USMB Coffee Shop IV

Thank you Foxy and everyone else for the prayers and thoughts. Mr Kat's surgery went fantastic. He is home earlier than expected, and of course tired and sore, but overall I think doing great. I am SO happy this is over. Now just the healing and then back to normal I hope.

Great news! :thup: I hope he makes a speedy recovery!

Thank you so much. He is doing well. Of course he will be sore a while, and out of work a couple of weeks yet.
Anybody know what we're seeing here?

Anybody know what we're seeing here?

That's what ya call clear water....... :thup:

Correct. That is a small boat harbor of coastal Spain. The water is so clear that on a calm day with no ripples breaking against the hulls, it creates an optical illusion that makes the boats look like they're suspended in mid air.
I'm downloading a few games I bought on Steam. I booted over to my Windows partition to do it. I saw that my clock is once again 5 hours ahead (it does that when I reboot into Windows after starting the day in Linux), so I went in and updated the internet time. Now it's telling me that the game I'm currently downloading was last played..........Tomorrow. :lol:
I've reinstalled Win 7 on this laptop and set it up to block the Win 10 update. My gaming computer just updated and one of the updates "broke" my system forcing me to reset which wiped all programs that were not part of the original install........ I just ordered a Win 7 Pro for $60 shipped, as soon as it gets here I'll reload it on the desktop.
I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035
I picked up a bag the other day, only cost me pennies.......

Now, that's my kind of bag! Someone actually gave me a Kohl's gift card for Christmas. They figured I might need some civilized clothing if I got that university job.
...Far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any more civilized than Carrharts.
Do any of you thrift shop?

I find treasures and sell them...I sell old vintage chiffon and satin nightgowns of the 40's, 50's 60's all over the world.
I hunt for them, clean and sew them.
I love it!
Only way I do shop any more. If I cannot make it myself (jeans and Carrharts), I search for it in the local thrift shops. Underwear and shoes...those I'll buy new, but inexpensively if I can. Redwings and Doc Martins are usually not cheap, but they are much better for work.
I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035
I picked up a bag the other day, only cost me pennies.......

Now, that's my kind of bag! Someone actually gave me a Kohl's gift card for Christmas. They figured I might need some civilized clothing if I got that university job.
...Far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any more civilized than Carrharts.
Gonna go all uptown, eh?

Anybody know what we're seeing here?

That's what ya call clear water....... :thup:

Correct. That is a small boat harbor of coastal Spain. The water is so clear that on a calm day with no ripples breaking against the hulls, it creates an optical illusion that makes the boats look like they're suspended in mid air.
Must be the Western coast of Spain, then. The Mediterranean side is pretty nasty, although I do recall clear water like that in more sheltered places.
I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035
I picked up a bag the other day, only cost me pennies.......

Now, that's my kind of bag! Someone actually gave me a Kohl's gift card for Christmas. They figured I might need some civilized clothing if I got that university job.
...Far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any more civilized than Carrharts.
Gonna go all uptown, eh?

Depends on whether Kohl's sells button-up jeans (501s). I prefer britches with those nice pockets on the side for screwdrivers, water pump pliers, and such like ornaments.
Anybody know what we're seeing here?

That's what ya call clear water....... :thup:

Correct. That is a small boat harbor of coastal Spain. The water is so clear that on a calm day with no ripples breaking against the hulls, it creates an optical illusion that makes the boats look like they're suspended in mid air.
Must be the Western coast of Spain, then. The Mediterranean side is pretty nasty, although I do recall clear water like that in more sheltered places.

I've never been to Spain but this is labeled a harbor of Minorca, one of the small islands off the Spanish coast and it is in the Mediterranean. Maybe far enough from the mainland for the waters to get pristine again?
Anybody know what we're seeing here?

That's what ya call clear water....... :thup:

Correct. That is a small boat harbor of coastal Spain. The water is so clear that on a calm day with no ripples breaking against the hulls, it creates an optical illusion that makes the boats look like they're suspended in mid air.
Must be the Western coast of Spain, then. The Mediterranean side is pretty nasty, although I do recall clear water like that in more sheltered places.

I've never been to Spain but this is labeled a harbor of Minorca, one of the small islands off the Spanish coast and it is in the Mediterranean. Maybe far enough from the mainland for the waters to get pristine again?
When I was in Spain (admittedly many years ago), you would encounter plumes of human waste that was discharged from the mainland into the Med. Maybe it's not so now. The water away from those plumes was this kind of clear and beautiful, though.
Do any of you thrift shop?

I find treasures and sell them...I sell old vintage chiffon and satin nightgowns of the 40's, 50's 60's all over the world.
I hunt for them, clean and sew them.
I love it!
Only way I do shop any more. If I cannot make it myself (jeans and Carrharts), I search for it in the local thrift shops. Underwear and shoes...those I'll buy new, but inexpensively if I can. Redwings and Doc Martins are usually not cheap, but they are much better for work.
Get yourself some patterns and make your own fine clothing.

Do any of you thrift shop?

I find treasures and sell them...I sell old vintage chiffon and satin nightgowns of the 40's, 50's 60's all over the world.
I hunt for them, clean and sew them.
I love it!
Only way I do shop any more. If I cannot make it myself (jeans and Carrharts), I search for it in the local thrift shops. Underwear and shoes...those I'll buy new, but inexpensively if I can. Redwings and Doc Martins are usually not cheap, but they are much better for work.
Get yourself some patterns and make your own fine clothing.

Believe it, or not, I already own such patterns. I've been saving to buy an Amish-made, foot-powered sewing machine for my place off-grid.
traditional sewing macine.jpg

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