USMB Coffee Shop IV

Drat it, some idiot has hung out a wind chime tonight, and we are having storms. Someone hung a bamboo one under my bedroom window once and I made them take it down. But this sounds like a glass one and it is further away.But it still makes an annoying tinkling. Well I cannot complain much as that is the extend of how much the storms in Britain are affecting me. I am very lucky as many people in the north are flooded out tonight.
You would not favor being my neighbor. I love wind chimes and have loads of them all around the house; tiny ones to some that are as long as I am tall! I suppose it's fortunate that my nearest neighbor lives almost a mile away?

Ha! back to wind chimes. Well I hate them, especially when a neighbour hung a bamboo one directly under my bedroom window. Was I supposed to stay awake listening to that clatter all night? I don't think so. I confronted the neighbour and they took it down. If they had not I would have complained to the council about noise nuisance and had them enforce a court order.
If there is some local ordinance concerning noise, then that's different. You would expect anyone who decides to reside in a certain area or apartment bloc to consider those rules before installing such things. As previously mentioned, my home is located so far away from the neighbors, I would have to set off a nuclear device for them to notice the noise. OK...chainsaws, gunshots, and airplanes are noticed...

I live in a block of three flats in a built up area, and there are council rules to protect people from unnecessary noise. For example it is against the law to set off fireworks after 11pm.
I recognize the difference between choosing to live in a "civilized" area governed by rules and covenants and living in spaces less regulated. If someone chooses an abode in an area with such rules, they should abide by those rules. If they unknowingly violate the rules and are later informed of their violation, they should, of course, correct the problem. In the case of people who buy homes adjacent to places like airports and then subsequently claim government subsidies be provided to correct their noise problems...f**k them. In case of windchimes or other noisy decorations where rules prohibit certain noise, they should acquiesce and remove them.
Drat it, some idiot has hung out a wind chime tonight, and we are having storms. Someone hung a bamboo one under my bedroom window once and I made them take it down. But this sounds like a glass one and it is further away.But it still makes an annoying tinkling. Well I cannot complain much as that is the extend of how much the storms in Britain are affecting me. I am very lucky as many people in the north are flooded out tonight.
You would not favor being my neighbor. I love wind chimes and have loads of them all around the house; tiny ones to some that are as long as I am tall! I suppose it's fortunate that my nearest neighbor lives almost a mile away?

Ha! back to wind chimes. Well I hate them, especially when a neighbour hung a bamboo one directly under my bedroom window. Was I supposed to stay awake listening to that clatter all night? I don't think so. I confronted the neighbour and they took it down. If they had not I would have complained to the council about noise nuisance and had them enforce a court order.
I would have hung 10 more just to irritate you.
Meanwhile, the xmas prezzie thread Ravi (I think it was her) started, I gave a gift of a cyber goat. Hope it arrives safe and sound by xmas day. :lol:
Drat it, some idiot has hung out a wind chime tonight, and we are having storms. Someone hung a bamboo one under my bedroom window once and I made them take it down. But this sounds like a glass one and it is further away.But it still makes an annoying tinkling. Well I cannot complain much as that is the extend of how much the storms in Britain are affecting me. I am very lucky as many people in the north are flooded out tonight.
You would not favor being my neighbor. I love wind chimes and have loads of them all around the house; tiny ones to some that are as long as I am tall! I suppose it's fortunate that my nearest neighbor lives almost a mile away?

Ha! back to wind chimes. Well I hate them, especially when a neighbour hung a bamboo one directly under my bedroom window. Was I supposed to stay awake listening to that clatter all night? I don't think so. I confronted the neighbour and they took it down. If they had not I would have complained to the council about noise nuisance and had them enforce a court order.
I would have hung 10 more just to irritate you.
You know why I have 200 acres and no neighbors? So I can do lots of things "civilized" people would complain about. As it is, when I have to walk up to the gravel lot adjacent to my place to ask them to quit shooting at my cabin, they are respectful and cease when requested. I am glad to say that I have never had anything stolen and the only time someone broke into a storage shed on my place (looking for a shovel that wasn't there), they left a note and $100 bill to cover the repairs. This being Alaska, such conditions are not uncommon. I'm so glad we're "uncivilized".
How are you, Gracie? I've been MIA here for a while and may have missed something.
Drat it, some idiot has hung out a wind chime tonight, and we are having storms. Someone hung a bamboo one under my bedroom window once and I made them take it down. But this sounds like a glass one and it is further away.But it still makes an annoying tinkling. Well I cannot complain much as that is the extend of how much the storms in Britain are affecting me. I am very lucky as many people in the north are flooded out tonight.
You would not favor being my neighbor. I love wind chimes and have loads of them all around the house; tiny ones to some that are as long as I am tall! I suppose it's fortunate that my nearest neighbor lives almost a mile away?

Ha! back to wind chimes. Well I hate them, especially when a neighbour hung a bamboo one directly under my bedroom window. Was I supposed to stay awake listening to that clatter all night? I don't think so. I confronted the neighbour and they took it down. If they had not I would have complained to the council about noise nuisance and had them enforce a court order.
I would have hung 10 more just to irritate you.
You know why I have 200 acres and no neighbors? So I can do lots of things "civilized" people would complain about. As it is, when I have to walk up to the gravel lot adjacent to my place to ask them to quit shooting at my cabin, they are respectful and cease when requested. I am glad to say that I have never had anything stolen and the only time someone broke into a storage shed on my place (looking for a shovel that wasn't there), they left a note and $100 bill to cover the repairs. This being Alaska, such conditions are not uncommon. I'm so glad we're "uncivilized".
How are you, Gracie? I've been MIA here for a while and may have missed something.
That's what I call neighborly. Old grumpy people having a hissy over something as lovely as windchimes is just...cray cray.
I am doing fine, hon. Flareup finally went away and both hands can be used for now. So, been doing a lot of raking and cleaning up of the yard after the last two rain storms. Other than that..just hanging out, playing on the net, keeping the dog occupied since long walks are too damn cold for me to accomplish, lol.
Drat it, some idiot has hung out a wind chime tonight, and we are having storms. Someone hung a bamboo one under my bedroom window once and I made them take it down. But this sounds like a glass one and it is further away.But it still makes an annoying tinkling. Well I cannot complain much as that is the extend of how much the storms in Britain are affecting me. I am very lucky as many people in the north are flooded out tonight.
You would not favor being my neighbor. I love wind chimes and have loads of them all around the house; tiny ones to some that are as long as I am tall! I suppose it's fortunate that my nearest neighbor lives almost a mile away?

Ha! back to wind chimes. Well I hate them, especially when a neighbour hung a bamboo one directly under my bedroom window. Was I supposed to stay awake listening to that clatter all night? I don't think so. I confronted the neighbour and they took it down. If they had not I would have complained to the council about noise nuisance and had them enforce a court order.
I would have hung 10 more just to irritate you.
You know why I have 200 acres and no neighbors? So I can do lots of things "civilized" people would complain about. As it is, when I have to walk up to the gravel lot adjacent to my place to ask them to quit shooting at my cabin, they are respectful and cease when requested. I am glad to say that I have never had anything stolen and the only time someone broke into a storage shed on my place (looking for a shovel that wasn't there), they left a note and $100 bill to cover the repairs. This being Alaska, such conditions are not uncommon. I'm so glad we're "uncivilized".
How are you, Gracie? I've been MIA here for a while and may have missed something.
That's what I call neighborly. Old grumpy people having a hissy over something as lovely as windchimes is just...cray cray.
I am doing fine, hon. Flareup finally went away and both hands can be used for now. So, been doing a lot of raking and cleaning up of the yard after the last two rain storms. Other than that..just hanging out, playing on the net, keeping the dog occupied since long walks are too damn cold for me to accomplish, lol.
Glad your hands are better. Hope that condition holds out.
Raking is out of the question here, not that I do it much. It's cold and there's snow enough on the ground now. It's been cold, but not really bad, so the critters are OK. I've been feeding them extra grain in addition to their hay. The Pyr is loving the cool weather and does well outside with her goats. The doxie doesn't go out much at all nowadays. At her age, wee-wee pads and newspaper suffices. She turns into a pupsickle if she's outside more than a few minutes.
You kids get off my lawn! Wait what?

I grew up in an era when there were no colour TV's , no video recorders, no home computers, no mobile phones, no lasers, no space rockets, no nothing.

In the Stone Age?

Heh, heh, heh.
Apparently personal protection thermonuclear weapons are NOT deliverable through the USPS. My apologies for your gift delay. I didn't want to join Amazon ISIS for free two-day delivery.
My "healthy" eating habits slipped for about a week...... Yesterday I went back to eating healthy again....... Today I'm on a first name basis with my toilet.........
Went to bed at 10 last night, up at 4:30 this morning then back to bed at 7 even after 3 cups of coffee, slept till 9:30.
Bad news: Was up til 2 and woke up at 6AM. could NOT get back to sleep.
Worse news: It's Tuesday and I go in at 8 and will likely not get home until 4:30 or 5 AM.
Goodness. Sleep is often put on hold when you're running a business.:huddle:
I went to bed last night at 1am thinking I would probably be up by 10am. Wrong. I woke up at noon. I HATE sleeping that late. MrG was already up and dressed, fed the dogs, and I didn't hear a thing.

I kinda slipped on the healthy food eating thing too. I gained 3 lbs. :(
Tide is way too high for the dogs, too cold to walk very far and I am doomed in my room if not in the yard. The sun is way over too far to hit the yard now, so its cold out there too. I try to find a spot where the sun is hitting but to no avail.
I'm ready for spring now. Fuck winter.

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