USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just got back from doing some shopping in Sierra Vista.
I hate it, but it had to be done. :)
Still a little better than Tucson.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.

Just got back from doing some shopping in Sierra Vista.
I hate it, but it had to be done. :)
Still a little better than Tucson.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.


I wonder when the world turned and shopping became so much less fun than it used to be?
Just got back from doing some shopping in Sierra Vista.
I hate it, but it had to be done. :)
Still a little better than Tucson.

I hope everyone had a great weekend.


I wonder when the world turned and shopping became so much less fun than it used to be?

I have never liked to shop. :)

I used to love to shop. I could spend hours and hours in a big multi-product store like Walmart or an office supply store or book and video store or fabric store or crafts store or Montgomery Ward or Sears or curio shop or whatever, but at some point that stopped being fun. I still like to shop for something specific that I want or need--I don't buy the first or cheapest thing I see like Hombre does--but just window shopping isn't so much my cup of tea any more.
I hope everybody will interpret this as funny instead of political as I did. If not let me know right away and I'll delete it.


I can't tell you how many times I've been on a real rant. . . and typed out a brilliant and detailed post or whatever. . . .and toward the end reallized I had no idea what point I intended to make in the first place. :)
Well, I slept til noon cuz I tossed and turned from 1am to 4am...then finally dozed off. At least I got my 8 hours.

Still overcast, not too cold though. Took the dogs to the bay but it has receded so much it is nothing but mud flats. And it stunk from seaweed laying out in the open. I like it when it is high tide.
Well, I slept til noon cuz I tossed and turned from 1am to 4am...then finally dozed off. At least I got my 8 hours.

Still overcast, not too cold though. Took the dogs to the bay but it has receded so much it is nothing but mud flats. And it stunk from seaweed laying out in the open. I like it when it is high tide.

One of my favorite things to do around San Francisco was go to the bay or the beach as the tide was going out and hunting for little sea creature treasures left behind in little tide pools in the rocks.
Made Armenian Chicken for dinner. :thup:

2 -2 1/2 lbs chicken breast or thighs (Can use bone in but remove the skin)
3/4 cup olive oil
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 Tbsp thyme
1 Tbsp rosemary
1 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp salt
2 cloves garlic (crushed)

Mix all the ingredients in a gallon size ziplock, add chicken and coat chicken well, set in refrigerator overnight.
Best cooked on a grill but can be sauteed in an iron skillet over the stove.
4.5 degrees on the old computer thermometer this morning. While I am grateful for that extra half a degree, it makes little difference. The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a Brass Monkey Alert for the upper Ohio River Valley. Temperatures will continue to fall into the low single digits and below. A Witches' Tit Warning will be issued should temperatures fail to rise above 10.
4.5 degrees on the old computer thermometer this morning. While I am grateful for that extra half a degree, it makes little difference. The National Weather Service in Pittsburgh has issued a Brass Monkey Alert for the upper Ohio River Valley. Temperatures will continue to fall into the low single digits and below. A Witches' Tit Warning will be issued should temperatures fail to rise above 10.

I enjoy winter, winter clothes, the freedom from outdoor chores that winter offers, etc. etc. But I do not enjoy those subterranean temperatures that sometimes come with winter. Stay warm Nosmo.
Okay, here's your philosophical question for the day. Could you do this for $1,000/day for 365 days? I will have to say that if I had sufficient books, a typewriter or perhaps a computer not connected to the internet, sewing materials, paints, jigsaw puzzles, a dog, a gun, and wood working equipment, and ability to summon help in an emergency, I think I could do it, and, if in good health and with consent and support of loved ones, I would do it.

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