USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Sixfoot's bad back,
Rod, GW's partner,
IamwhatIseem's bad hip,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, BBD, Spoonman, 007, BigBlackDog, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

El Paso Sunset:

For those who don't know, the photo with the vigil list last night is a scene from the inside of Ernie's bar. I don't drink and I would love visiting there. :)
I appreciate that you posted a shot from Doc Hollidays!
As always, everyone raved about my butt (pulled pork for you folks with dirty minds) and our Pirates Bash was a great night. We had live entertainment from a two piece group called Delta Smoke and we featured rum drinks, adding 5 new ones to the repertoire. Here's a shot of me with 2 of my favorite bar wenches.View attachment 79594

Yes, that is a real sword and I do know how to use it.

Looking good Ernie. But why do I imagine you as a star on Duck Dynasty? Love the outfits.
I get that a lot. Or, ZZ Top or Oak Ridge Boys, Alabama or someone from a TV show about moonshiners. I'm unconventional, I guess; always have been, but people do remember me.
Looks like you need a shave........ :eusa_whistle:

(Hopefully that was a different approach....... :D )
I've "looked like I needed a shave" for 44 years come 7/9 There are damned few people in my life that have ever seen my chin.
I think I could sit and eat an entire ice cream cake. I'd feel like crap after, but the good ones are so yummy!

I can take a little, little piece. I am not a fan of the super sweet. And i will require black coffee with it to offset the sugar overload.

I can live without cream/milk, but I always put sugar in my coffee! (when I actually drink it) :D

You shouldn't skip the cream/milk though because it really helps with the GERD.

I use creamer when I drink coffee, which isn't very often. I just meant that I don't mind coffee without cream, but I don't want it without sugar.

But those powdered creamers--almost all are made of high fructose corn syrup solids, hydrogenated vegetable oils, and a handful of stabilizing, emulsifying, and flavoring chemicals--practically nothing that would pass for food. And those chemicals can trigger GERD. If you use real cream or milk though, that will cut the acid in the coffee and make it much less likely to contribute to your GERD.

(Sorry. Stepping off soap box now.)
I don't even have creamer in my house and haven't for a couple of decades. Used to use it at reenactments as it didn't have to be refrigerated (left in the cooler). Brought 2 quarts of half and half one time to The Gap (Fort Indiantown Gap - Battle of the Bulge), it appeared some of the guys were drinking it straight as both were gone the first morning, from then on it was creamer for them unless they brought their own.
I am having a real struggle doing my latest painting. In fact I had to stop for a while because I had heart pains from stress. But you have to suffer for your art so I went back to it. See the latest photo of the painting on the arts and crafts forum in my thread 'my paintings'. Tell me if you think it is worth bothering, because I need the encouragement.
I am having a real struggle doing my latest painting. In fact I had to stop for a while because I had heart pains from stress. But you have to suffer for your art so I went back to it. See the latest photo of the painting on the arts and crafts forum in my thread 'my paintings'. Tell me if you think it is worth bothering, because I need the encouragement.

It is easier for us to evaluate if you just post it here Dajjal as few, if any other of us, ever visit those forums. But I did go look and you don't have enough done yet for me to evaluate. I do like the concept. . .BUT. . .

In my never to be considered humble opinion, I think unless you have to do it as a necessity in your life, I think most of us are to the point that it is okay to do what gives us joy. So if doing it is not giving you pleasure and it does not have to be done, then don't do it. Do what you love, what you look forward to, what you are eager to get back to doing. Life is too short to make it harder than it has to be.
For those who don't know, the photo with the vigil list last night is a scene from the inside of Ernie's bar. I don't drink and I would love visiting there. :)
I appreciate that you posted a shot from Doc Hollidays!
As always, everyone raved about my butt (pulled pork for you folks with dirty minds) and our Pirates Bash was a great night. We had live entertainment from a two piece group called Delta Smoke and we featured rum drinks, adding 5 new ones to the repertoire. Here's a shot of me with 2 of my favorite bar wenches.View attachment 79594

Yes, that is a real sword and I do know how to use it.

Looking good Ernie. But why do I imagine you as a star on Duck Dynasty? Love the outfits.
I get that a lot. Or, ZZ Top or Oak Ridge Boys, Alabama or someone from a TV show about moonshiners. I'm unconventional, I guess; always have been, but people do remember me.
Looks like you need a shave........ :eusa_whistle:

(Hopefully that was a different approach....... :D )
I've "looked like I needed a shave" for 44 years come 7/9 There are damned few people in my life that have ever seen my chin.

Tee he! he! I am one of them. :biggrin:

P.S. You have a very nice looking chin by the way. :)
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. Do what you love, what you look forward to, what you are eager to get back to doing

If I do that I will do nothing, like I have done for the last ten years. I have vegetated watching afternoon TV.
So I decided to make some effort and try and paint eight big pictures on some canvases I stretched years ago.
This is the first attempt, and I am finding it hard. I was originally going to paint the interior of a cathedral with angels flying around in it, but I found the perspective too much of a problem. So I decided to leave that Idea till later, and I thought sunflowers would be an easy start. However I have forgotten how to paint contra flow spirals and it is a struggle.
We have our new cooling and heating system in.

WOW!!! it is really nice and just in time for monsoon rain.
It is so nice, so much better than evaporative coolers.

Next is the walk in tub and shower. This will be nice for hubby because it's really, really getting hard for him to step over and into the tub.
. Do what you love, what you look forward to, what you are eager to get back to doing

If I do that I will do nothing, like I have done for the last ten years. I have vegetated watching afternoon TV.
So I decided to make some effort and try and paint eight big pictures on some canvases I stretched years ago.
This is the first attempt, and I am finding it hard. I was originally going to paint the interior of a cathedral with angels flying around in it, but I found the perspective too much of a problem. So I decided to leave that Idea till later, and I thought sunflowers would be an easy start. However I have forgotten how to paint contra flow spirals and it is a struggle.

I don't believe that Dajjal because if that was giving you pleasure, you wouldn't be looking for something more productive to do. But if you must paint just paint what gives you joy. If you aren't enjoying It, you are painting the wrong canvas. :)
We have our new cooling and heating system in.

WOW!!! it is really nice and just in time for monsoon rain.
It is so nice, so much better than evaporative coolers.

Next is the walk in tub and shower. This will be nice for hubby because it's really, really getting hard for him to step over and into the tub.

That sounds great. I think I would love one of those walk in tubs, but alas beyond our budget. But sounds great for your hubby.
. Do what you love, what you look forward to, what you are eager to get back to doing

If I do that I will do nothing, like I have done for the last ten years. I have vegetated watching afternoon TV.
So I decided to make some effort and try and paint eight big pictures on some canvases I stretched years ago.
This is the first attempt, and I am finding it hard. I was originally going to paint the interior of a cathedral with angels flying around in it, but I found the perspective too much of a problem. So I decided to leave that Idea till later, and I thought sunflowers would be an easy start. However I have forgotten how to paint contra flow spirals and it is a struggle.
Put it to the side for now and start simple then work up or leave it where you see it every day where you can mull over it every time you see it. I tend to do the latter, with my frock coat I started months ago I set aside for a while and picked it back up a week ago and last night ran into a problem that I have to figure out, how to attach the collar. This pattern is definitely more advanced then the vests and sack coat I made and the instruction presume the tailor already has certain knowledge which I don't have. I will figure it out and have even emailed the company that makes the pattern for any help.
What you might be dealing with is the same issue I deal with from time to time, what Winston Churchill called his Black Dog, depression, some times the dog wins out for a while and I spend my days watching movies, playing video games and/or napping for long periods of time, I'm fighting it right now.
We just had a good soaking rain which is great...... unfortunately I'm no longer accustomed to humidity and it got up to 75%......... I need a shower.......
I was just reading this article and realized I probably am not taking my own counsel and thus not properly hydrating as I do experience several of these symptoms more often than I should:

Summary of article:

10 Warning Signs of Dehydration:

1. Increased heart rate

2. Bad breath and/or dry mouth

3. Sudden food cravings

4. Joint and muscle pain

5. Intense headaches

6/ Upset stomach

7. Fatigue

8. Infrequent urination

'9. Dry skin

10. Trouble focusing

Article says if you have more than one of these symptoms, you are probably not drinking enough fluids and/or not getting sufficient fruit and veggies.

These 10 Warning Signs Could Mean That You're Dehydrated. I Had No Idea That's What #3 Meant!
. Do what you love, what you look forward to, what you are eager to get back to doing

If I do that I will do nothing, like I have done for the last ten years. I have vegetated watching afternoon TV.
So I decided to make some effort and try and paint eight big pictures on some canvases I stretched years ago.
This is the first attempt, and I am finding it hard. I was originally going to paint the interior of a cathedral with angels flying around in it, but I found the perspective too much of a problem. So I decided to leave that Idea till later, and I thought sunflowers would be an easy start. However I have forgotten how to paint contra flow spirals and it is a struggle.
Put it to the side for now and start simple then work up or leave it where you see it every day where you can mull over it every time you see it. I tend to do the latter, with my frock coat I started months ago I set aside for a while and picked it back up a week ago and last night ran into a problem that I have to figure out, how to attach the collar. This pattern is definitely more advanced then the vests and sack coat I made and the instruction presume the tailor already has certain knowledge which I don't have. I will figure it out and have even emailed the company that makes the pattern for any help.
What you might be dealing with is the same issue I deal with from time to time, what Winston Churchill called his Black Dog, depression, some times the dog wins out for a while and I spend my days watching movies, playing video games and/or napping for long periods of time, I'm fighting it right now.

I think it is normal to have days that we just are not motivated to do much of anything that is productive. I have decided to take those days as my cue that it is just time for a time out to regroup and just be. That seems to be working for me. . .except for the annoyance of having to see all the stuff that isn't getting done.
. Do what you love, what you look forward to, what you are eager to get back to doing

If I do that I will do nothing, like I have done for the last ten years. I have vegetated watching afternoon TV.
So I decided to make some effort and try and paint eight big pictures on some canvases I stretched years ago.
This is the first attempt, and I am finding it hard. I was originally going to paint the interior of a cathedral with angels flying around in it, but I found the perspective too much of a problem. So I decided to leave that Idea till later, and I thought sunflowers would be an easy start. However I have forgotten how to paint contra flow spirals and it is a struggle.
Put it to the side for now and start simple then work up or leave it where you see it every day where you can mull over it every time you see it. I tend to do the latter, with my frock coat I started months ago I set aside for a while and picked it back up a week ago and last night ran into a problem that I have to figure out, how to attach the collar. This pattern is definitely more advanced then the vests and sack coat I made and the instruction presume the tailor already has certain knowledge which I don't have. I will figure it out and have even emailed the company that makes the pattern for any help.
What you might be dealing with is the same issue I deal with from time to time, what Winston Churchill called his Black Dog, depression, some times the dog wins out for a while and I spend my days watching movies, playing video games and/or napping for long periods of time, I'm fighting it right now.

I think it is normal to have days that we just are not motivated to do much of anything that is productive. I have decided to take those days as my cue that it is just time for a time out to regroup and just be. That seems to be working for me. . .except for the annoyance of having to see all the stuff that isn't getting done.
Down days are one thing depression is something else and can be seriously debilitating. It's not so much a lack of motivation it's an emotional inability to do anything and affects all aspects of one's life when even getting out of bed for days, weeks and sometimes months is a major effort. One loses all desire to do even the thing we love as everything is a major effort just to think about.
. Do what you love, what you look forward to, what you are eager to get back to doing

If I do that I will do nothing, like I have done for the last ten years. I have vegetated watching afternoon TV.
So I decided to make some effort and try and paint eight big pictures on some canvases I stretched years ago.
This is the first attempt, and I am finding it hard. I was originally going to paint the interior of a cathedral with angels flying around in it, but I found the perspective too much of a problem. So I decided to leave that Idea till later, and I thought sunflowers would be an easy start. However I have forgotten how to paint contra flow spirals and it is a struggle.
Put it to the side for now and start simple then work up or leave it where you see it every day where you can mull over it every time you see it. I tend to do the latter, with my frock coat I started months ago I set aside for a while and picked it back up a week ago and last night ran into a problem that I have to figure out, how to attach the collar. This pattern is definitely more advanced then the vests and sack coat I made and the instruction presume the tailor already has certain knowledge which I don't have. I will figure it out and have even emailed the company that makes the pattern for any help.
What you might be dealing with is the same issue I deal with from time to time, what Winston Churchill called his Black Dog, depression, some times the dog wins out for a while and I spend my days watching movies, playing video games and/or napping for long periods of time, I'm fighting it right now.

I think it is normal to have days that we just are not motivated to do much of anything that is productive. I have decided to take those days as my cue that it is just time for a time out to regroup and just be. That seems to be working for me. . .except for the annoyance of having to see all the stuff that isn't getting done.
Down days are one thing depression is something else and can be seriously debilitating. It's not so much a lack of motivation it's an emotional inability to do anything and affects all aspects of one's life when even getting out of bed for days, weeks and sometimes months is a major effort. One loses all desire to do even the thing we love as everything is a major effort just to think about.

Yes, I've been there but as a more temporary reactionary thing--have loved ones who fight the more chronic types of depression. But there are mild meds with minimal side effects that can help immensely. You should discuss it with your doctor.

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