USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, today is my Sunday this week, and then my schedule is going to change drastically. Lol. I'll be working Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday days and Saturday and Sunday second shifts, and having Monday and Friday off. I like that. It's a nice break in the week. Work for 2 days have a day off, work for 3 days and have another day off. :D Hopefully I like this schedule.

I think I would like it unless I needed two days in a row for a short trip. Sounds like it is working into a full time job?
The week between getting the wall paper installed and waiting for the delivery of the new bed was spent on the sleeper sofa in the Great Hall. It's a twin size mattress that affords little room for me after Daisy the Mutt took her spot in the middle. But worse, the mattress does not adequately pad the mechanism that folds the bed in and out. After a week sleeping on it, I felt as if I had been playing ice hockey with twenty year olds.
Went to bed at 10:30, wok up at 2:30........ Hopefully I'll go back to bed soon........

There's no way you can get back to sleep when you wake up? You and Dajjal seem to have the same sleep issues. That happens to me, most especially when I tweak my bad shoulder and it wakes me up, but I just take a drink of water or make a quick pit stop and then I go back to sleep fairly easily.
Must be a blonde..

Sure. Us blondes usually read and follow directions quite well. :)
By the way, those of you who know Kat, I heard from her and her hubby's surgery went great yesterday and he may get to come home from the hospital even today. She is appreciative of the prayers and good vibes.
Here's the bed as shown on the site that sold me the woodworking plans:

Here it is complete in the Master bedroom (note the height of the mattress):

And the comforter, which is to be replaced, looks like a doily!

It is beautiful but I would not want a bed that high at my age when I rarely make it through a night without having to get up once or twice.
I get up often through the night too. When I jump off the bed, there's that split second that I feel as of I'm falling rather than jumping to the floor. I called and left two messages with the store I bought the bedding. So far, no one has called back.

I wonder if I can just forget about the box spring and put the mattress on the slats?
I would, at least, put a sheet of plywood covered with fabric over the slats, or you will get ripples.
Went to bed at 10:30, wok up at 2:30........ Hopefully I'll go back to bed soon........

There's no way you can get back to sleep when you wake up? You and Dajjal seem to have the same sleep issues. That happens to me, most especially when I tweak my bad shoulder and it wakes me up, but I just take a drink of water or make a quick pit stop and then I go back to sleep fairly easily.
Most of the time I can go right back to sleep, this wasn't one of those times. Seriously sinusy and having some reflux. Just woke up now from a 2 hour nap.
Went to bed at 10:30, wok up at 2:30........ Hopefully I'll go back to bed soon........

There's no way you can get back to sleep when you wake up? You and Dajjal seem to have the same sleep issues. That happens to me, most especially when I tweak my bad shoulder and it wakes me up, but I just take a drink of water or make a quick pit stop and then I go back to sleep fairly easily.
Most of the time I can go right back to sleep, this wasn't one of those times. Seriously sinusy and having some reflux. Just woke up now from a 2 hour nap.

What are you taking for the reflux?
Went to bed at 10:30, wok up at 2:30........ Hopefully I'll go back to bed soon........

There's no way you can get back to sleep when you wake up? You and Dajjal seem to have the same sleep issues. That happens to me, most especially when I tweak my bad shoulder and it wakes me up, but I just take a drink of water or make a quick pit stop and then I go back to sleep fairly easily.
Most of the time I can go right back to sleep, this wasn't one of those times. Seriously sinusy and having some reflux. Just woke up now from a 2 hour nap.

What are you taking for the reflux?
Chili powder.........


Went to bed at 10:30, wok up at 2:30........ Hopefully I'll go back to bed soon........

There's no way you can get back to sleep when you wake up? You and Dajjal seem to have the same sleep issues. That happens to me, most especially when I tweak my bad shoulder and it wakes me up, but I just take a drink of water or make a quick pit stop and then I go back to sleep fairly easily.
Most of the time I can go right back to sleep, this wasn't one of those times. Seriously sinusy and having some reflux. Just woke up now from a 2 hour nap.

What are you taking for the reflux?

Went to bed at 10:30, wok up at 2:30........ Hopefully I'll go back to bed soon........

There's no way you can get back to sleep when you wake up? You and Dajjal seem to have the same sleep issues. That happens to me, most especially when I tweak my bad shoulder and it wakes me up, but I just take a drink of water or make a quick pit stop and then I go back to sleep fairly easily.
Most of the time I can go right back to sleep, this wasn't one of those times. Seriously sinusy and having some reflux. Just woke up now from a 2 hour nap.

What are you taking for the reflux?
Chili powder.........



LOL. Some Mexican food in our area can really get mine going though I take 20mg of Prilosec (actually omeprazole) every day. That is the only thing that can stir it up as long as I take the omeprazole. The last ct scan I had indicated a small hiatal hernia that I am pretty sure is the main catalyst of my reflux problem but the omeprazole controls it quite 100% quite nicely and I am just otherwise cautious about really spicy food.

But. . .when Hombre was having a bad reflux problem he had an upper GI that showed that the reflux was creating ulcers in his esophagus--they are painless and non symptomatic but put him at extreme risk of esophageal cancer. He was immediately put on omeprazole--the same dosage I take--and that stopped the problem in its tracks for him--he can still eat spicy foods-. The ulcers cleared up and he has had no more problems. The gastroenterologist told him though, that if he even felt like he was going to have some reflux, he should take a second Prilosec immediately.

My Aunt's reflux caused Barrett's Syndrome and she was much worse off than either Hombre or me. Prilosec was not completely controlling her GERD and her doctor prescribed 40mg Nexium (now available OTC I believe but is pricey if bought OTC and not via prescription.) The Nexium controlled her GERD completely and it is rated somewhat stronger and more effective for those who need it (and can afford it.) As yet there is no generic form of Nexium on the market.
Effect of esomeprazole 40 mg vs omeprazole 40 mg on 24-hour intragastric pH in patients with symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. - PubMed - NCBI
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Went to bed at 10:30, wok up at 2:30........ Hopefully I'll go back to bed soon........

There's no way you can get back to sleep when you wake up? You and Dajjal seem to have the same sleep issues. That happens to me, most especially when I tweak my bad shoulder and it wakes me up, but I just take a drink of water or make a quick pit stop and then I go back to sleep fairly easily.
Most of the time I can go right back to sleep, this wasn't one of those times. Seriously sinusy and having some reflux. Just woke up now from a 2 hour nap.

What are you taking for the reflux?
Chili powder.........



LOL. Some Mexican food in our area can really get mine going though I take 20mg of Prilosec (actually omeprazole) every day. That is the only thing that can stir it up as long as I take the omeprazole. The last ct scan I had indicated a small hiatal hernia that I am pretty sure is the main catalyst of my reflux problem but the omeprazole controls it quite 100% quite nicely and I am just otherwise cautious about really spicy food.

But. . .when Hombre was having a bad reflux problem he had an upper GI that showed that the reflux was creating ulcers in his esophagus--they are painless and non symptomatic but put him at extreme risk of esophageal cancer. He was immediately put on omeprazole--the same dosage I take--and that stopped the problem in its tracks for him--he can still eat spicy foods-. The ulcers cleared up and he has had no more problems. The gastroenterologist told him though, that if he even felt like he was going to have some reflux, he should take a second Prilosec immediately.

My Aunt's reflux caused Barrett's Syndrome and she was much worse off than either Hombre or me. Prilosec was not completely controlling her GERD and her doctor prescribed 40mg Nexium (now available OTC I believe but is pricey if bought OTC and not via prescription.) The Nexium controlled her GERD completely and it is rated somewhat stronger and more effective for those who need it (and can afford it.) As yet there is no generic form of Nexium on the market.
Effect of esomeprazole 40 mg vs omeprazole 40 mg on 24-hour intragastric pH in patients with symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. - PubMed - NCBI
Yeah I'm taking the generic right now, it mostly works but not completely, maybe I need to build it up in my system. I do have a lot of burping, deep belly burps, sounds like my mom used to...... (don't like that)........
If it doesn't completely do the trick then I'll see what else they want to do, they just wanted to start me on the Prilosec first.
Here's the bed as shown on the site that sold me the woodworking plans:

Here it is complete in the Master bedroom (note the height of the mattress):

And the comforter, which is to be replaced, looks like a doily!

It is beautiful but I would not want a bed that high at my age when I rarely make it through a night without having to get up once or twice.
I get up often through the night too. When I jump off the bed, there's that split second that I feel as of I'm falling rather than jumping to the floor. I called and left two messages with the store I bought the bedding. So far, no one has called back.

I wonder if I can just forget about the box spring and put the mattress on the slats?
I would, at least, put a sheet of plywood covered with fabric over the slats, or you will get ripples.
Ya know Ernie, that's the best solution I've heard yet! Right now, the headboard is just swallowed up by the profile of the mattress. At least I could then see the bed rather than the bedding.,
We're waiting here at the office for the annual delivery of W-2 forms. I can use my income tax refund to pay my county property taxes, a fiscal merry-go-round of the first order.

I had a bit of a scare this morning. I went to the men's room for my daily movement. While I strained, as Elvis did, lights began to flash and buzzers began to buzz. I thought maybe I was having the big stroke. As it turned out, the construction crew renovating our offices had accidentally tapped into the fire alarm circuit.

This gave me pause. I was afraid that, as my legacy, the words "he was found on the toilet" would follow the mention of my name. But I took solace in the idea that less dignity would be my legacy if the words "he was found in his cell" followed my name. I suppose the absolute worst thing that could happen if they were combined as "he was found on the toilet in his cell".

Monday is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and a paid holiday for evil public sector employees like me. The one great saving grace of working for county government is the holiday schedule. President's Day follows in February. Columbus Day in October, Veteran's Day in November. Along with the Big Six holidays: Christmas, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day. There may be a holiday I'm overlooking lumped in there somewhere.

The construction crew reminded me of the time my Grandpa and I flew to Florida to visit my Uncle Ducky. The year was 1966 and I was a precocious nine year old swept up in Beatlemania and the Space Race. Florida was the epicenter of the latter and I was pumped to see everything I could. Grandpa and Uncle Ducky were brothers. Grandma had passed away from breast cancer in August of 1965 and Grandpa decided to get away for a few weeks to spend time with his kid brother. Ducky lived in the St. Petersburg suburb of Pinellas Park.

Ducky had moved to Florida in spite of the fact he still had a few years before retirement. But he served as a lieutenant on the city police force. In 1962 there was a scandal involving the police and the misuse of the keys to stores downtown. No one in the family has ever confirmed nor denied any direct involvement with Uncle Ducky, but he skeedaddled some 800 mile south.

Ducky was a great collector of stuff. World War II surplus equipment, radios, optics (spy glasses he called them), various police gadgets including a lead filled leather blackjack and various handcuffs. In short, everything fascinating to a nine year old boy and some things you would never let a nine year old boy near.

One old tube radio intrigued me. I could dial in top 40 radio from Tampa and listen to the Beatles. But I thought the signal could be improved. I pried open the press board cover on the back of the radio set and saw the tubes glowing with an amber light. What did I know about radio? Not a damn thing. So, when I stuck a screw driver into the set, I was not prepared to be thrown across the room in an arc of electricity and a puff of blue smoke.

"He was found with his hair frazzled at the foot of the bed" could have been my legacy fifty years ago. And that's all the news that fits this mid January day.
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