will I be able to once again upgrade to Win10 for free, or will I have to pay for it at that point? That could be something which makes we wait on buying a Windows version until down the road when Win10 is cheaper.
I have my paint shop pro 7 back (was using 6), got my windows 7 back and they can shove their windows 10. No need for it cuz everything it has as "new convenient" stuff is already there on google chrome.
I will keep windows 7 for as long as possible. And, W7 runs FASTER.
With just the upgrade Win 7 is just as fast or faster which is why I backed up all my files and did a full system reset, ya can't go back once that is done. It basically reinstalls Win 10 on the computer erasing everything else and all your backed up files/programs need to be reinstalled, restored to the reset computer. But since I did that the Win 10 boot up time was cut by half.

One big question I have (and I'll look it up before I decide to buy Win7) is what happens if I want to format my HD or buy a new one. Will I be able to once again upgrade to Win10 for free, or will I have to pay for it at that point? That could be something which makes we wait on buying a Windows version until down the road when Win10 is cheaper.

Just noticed in your #(*#@^$ Microsoft thread that I can download a Win10 ISO. I guess I might get Win7 then.
Finally emerging from doing taxes. There is nothing in the world more unspeakably hair-pullingly screamingly frustrating than an income tax return.

Actually the return itself was relatively easy. Took a couple of days. It's taken longer than that to print. Software kept giving error messages. Turns out it needs Internet Exploder at least version 9 to be installed -- even though I'm doing it completely offline, as always -- to print the form. I've never even used IE but the version on the desktop was 7, and it won't take version 9. Had to jump through all kinds of hoops but it's finally done, of course too late to mail it. Now off to write a strongly worded email to the tax software company. :death:

rant rant moan bitch complain

Y'all heard there's a punkin shortage this year?

Due to the unusual rain patterns, I believe what I heard was "there should be enough for Thanksgiving but not enough for Hallowe'en" -- which I assume they got backwards, unless they meant Canadian Thanksgiving (heard it on CBC).

Y'all heard there's a punkin shortage this year?

Due to the unusual rain patterns, I believe what I heard was "there should be enough for Thanksgiving but not enough for Hallowe'en" -- which I assume they got backwards, unless they meant Canadian Thanksgiving (heard it on CBC).

I had read that, but more like there would be a shortage of canned pumpkins but not fresh ones? But that is second hand info so I'm not sure. I would think pumpkin pies for Thanksgivng would outweigh jack-o-lanterns though. But maybe not.
It rained a smidge this morning. Not enough to make anything really wet, but it sure made is smell nice outside.

Y'all heard there's a punkin shortage this year?

Due to the unusual rain patterns, I believe what I heard was "there should be enough for Thanksgiving but not enough for Hallowe'en" -- which I assume they got backwards, unless they meant Canadian Thanksgiving (heard it on CBC).

I had read that, but more like there would be a shortage of canned pumpkins but not fresh ones? But that is second hand info so I'm not sure. I would think pumpkin pies for Thanksgivng would outweigh jack-o-lanterns though. But maybe not.

There were no pumpkin pies at the grocery store the day before my birthday. :(
I have my paint shop pro 7 back (was using 6), got my windows 7 back and they can shove their windows 10. No need for it cuz everything it has as "new convenient" stuff is already there on google chrome.
I will keep windows 7 for as long as possible. And, W7 runs FASTER.
With just the upgrade Win 7 is just as fast or faster which is why I backed up all my files and did a full system reset, ya can't go back once that is done. It basically reinstalls Win 10 on the computer erasing everything else and all your backed up files/programs need to be reinstalled, restored to the reset computer. But since I did that the Win 10 boot up time was cut by half.

One big question I have (and I'll look it up before I decide to buy Win7) is what happens if I want to format my HD or buy a new one. Will I be able to once again upgrade to Win10 for free, or will I have to pay for it at that point? That could be something which makes we wait on buying a Windows version until down the road when Win10 is cheaper.
Windows 10 really isn't that bad as long as one knows how to get rid of their spyware and bloatware. Heck if you like the old Windows games (Solitaire, hearts, etc) those can be downloaded and installed. There are 3 or 4 good start menu downloads to bring back the old Start Menu (or something similar).
The only real problem I've had is with this laptop, if I go do something else with Firefox open and it goes to sleep when it wakes it can take a couple of minutes for Firefox to start responding. I've had a couple of freeze ups but nothing recently.

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