USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning everybody. Hoping Dajjal gets warm (and that the gas heater is properly ventilated) and hope our ailing ones are feeling much better today and our healthy ones continue that way through the weekend. I'm enjoying my Budwig protocol 'shake' for breakfast and trying to catch up on some essential projects I have been putting off. And will do a bit of housecleaning, at least enough that I can justify loafing the rest of the day.

And now for your daily 'aw' moment:

Good morning everybody. Hoping Dajjal gets warm (and that the gas heater is properly ventilated) and hope our ailing ones are feeling much better today and our healthy ones continue that way through the weekend. I'm enjoying my Budwig protocol 'shake' for breakfast and trying to catch up on some essential projects I have been putting off. And will do a bit of housecleaning, at least enough that I can justify loafing the rest of the day.

And now for your daily 'aw' moment:


I have to start cleaning myself at noon. Then, I have to shower, get ready and go get some things at the store and then go to work for 4 PM. I was hoping to maybe get in a nap today, but I don't think that's going to happen! :)
Good morning everybody. Hoping Dajjal gets warm (and that the gas heater is properly ventilated) and hope our ailing ones are feeling much better today and our healthy ones continue that way through the weekend. I'm enjoying my Budwig protocol 'shake' for breakfast and trying to catch up on some essential projects I have been putting off. And will do a bit of housecleaning, at least enough that I can justify loafing the rest of the day.

And now for your daily 'aw' moment:


I have to start cleaning myself at noon. Then, I have to shower, get ready and go get some things at the store and then go to work for 4 PM. I was hoping to maybe get in a nap today, but I don't think that's going to happen! :)

Well hang in there and take care of Chris too. We've grown rather fond of you here you know.
Well, today is my Sunday this week, and then my schedule is going to change drastically. Lol. I'll be working Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday days and Saturday and Sunday second shifts, and having Monday and Friday off. I like that. It's a nice break in the week. Work for 2 days have a day off, work for 3 days and have another day off. :D Hopefully I like this schedule.

I think I would like it unless I needed two days in a row for a short trip. Sounds like it is working into a full time job?

Oh no, I'm only doing the hospital job on the weekends (4 pm to midnight). During the week, I will be working part time for my transcription job. I just can't handle working one full time and one part time job. I'm much too tired. All I want to do is sleep! :D

Lol. I went to bed at 10 PM last night. That's not like me, so I'm hoping this new schedule is going to work out for me. :)

Careful, that is old people standard Operating Procedure on bedtime. ;)
I picked up a bag the other day, only cost me pennies.......


Bet that street lady had a funny look on her face when you took it.
She'll get over it. I'm gonna leave it open on the coffee shop floor for ya......... :eusa_whistle:

The red wires hanging out isn't fooling anyone.
It's the black one's you don't see that ya have to worry about, touch both, complete the connection........
I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035

Nice bag~ :)

I got the best deal too at Kohls yesterday too but online, I had a $100.00 gift cert so I waited until I got a 30% off.

Vera Wang sets of towels ( normal ) $129.00 each set of 4 bath~4hand~4washcloths...
yesterday I bought 2 sets for 130.00 plus 30 % off ..$90.00 for 2 sets which gave me 8 of each...does that make sense?
258.00 normal for both ...

Plus I will have bonus bucks back too.

I did this with Macys a while back too, both are competing with each other...

I love Macys too. With all the talk of Power Ball, I was thinking the other day about how I would still be shopping at Kohl's and stuff looking for bargains even as a rich person. Lol. :lol: I would still shop like a poor person I think.

I've spent the past couple of days figuring out how to spend about $25. :D I'm buying cheap video games and I don't want to waste any money! :lmao:
I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035

Nice bag~ :)

I got the best deal too at Kohls yesterday too but online, I had a $100.00 gift cert so I waited until I got a 30% off.

Vera Wang sets of towels ( normal ) $129.00 each set of 4 bath~4hand~4washcloths...
yesterday I bought 2 sets for 130.00 plus 30 % off ..$90.00 for 2 sets which gave me 8 of each...does that make sense?
258.00 normal for both ...

Plus I will have bonus bucks back too.

I did this with Macys a while back too, both are competing with each other...

I love Macys too. With all the talk of Power Ball, I was thinking the other day about how I would still be shopping at Kohl's and stuff looking for bargains even as a rich person. Lol. :lol: I would still shop like a poor person I think.

I've spent the past couple of days figuring out how to spend about $25. :D I'm buying cheap video games and I don't want to waste any money! :lmao:

Oh, I don't have any problems spending money. Lol. I do like a good bargain though. :)
Hi and Good Morning everybody!

I have been busy all week long and today is our 32nd Anniversary.
We are going out for a delicious Steak Dinner. :)
See you all on Monday and have a great weekend!!

Have a great celebration friend Peach and congratulations to you and Mr. Peach!!!!

Do any of you thrift shop?

I find treasures and sell them...I sell old vintage chiffon and satin nightgowns of the 40's, 50's 60's all over the world.
I hunt for them, clean and sew them.
I love it!
Well, it's rainy today. No snow though, so that's good! It's actually quite mild out there today considering it's the middle of January. :) I'm hoping this mild weather continues for the rest of the winter!

We have had unnaturally mild weather in England up until a couple of days ago. Now its bloody freezing. My flat is ice cold and I am worried that the pipes will freeze up. I do not have central heating and only heat one room with a portable gas heater. I used to get the benefit of the people downstairs using central heating and keeping my flat from freezing. But the new tenant downstairs does not seem to use her central heating, probably to save money. She has a log fire one room, and that does not help warm my flat.

Why don't you have heat in your apartment? How could they get away with renting an apartment without heat? A landlord would not be able to get away with that here in America. We have a lot of tenant's rights laws. A house without heat around here would be condemned and not able to be rented out at all.

The landlords have offered to install central heating, but I declined. For one reason I have wall to wall books in the front room and there is no space for a radiator, and I don't want to have to have the floorboards up either.
But it is apparent to me that the cold is affecting me more than it used to and I guess that's because I'm getting old. So I have put a fan heater out in the hall to take the chill off the flat, which was becoming uncomfortable every time I left the one heated room.
Tonight I am going to put on an electric radiator and leave it on all night in my bedroom, because it is bloody cold. I used to use the radiator to keep the room warm at night for my bird, but she died years ago, and this is the first night since that I needed it for myself as the duvet was not warm enough last night.
Do any of you thrift shop?

I find treasures and sell them...I sell old vintage chiffon and satin nightgowns of the 40's, 50's 60's all over the world.
I hunt for them, clean and sew them.
I love it!

I collect old books, VERY old books. I have John Foxes martyrology dated 1632 and a valuable book on perspective that is also pretty old. My uncle used to be an avid collector of antiques and I snatched some of his old books before my family could auction them. But I got most of them from cruising junk shops and auctions.
Do any of you thrift shop?

I find treasures and sell them...I sell old vintage chiffon and satin nightgowns of the 40's, 50's 60's all over the world.
I hunt for them, clean and sew them.
I love it!

That probably goes into the category of one of the most unusual avocations, Eaglewings, but it is fascinating. Where do you sell them?
Well, it's rainy today. No snow though, so that's good! It's actually quite mild out there today considering it's the middle of January. :) I'm hoping this mild weather continues for the rest of the winter!

We have had unnaturally mild weather in England up until a couple of days ago. Now its bloody freezing. My flat is ice cold and I am worried that the pipes will freeze up. I do not have central heating and only heat one room with a portable gas heater. I used to get the benefit of the people downstairs using central heating and keeping my flat from freezing. But the new tenant downstairs does not seem to use her central heating, probably to save money. She has a log fire one room, and that does not help warm my flat.

Why don't you have heat in your apartment? How could they get away with renting an apartment without heat? A landlord would not be able to get away with that here in America. We have a lot of tenant's rights laws. A house without heat around here would be condemned and not able to be rented out at all.

The landlords have offered to install central heating, but I declined. For one reason I have wall to wall books in the front room and there is no space for a radiator, and I don't want to have to have the floorboards up either.
But it is apparent to me that the cold is affecting me more than it used to and I guess that's because I'm getting old. So I have put a fan heater out in the hall to take the chill off the flat, which was becoming uncomfortable every time I left the one heated room.
Tonight I am going to put on an electric radiator and leave it on all night in my bedroom, because it is bloody cold. I used to use the radiator to keep the room warm at night for my bird, but she died years ago, and this is the first night since that I needed it for myself as the duvet was not warm enough last night.

Just be careful our British friend. The gas heater needs proper ventilation or it could be deadly. The electric heater is safer but it can overheat. We've become fond of you too you know.
Well, it's rainy today. No snow though, so that's good! It's actually quite mild out there today considering it's the middle of January. :) I'm hoping this mild weather continues for the rest of the winter!

We have had unnaturally mild weather in England up until a couple of days ago. Now its bloody freezing. My flat is ice cold and I am worried that the pipes will freeze up. I do not have central heating and only heat one room with a portable gas heater. I used to get the benefit of the people downstairs using central heating and keeping my flat from freezing. But the new tenant downstairs does not seem to use her central heating, probably to save money. She has a log fire one room, and that does not help warm my flat.

Why don't you have heat in your apartment? How could they get away with renting an apartment without heat? A landlord would not be able to get away with that here in America. We have a lot of tenant's rights laws. A house without heat around here would be condemned and not able to be rented out at all.

The landlords have offered to install central heating, but I declined. For one reason I have wall to wall books in the front room and there is no space for a radiator, and I don't want to have to have the floorboards up either.
But it is apparent to me that the cold is affecting me more than it used to and I guess that's because I'm getting old. So I have put a fan heater out in the hall to take the chill off the flat, which was becoming uncomfortable every time I left the one heated room.
Tonight I am going to put on an electric radiator and leave it on all night in my bedroom, because it is bloody cold. I used to use the radiator to keep the room warm at night for my bird, but she died years ago, and this is the first night since that I needed it for myself as the duvet was not warm enough last night.

Just be careful our British friend. The gas heater needs proper ventilation or it could be deadly. The electric heater is safer but it can overheat. We've become fond of you too you know.

Thanks, my gas heater has an oxygen sensor that shuts the fire off if the air gets too dangerous. It went off the other nigh,t so now I open the door a little for ventilation.

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