USMB Coffee Shop IV

I love Laughlin. My sister worked their for years as a dealer at the Golden Nugget. Hope Sheila and hubby have a nice time.

We had some good times at Laughlin. There used to be bus trips organized that would take folks from Albuquerque to Laughlin and my sis and nieces and I would go that way--if it was her and her husband and Hombre and I, we would drive--roughly 10 hours from Albuquerque to Laughlin by the time we made several stops. We flew in once but that was a pain--we would rather drive.

Was on one of the bus trips once and we were based at the Colorado Belle. In the first 10 minutes at the Casino I hit a royal flush on the dollar poker machne--won $4,000. I had a really good time that weekend. :)
My maternal grandmother's mother was a Schweitzer that we have traced to Austria. We haven't been able to locate any birth record in the USA so far and believe it is probable that she immigrated from Austria, however we haven't been able to verify that via the Ellis Island registry either. One of those mysteries. :)

If your maternal grandmother emigrated from somewhere in Europe between 1896-1904, the chances are very good that she did not come through Ellis Island, it was closed for all sorts of people during that span of time. Many were re-routed over Montreal, Canada during this time.

Also, due to the Revolutions of 1848, there were waves of emigration/immigration, especially out of Baden-Württemberg in Germany and out of Kärnten in Austria, many of them first went EAST before going WEST (little known chapter in emigration history), and those waves lasted about 40 years in time.

Also, the borders were different then: an Austrian may have also had a Slovenian pass, depending on where he lived, or he may have had a Swiss pass. And Poland? Geez, the borders have shifted so often, many a time people have no idea where to say a certain ancestor came from if he or she came from "Poland". It took me a while to find the one set of Great-Grandparents for, although everyone said they came from Poland, their official nationality was, as I learned, Ukrainian.

Also, the name Schweitzer could have likely been spelled "Schweizer" at that time (and means: "Swiss"). The "t" was likely added on the American side so that people would not pronounce the "z" in the usual American fashion, but rather, as a "ts".

Two sets of great-grandparents in my family came over via Warsaw-Wales-Montreal and eventually landed up in the Ohio Valley.

Feel free to PM me if you are interested in more information.

Thanks. I just dabble in the geneaology; our son is into it all pretty heavily, and he has mentioned some of what you're saying. We have found her on census records; we just haven't found a birth record or point of entry.

Here's what the Spring plantings look like so far. The window boxes have superbelles, salvia, verbena, vinca and something called a wave flower (it's the purple one up front):


Take a look at the tulips! Blown away by the hail storm last week:


I planted a container with wave petunias, a spike and some more vinca:


I put just one sweet potato vine in each of the flower pouches this year. Sweet potato vines are too aggressive for the window boxes and planting impatiens in the pouches works only if the impatiens are healthy to begin with. There is a fungus attacking the nursery raised impatiens, so by mid July, they get all leggy and look more like a bad crop of asparagus.


I'll put in the marigolds after I get to the store and get some more time release fertilizer. I did enough yesterday and I think I may have exhausted Daisy the Mutt. She spent her time watching me, barking at that damn kitty across the street and chewing raw hide strips.


It all looks very lovely, except for the poor tulips beat up by the hail...poor Daisy, she looks like she did all the work...:)

Good Morning everyone....thank you so much for your words of encouragement.

I'm still trying to figure it the funeral, it will be sad, so unexpected.


Our half day friday summer hours start this week but i'm taking the full day. with such a rough winter, losing a lot of time to my back being out i am really behind on projects. that weekly maintenance alone is about all i can get done on the weekends and thats if it doesn't rain. I've been trying to put in an hr each night after i get home, but can only takle small projects. I really need the 4 day weekend to get a bit caught up. hope the weather holds up. i'd really like to get down to pay a visit to my parents graves and get them spruced up a bit too. thats long overdue

Beautiful Tuesday Morning today. I get to drive while we put up signs and posters for the upcoming "Sister's Summer Catechism" at the theatre.

Tomorrow, my husband and I are going to Laughlin to celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary.

:thup: Congratulations to the both of you. :)
Is it just me or is there something weird going on?

I was only responding to Sheila's post but it copied in posts from Mertex, Spoonman, Nosmo and Foxfye!

That is just bizarre!
I had very unusual stuff happening on my side as well! My symptoms were different, but unusual nonetheless. Occasionally, after I'd select a new USMB page, I'd get re-directed to some gaming site, or fake flash player update site. The problem only happened on this site. After extensive investigation, I finally figured out the advertising was causing this so I disabled all advertising. Problem fixed.
Tuesday morning... what to do... what to do...

Took Mrs. BBD to her Tuesday quilting thing up at the church. Then drove to Dixon to drop a couple of her chains off at the Jewelry Store to be repaired - also her watch. The city block that the Jewelry Store was on was completely blocked off and the street department had the whole street torn up and the sidewalks on both sides of the street too. I could see the Jewelry Store but it was dark with no lights on... I figured that they were closed due to all the work going on. So, I stopped at the Mobil Station and filled up with gas and bought my lottery tickets for the next two weeks. I made my way back home and I would like to report that I have just woke up from a really good nap. Seems like it's the best nap I've had in a long time. Sipping on another cup of coffee and catching up with all the posts here in the Coffee Shop.

I feel I must warn my friend, 007 about rushing into quick decisions on "what to do, what to do...". When you are retired, you shouldn't rush into big decisions like that.:lol:
Beautiful Tuesday Morning today. I get to drive while we put up signs and posters for the upcoming "Sister's Summer Catechism" at the theatre.

Tomorrow, my husband and I are going to Laughlin to celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary.

Congratulations on 33 years of wedded bliss! That's terrific.

Just wondering... Shouldn't you be coming up for parole pretty soon?:lol:
Is it just me or is there something weird going on?

I was only responding to Sheila's post but it copied in posts from Mertex, Spoonman, Nosmo and Foxfye!

That is just bizarre!

There is something weird going on for sure! When I go outside and look around all of the birds have spots on them... Wonder if I need to clean my glasses?:eusa_whistle:
Is it just me or is there something weird going on?

I was only responding to Sheila's post but it copied in posts from Mertex, Spoonman, Nosmo and Foxfye!

That is just bizarre!

I don't know know. You use the @mention feature quite a bit don't you? Maybe it got stuck or something? I have been experiencing what Jughead mentioned though re getting directed to websites where I don't want to be. And that is annoying. And I don't know how to disable advertising without disabling all popups which screws up my Pogo games. :)
Look at this wild supercell shot in Wyoming a little while ago. One accompanying story says this kind of super cell rarely produces much rain or a tornado, but can produce some spectacular hail. It definitely has a wow factor.

I'm sort of bummed out today. I just got a call from one of the ladies that is in my Bunco Club (we play Bunco once a month on the 3rd Wednesday) that another of the members had suffered a heart attack last night, and before I was even able to comment on how awful that was, she continued to tell me that she hadn't made it.

I'm sort of in shock, haven't had anyone close to me die in quite some time. I was expecting the call to be about our next Bunco, which would be this coming Wednesday, so I was rather jovial when I answered the phone after seeing the caller ID on my TV indicating it was the lady that was supposed to host it. Now I'm just stunned. She was so full of life and always the life of the party. I don't know what to make of it.......I'm pretty sad.

I'm so sorry. What a shock! Hope you're feeling in better spirits today. :smiliehug:
Look at this wild supercell shot in Wyoming a little while ago. One accompanying story says this kind of super cell rarely produces much rain or a tornado, but can produce some spectacular hail. It definitely has a wow factor.

The mothership comes right out of the bottom! :D

Amazing photo.
Good afternoon Everyone,

Hope you're all having a wonderful day, it is so beautiful here today and I continue to pack up the house.

I got a summons to jury duty yesterday for the day I will start moving of course. I called them and they postponed my service date to sometime in June so I'm happy they didn't give me a hard time about it.

Have fun, I'll check in later. :D

May your civic duty be quick and painless.

Thanks. I really don't mind JD usually but it always seems to happen when I have something going on. The last time was over the holidays when I was still working in Sandusky. I was planning to come home for a week so I called them and they rearranged things for me there too.

They're a lot nicer than they used to be. I remember when you had to state a reason you couldn't serve only when they questioned you in the courtroom. People used to have to state that they were biased somehow or related or make up elaborate stories.

You just couldn't say well I have to work.

I landed on a murder trial some years back.
It wasn't an innocent or guilty thing, but the degree of murder.
15 year old kid on trial.
They'd already decided he was to be tried as an adult.
My daughter was 15 at the time.
The worst thing that ever happened to me was getting seated on that jury. And I do mean the worst thing.
If I am ever asked to sit on the jury for a teen murderer again, I'll tell them to fuck off.
I can't do something like that again.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Marg’s mom,
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Blackhawk’s mom,
Newby's mom,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s sore foot and friend Shirley,
Meister and his mom,
Drake's injured friend,
PixieStix's sister,
Hollie's stepdad,
Coyote's father-in-law,
Spoonie, Ringel, Sheila, and 007's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
BDBoop, her sis, and family,
Avg-Joe & furry companion Boo
Becki!!! and Becki’s hubby,
Smilebong for his brother-in-law and family,
Ernie and his friend Royce's family, especially Alisha, as they prepare for the final goodbye,
Sheila and Andrew,
Noomi's impending oral surgery,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana and cousin,
Ollie's daughter Angie,
Mertex as she prepares for the final goodbye for her friend,
Ringel and his family in transition,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Bigfoot, Oddball, and Sunshine.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Forum List
