USMB Coffee Shop IV

Afrin wearing off...

...sinus pressure returning...

...didn't bring Afrin with me to work...

...lunch an hour away. :(
Yeah, what is this. Last few days I've had major facial sinus pressure (even though I sinus rinse at least once a day) and pain from the resultant tense muscles in my neck, chest and shoulders is a debilitating pain. The Afrin doesn't work, the sinus rinse doesn't work, the benadryl (x2) and topical analgesics help some.
In woke up this morning feeling much better but there's still some tightness in the face, neck and left shoulder blade.

You poor things! :( Mike Tyson says . . .

Yep I shared that on my FB earlier today. That Elsa. My granddaughter Harper claims to be responsible for our 9 inch snow storm last month. She thinks she is Elsa.
Happy Wednesday !

Today we are getting a new bathroom floor put in.
It is really going to look nice, I can hardly wait till it's finished. :biggrin:
The tiles look like this one

Happy Wednesday !

Today we are getting a new bathroom floor put in.
It is really going to look nice, I can hardly wait till it's finished. :biggrin:
The tiles look like this one


Beautiful color. Of course we'll need pics when it is done. :)

Lol! I think we pretty much posted the same thing at the same time! :D Owe me a coke! Or do I owe you one? :eusa_think:
Good morning everybody. Computer was doing an endless update last night so I just went on to bed. No change in the vigil list.

Busy day today. I have a doctor's appointment (routine recheck) late morning and physical therapy early afternoon and then have to finish doing laundry and packing for our trip to Texas tomorrow. Beautiful weather here though a little warm to really be seasonable for us. I am driving again though its still a little dicey with this frozen shoulder thing. But at least I can get my left hand onto the steering wheel now without serious pain--my left arm just doesn't have a lot of strength and my car is 5 in the floor so I'm having to improve a lot. This too shall pass.
Happy Wednesday !

Today we are getting a new bathroom floor put in.
It is really going to look nice, I can hardly wait till it's finished. :biggrin:
The tiles look like this one


Beautiful color. Of course we'll need pics when it is done. :)

Lol! I think we pretty much posted the same thing at the same time! :D Owe me a coke! Or do I owe you one? :eusa_think:

Let's just share a couple of cokes in unity. (I would prefer a rootbeer though.) :)
Good morning everybody. Computer was doing an endless update last night so I just went on to bed. No change in the vigil list.

Busy day today. I have a doctor's appointment (routine recheck) late morning and physical therapy early afternoon and then have to finish doing laundry and packing for our trip to Texas tomorrow. Beautiful weather here though a little warm to really be seasonable for us. I am driving again though its still a little dicey with this frozen shoulder thing. But at least I can get my left hand onto the steering wheel now without serious pain--my left arm just doesn't have a lot of strength and my car is 5 in the floor so I'm having to improve a lot. This too shall pass.

Hope you have a wonderful and safe trip.
Happy Wednesday !

Today we are getting a new bathroom floor put in.
It is really going to look nice, I can hardly wait till it's finished. :biggrin:
The tiles look like this one


Beautiful color. Of course we'll need pics when it is done. :)

Lol! I think we pretty much posted the same thing at the same time! :D Owe me a coke! Or do I owe you one? :eusa_think:

Let's just share a couple of cokes in unity. (I would prefer a rootbeer though.) :)

Hey, I like root beer too! Barq's is my favorite. I find Mugg to be a little too sweet, which is strange because normally I prefer sweet. :D
Good morning everybody. Computer was doing an endless update last night so I just went on to bed. No change in the vigil list.

Busy day today. I have a doctor's appointment (routine recheck) late morning and physical therapy early afternoon and then have to finish doing laundry and packing for our trip to Texas tomorrow. Beautiful weather here though a little warm to really be seasonable for us. I am driving again though its still a little dicey with this frozen shoulder thing. But at least I can get my left hand onto the steering wheel now without serious pain--my left arm just doesn't have a lot of strength and my car is 5 in the floor so I'm having to improve a lot. This too shall pass.

Drive safely! :)
Our house in Kansas was a bi-level with the oversized double garage, laundry room, and a huge family room on the 'ground' level and everything else--three bedrooms, large living/dining room, kitchen, two full baths--on the upper level. There was also a small bathroom off the family room with only a stool, small sink, and shelves for storage. Hombre is color blind on a number of colors and allowing him to choose colors is dangerous, but we agreed he would choose the wallpaper for that small bathroom. And he chose this psychodelic abstract pattern in a predominantly bright BRIGHT orange theme. In that small space it was overwhelming--almost made you dizzy when you went in there. But it was fun, and we got a lot of comments on it. :)
I'm sure I mentioned it before but the house we're in is all tile floors and if it was our house and we redid the floors the wife and I both would go with this tile though I would like more "texture".

OK I think I just set some kind of record.

Just now, today December 9th -- I ate the last tomato from my own plant. Fresh, not preserved.

Full disclosure: (a) there were a couple of nights last month when I brought plants inside so they wouldn't freeze, as they still had fruits; and (b) this one was green when finally picked and ripened in the kitchen.

Just had my last homegrown bell pepper on the weekend too :)
I'm sure I mentioned it before but the house we're in is all tile floors and if it was our house and we redid the floors the wife and I both would go with this tile though I would like more "texture".


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