USMB Coffee Shop IV

I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

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I picked up a bag the other day, only cost me pennies.......

Now, that's my kind of bag! Someone actually gave me a Kohl's gift card for Christmas. They figured I might need some civilized clothing if I got that university job.
...Far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any more civilized than Carrharts.

I had to look up Carrhart. That's a bit pricey, at least the boots. :)
Anybody know what we're seeing here?

That's what ya call clear water....... :thup:

Correct. That is a small boat harbor of coastal Spain. The water is so clear that on a calm day with no ripples breaking against the hulls, it creates an optical illusion that makes the boats look like they're suspended in mid air.
Must be the Western coast of Spain, then. The Mediterranean side is pretty nasty, although I do recall clear water like that in more sheltered places.

I've never been to Spain but this is labeled a harbor of Minorca, one of the small islands off the Spanish coast and it is in the Mediterranean. Maybe far enough from the mainland for the waters to get pristine again?
But I kinda like the music
Say the ladies are insane there
And they sure know how to use it
I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

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I picked up a bag the other day, only cost me pennies.......

Now, that's my kind of bag! Someone actually gave me a Kohl's gift card for Christmas. They figured I might need some civilized clothing if I got that university job.
...Far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any more civilized than Carrharts.

I had to look up Carrhart. That's a bit pricey, at least the boots. :)
I troll the sales. You can pick up Carrharts for a lost less if you "shop". Bass Pro Shops recently opened an outlet here and their Redhead brand is good but only features one side pocket. When you want clothing to stand up to tough wear-n-tear, you will pay what it's worth.
I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035
I picked up a bag the other day, only cost me pennies.......

Now, that's my kind of bag! Someone actually gave me a Kohl's gift card for Christmas. They figured I might need some civilized clothing if I got that university job.
...Far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any more civilized than Carrharts.

I had to look up Carrhart. That's a bit pricey, at least the boots. :)
Yuppie....... :eusa_whistle:

I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035
I picked up a bag the other day, only cost me pennies.......

Now, that's my kind of bag! Someone actually gave me a Kohl's gift card for Christmas. They figured I might need some civilized clothing if I got that university job.
...Far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any more civilized than Carrharts.

I had to look up Carrhart. That's a bit pricey, at least the boots. :)
I troll the sales. You can pick up Carrharts for a lost less if you "shop". Bass Pro Shops recently opened an outlet here and their Redhead brand is good but only features one side pocket. When you want clothing to stand up to tough wear-n-tear, you will pay what it's worth.
Ya need some hemp linen sail material, cotton woven thread and copper rivets........ :eusa_whistle:
I got two bags at Kohl's yesterday. What a fantastic deal! I got one for $35 and one for $15! Really nice ones too. I took a picture of one of them. The other one I put away in my closet for now. This is the 35 dollar bag. I can fit a ton of stuff in it too! :D

View attachment 60035
I picked up a bag the other day, only cost me pennies.......

Now, that's my kind of bag! Someone actually gave me a Kohl's gift card for Christmas. They figured I might need some civilized clothing if I got that university job.
...Far as I'm concerned, it doesn't get any more civilized than Carrharts.

I had to look up Carrhart. That's a bit pricey, at least the boots. :)
Yuppie....... :eusa_whistle:


My boots usually come from military surplus. :)

I did actually just buy a pair of boots online for the first time.....will have to wait for them to arrive to see if it was a bad idea. :ack-1:
Do any of you thrift shop?

I find treasures and sell them...I sell old vintage chiffon and satin nightgowns of the 40's, 50's 60's all over the world.
I hunt for them, clean and sew them.
I love it!

I don't usually shop at thrift stores. However, I have a really nice purse that was given to me, and it is from the 40s or 50s, so I do like some vintage things. :)
Well, it's rainy today. No snow though, so that's good! It's actually quite mild out there today considering it's the middle of January. :) I'm hoping this mild weather continues for the rest of the winter!

We have had unnaturally mild weather in England up until a couple of days ago. Now its bloody freezing. My flat is ice cold and I am worried that the pipes will freeze up. I do not have central heating and only heat one room with a portable gas heater. I used to get the benefit of the people downstairs using central heating and keeping my flat from freezing. But the new tenant downstairs does not seem to use her central heating, probably to save money. She has a log fire one room, and that does not help warm my flat.

Why don't you have heat in your apartment? How could they get away with renting an apartment without heat? A landlord would not be able to get away with that here in America. We have a lot of tenant's rights laws. A house without heat around here would be condemned and not able to be rented out at all.

The landlords have offered to install central heating, but I declined. For one reason I have wall to wall books in the front room and there is no space for a radiator, and I don't want to have to have the floorboards up either.
But it is apparent to me that the cold is affecting me more than it used to and I guess that's because I'm getting old. So I have put a fan heater out in the hall to take the chill off the flat, which was becoming uncomfortable every time I left the one heated room.
Tonight I am going to put on an electric radiator and leave it on all night in my bedroom, because it is bloody cold. I used to use the radiator to keep the room warm at night for my bird, but she died years ago, and this is the first night since that I needed it for myself as the duvet was not warm enough last night.

Here in America, it would not be up to you. The landlord would have to provide heat, gas, electric or oil heat. It would be against the law for him to rent to anyone without having a heating system that is up to code. We have very strict laws here about things like that.

Be careful with the portable heaters. The best ones have automatic shut offs in case they overheat or something. Just a good safety feature to have on one of those. Good luck, and I hope you manage to stay toasty warm tonight! :)
Anybody know what we're seeing here?

That's what ya call clear water....... :thup:

Correct. That is a small boat harbor of coastal Spain. The water is so clear that on a calm day with no ripples breaking against the hulls, it creates an optical illusion that makes the boats look like they're suspended in mid air.

It does look like they are kind of hovering over the water!
Do any of you thrift shop?

I find treasures and sell them...I sell old vintage chiffon and satin nightgowns of the 40's, 50's 60's all over the world.
I hunt for them, clean and sew them.
I love it!
Only way I do shop any more. If I cannot make it myself (jeans and Carrharts), I search for it in the local thrift shops. Underwear and shoes...those I'll buy new, but inexpensively if I can. Redwings and Doc Martins are usually not cheap, but they are much better for work.
Get yourself some patterns and make your own fine clothing.


OMG, if I tried to make my own clothing . . . who knows what could happen? :lol:
Do any of you thrift shop?

I find treasures and sell them...I sell old vintage chiffon and satin nightgowns of the 40's, 50's 60's all over the world.
I hunt for them, clean and sew them.
I love it!
Only way I do shop any more. If I cannot make it myself (jeans and Carrharts), I search for it in the local thrift shops. Underwear and shoes...those I'll buy new, but inexpensively if I can. Redwings and Doc Martins are usually not cheap, but they are much better for work.
Get yourself some patterns and make your own fine clothing.

Believe it, or not, I already own such patterns. I've been saving to buy an Amish-made, foot-powered sewing machine for my place off-grid.
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Where do you find the time? Gosh, I don't think I could find the time to make my own clothes.
In case anyone was curious, my first night working 4-midnight went pretty well. I kind of like the hours so far (but it's only been one night - lol). Things were a bit more busy than I thought they were going to be, so that's kind of good and makes the time go by pretty fast. :)
Do any of you thrift shop?

I find treasures and sell them...I sell old vintage chiffon and satin nightgowns of the 40's, 50's 60's all over the world.
I hunt for them, clean and sew them.
I love it!
Only way I do shop any more. If I cannot make it myself (jeans and Carrharts), I search for it in the local thrift shops. Underwear and shoes...those I'll buy new, but inexpensively if I can. Redwings and Doc Martins are usually not cheap, but they are much better for work.
Get yourself some patterns and make your own fine clothing.


OMG, if I tried to make my own clothing . . . who knows what could happen? :lol:
I can make you some new clothing, it'll be so light you won't even know you have it on....... Oh and you're the only one who can't see the clothes....... :eusa_whistle:
Good morning all. Finishing up my Budwig protocol shake for breakfast and then off to the shower and make myself presentable - early church service and then likely to brunch somewhere--I don't eat much brunch because the shake really fills you up for hours. Then two more football games today. Did I mention I am going to be soooooo glad when football season is done?

Noting dangerous sub zero temps in upper Midwest and maybe northeast. Those of you in those parts be careful. I just sort of heard it in passing, but minus 33 in Minneapolis overnight? That's serious cold.
Good morning all. Finishing up my Budwig protocol shake for breakfast and then off to the shower and make myself presentable - early church service and then likely to brunch somewhere--I don't eat much brunch because the shake really fills you up for hours. Then two more football games today. Did I mention I am going to be soooooo glad when football season is done?

Noting dangerous sub zero temps in upper Midwest and maybe northeast. Those of you in those parts be careful. I just sort of heard it in passing, but minus 33 in Minneapolis overnight? That's serious cold.
That's almost summer weather there.........

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