USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning !
I hope you all have a good Thursday.
The weather is nice here, it is suppose to get up to 89 today and a 30% chance of rain.
Friday & Saturday we are suppose to get 80% chance of rain and cooler. My arthritis is not going to like that. :biggrin:


I am looking forward to cooler weather with or without rain and the cold front is supposed to come through late tonight. I hate this hot summer weather in mid October. We had the air conditioning closed down in early October because it isn't supposed to be like this now.
I'm going to have a bit of an adventure in a bit. Because of lifting restrictions and other limitations since my surgery, I haven't been behind the wheel of a car since before my surgery in early September. So today I am going to see if my frozen shoulder will allow me to drive to the MVD express place to get my driver's license renewed before it expires in a few days. I need to drive my aunt to her eye appointment tomorrow and need to find out if I can. :)

I have an appointment with the orthopedic next week and will get another injection in my shoulder and start physical therapy the following week. And that should fix the problem and I'll be good as new. Or at least as good as I can be at this stage of life.
I'm going to have a bit of an adventure in a bit. Because of lifting restrictions and other limitations since my surgery, I haven't been behind the wheel of a car since before my surgery in early September. So today I am going to see if my frozen shoulder will allow me to drive to the MVD express place to get my driver's license renewed before it expires in a few days. I need to drive my aunt to her eye appointment tomorrow and need to find out if I can. :)

I have an appointment with the orthopedic next week and will get another injection in my shoulder and start physical therapy the following week. And that should fix the problem and I'll be good as new. Or at least as good as I can be at this stage of life.

Good luck, Foxy! :) Let us know it turns out!
I'm going to have a bit of an adventure in a bit. Because of lifting restrictions and other limitations since my surgery, I haven't been behind the wheel of a car since before my surgery in early September. So today I am going to see if my frozen shoulder will allow me to drive to the MVD express place to get my driver's license renewed before it expires in a few days. I need to drive my aunt to her eye appointment tomorrow and need to find out if I can. :)

I have an appointment with the orthopedic next week and will get another injection in my shoulder and start physical therapy the following week. And that should fix the problem and I'll be good as new. Or at least as good as I can be at this stage of life.

Good luck, Foxy! :) Let us know it turns out!

Oh I will. I am curious myself. :)
Morning !
I hope you all have a good Thursday.
The weather is nice here, it is suppose to get up to 89 today and a 30% chance of rain.
Friday & Saturday we are suppose to get 80% chance of rain and cooler. My arthritis is not going to like that. :biggrin:


I am looking forward to cooler weather with or without rain and the cold front is supposed to come through late tonight. I hate this hot summer weather in mid October. We had the air conditioning closed down in early October because it isn't supposed to be like this now.
I've had doors and windows open for the last week here.
It is getting easier after 11 days, though I do try to occupy myself to keep my mind off the missing pack of smokes formerly ever present at my right hand.
I finally ran 6 through the second 1873. It's as consistent as the other one, but the sights are off. Time for a target rack so I can make adjustments.
Kind of slow day at work today. I'm trying to decide if I should stick it out for the day or take the day off. I have no idea why things would be slow today. That's pretty unusual. :dunno: Some days work comes in slow and then picks up as the day goes on. At least I can always take off just a few hours and then try again later. That's one of the good things about working from home is that I can pretty much make up time whenever I want and even though I have to keep to a consistent schedule, I am free to set and change my own hours. :) I'm STILL sick of working from home though. I so want to get out of the house now and work outside of my home. I'm just bored, you know? :cheeky-smiley-018:
And in the 'interesting things we don't see every day' department, I just ran across this:


Two collided bullets from the Battle of Gallipoli, 1915-1916. Imagine the odds. . .
Odds are funny things... The Gallipoli campaign lasted about a year with close to one million troops on both sides. There were about 500,000 total casualties.
Let's say each soldier fired only 10 rounds per day and there were 250 days of fighting. That's 2,500 rounds/man or 2.5 BILLION bullets. LOTS of chances for 2 bullets to collide and you will find dozens of examples on line.
consider birthdays... take 100 random people with 365.25 possible birthdays. You will find that, on average, 2 pairs of the sample, will share a date.
Finally emerging from doing taxes. There is nothing in the world more unspeakably hair-pullingly screamingly frustrating than an income tax return.

Actually the return itself was relatively easy. Took a couple of days. It's taken longer than that to print. Software kept giving error messages. Turns out it needs Internet Exploder at least version 9 to be installed -- even though I'm doing it completely offline, as always -- to print the form. I've never even used IE but the version on the desktop was 7, and it won't take version 9. Had to jump through all kinds of hoops but it's finally done, of course too late to mail it. Now off to write a strongly worded email to the tax software company. :death:

rant rant moan bitch complain

None of my business, but since you brought it up, are you doing your 2015 taxes early? Or your 2014 taxes late?

October 15 is my deadline. I almost always file for extension in April because it's way too busy a time to be tearing my hair out and keeping up with work.

It didn't have to go all the way to October, but :dunno: --- it did.

Understood. I often filed an annual extension too, but thought that only got me to August. But that has been awhile back so things do change.

It used to be August not that many years ago. And then if you had extraordinary circumstances and couldn't make August, you could request a second extension to the end of October. So I used to do them in the summer, when work was quieter, working around vacations. Now it's October 15.

Yeah I'm self-employed. Spring and fall are the times when I'm busiest, so if we were picking a deadline date, April 15 would be about the worst possible date you could set.

Sorry for this disgusting topic. It's done. Somebody talk about something more pleasant, like backed-up toilets. ;)
So, I've got a job as an operator at a hospital in my area that I've wanted to get into for quite some time. I had an interview earlier this week but I didn't want to say anything in case it turned out to be a big fat nothing. Anyway, I will be keeping my current. This job is per diem and mostly 3rd shift. It will be kind of tough, but I am looking to get in over there, and of course, they hire from within a lot of times. It's not the best job, but the pay isn't terrible, and I am excited to gain some "hospital" experience. :) I just got the call from the Human Resources Department, so I'm really happy! :D Anyway, I have to schedule a complete physical exam, drug testing and get a flu shot within the next 10 days. Then, fill out a ton of paperwork because they do a background check and stuff.

So, I've got a job as an operator at a hospital in my area that I've wanted to get into for quite some time. I had an interview earlier this week but I didn't want to say anything in case it turned out to be a big fat nothing. Anyway, I will be keeping my current. This job is per diem and mostly 3rd shift. It will be kind of tough, but I am looking to get in over there, and of course, they hire from within a lot of times. It's not the best job, but the pay isn't terrible, and I am excited to gain some "hospital" experience. :) I just got the call from the Human Resources Department, so I'm really happy! :D Anyway, I have to schedule a complete physical exam, drug testing and get a flu shot within the next 10 days. Then, fill out a ton of paperwork because they do a background check and stuff.


Woo hoo. . . she's moving on up! :) Seriously Chris, hope this job is everything you hope to be, and just the right stepping stone to settle in to where you want to be.
So, I've got a job as an operator at a hospital in my area that I've wanted to get into for quite some time. I had an interview earlier this week but I didn't want to say anything in case it turned out to be a big fat nothing. Anyway, I will be keeping my current. This job is per diem and mostly 3rd shift. It will be kind of tough, but I am looking to get in over there, and of course, they hire from within a lot of times. It's not the best job, but the pay isn't terrible, and I am excited to gain some "hospital" experience. :) I just got the call from the Human Resources Department, so I'm really happy! :D Anyway, I have to schedule a complete physical exam, drug testing and get a flu shot within the next 10 days. Then, fill out a ton of paperwork because they do a background check and stuff.


Woo hoo. . . she's moving on up! :) Seriously Chris, hope this job is everything you hope to be, and just the right stepping stone to settle in to where you want to be.

Thanks! Me too! :smiliehug: With my limited experience because of working at home, this is really going to help me, I think. :)
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