USMB Coffee Shop IV

rWell,Trick-or-Treat was a success in my hometown. At the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate, the wee tykes got both glowstick necklaces and Reese cups. Both were a big hit.

I had one little Dracula, about three years old, dressed in white tie and cape stand before me, raise his cape across his face and, in his most convincing Transylvanian accent (heavily peppered with Pittsburghese) scowl and say "I vant to drrrink your blood!"

A pair of siblings, a brother and his little sister, came up on the North Portico and, with gaps in their baby teeth chimed "Trick-or-Treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat! If you don't, I don't care! I'll pull down your underwear!"

There were 100 glowstick necklaces. Of that 100, one was a dud, and two were saved for my 6 year old nephew. So, I had 97 happy Halloweeners. Daisy the Mutt took her position on the bay window sill in the Great Hall, content to cy her was through the evening.

Yesterday, following the Steeler's game (keep comment on that to a minimum please) Daisy and I headed to the park for her second walk of the day. That was about 4:30 pm. With falling back an hour, I found that our usual three laps will be cut back to two due to darkness.

And now it's November and the next major holiday will pass without its due fanfare. Thanksgiving is now just the prelude to Christmas. I've already seen candy in the shape of Christmas trees at convenience store counters. I have a theory that what candy shaped as pumpkins that remains on the shelves as of today is sent back to the factory to be re-cast as Christmas trees and snowmen. If any candy in those shapes languishes on shelves, it is again sent back to be cast in the shape of St. Valentine's Day hearts. Then sent back again and poured into the Easter bunny molds. And on and on. Reuse, reduce and recycle.

Carpeting has been ordered for my long suffering bedroom remodel. As it turned out, the original builders of Pimplebutt failed to finish the entire floor, leaving an unfinished rectangle in the middle of the floor. The area rug I bought for the bedroom is too small to cover their neglect, so I ordered a rug that will expose a six inch wide border of hardwood while giving comfort under both foot and paw. This project has become my own personal Vietnam. It's gone on far too long, been far too costly, ripped up the whole house and I still cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel.

It does seem like your remodel project has gone on for a very long time, but we're still waiting for those pics when you emerge from the tunnel. :)

As for the Steelers, Rothlisberger is the starting quarterback on my Fantasy Team so I have an uncommon interest in the welfare of that team now that he is off the injured list.
rWell,Trick-or-Treat was a success in my hometown. At the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate, the wee tykes got both glowstick necklaces and Reese cups. Both were a big hit.

I had one little Dracula, about three years old, dressed in white tie and cape stand before me, raise his cape across his face and, in his most convincing Transylvanian accent (heavily peppered with Pittsburghese) scowl and say "I vant to drrrink your blood!"

A pair of siblings, a brother and his little sister, came up on the North Portico and, with gaps in their baby teeth chimed "Trick-or-Treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat! If you don't, I don't care! I'll pull down your underwear!"

There were 100 glowstick necklaces. Of that 100, one was a dud, and two were saved for my 6 year old nephew. So, I had 97 happy Halloweeners. Daisy the Mutt took her position on the bay window sill in the Great Hall, content to cy her was through the evening.

Yesterday, following the Steeler's game (keep comment on that to a minimum please) Daisy and I headed to the park for her second walk of the day. That was about 4:30 pm. With falling back an hour, I found that our usual three laps will be cut back to two due to darkness.

And now it's November and the next major holiday will pass without its due fanfare. Thanksgiving is now just the prelude to Christmas. I've already seen candy in the shape of Christmas trees at convenience store counters. I have a theory that what candy shaped as pumpkins that remains on the shelves as of today is sent back to the factory to be re-cast as Christmas trees and snowmen. If any candy in those shapes languishes on shelves, it is again sent back to be cast in the shape of St. Valentine's Day hearts. Then sent back again and poured into the Easter bunny molds. And on and on. Reuse, reduce and recycle.

Carpeting has been ordered for my long suffering bedroom remodel. As it turned out, the original builders of Pimplebutt failed to finish the entire floor, leaving an unfinished rectangle in the middle of the floor. The area rug I bought for the bedroom is too small to cover their neglect, so I ordered a rug that will expose a six inch wide border of hardwood while giving comfort under both foot and paw. This project has become my own personal Vietnam. It's gone on far too long, been far too costly, ripped up the whole house and I still cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel.
In our house area rugs are what we use, carpet is a major no, no, one of the most notorious allergen collectors known to humankind..........
Didn't have any trick or treaters come by at all which was fine, with the wife's surgery we were unprepared. Did have some Hispanic Jehovah Witnesses come by early in the day though........
Last night after 3 days of blinding headaches I finally did something I should have been doing all along, I checked my blood pressure. No wonder I was having massive headaches!!!! It was in the high 150s over the high 90s, very high for me so at 2 AM I went to the Beaumont ER. They tested everything heart related and a few other things but could not determine any reason for the raised BP or headaches. They did give me a medication cocktail that put me out all the rest of the night and I was released to go home at 8:30 this morning. Fed the cats and went to bed sleeping until 2 PM was up for about 45 minutes than back to bed for another hour and a half....... That was some cocktail.

Finally did figure out what I'm absolutely sure is the problem. Something is blocking the absorption of the medications into my system, okay, what am I doing differently in the last 3 - 4 weeks........ Metamucil, I started taking generic Metamucil during that period but more importantly I started taking it with my medications, bad idea. Psyllium husk expands very quickly into a gelatinous mass, in my case the meds were being trapped in that mass and I was able to only absorb some of the medication. So no taking my meds with the Metamucil anymore.
rWell,Trick-or-Treat was a success in my hometown. At the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate, the wee tykes got both glowstick necklaces and Reese cups. Both were a big hit.

I had one little Dracula, about three years old, dressed in white tie and cape stand before me, raise his cape across his face and, in his most convincing Transylvanian accent (heavily peppered with Pittsburghese) scowl and say "I vant to drrrink your blood!"

A pair of siblings, a brother and his little sister, came up on the North Portico and, with gaps in their baby teeth chimed "Trick-or-Treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat! If you don't, I don't care! I'll pull down your underwear!"

There were 100 glowstick necklaces. Of that 100, one was a dud, and two were saved for my 6 year old nephew. So, I had 97 happy Halloweeners. Daisy the Mutt took her position on the bay window sill in the Great Hall, content to cy her was through the evening.

Yesterday, following the Steeler's game (keep comment on that to a minimum please) Daisy and I headed to the park for her second walk of the day. That was about 4:30 pm. With falling back an hour, I found that our usual three laps will be cut back to two due to darkness.

And now it's November and the next major holiday will pass without its due fanfare. Thanksgiving is now just the prelude to Christmas. I've already seen candy in the shape of Christmas trees at convenience store counters. I have a theory that what candy shaped as pumpkins that remains on the shelves as of today is sent back to the factory to be re-cast as Christmas trees and snowmen. If any candy in those shapes languishes on shelves, it is again sent back to be cast in the shape of St. Valentine's Day hearts. Then sent back again and poured into the Easter bunny molds. And on and on. Reuse, reduce and recycle.

Carpeting has been ordered for my long suffering bedroom remodel. As it turned out, the original builders of Pimplebutt failed to finish the entire floor, leaving an unfinished rectangle in the middle of the floor. The area rug I bought for the bedroom is too small to cover their neglect, so I ordered a rug that will expose a six inch wide border of hardwood while giving comfort under both foot and paw. This project has become my own personal Vietnam. It's gone on far too long, been far too costly, ripped up the whole house and I still cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel.
In our house area rugs are what we use, carpet is a major no, no, one of the most notorious allergen collectors known to humankind..........
Didn't have any trick or treaters come by at all which was fine, with the wife's surgery we were unprepared. Did have some Hispanic Jehovah Witnesses come by early in the day though........
Daisy the Mutt is the only allergy sufferer here. I had her thoroughly checked. When she was a pup, she seemed to scratch all the time. It turns out she is allergic to cotton and tobacco, so I can't sell her into slavery.
Damma Yamma! its four am . I woke up at half past three, had a cup of tea and now I am totally awake. I guess there is nothing for it but to have another game of wolfenstein. Its at an annoying stage because I am currently facing a boss that is hard to kill. I will play it on headphones but I expect I will shout swear words every time I get killed. I hope it does not wake up the neighbours. I have a flat with one flat above me and one below, and the floors are thin.
Oh damn it ! I have just read the walkthrough of wolfenstein and it is harder than I though to kill the boss. So I better not play it or much swearing will ensue.
Going to take the little Cimarron Fire Arms, 1873 Winchester Trapper replica up to a gun show today and see if I can do a little horse trading. I figure it's worth $11-12 hundred. Might find a nice AR to trade for.

Yesterday I took the "estate tour" of Frank Lloyd Wright's, Taliesin. Frank Lloyd Wright | Taliesin Quite the place, and some very creepy history. Seven people died there as a result of it being set on fire and then people were hacked to death by an ax wielding black servant. I took my Olympus digital voice recorder in an attempt to get an EVP, but there were too many people and too much talking going on. They close it down for the winter. Today is actually the last tour for the year. I would love to go in there, alone, in the winter. I'm sure the spirits would come out to talk to you then... :D
Long ago, when I was studying architecture as a draftsman, I fell in love with FLW's designs. The man was a genius of blending natural features and stunning architecture.
Taliesin... I took 121 pictures, here are a few...




... FLLW's bedroom...



... rear of the house...


... there is actually much more to the house and property than what you see here.
Looks like it could use a little TLC. Wonder whether they'd let me live there if I did some sweat-equity work?
It had just rained so, that might account for some of the blotchiness. But really, the design is awesome, the structure is cool, but the fit and finish of the house is horrible. But then again, this is the third house. The first house was set on fire by the mad man in 1915, the second house burned down because of what they believe was an electrical problem in 1925, so this house is the third house. Maybe they just didn't care all that much about the finish work by that point, IDK. But they said the house is sinking also, from the middle out, probably because of the massive weight of all the rock used in it. But I can tell you also, it would be one cold sons a B in the winter, because there's no real ventilation or heating. It was heated mostly by fire place, and to say the place would be drafty is an understatement. There's gaps and cracks everywhere to the outside, AND, you never know, maybe you'd have a run in with the ghost of one of the seven people that died there... :eusa_shifty:
Still an awesome design. Given the addition of more modern amenities, such a design would be unbelievable. No ghosts, though? When I went through the Winchester House in San Jose, I definitely experienced cold places.
I'm still a fan of FLW, regardless whether his place is haunted. I envy your visit.
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rWell,Trick-or-Treat was a success in my hometown. At the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate, the wee tykes got both glowstick necklaces and Reese cups. Both were a big hit.

I had one little Dracula, about three years old, dressed in white tie and cape stand before me, raise his cape across his face and, in his most convincing Transylvanian accent (heavily peppered with Pittsburghese) scowl and say "I vant to drrrink your blood!"

A pair of siblings, a brother and his little sister, came up on the North Portico and, with gaps in their baby teeth chimed "Trick-or-Treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat! If you don't, I don't care! I'll pull down your underwear!"

There were 100 glowstick necklaces. Of that 100, one was a dud, and two were saved for my 6 year old nephew. So, I had 97 happy Halloweeners. Daisy the Mutt took her position on the bay window sill in the Great Hall, content to cy her was through the evening.

Yesterday, following the Steeler's game (keep comment on that to a minimum please) Daisy and I headed to the park for her second walk of the day. That was about 4:30 pm. With falling back an hour, I found that our usual three laps will be cut back to two due to darkness.

And now it's November and the next major holiday will pass without its due fanfare. Thanksgiving is now just the prelude to Christmas. I've already seen candy in the shape of Christmas trees at convenience store counters. I have a theory that what candy shaped as pumpkins that remains on the shelves as of today is sent back to the factory to be re-cast as Christmas trees and snowmen. If any candy in those shapes languishes on shelves, it is again sent back to be cast in the shape of St. Valentine's Day hearts. Then sent back again and poured into the Easter bunny molds. And on and on. Reuse, reduce and recycle.

Carpeting has been ordered for my long suffering bedroom remodel. As it turned out, the original builders of Pimplebutt failed to finish the entire floor, leaving an unfinished rectangle in the middle of the floor. The area rug I bought for the bedroom is too small to cover their neglect, so I ordered a rug that will expose a six inch wide border of hardwood while giving comfort under both foot and paw. This project has become my own personal Vietnam. It's gone on far too long, been far too costly, ripped up the whole house and I still cannot see a light at the end of the tunnel.
In our house area rugs are what we use, carpet is a major no, no, one of the most notorious allergen collectors known to humankind..........
Didn't have any trick or treaters come by at all which was fine, with the wife's surgery we were unprepared. Did have some Hispanic Jehovah Witnesses come by early in the day though........

The time I spent living with my aunt in El Paso included Oct 31. I was shocked at the number of "trick-or-treaters" without costumes, amazingly over-aged, and having no command of the English language. My aunt told me that if I went South I would no doubt be offered the same treats...for a cost. They'd be dropped off at the top of the street and picked up at the end and moved on to the next streets in the subdivision.
Going to take the little Cimarron Fire Arms, 1873 Winchester Trapper replica up to a gun show today and see if I can do a little horse trading. I figure it's worth $11-12 hundred. Might find a nice AR to trade for.

Yesterday I took the "estate tour" of Frank Lloyd Wright's, Taliesin. Frank Lloyd Wright | Taliesin Quite the place, and some very creepy history. Seven people died there as a result of it being set on fire and then people were hacked to death by an ax wielding black servant. I took my Olympus digital voice recorder in an attempt to get an EVP, but there were too many people and too much talking going on. They close it down for the winter. Today is actually the last tour for the year. I would love to go in there, alone, in the winter. I'm sure the spirits would come out to talk to you then... :D
Long ago, when I was studying architecture as a draftsman, I fell in love with FLW's designs. The man was a genius of blending natural features and stunning architecture.
Taliesin... I took 121 pictures, here are a few...




... FLLW's bedroom...



... rear of the house...


... there is actually much more to the house and property than what you see here.
Looks like it could use a little TLC. Wonder whether they'd let me live there if I did some sweat-equity work?
It had just rained so, that might account for some of the blotchiness. But really, the design is awesome, the structure is cool, but the fit and finish of the house is horrible. But then again, this is the third house. The first house was set on fire by the mad man in 1915, the second house burned down because of what they believe was an electrical problem in 1925, so this house is the third house. Maybe they just didn't care all that much about the finish work by that point, IDK. But they said the house is sinking also, from the middle out, probably because of the massive weight of all the rock used in it. But I can tell you also, it would be one cold sons a B in the winter, because there's no real ventilation or heating. It was heated mostly by fire place, and to say the place would be drafty is an understatement. There's gaps and cracks everywhere to the outside, AND, you never know, maybe you'd have a run in with the ghost of one of the seven people that died there... :eusa_shifty:
Still an awesome design. Given the addition of more modern amenities, such a design would be unbelievable. No ghosts, though? When I went through the Winchester House in San Jose, I definitely experienced cold places.
I'm still a fan of FLW, regardless whether his place is haunted. I envy your visit.
He always used 'FLLW' when initialing things, for whatever reason, although Lloyd is spelled with two L's, usually people only use the first letter of the names for initials. I guess he wanted to be different.

I envy your visit to the Winchester House. I'd love to tour that, and Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures have both done investigations there. It's creepy for sure, and they say haunted.
Finally got snow that stayed here. Only a couple of inches, but because of the temperatures, the snow was quickly packed to glare ice. The drive into class this morning was a nightmare! Gratefully, the muck in the animal pens is freezing and the snow will provide a packed, level surface for all of us. Winter has taken Alaska by surprise once again and many have fallen victim to its depredations, finding themselves stranded in medians and ditches...
Last night after 3 days of blinding headaches I finally did something I should have been doing all along, I checked my blood pressure. No wonder I was having massive headaches!!!! It was in the high 150s over the high 90s, very high for me so at 2 AM I went to the Beaumont ER. They tested everything heart related and a few other things but could not determine any reason for the raised BP or headaches. They did give me a medication cocktail that put me out all the rest of the night and I was released to go home at 8:30 this morning. Fed the cats and went to bed sleeping until 2 PM was up for about 45 minutes than back to bed for another hour and a half....... That was some cocktail.

Finally did figure out what I'm absolutely sure is the problem. Something is blocking the absorption of the medications into my system, okay, what am I doing differently in the last 3 - 4 weeks........ Metamucil, I started taking generic Metamucil during that period but more importantly I started taking it with my medications, bad idea. Psyllium husk expands very quickly into a gelatinous mass, in my case the meds were being trapped in that mass and I was able to only absorb some of the medication. So no taking my meds with the Metamucil anymore.
Glad you figured it out. Mr G takes dulcolax. I can't. I take these gelatous pills to soften stool...not make me "go". I don't need any help for that, lol. But the Doc-Q-Lace works great...and my dr said it is a more natural way your thang. Maybe google it, Ringel? BP has been 160 over 85 for the past month. I take my BP meds faithfully, so after doing blood tests, Dr and I talked about it today. There is nothing more I can take to make it go down, so we think its stress. I don't think I am stressing, but I probably am...hence the weird dreams, too.
You have a lot of stress you are dealing with too. That might be why yours is so high.
Meanwhile....woke up to a thunderstorm here and it rained all day. Lawn furniture is SOAKED cuz the dumb news guy said no rain and it would miss us. Wrong. It hit us. I am thankful though cuz we sure needed it. It was 59 degrees today. THIS is fall. Finally.
Last night after 3 days of blinding headaches I finally did something I should have been doing all along, I checked my blood pressure. No wonder I was having massive headaches!!!! It was in the high 150s over the high 90s, very high for me so at 2 AM I went to the Beaumont ER. They tested everything heart related and a few other things but could not determine any reason for the raised BP or headaches. They did give me a medication cocktail that put me out all the rest of the night and I was released to go home at 8:30 this morning. Fed the cats and went to bed sleeping until 2 PM was up for about 45 minutes than back to bed for another hour and a half....... That was some cocktail.

Finally did figure out what I'm absolutely sure is the problem. Something is blocking the absorption of the medications into my system, okay, what am I doing differently in the last 3 - 4 weeks........ Metamucil, I started taking generic Metamucil during that period but more importantly I started taking it with my medications, bad idea. Psyllium husk expands very quickly into a gelatinous mass, in my case the meds were being trapped in that mass and I was able to only absorb some of the medication. So no taking my meds with the Metamucil anymore.
Glad you figured it out. Mr G takes dulcolax. I can't. I take these gelatous pills to soften stool...not make me "go". I don't need any help for that, lol. But the Doc-Q-Lace works great...and my dr said it is a more natural way your thang. Maybe google it, Ringel? BP has been 160 over 85 for the past month. I take my BP meds faithfully, so after doing blood tests, Dr and I talked about it today. There is nothing more I can take to make it go down, so we think its stress. I don't think I am stressing, but I probably am...hence the weird dreams, too.
You have a lot of stress you are dealing with too. That might be why yours is so high.
I am surprised that losing weight brought my BP down to "normal" levels. They are still high by younger standards, but normal otherwise. Changing diet is tough, but I am so encouraged by the results, I am determined to maintain the diet I prefer now.
I am still at my current weight. Have not gained, but I am stuck at this number. I only have 6 more lbs to go but it won't budge. At least I am not gaining.
I am on enough BP pills and don't want more, but he did say I was borderline diabetic. Losing the weight I have, he is amazed at that, but after finding out that dad had diabetis (he only had to take pills..not the shot), Dr figures its just a gene thing. And stress.
I got my potassium down without taking the damn horse pills he gave me a few months ago. I just eat an avacado a day...and now it is back to normal. Wish I could do that with the BP.
I am still at my current weight. Have not gained, but I am stuck at this number. I only have 6 more lbs to go but it won't budge. At least I am not gaining.
I am on enough BP pills and don't want more, but he did say I was borderline diabetic. Losing the weight I have, he is amazed at that, but after finding out that dad had diabetis (he only had to take pills..not the shot), Dr figures its just a gene thing. And stress.
I got my potassium down without taking the damn horse pills he gave me a few months ago. I just eat an avacado a day...and now it is back to normal. Wish I could do that with the BP.
I've been doing research and reading. There are many indications that GMOs in our diet are complicit with so many of our current health issues, including diabetes and obesity. Since GMOs have been pumped into our food supply for at least the last 30 years, it's difficult to have avoided that influence.
Last night after 3 days of blinding headaches I finally did something I should have been doing all along, I checked my blood pressure. No wonder I was having massive headaches!!!! It was in the high 150s over the high 90s, very high for me so at 2 AM I went to the Beaumont ER. They tested everything heart related and a few other things but could not determine any reason for the raised BP or headaches. They did give me a medication cocktail that put me out all the rest of the night and I was released to go home at 8:30 this morning. Fed the cats and went to bed sleeping until 2 PM was up for about 45 minutes than back to bed for another hour and a half....... That was some cocktail.

Finally did figure out what I'm absolutely sure is the problem. Something is blocking the absorption of the medications into my system, okay, what am I doing differently in the last 3 - 4 weeks........ Metamucil, I started taking generic Metamucil during that period but more importantly I started taking it with my medications, bad idea. Psyllium husk expands very quickly into a gelatinous mass, in my case the meds were being trapped in that mass and I was able to only absorb some of the medication. So no taking my meds with the Metamucil anymore.
Glad you figured it out. Mr G takes dulcolax. I can't. I take these gelatous pills to soften stool...not make me "go". I don't need any help for that, lol. But the Doc-Q-Lace works great...and my dr said it is a more natural way your thang. Maybe google it, Ringel? BP has been 160 over 85 for the past month. I take my BP meds faithfully, so after doing blood tests, Dr and I talked about it today. There is nothing more I can take to make it go down, so we think its stress. I don't think I am stressing, but I probably am...hence the weird dreams, too.
You have a lot of stress you are dealing with too. That might be why yours is so high.
While stress is present that's not what's causing the problem, even now the BP is returning to normal as the meds are being properly absorbed, a couple more days and I'll know for sure. I will call my primary tomorrow and let her know what happened. I did google Psyllium husks and what it can do, that's where I confirmed what I suspected, definitely do not take with one's meds, take psyllium an hour before or a couple of hours after taking medications.
Last night after 3 days of blinding headaches I finally did something I should have been doing all along, I checked my blood pressure. No wonder I was having massive headaches!!!! It was in the high 150s over the high 90s, very high for me so at 2 AM I went to the Beaumont ER. They tested everything heart related and a few other things but could not determine any reason for the raised BP or headaches. They did give me a medication cocktail that put me out all the rest of the night and I was released to go home at 8:30 this morning. Fed the cats and went to bed sleeping until 2 PM was up for about 45 minutes than back to bed for another hour and a half....... That was some cocktail.

Finally did figure out what I'm absolutely sure is the problem. Something is blocking the absorption of the medications into my system, okay, what am I doing differently in the last 3 - 4 weeks........ Metamucil, I started taking generic Metamucil during that period but more importantly I started taking it with my medications, bad idea. Psyllium husk expands very quickly into a gelatinous mass, in my case the meds were being trapped in that mass and I was able to only absorb some of the medication. So no taking my meds with the Metamucil anymore.
Glad you figured it out. Mr G takes dulcolax. I can't. I take these gelatous pills to soften stool...not make me "go". I don't need any help for that, lol. But the Doc-Q-Lace works great...and my dr said it is a more natural way your thang. Maybe google it, Ringel? BP has been 160 over 85 for the past month. I take my BP meds faithfully, so after doing blood tests, Dr and I talked about it today. There is nothing more I can take to make it go down, so we think its stress. I don't think I am stressing, but I probably am...hence the weird dreams, too.
You have a lot of stress you are dealing with too. That might be why yours is so high.
While stress is present that's not what's causing the problem, even now the BP is returning to normal as the meds are being properly absorbed, a couple more days and I'll know for sure. I will call my primary tomorrow and let her know what happened. I did google Psyllium husks and what it can do, that's where I confirmed what I suspected, definitely do not take with one's meds, take psyllium an hour before or a couple of hours after taking medications.
I am so thankful for the internet. Yeah, self help is frowned on, but it damn sure solves a shitload of problems our doctors are ignorant of. WE know our bodies more than they do. We hafta live in it.
I am still at my current weight. Have not gained, but I am stuck at this number. I only have 6 more lbs to go but it won't budge. At least I am not gaining.
I am on enough BP pills and don't want more, but he did say I was borderline diabetic. Losing the weight I have, he is amazed at that, but after finding out that dad had diabetis (he only had to take pills..not the shot), Dr figures its just a gene thing. And stress.
I got my potassium down without taking the damn horse pills he gave me a few months ago. I just eat an avacado a day...and now it is back to normal. Wish I could do that with the BP.
I've been doing research and reading. There are many indications that GMOs in our diet are complicit with so many of our current health issues, including diabetes and obesity. Since GMOs have been pumped into our food supply for at least the last 30 years, it's difficult to have avoided that influence.
Be careful that you're not getting "urban myths" in lieu of actual science. Take the myth that Canola oil is terrible for you that people swear by, in truth it's the second best oil to use beside olive oil.

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