USMB Coffee Shop IV

Happy Hanukkah !

Remember Pearl Harbor


Well it is Pearl Harbor Day for sure, but I thought the first day of Hanukkah was Christmas Day this year? Or begins at sundown on Christmas Eve?

Then my calendars are wrong and so is the almanac

When does Chanukah Start in 2015?
Note: This eight-day Jewish festival begins the evening of the day listed below at sundown.

In 2015, Chanukah is December 6 to 14. On Sunday evening, the 6th, light one candle on the menorah.

2015: December 6-14

2016: December 24-January 1

2017: December 12-20
Happy Hanukkah !

Remember Pearl Harbor


Well it is Pearl Harbor Day for sure, but I thought the first day of Hanukkah was Christmas Day this year? Or begins at sundown on Christmas Eve?

Then my calendars are wrong and so is the almanac

When does Chanukah Start in 2015?
Note: This eight-day Jewish festival begins the evening of the day listed below at sundown.

In 2015, Chanukah is December 6 to 14. On Sunday evening, the 6th, light one candle on the menorah.

2015: December 6-14

2016: December 24-January 1

2017: December 12-20

Ah you're right. I bet I typed in 2016 in my search instead of 2015.
Happy Hanukkah !

Remember Pearl Harbor


Well it is Pearl Harbor Day for sure, but I thought the first day of Hanukkah was Christmas Day this year? Or begins at sundown on Christmas Eve?

Then my calendars are wrong and so is the almanac

When does Chanukah Start in 2015?
Note: This eight-day Jewish festival begins the evening of the day listed below at sundown.

In 2015, Chanukah is December 6 to 14. On Sunday evening, the 6th, light one candle on the menorah.

2015: December 6-14

2016: December 24-January 1

2017: December 12-20

Ah you're right. I bet I typed in 2016 in my search instead of 2015.

Looking ahead again, you optimist you. :)
Afrin wearing off...

...sinus pressure returning...

...didn't bring Afrin with me to work...

...lunch an hour away. :(
Happy Hanukkah !

Remember Pearl Harbor


Well it is Pearl Harbor Day for sure, but I thought the first day of Hanukkah was Christmas Day this year? Or begins at sundown on Christmas Eve?

Then my calendars are wrong and so is the almanac

When does Chanukah Start in 2015?
Note: This eight-day Jewish festival begins the evening of the day listed below at sundown.

In 2015, Chanukah is December 6 to 14. On Sunday evening, the 6th, light one candle on the menorah.

2015: December 6-14

2016: December 24-January 1

2017: December 12-20

Ah you're right. I bet I typed in 2016 in my search instead of 2015.

Looking ahead again, you optimist you. :)

Or just getting stuff mixed up in my 'old age'. :) Seriously though--maybe it is because I have been contemplating and planning for several events to happen in 2016--I have had 2016 stuck in my head for weeks now. I have to force myself to remember that it is 2015. Oh well, maybe it will be easier to make the transition in my head when it actually is 2016 in a few weeks. :)
Afrin wearing off...

...sinus pressure returning...

...didn't bring Afrin with me to work...

...lunch an hour away. :(

Allergies have been a bitch this fall--maybe because it has been warmer than average for most of us so far? I do hate a sinus headache or headaches of any sort--don't deal with them well at all.
Happy Hanukkah !

Remember Pearl Harbor


Well it is Pearl Harbor Day for sure, but I thought the first day of Hanukkah was Christmas Day this year? Or begins at sundown on Christmas Eve?

Then my calendars are wrong and so is the almanac

When does Chanukah Start in 2015?
Note: This eight-day Jewish festival begins the evening of the day listed below at sundown.

In 2015, Chanukah is December 6 to 14. On Sunday evening, the 6th, light one candle on the menorah.

2015: December 6-14

2016: December 24-January 1

2017: December 12-20

Ah you're right. I bet I typed in 2016 in my search instead of 2015.

Looking ahead again, you optimist you. :)

Or just getting stuff mixed up in my 'old age'. :) Seriously though--maybe it is because I have been contemplating and planning for several events to happen in 2016--I have had 2016 stuck in my head for weeks now. I have to force myself to remember that it is 2015. Oh well, maybe it will be easier to make the transition in my head when it actually is 2016 in a few weeks. :)

Maybe you will avoid the using last year's year on checks problem?
Well it is Pearl Harbor Day for sure, but I thought the first day of Hanukkah was Christmas Day this year? Or begins at sundown on Christmas Eve?

Then my calendars are wrong and so is the almanac

When does Chanukah Start in 2015?
Note: This eight-day Jewish festival begins the evening of the day listed below at sundown.

In 2015, Chanukah is December 6 to 14. On Sunday evening, the 6th, light one candle on the menorah.

2015: December 6-14

2016: December 24-January 1

2017: December 12-20

Ah you're right. I bet I typed in 2016 in my search instead of 2015.

Looking ahead again, you optimist you. :)

Or just getting stuff mixed up in my 'old age'. :) Seriously though--maybe it is because I have been contemplating and planning for several events to happen in 2016--I have had 2016 stuck in my head for weeks now. I have to force myself to remember that it is 2015. Oh well, maybe it will be easier to make the transition in my head when it actually is 2016 in a few weeks. :)

Maybe you will avoid the using last year's year on checks problem?

For sure it could help, if I still wrote checks. I don't think I've written a check in a couple of years.
Cats and kids in my house would love this!
I spent a lot of time on the cat site. It was fun!
Hi Dhara. And did you see the link Ringel linked to a site that included all kinds of great things for cats (possible kids too) and this couch was featured there too.

And welcome to the Coffee Shop. We're happy you dropped in and hope you'll come back often. First timers here receive a complimentary welcome beverage:

Thanks for the beverage and the cat site link. I spent a lot of time looking at it. I've got five cats and four kids It was fun!
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Foxfyre's sore back and painful shoulder,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Chris's new job,
GW's new job,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Afrin wearing off...

...sinus pressure returning...

...didn't bring Afrin with me to work...

...lunch an hour away. :(
Yeah, what is this. Last few days I've had major facial sinus pressure (even though I sinus rinse at least once a day) and pain from the resultant tense muscles in my neck, chest and shoulders is a debilitating pain. The Afrin doesn't work, the sinus rinse doesn't work, the benadryl (x2) and topical analgesics help some.
In woke up this morning feeling much better but there's still some tightness in the face, neck and left shoulder blade.
Afrin wearing off...

...sinus pressure returning...

...didn't bring Afrin with me to work...

...lunch an hour away. :(
Yeah, what is this. Last few days I've had major facial sinus pressure (even though I sinus rinse at least once a day) and pain from the resultant tense muscles in my neck, chest and shoulders is a debilitating pain. The Afrin doesn't work, the sinus rinse doesn't work, the benadryl (x2) and topical analgesics help some.
In woke up this morning feeling much better but there's still some tightness in the face, neck and left shoulder blade.

I sympathize with both of you. My adopted cousin who just moved to town--she's the niece of my uncle by marriage--recently was tested for food allergies to deal with persistent hay fever, sinus problems, etc. Turned out she's allergic to a LOT of stuff, most of it just marginally but that, according to her doctor, is sufficient to cause the other problems. So she has to lay off everything she's allergic to for a few months and then she can gradually start reintroducing things to her diet and in most cases, she is told, she will then be able to tolerate them with no problem.

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