USMB Coffee Shop IV

We're waiting here at the office for the annual delivery of W-2 forms. I can use my income tax refund to pay my county property taxes, a fiscal merry-go-round of the first order.

I had a bit of a scare this morning. I went to the men's room for my daily movement. While I strained, as Elvis did, lights began to flash and buzzers began to buzz. I thought maybe I was having the big stroke. As it turned out, the construction crew renovating our offices had accidentally tapped into the fire alarm circuit.

This gave me pause. I was afraid that, as my legacy, the words "he was found on the toilet" would follow the mention of my name. But I took solace in the idea that less dignity would be my legacy if the words "he was found in his cell" followed my name. I suppose the absolute worst thing that could happen if they were combined as "he was found on the toilet in his cell".

Monday is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and a paid holiday for evil public sector employees like me. The one great saving grace of working for county government is the holiday schedule. President's Day follows in February. Columbus Day in October, Veteran's Day in November. Along with the Big Six holidays: Christmas, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day. There may be a holiday I'm overlooking lumped in there somewhere.

The construction crew reminded me of the time my Grandpa and I flew to Florida to visit my Uncle Ducky. The year was 1966 and I was a precocious nine year old swept up in Beatlemania and the Space Race. Florida was the epicenter of the latter and I was pumped to see everything I could. Grandpa and Uncle Ducky were brothers. Grandma had passed away from breast cancer in August of 1965 and Grandpa decided to get away for a few weeks to spend time with his kid brother. Ducky lived in the St. Petersburg suburb of Pinellas Park.

Ducky had moved to Florida in spite of the fact he still had a few years before retirement. But he served as a lieutenant on the city police force. In 1962 there was a scandal involving the police and the misuse of the keys to stores downtown. No one in the family has ever confirmed nor denied any direct involvement with Uncle Ducky, but he skeedaddled some 800 mile south.

Ducky was a great collector of stuff. World War II surplus equipment, radios, optics (spy glasses he called them), various police gadgets including a lead filled leather blackjack and various handcuffs. In short, everything fascinating to a nine year old boy and some things you would never let a nine year old boy near.

One old tube radio intrigued me. I could dial in top 40 radio from Tampa and listen to the Beatles. But I thought the signal could be improved. I pried open the press board cover on the back of the radio set and saw the tubes glowing with an amber light. What did I know about radio? Not a damn thing. So, when I stuck a screw driver into the set, I was not prepared to be thrown across the room in an arc of electricity and a puff of blue smoke.

"He was found with his hair frazzled at the foot of the bed" could have been my legacy fifty years ago. And that's all the news that fits this mid January day.

Our local DMV director went that way years ago. Only guy in an otherwise female office Employee only unisex restroom. So...yikes.
Not feeling too slick all of a sudden. Been sneezing all day so I took an allergy pill. Then my chest started hurting so I took a pain pill. The combo is making me loopy although the pain is gone and I am no longer sneezing.
Thank you Foxy and everyone else for the prayers and thoughts. Mr Kat's surgery went fantastic. He is home earlier than expected, and of course tired and sore, but overall I think doing great. I am SO happy this is over. Now just the healing and then back to normal I hope.
Not feeling too slick all of a sudden. Been sneezing all day so I took an allergy pill. Then my chest started hurting so I took a pain pill. The combo is making me loopy although the pain is gone and I am no longer sneezing.
Ah, Gracie! I sure hope whatever ails you is short-lived. Take care of yourself.
I actually fell asleep in my damn pc chair! Got a crick in my neck for it, too. I think I slept for almost an hour. chest does not hurt any more.
Not feeling too slick all of a sudden. Been sneezing all day so I took an allergy pill. Then my chest started hurting so I took a pain pill. The combo is making me loopy although the pain is gone and I am no longer sneezing.
Ah, Gracie! I sure hope whatever ails you is short-lived. Take care of yourself.
I actually fell asleep in my damn pc chair! Got a crick in my neck for it, too. I think I slept for almost an hour. chest does not hurt any more.

Sending feel better vibes, Gracie, but given a choice between sneezy, pain, and a little loopy, I vote for a little loopy.
Well, today is my Sunday this week, and then my schedule is going to change drastically. Lol. I'll be working Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday days and Saturday and Sunday second shifts, and having Monday and Friday off. I like that. It's a nice break in the week. Work for 2 days have a day off, work for 3 days and have another day off. :D Hopefully I like this schedule.

I think I would like it unless I needed two days in a row for a short trip. Sounds like it is working into a full time job?

Oh no, I'm only doing the hospital job on the weekends (4 pm to midnight). During the week, I will be working part time for my transcription job. I just can't handle working one full time and one part time job. I'm much too tired. All I want to do is sleep! :D

Lol. I went to bed at 10 PM last night. That's not like me, so I'm hoping this new schedule is going to work out for me. :)
Thank you Foxy and everyone else for the prayers and thoughts. Mr Kat's surgery went fantastic. He is home earlier than expected, and of course tired and sore, but overall I think doing great. I am SO happy this is over. Now just the healing and then back to normal I hope.

Great news! :thup: I hope he makes a speedy recovery!
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Well, it's rainy today. No snow though, so that's good! It's actually quite mild out there today considering it's the middle of January. :) I'm hoping this mild weather continues for the rest of the winter!
It's only snowed once so far this year and it was only like an inch (that was last week). However, if I remember correctly last year when we got all that snow, it didn't start until January or February, so . . . we are still not out of the woods. Lol. Remember this from last year? I sure do! ;)

Well, it's rainy today. No snow though, so that's good! It's actually quite mild out there today considering it's the middle of January. :) I'm hoping this mild weather continues for the rest of the winter!

We have had unnaturally mild weather in England up until a couple of days ago. Now its bloody freezing. My flat is ice cold and I am worried that the pipes will freeze up. I do not have central heating and only heat one room with a portable gas heater. I used to get the benefit of the people downstairs using central heating and keeping my flat from freezing. But the new tenant downstairs does not seem to use her central heating, probably to save money. She has a log fire one room, and that does not help warm my flat.
Well, it's rainy today. No snow though, so that's good! It's actually quite mild out there today considering it's the middle of January. :) I'm hoping this mild weather continues for the rest of the winter!

We have had unnaturally mild weather in England up until a couple of days ago. Now its bloody freezing. My flat is ice cold and I am worried that the pipes will freeze up. I do not have central heating and only heat one room with a portable gas heater. I used to get the benefit of the people downstairs using central heating and keeping my flat from freezing. But the new tenant downstairs does not seem to use her central heating, probably to save money. She has a log fire one room, and that does not help warm my flat.

Why don't you have heat in your apartment? How could they get away with renting an apartment without heat? A landlord would not be able to get away with that here in America. We have a lot of tenant's rights laws. A house without heat around here would be condemned and not able to be rented out at all.
I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035

Nice bag~ :)

I got the best deal too at Kohls yesterday but online, I had a $100.00 gift cert so I waited until I got a 30% off.

Vera Wang sets of towels ( normal ) $129.00 each set of 4 bath~4hand~4washcloths...

yesterday I bought 2 sets for 130.00 ( $129.00 +$1.00 for the next set sale ) plus 30 % off ..$90.00 for 2 sets which gave me 8 of each...does that make sense?
258.00 normal for both ...

I got both for $90.00

Plus I will have bonus bucks back too.

I did this with Macys a while back too, both are competing with each other...
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I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035

Nice bag~ :)

I got the best deal too at Kohls yesterday too but online, I had a $100.00 gift cert so I waited until I got a 30% off.

Vera Wang sets of towels ( normal ) $129.00 each set of 4 bath~4hand~4washcloths...
yesterday I bought 2 sets for 130.00 plus 30 % off ..$90.00 for 2 sets which gave me 8 of each...does that make sense?
258.00 normal for both ...

Plus I will have bonus bucks back too.

I did this with Macys a while back too, both are competing with each other...

I love Macys too. With all the talk of Power Ball, I was thinking the other day about how I would still be shopping at Kohl's and stuff looking for bargains even as a rich person. Lol. :lol: I would still shop like a poor person I think.
I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035
I picked up a bag the other day, only cost me pennies.......


And very stylish too. :D
I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035

Nice bag~ :)

I got the best deal too at Kohls yesterday too but online, I had a $100.00 gift cert so I waited until I got a 30% off.

Vera Wang sets of towels ( normal ) $129.00 each set of 4 bath~4hand~4washcloths...
yesterday I bought 2 sets for 130.00 plus 30 % off ..$90.00 for 2 sets which gave me 8 of each...does that make sense?
258.00 normal for both ...

Plus I will have bonus bucks back too.

I did this with Macys a while back too, both are competing with each other...

I love Macys too. With all the talk of Power Ball, I was thinking the other day about how I would still be shopping at Kohl's and stuff looking for bargains even as a rich person. Lol. :lol: I would still shop like a poor person I think.

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