USMB Coffee Shop IV

Coconut oil. Or Olive oil is my preference. I like the coconut oil on my scalp....I have not had to use the cortisone shampoo in MONTHS. And..I can eat it too!

I read WebMD, Mayo Clinic, etc.
I was doing my homework with the BC thing. I refused the chemo and radiation. Couple of weeks ago, I was seeing on the news and on tv that chemo is NOT needed for BC due to estrogen. I knew that almost 3 years ago when I declined to do it.
Last night after 3 days of blinding headaches I finally did something I should have been doing all along, I checked my blood pressure. No wonder I was having massive headaches!!!! It was in the high 150s over the high 90s, very high for me so at 2 AM I went to the Beaumont ER. They tested everything heart related and a few other things but could not determine any reason for the raised BP or headaches. They did give me a medication cocktail that put me out all the rest of the night and I was released to go home at 8:30 this morning. Fed the cats and went to bed sleeping until 2 PM was up for about 45 minutes than back to bed for another hour and a half....... That was some cocktail.

Finally did figure out what I'm absolutely sure is the problem. Something is blocking the absorption of the medications into my system, okay, what am I doing differently in the last 3 - 4 weeks........ Metamucil, I started taking generic Metamucil during that period but more importantly I started taking it with my medications, bad idea. Psyllium husk expands very quickly into a gelatinous mass, in my case the meds were being trapped in that mass and I was able to only absorb some of the medication. So no taking my meds with the Metamucil anymore.
Glad you figured it out. Mr G takes dulcolax. I can't. I take these gelatous pills to soften stool...not make me "go". I don't need any help for that, lol. But the Doc-Q-Lace works great...and my dr said it is a more natural way your thang. Maybe google it, Ringel? BP has been 160 over 85 for the past month. I take my BP meds faithfully, so after doing blood tests, Dr and I talked about it today. There is nothing more I can take to make it go down, so we think its stress. I don't think I am stressing, but I probably am...hence the weird dreams, too.
You have a lot of stress you are dealing with too. That might be why yours is so high.
While stress is present that's not what's causing the problem, even now the BP is returning to normal as the meds are being properly absorbed, a couple more days and I'll know for sure. I will call my primary tomorrow and let her know what happened. I did google Psyllium husks and what it can do, that's where I confirmed what I suspected, definitely do not take with one's meds, take psyllium an hour before or a couple of hours after taking medications.
I am so thankful for the internet. Yeah, self help is frowned on, but it damn sure solves a shitload of problems our doctors are ignorant of. WE know our bodies more than they do. We hafta live in it.
Well it was rather easy with this issue, asked myself one question; What changes did I implement in the last few weeks? The answer was 3 things, the nicotine patch, magnesium and the Metamucil, well the patch was very new and I only used it one day, the day before all of this started so I could pretty much rule that out based on the amount of time had elapsed not only without improvement but also with worsening symptoms. Magnesium interaction has the opposite effect, lowering the BP so that left the Metamucil. All of the above deduction work was done today after they ruled out the heart as the culprit. Now that doesn't mean there isn't something else at work there which is why I'm contacting my primary tomorrow.
I tried the patch. 6 months I used it. All day during the day, off at night. I did quit, but I was sick all the time. For 6 whole months. I finally figured out that I do not smoke nonstop all day. The patch was doing the work of chain smoking.

A month later, I said fuck it, gimme a cig. When I will be cold turkey. Or when I land in the ER with a stroke. Mr G did it due to his pnuemonia (sp?) and sepsis. He was in there a whole week and was out of it for 7 days. His withdrawals he didn't even feel! Been 4 years since he has had a cig.

I was feeling poorly last week. Fatigued, headaches, bad dreams. Finally did what you did...went over what changed, and went thru each thing I was doing. I figured it out. Too much bready stuff. Too much gluten. Cut that out, and I am back to normal now. Except the BP.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Gracie's Karma,
GW's new job and water logged goats,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern with a special RIP for Bert.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Today is the day I start my training for my new job. I have to be there at 8:30. They are training me on first shift this week. Then, when I come home, I have to do my regular job, so I have really busy day today, but I'm ready to go already! :D I'm all showered and dressed and just killing time until 8:00 rolls around. :) Have a good Tuesday, everyone!

Morning everybody !
I'm finally back. :)
I need to catch up on things.
We went to our neighbors fiancé funeral on Saturday. This was the very 1st one that I have gone to on Halloween day.
Our friend is starting to do a little better than last week. Her sudden death hit us all very hard.

Tuesday's smile
My blood pressure is up too. Mine can be cured with an incendiary drop on a particular employee.
My blood pressure is up too. Mine can be cured with an incendiary drop on a particular employee.
I hear ya... Got a few customers I want to hurt from time to time.

I am a bit more angry lately. It's the nicotine withdrawal. I'm sure.
I'm one of the most level, no confrontational people I know. For me to get angry over some of the stuff that is affecting me lately is not not normal. I have a doctor's appointment late tomorrow morning. We'll see if there is something I can do for a while. Ammunition is too costly.
Good news it's been 31 days since my last cigarette.
My blood pressure is up too. Mine can be cured with an incendiary drop on a particular employee.
I hear ya... Got a few customers I want to hurt from time to time.

I am a bit more angry lately. It's the nicotine withdrawal. I'm sure.
I'm one of the most level, no confrontational people I know. For me to get angry over some of the stuff that is affecting me lately is not not normal. I have a doctor's appointment late tomorrow morning. We'll see if there is something I can do for a while. Ammunition is too costly.
Good news it's been 31 days since my last cigarette.

An unusually nasty disposition exhibited by some folks who are quitting smoking can trigger complaints by your loved ones which in turn provides an excuse (in our own minds) to resume smoking. Don't give into it. You should be completely past the worst of the symptoms at 31 days--a huge congratulations to you for that--but that is for those who quit cold turkey. Since you used the nicotine supplements I don't know how long that might drag some of this stuff out. But stay the course. You and your body will thank you for it.
Good morning all. I was just looking at this video and thinking what a neat alternative to the more complicated means of getting away from it all without giving up the comforts of home. They didn't mention a price tag for this though:

Good morning all. I was just looking at this video and thinking what a neat alternative to the more complicated means of getting away from it all without giving up the comforts of home. They didn't mention a price tag for this though:

Yeah.....that doesn't have the comforts of home. :p Space is one of the comforts of home!

Also, that seems way too claustrophobic for me. :)
Good morning all. I was just looking at this video and thinking what a neat alternative to the more complicated means of getting away from it all without giving up the comforts of home. They didn't mention a price tag for this though:

Yeah.....that doesn't have the comforts of home. :p Space is one of the comforts of home!

Also, that seems way too claustrophobic for me. :)

The space is the environment you put it in though. I like it because it is little and would be easy to tow, would not require a lot of set up, and you could put it anywhere to get out of the elements, sleep warm and dry, or fix breakfast when it is raining and the wood is wet.
Good morning all. I was just looking at this video and thinking what a neat alternative to the more complicated means of getting away from it all without giving up the comforts of home. They didn't mention a price tag for this though:

Yeah.....that doesn't have the comforts of home. :p Space is one of the comforts of home!

Also, that seems way too claustrophobic for me. :)

The space is the environment you put it in though. I like it because it is little and would be easy to tow, would not require a lot of set up, and you could put it anywhere to get out of the elements, sleep warm and dry, or fix breakfast when it is raining and the wood is wet.

I could see someone using it in lieu of a tent. As a home, however, I couldn't even fit my stuff inside of it, and I have less stuff than anyone I know. :)

I'd have problems with the lack of bed space and my desire to elevate one side of my bed, too.
My blood pressure is up too. Mine can be cured with an incendiary drop on a particular employee.
I hear ya... Got a few customers I want to hurt from time to time.

I am a bit more angry lately. It's the nicotine withdrawal. I'm sure.
I'm one of the most level, no confrontational people I know. For me to get angry over some of the stuff that is affecting me lately is not not normal. I have a doctor's appointment late tomorrow morning. We'll see if there is something I can do for a while. Ammunition is too costly.
Good news it's been 31 days since my last cigarette.

You all know me well enough that I can't actually physically hurt someone without a life in jeopardy. I am cool as can be, up until the time I am not.
My blood pressure is up too. Mine can be cured with an incendiary drop on a particular employee.
I hear ya... Got a few customers I want to hurt from time to time.

I am a bit more angry lately. It's the nicotine withdrawal. I'm sure.
I'm one of the most level, no confrontational people I know. For me to get angry over some of the stuff that is affecting me lately is not not normal. I have a doctor's appointment late tomorrow morning. We'll see if there is something I can do for a while. Ammunition is too costly.
Good news it's been 31 days since my last cigarette.

You all know me well enough that I can't actually physically hurt someone without a life in jeopardy. I am cool as can be, up until the time I am not.

People might think that about me most of the time.....but really, I'm usually angry and quiet about it. :p
My blood pressure is up too. Mine can be cured with an incendiary drop on a particular employee.
I hear ya... Got a few customers I want to hurt from time to time.

I am a bit more angry lately. It's the nicotine withdrawal. I'm sure.
I'm one of the most level, no confrontational people I know. For me to get angry over some of the stuff that is affecting me lately is not not normal. I have a doctor's appointment late tomorrow morning. We'll see if there is something I can do for a while. Ammunition is too costly.
Good news it's been 31 days since my last cigarette.
Xanax. Or...some pot?
Hope you feel better soon, and congrats on the 31 days!

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