USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well it seems Spring is springing! Yesterday I saw a crab apple tree in full bloom. there it stood on Anderson Boulevard all decked out in bright pink like a young girl's first stab at lipstick. I saw a forsythia starting to blush in lemon yellow blossoms, still too shy or reluctant to pop all at once. The tulips bordering the North Portico of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate are showing me that they survived yet another winter. It's time to go out and clear away the last remnants of Autumn leaves and dog poo that surround them now. But the weatherman says we might have yet an inch or two of snow to watch Saturday night into Sunday morning.

The director of the famed Easter Pageant on the Hillside gave me a new script in LARGE PRINT to help me with my Mr. Magoo vision. My cataracts should be a memory by mid April as surgery has been scheduled. Left eye on the 14th, right eye on the 21st.

Mom wants to drive me to the out patient clinic. How many times in your life do you get a chance to pull a really great practical joke? After the surgery and the receptionist lets Mom back to the Recovery room, I think I'll raise my hands in the air and ask "Mom? Is that you?" and then feel her face.

That will either drive her batty or give her a giggle. Either way I can't resist!

I wish I had as pleasant a way to tell that Spring has arrived. For me it's the fact that I've gotten my first tick bites of the year. :mad:

Already?? Gosh, we are supposed to get more snow this weekend!

I wondered if it was snowing at your house.

Sunny, gentle breeze, and 71 here today.

Not yet. We're supposed to get a little on Sunday. It was actually a decent day today, sunny with a high of about 50, a little windy though.
Am I missing something? :D

That was followed by a photo of a lizard with a butterfly on its head (and the caption said just that: I am sick of politics so here is a picture of a lizard with a butterfly on its head.) Somehow that doesn't come out as funny as the graphic did.

Don't know what happened to the picture though. One minute it was there and then it went away :(

Oh, I thought it was something REALLY controversial and you had decided to delete it. :lol:

And now the photo seems to be back? It is for me anyway.
I'm still not seeing it here

Really weird. I reappeared for me and shows up in this quote as I am typing. Hmmmm.

This happens in the funny pictures thread all the time.

I edited this to put my answer in a spoiler so that other people can find the mistake. Sorry about that. :D

Two "the" in the sentence. :) Editing is part of my job. Lol.

sentence has the error.
Well it seems Spring is springing! Yesterday I saw a crab apple tree in full bloom. there it stood on Anderson Boulevard all decked out in bright pink like a young girl's first stab at lipstick. I saw a forsythia starting to blush in lemon yellow blossoms, still too shy or reluctant to pop all at once. The tulips bordering the North Portico of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate are showing me that they survived yet another winter. It's time to go out and clear away the last remnants of Autumn leaves and dog poo that surround them now. But the weatherman says we might have yet an inch or two of snow to watch Saturday night into Sunday morning.

The director of the famed Easter Pageant on the Hillside gave me a new script in LARGE PRINT to help me with my Mr. Magoo vision. My cataracts should be a memory by mid April as surgery has been scheduled. Left eye on the 14th, right eye on the 21st.

Mom wants to drive me to the out patient clinic. How many times in your life do you get a chance to pull a really great practical joke? After the surgery and the receptionist lets Mom back to the Recovery room, I think I'll raise my hands in the air and ask "Mom? Is that you?" and then feel her face.

That will either drive her batty or give her a giggle. Either way I can't resist!

I wish I had as pleasant a way to tell that Spring has arrived. For me it's the fact that I've gotten my first tick bites of the year. :mad:

Already?? Gosh, we are supposed to get more snow this weekend!

75 here today, although it's supposed to get a bit chilly this weekend.
The wife had the two interviews today, Phoenix and Nevada, both online (Skype and Web-X). The problem (if one sees it that way) is Nevada almost seems to want her, we're getting the impression she's the top candidate for the job. We're still thinking it's expensive with a seriously lack of available properties and what if the job doesn't work out? We'd be stuck in an expensive area with few resources. Plus there seems to be multiple clinics in both Nevada and Kalifornia so there'd be some obvious travel involved.
The wife had the two interviews today, Phoenix and Nevada, both online (Skype and Web-X). The problem (if one sees it that way) is Nevada almost seems to want her, we're getting the impression she's the top candidate for the job. We're still thinking it's expensive with a seriously lack of available properties and what if the job doesn't work out? We'd be stuck in an expensive area with few resources. Plus there seems to be multiple clinics in both Nevada and Kalifornia so there'd be some obvious travel involved.

If your gut tells you it's a bad idea, you probably ought to listen to it.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
The wife had the two interviews today, Phoenix and Nevada, both online (Skype and Web-X). The problem (if one sees it that way) is Nevada almost seems to want her, we're getting the impression she's the top candidate for the job. We're still thinking it's expensive with a seriously lack of available properties and what if the job doesn't work out? We'd be stuck in an expensive area with few resources. Plus there seems to be multiple clinics in both Nevada and Kalifornia so there'd be some obvious travel involved.

If your gut tells you it's a bad idea, you probably ought to listen to it.
Initially it was an exciting possibility at first, however a day later we started having second thoughts. Not sure if it's a gut feeling or just fear/caution of what happened to us the last two times. I keep asking upstairs for help and guidance and the Nevada job (which we thought was gone) keeps popping back up. Still.......... :dunno:
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ringel's knee,
Pogo's brother,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
For every happiness for Sherry and WQ,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Againsheila, Alan, Noomi, Spoonman, Freedombecki, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

View attachment 68066

What a beautiful picture!! ♥♥♥
The wife had the two interviews today, Phoenix and Nevada, both online (Skype and Web-X). The problem (if one sees it that way) is Nevada almost seems to want her, we're getting the impression she's the top candidate for the job. We're still thinking it's expensive with a seriously lack of available properties and what if the job doesn't work out? We'd be stuck in an expensive area with few resources. Plus there seems to be multiple clinics in both Nevada and Kalifornia so there'd be some obvious travel involved.
I have found a lot of nice properties on the border of Nev and Cali, Ringel. Keep looking! Maybe a podunk little town with a small commute?
Meanwhile...I had my yard sale this morning. SO MUCH STUFF. And by noon, we shut it down cuz it IS a friday and people stopped coming. However, the second sale is tomorrow, so I can try to dump the rest of it. We made $570.00!!

And the sad news is....Moki's sister, sweetpea, died yesterday. Heart failure. Vet could do no more and she was in such pain from bloating even though she would not eat, couldn't pee or poop and gasped for breath. So...they put her down. They buried her in the back yard very deep because they plan to move and didn't have the money to cremate her and I just don't have the money to pay for it, I am very sad to say. She was my BIL's companion dog...and for 12 long years, they were hooked at the hip. They called to let us know and I said they should come here so BIL can hug Sweetpeas brother and get away for a day and SIL can help me with the sale. So..they got here at around 11pm last night, left around 1pm. Poor BIL was just out of it. Sad, cried once in awhile (he is 77 years old), and I am trying to soothe him and do the sale at the same time. I told Moki. He understood, too. I just said "sweetpea...(his ears perked up)....all gone" and waved my hands. Then I said " sweetpea (no more perked ears..just sad eyes) went with Gracie" and he laid his head in my hand, licked my fingers (he never licks me), then went back under daddys bed. Karma was there too. Her ears were all perked up too, but those two faces, staring at me, hearing what I said, the All Gone....the sad faces....they know. Then when the inlaws showed up and no Sweetpea...they greeted BIL so gently and hung out by him all day and Karma is like my shadow, but she stuck close to BIL in MrGs room while we were outside with the buyers with all of us checking in on in turns.

All around sad sad sad. BIL asked if he could take Moki home for a week, then bring him back and Daddy (MrG) said he is so sorry...but HELL no. We won't have Moki long either, and we keep him close.

This is sweetpea and Moki when I first brought them home 12 years ago. I handed Moki (the brown one) to MrG, and SIL handed Sweetpea to BIL at the same time and it was a chorus of "awwwwwwwwwwwwww!" and from then on...all of them were inseparable. They were so small, they fit in the guys palms.

The wife had the two interviews today, Phoenix and Nevada, both online (Skype and Web-X). The problem (if one sees it that way) is Nevada almost seems to want her, we're getting the impression she's the top candidate for the job. We're still thinking it's expensive with a seriously lack of available properties and what if the job doesn't work out? We'd be stuck in an expensive area with few resources. Plus there seems to be multiple clinics in both Nevada and Kalifornia so there'd be some obvious travel involved.

If your gut tells you it's a bad idea, you probably ought to listen to it.
Initially it was an exciting possibility at first, however a day later we started having second thoughts. Not sure if it's a gut feeling or just fear/caution of what happened to us the last two times. I keep asking upstairs for help and guidance and the Nevada job (which we thought was gone) keeps popping back up. Still.......... :dunno:

I hear the concern. I suspect you'll know what to do when you have to decide.
Well it seems Spring is springing! Yesterday I saw a crab apple tree in full bloom. there it stood on Anderson Boulevard all decked out in bright pink like a young girl's first stab at lipstick. I saw a forsythia starting to blush in lemon yellow blossoms, still too shy or reluctant to pop all at once. The tulips bordering the North Portico of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate are showing me that they survived yet another winter. It's time to go out and clear away the last remnants of Autumn leaves and dog poo that surround them now. But the weatherman says we might have yet an inch or two of snow to watch Saturday night into Sunday morning.

The director of the famed Easter Pageant on the Hillside gave me a new script in LARGE PRINT to help me with my Mr. Magoo vision. My cataracts should be a memory by mid April as surgery has been scheduled. Left eye on the 14th, right eye on the 21st.

Mom wants to drive me to the out patient clinic. How many times in your life do you get a chance to pull a really great practical joke? After the surgery and the receptionist lets Mom back to the Recovery room, I think I'll raise my hands in the air and ask "Mom? Is that you?" and then feel her face.

That will either drive her batty or give her a giggle. Either way I can't resist!

I wish I had as pleasant a way to tell that Spring has arrived. For me it's the fact that I've gotten my first tick bites of the year. :mad:

Already?? Gosh, we are supposed to get more snow this weekend!
I'm watching weather forecasts on both the Youngstown and Pittsburgh stations. Youngstown is about forty miles north and Pittsburgh is about forty miles east of here. Youngstown is optimistic, Pittsbirgh not so much. But it's supposed to be wet snow and it should melt on the pavement. Black ice is the concern, so I'm off this afternoon to run errands.

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