USMB Coffee Shop IV

My blood pressure is up too. Mine can be cured with an incendiary drop on a particular employee.
I hear ya... Got a few customers I want to hurt from time to time.

I am a bit more angry lately. It's the nicotine withdrawal. I'm sure.
I'm one of the most level, no confrontational people I know. For me to get angry over some of the stuff that is affecting me lately is not not normal. I have a doctor's appointment late tomorrow morning. We'll see if there is something I can do for a while. Ammunition is too costly.
Good news it's been 31 days since my last cigarette.
Xanax. Or...some pot?
Hope you feel better soon, and congrats on the 31 days!
I'm thinking a very low dose of Xanax. I did take it to deal with wound therapy back about the time I joined up here. It worked! It kept me from strangling the therapist even when massive doses of opiates didn't kill the pain.
My blood pressure is up too. Mine can be cured with an incendiary drop on a particular employee.
I hear ya... Got a few customers I want to hurt from time to time.

I am a bit more angry lately. It's the nicotine withdrawal. I'm sure.
I'm one of the most level, no confrontational people I know. For me to get angry over some of the stuff that is affecting me lately is not not normal. I have a doctor's appointment late tomorrow morning. We'll see if there is something I can do for a while. Ammunition is too costly.
Good news it's been 31 days since my last cigarette.
Xanax. Or...some pot?
Hope you feel better soon, and congrats on the 31 days!
I'm thinking a very low dose of Xanax. I did take it to deal with wound therapy back about the time I joined up here. It worked! It kept me from strangling the therapist even when massive doses of opiates didn't kill the pain.
Lowest dose are the pink ones. I take half of one at night once in awhile. That half is enough to keep the edge off, ya know? After awhile your body will get used to you might have to go with a whole pinkie (which is what I call them). The blue ones are much stronger. Avoid those.
I took a blue one about the size of a Toyota Prius when I was spending 2 hours a day with 2 therapists debriding necrotic flesh with scalpels and scissors.
They could have cut my left arm off and worked on it in another room for all I cared.
Thanks, but I really don't need to be that mellow.

And pot.... I stopped all drugs way back in '72 I don't need to smoke dope to help me quit smoking tobacco.
I should have run out of patches Sunday but I skipped a couple days. I didn't use one yesterday, but decided that I would today. I've been eyeing my humidor. I'm pretty sure I would be inhaling a Cohiba by dark without the 2nd to last patch.
It's out of your system (nicotine), but not out of your head. THAT is the bitch. And its why I keep falling off the wagon myself. You made it a month. Just keep on keeping on. Mr G said it took about a month and half to get over his anger and habit and desire of wanting a cig. TWo more weeks, Ernie. Then you will probably do much better. :smiliehug:
It's out of your system (nicotine), but not out of your head. THAT is the bitch. And its why I keep falling off the wagon myself. You made it a month. Just keep on keeping on. Mr G said it took about a month and half to get over his anger and habit and desire of wanting a cig. TWo more weeks, Ernie. Then you will probably do much better. :smiliehug:
I'm not detoxed at this point. I'm getting nicotine from the patches (stage 2) as if I were smoking about 12 cigarettes a day. Way down from 30 actual smokes. I may go to stage 3 which cuts that in half.
We'll see what the doctor says tomorrow.
Last night after 3 days of blinding headaches I finally did something I should have been doing all along, I checked my blood pressure. No wonder I was having massive headaches!!!! It was in the high 150s over the high 90s, very high for me so at 2 AM I went to the Beaumont ER. They tested everything heart related and a few other things but could not determine any reason for the raised BP or headaches. They did give me a medication cocktail that put me out all the rest of the night and I was released to go home at 8:30 this morning. Fed the cats and went to bed sleeping until 2 PM was up for about 45 minutes than back to bed for another hour and a half....... That was some cocktail.

Finally did figure out what I'm absolutely sure is the problem. Something is blocking the absorption of the medications into my system, okay, what am I doing differently in the last 3 - 4 weeks........ Metamucil, I started taking generic Metamucil during that period but more importantly I started taking it with my medications, bad idea. Psyllium husk expands very quickly into a gelatinous mass, in my case the meds were being trapped in that mass and I was able to only absorb some of the medication. So no taking my meds with the Metamucil anymore.
Glad you figured it out. Mr G takes dulcolax. I can't. I take these gelatous pills to soften stool...not make me "go". I don't need any help for that, lol. But the Doc-Q-Lace works great...and my dr said it is a more natural way your thang. Maybe google it, Ringel? BP has been 160 over 85 for the past month. I take my BP meds faithfully, so after doing blood tests, Dr and I talked about it today. There is nothing more I can take to make it go down, so we think its stress. I don't think I am stressing, but I probably am...hence the weird dreams, too.
You have a lot of stress you are dealing with too. That might be why yours is so high.
I am surprised that losing weight brought my BP down to "normal" levels. They are still high by younger standards, but normal otherwise. Changing diet is tough, but I am so encouraged by the results, I am determined to maintain the diet I prefer now.

For us, I am trying to incorporate more healthy fruits and veggies and far fewer deep fried proteins and such and that has resulted in some good things. But we still indulge in those things we love that are supposed to be bad for us too. I think if we deprive ourselves of everything bad for us, it is harder to feel good about the good stuff.
It's out of your system (nicotine), but not out of your head. THAT is the bitch. And its why I keep falling off the wagon myself. You made it a month. Just keep on keeping on. Mr G said it took about a month and half to get over his anger and habit and desire of wanting a cig. TWo more weeks, Ernie. Then you will probably do much better. :smiliehug:
I'm not detoxed at this point. I'm getting nicotine from the patches (stage 2) as if I were smoking about 12 cigarettes a day. Way down from 30 actual smokes. I may go to stage 3 which cuts that in half.
We'll see what the doctor says tomorrow.

I think I was lucky to have never gone past a half a pack a day for any extended period. I smoked for a lot of years but never that heavily, so quitting wasn't as big a change for me.
It's out of your system (nicotine), but not out of your head. THAT is the bitch. And its why I keep falling off the wagon myself. You made it a month. Just keep on keeping on. Mr G said it took about a month and half to get over his anger and habit and desire of wanting a cig. TWo more weeks, Ernie. Then you will probably do much better. :smiliehug:
I'm not detoxed at this point. I'm getting nicotine from the patches (stage 2) as if I were smoking about 12 cigarettes a day. Way down from 30 actual smokes. I may go to stage 3 which cuts that in half.
We'll see what the doctor says tomorrow.
Ah. I thought you went cold turkey. My bad.
Let us know what the doc says!
It's out of your system (nicotine), but not out of your head. THAT is the bitch. And its why I keep falling off the wagon myself. You made it a month. Just keep on keeping on. Mr G said it took about a month and half to get over his anger and habit and desire of wanting a cig. TWo more weeks, Ernie. Then you will probably do much better. :smiliehug:
I'm not detoxed at this point. I'm getting nicotine from the patches (stage 2) as if I were smoking about 12 cigarettes a day. Way down from 30 actual smokes. I may go to stage 3 which cuts that in half.
We'll see what the doctor says tomorrow.
Ah. I thought you went cold turkey. My bad.
Let us know what the doc says!
Will do.
Okay, Hombre and I are off to watch a long movie. And on the theory I won't be awake to post the Vigil List later, I'm posting it now:

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
GW's new job and water logged goats,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern with a special RIP for Bert.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Can someone do me a favor?
We are trying something to push Doc's on google.
Please google Doc Holliday's and then Doc Holliday's Foley AL.
I'm getting Doc's popping up first, but Google knows where I am.

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