USMB Coffee Shop IV

I was just reading this article and realized I probably am not taking my own counsel and thus not properly hydrating as I do experience several of these symptoms more often than I should:

Summary of article:

10 Warning Signs of Dehydration:

1. Increased heart rate

2. Bad breath and/or dry mouth

3. Sudden food cravings

4. Joint and muscle pain

5. Intense headaches

6/ Upset stomach

7. Fatigue

8. Infrequent urination

'9. Dry skin

10. Trouble focusing

Article says if you have more than one of these symptoms, you are probably not drinking enough fluids and/or not getting sufficient fruit and veggies.

These 10 Warning Signs Could Mean That You're Dehydrated. I Had No Idea That's What #3 Meant!

Is the bold part ever NOT part of a dietary plan? Pass me a glass of water please.
. Do what you love, what you look forward to, what you are eager to get back to doing

If I do that I will do nothing, like I have done for the last ten years. I have vegetated watching afternoon TV.
So I decided to make some effort and try and paint eight big pictures on some canvases I stretched years ago.
This is the first attempt, and I am finding it hard. I was originally going to paint the interior of a cathedral with angels flying around in it, but I found the perspective too much of a problem. So I decided to leave that Idea till later, and I thought sunflowers would be an easy start. However I have forgotten how to paint contra flow spirals and it is a struggle.
Put it to the side for now and start simple then work up or leave it where you see it every day where you can mull over it every time you see it. I tend to do the latter, with my frock coat I started months ago I set aside for a while and picked it back up a week ago and last night ran into a problem that I have to figure out, how to attach the collar. This pattern is definitely more advanced then the vests and sack coat I made and the instruction presume the tailor already has certain knowledge which I don't have. I will figure it out and have even emailed the company that makes the pattern for any help.
What you might be dealing with is the same issue I deal with from time to time, what Winston Churchill called his Black Dog, depression, some times the dog wins out for a while and I spend my days watching movies, playing video games and/or napping for long periods of time, I'm fighting it right now.

I think it is normal to have days that we just are not motivated to do much of anything that is productive. I have decided to take those days as my cue that it is just time for a time out to regroup and just be. That seems to be working for me. . .except for the annoyance of having to see all the stuff that isn't getting done.
Down days are one thing depression is something else and can be seriously debilitating. It's not so much a lack of motivation it's an emotional inability to do anything and affects all aspects of one's life when even getting out of bed for days, weeks and sometimes months is a major effort. One loses all desire to do even the thing we love as everything is a major effort just to think about.

Yes, I've been there but as a more temporary reactionary thing--have loved ones who fight the more chronic types of depression. But there are mild meds with minimal side effects that can help immensely. You should discuss it with your doctor.
I tend to be fairly good at fighting it on my own without having to take another med and thank God I'm not suicidal, too chicken to hurt myself. I hate the days where even walking to the bathroom is a chore but what I do is try to focus on getting one thing done even if it takes a couple of days to do something as simple as cleaning the kitchen, thankfully those days don't come too often yet when they do they can last for up to a month.
The Great All Class High School Reunion happens this weekend! Every six years or so, as the Fourth of July falls close enough to a weekend, like Friday or Monday, the East Liverpool High School Alumnae Association throws a magnificent party welcoming all high school alumns back to town. There are massive tents set up at the corner of Fifth and Broadway and in the Elks parking lot at Broadway and St. Clair and every party venue in town is booked by graduating classes.

Bands and acts from town and out of town are booked to play the tents. The population of town grows from a sleepy 15, 000 to around 50,000 for the party. There's a 10k run, a golf outing, the Old Guard Luncheon for folks who graduated in 1956 and before, a talent show, and a Grand Parade on Saturday followed by, you guessed it, fireworks.

During the last All Class I was the chairman of the Memory Lane committee. I made a video showing photos from the yearbook (The Keramos) and local newspapers accompanied by music from each decade. We projected the video on the ceilings of the party tents and displayed it on the billboard sized television we raffled off.

Everyone coming home seems to want three things. Glazed donuts from L&B Donuts (they put about a stick of butter into each donut and they are, arguably the finest pastries in the Tri-State area), chili dogs from the Hot Dog Shoppe (you know it's classy by the way they spell "Shoppe") and Orlando's pizza, which ain't there no more so tough.

The school crest:


is dutifully duplicated by stencil in front of local businesses.

The town gets as spruced up as humanly possible. Weed eaters have been droning along since Sunday morning and sidewalks have been swept to within an inch of their lives. Even Scotty's bar is sporting a new Potter Blue and White paint job.

Friday evening we all gather in front of the clock tower:


for the recognition of distinguished alumnae. One of my dear old friends from the Class of '75 is recognized this year.

So, I'll be busy this weekend getting my reunion on, as the young folks say. If you're in my neck of the woods, do stop by! It's a barrel of fun!

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If I do that I will do nothing, like I have done for the last ten years. I have vegetated watching afternoon TV.
So I decided to make some effort and try and paint eight big pictures on some canvases I stretched years ago.
This is the first attempt, and I am finding it hard. I was originally going to paint the interior of a cathedral with angels flying around in it, but I found the perspective too much of a problem. So I decided to leave that Idea till later, and I thought sunflowers would be an easy start. However I have forgotten how to paint contra flow spirals and it is a struggle.
Put it to the side for now and start simple then work up or leave it where you see it every day where you can mull over it every time you see it. I tend to do the latter, with my frock coat I started months ago I set aside for a while and picked it back up a week ago and last night ran into a problem that I have to figure out, how to attach the collar. This pattern is definitely more advanced then the vests and sack coat I made and the instruction presume the tailor already has certain knowledge which I don't have. I will figure it out and have even emailed the company that makes the pattern for any help.
What you might be dealing with is the same issue I deal with from time to time, what Winston Churchill called his Black Dog, depression, some times the dog wins out for a while and I spend my days watching movies, playing video games and/or napping for long periods of time, I'm fighting it right now.

I think it is normal to have days that we just are not motivated to do much of anything that is productive. I have decided to take those days as my cue that it is just time for a time out to regroup and just be. That seems to be working for me. . .except for the annoyance of having to see all the stuff that isn't getting done.
Down days are one thing depression is something else and can be seriously debilitating. It's not so much a lack of motivation it's an emotional inability to do anything and affects all aspects of one's life when even getting out of bed for days, weeks and sometimes months is a major effort. One loses all desire to do even the thing we love as everything is a major effort just to think about.

Yes, I've been there but as a more temporary reactionary thing--have loved ones who fight the more chronic types of depression. But there are mild meds with minimal side effects that can help immensely. You should discuss it with your doctor.
I tend to be fairly good at fighting it on my own without having to take another med and thank God I'm not suicidal, too chicken to hurt myself. I hate the days where even walking to the bathroom is a chore but what I do is try to focus on getting one thing done even if it takes a couple of days to do something as simple as cleaning the kitchen, thankfully those days don't come too often yet when they do they can last for up to a month.

We'll hope each bout is short lived. At least you know it isn't your fault. And a hard kick in the butt to anybody who tells you to just snap out of it.
The alumnae parade is organized with all the efficiency of a kindergarten class assembly. The oldest alumnae is Doc Rubin who graduated in 1933. Doc is 100 years old this year. He leads the procession followed by members of the Class of '34, if any, '35 and so on. The Class of 2016 comes last. As your class marches through town, you take your place on the sidewalk to watch your followers in later classes march by. So Doc gets to see the whole parade.

I'm in the Class of 1975. This year I get to see forty one years worth of graduates. Forty one, as it turns out, is how old the graduates of 2016 think is 'old' for a human.
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We have our new cooling and heating system in.

WOW!!! it is really nice and just in time for monsoon rain.
It is so nice, so much better than evaporative coolers.

Next is the walk in tub and shower. This will be nice for hubby because it's really, really getting hard for him to step over and into the tub.

That sounds great. I think I would love one of those walk in tubs, but alas beyond our budget. But sounds great for your hubby.

Yes they are expensive, but we have been saving up for it for several years knowing full well that the day would come (alas) :(
It has finally become a necessity for my husband, each year his legs get weaker.
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The alumnae parade is organized with all the efficiency of a kindergarten class assembly. The oldest alumnae is Doc Rubin who graduated in 1933. Doc is 100 years old this year. He leads the procession followed by members of the Class of '34, if any, '35 and so on. The Class of 2016 comes last. As your class marches through town, you take your place on the sidewalk to watch your followers in later classes march by. So Doc gets to see the whole parade.

I'm in the Class of 1975. This year I get to see forty one years worth of graduates. Forty one, as it turns out, is how old the graduates of 2016 think is 'old' for a human.
Youngster...... :eusa_whistle:
We have our new cooling and heating system in.

WOW!!! it is really nice and just in time for monsoon rain.
It is so nice, so much better than evaporative coolers.

Next is the walk in tub and shower. This will be nice for hubby because it's really, really getting hard for him to step over and into the tub.

That sounds great. I think I would love one of those walk in tubs, but alas beyond our budget. But sounds great for your hubby.

Yes they are expensive, but we have been saving up for it for several years knowing full well that the day would come (alas) :(
It has finally become a necessity for my husband, each year his legs get weaker.
My parents had one of those for my mom, I hated it, too claustrophobic but then again this is my idea of a proper sized bath.......

We have our new cooling and heating system in.

WOW!!! it is really nice and just in time for monsoon rain.
It is so nice, so much better than evaporative coolers.

Next is the walk in tub and shower. This will be nice for hubby because it's really, really getting hard for him to step over and into the tub.

That sounds great. I think I would love one of those walk in tubs, but alas beyond our budget. But sounds great for your hubby.

Yes they are expensive, but we have been saving up for it for several years knowing full well that the day would come (alas) :(
It has finally become a necessity for my husband, each year his legs get weaker.
My parents had one of those for my mom, I hated it, too claustrophobic but then again this is my idea of a proper sized bath.......


It is not a matter of choice for hubby, plus it is the same size as we have now 30 X 60
We have our new cooling and heating system in.

WOW!!! it is really nice and just in time for monsoon rain.
It is so nice, so much better than evaporative coolers.

Next is the walk in tub and shower. This will be nice for hubby because it's really, really getting hard for him to step over and into the tub.

That sounds great. I think I would love one of those walk in tubs, but alas beyond our budget. But sounds great for your hubby.

Yes they are expensive, but we have been saving up for it for several years knowing full well that the day would come (alas) :(
It has finally become a necessity for my husband, each year his legs get weaker.
My parents had one of those for my mom, I hated it, too claustrophobic but then again this is my idea of a proper sized bath.......


It is not a matter of choice for hubby, plus it is the same size as we have now 30 X 60
It's the seat that takes up so much room making taking a shower a chore and I only take showers cause I find tubs too claustrophobic, I want full submersion with lots of elbow room when I take a bath.
The alumnae parade is organized with all the efficiency of a kindergarten class assembly. The oldest alumnae is Doc Rubin who graduated in 1933. Doc is 100 years old this year. He leads the procession followed by members of the Class of '34, if any, '35 and so on. The Class of 2016 comes last. As your class marches through town, you take your place on the sidewalk to watch your followers in later classes march by. So Doc gets to see the whole parade.

I'm in the Class of 1975. This year I get to see forty one years worth of graduates. Forty one, as it turns out, is how old the graduates of 2016 think is 'old' for a human.
Youngster...... :eusa_whistle:
God bless you!

That's the nicest thing said about me since "For a chubby guy, you don't sweat so much."
. Do what you love, what you look forward to, what you are eager to get back to doing

If I do that I will do nothing, like I have done for the last ten years. I have vegetated watching afternoon TV.
So I decided to make some effort and try and paint eight big pictures on some canvases I stretched years ago.
This is the first attempt, and I am finding it hard. I was originally going to paint the interior of a cathedral with angels flying around in it, but I found the perspective too much of a problem. So I decided to leave that Idea till later, and I thought sunflowers would be an easy start. However I have forgotten how to paint contra flow spirals and it is a struggle.
Put it to the side for now and start simple then work up or leave it where you see it every day where you can mull over it every time you see it. I tend to do the latter, with my frock coat I started months ago I set aside for a while and picked it back up a week ago and last night ran into a problem that I have to figure out, how to attach the collar. This pattern is definitely more advanced then the vests and sack coat I made and the instruction presume the tailor already has certain knowledge which I don't have. I will figure it out and have even emailed the company that makes the pattern for any help.
What you might be dealing with is the same issue I deal with from time to time, what Winston Churchill called his Black Dog, depression, some times the dog wins out for a while and I spend my days watching movies, playing video games and/or napping for long periods of time, I'm fighting it right now.

You just pretty accurately described my plans for if I ever win the lottery. :lol:
I just got back a little while ago from taking something called the COMPASS test, it's a placement test for colleges. I'm trying to get into an online course from an in-state tech school. I did great until I got to the algebra, then I didn't remember how any of that shit gets done. :p
I just got back a little while ago from taking something called the COMPASS test, it's a placement test for colleges. I'm trying to get into an online course from an in-state tech school. I did great until I got to the algebra, then I didn't remember how any of that shit gets done. :p

I thought they were going to take algebra out of the core curriculum. With computers and modern technology, it is so seldom used any more.
I just got back a little while ago from taking something called the COMPASS test, it's a placement test for colleges. I'm trying to get into an online course from an in-state tech school. I did great until I got to the algebra, then I didn't remember how any of that shit gets done. :p

I thought they were going to take algebra out of the core curriculum. With computers and modern technology, it is so seldom used any more.

I'm pretty sure it will be useless for the program I'm trying to take. :D

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