USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hardly slept at all last night. Tossed and turned in pain and doubt I got 3 hours sleep. I better hit the recliner and see if I can't catch another couple winks, or I'm going to be in one foul mood all day.

your back again?
Two words... Good morning. Busy day. Talk with you all later.

And a good and happy morning to you, BBD, and all other buds of mine. :thup: What a pretty day it is outside my windows...cloudy with mist hanging in the trees of green,and many sizes with heights going all the way up to 350 feet...the only sound , little birds chirping merrily...:eusa_dance:
2014 WM (World Cup)

One of the biggest, most sponsored games of all, in about 40 minutes.

Deutschland gegen USA!!!!

Here is the player-list (Aufstellung) with subsititutes (Ersätze):

$18 Uhr Deutschland gegen USA.png

Coach Löw is starting is Özil and Podolski, but Klose, the heaviest hitter of all, is on the substitute list, which means he will probably be swapped in in the second half.

Going downstairs to my neighbors to catch this game.



(Today, either way, my favorite team wins!)

Hardly slept at all last night. Tossed and turned in pain and doubt I got 3 hours sleep. I better hit the recliner and see if I can't catch another couple winks, or I'm going to be in one foul mood all day.

your back again?

Neck, mainly.

??? Something you should get checked for? Or just what we around here call a 'crick in the neck' which is miserable until it passes. Anyhow feel better.
After today i'm off for a week and a half. counting the hours

Right through one of my favorite holidays, Independence Day. They really whoop it up around here on that day. We have battlefields from the war of 1812, they have war reinactments, fireworks, festival activities in town...


Fort Meigs, just a small portion of it.
Good morning everybody. It is a bright beautiful day in New Mexico with prospects of rain next week--maybe an early monsoon? It usually doesn't start until right around the 4th of July or a little later, but early rains would be most welcome.

I was looking forward to watching the game this morning, and will catch some of it, but have a medical taxi run with Aunt Betty later this morning.

Has been such a busy week I can't seem to get on top of everything that needs to be done along with the stuff I have to do. I would plan a vacation if I had time to get ready for one.

Anyhow hope everybody is having a good day, those who are healing will find it good; those who are hurting will find speedy relief; and all other problems will be manageable and short lived.
And on the pet peeve front, I had to take down my popup blockers because they were interfering with on line games I play, and I have resisted installing an ad blocker for the same reason. But I HATE these dang pop up ads--sometimes I'm getting two at a time and they're both talking to me and playing different music and it's awful. I can take them off in a hurry but I want advertisers to know that these are not at all effective with me and I will resist any product advertised in that intrusive and annoying way. Harumph!!
your back again?

Neck, mainly.

??? Something you should get checked for? Or just what we around here call a 'crick in the neck' which is miserable until it passes. Anyhow feel better.

Old Air Force injury from long ago. 4 of my 7 cervical vertebra are one piece. 2 from birth, 2 from a discectomy in 1990. It's the cause of a lot of discomfort and pain, especially laying down... unfortunately.
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