USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, it's Hump Day! Had my morning coffee. Have to get ready to go to Rockford for a routine cardiology doctor's appointment. Watched the finale on The Voice last night. Josh won first place which was not a surprise and I was happy to see that Jake got 2nd place. I had him down for 3rd place... Taco is being a pest this morning. Wants to play. Doesn't he know that I'm just on my second cup of coffee?

I was rooting for Josh or the girl...leaning towards the girl.( can't think of her name yet this morning ) Thought Jake would place 3rd also. So glad Adam picked the gal up to be on his label. What a grand show of talented people and different format than the rest of the singing shows. It is truly an extravaganza.

Huge pat on the head to Taco, the man dog! :D :D :D
Morning Coffee Mates! It's another beautiful day in THE Carolina. Expecting 90 and an easy day. You know, I've lived a very rough and high pressured life. Vets here can tell you the military can be highly stressful. Especially when you're in situations where you don't know if you'll be alive from one second to the next. I thought I may never be able to retire. But I had a life changing event in October 2012 and was able to retire last April many years before I had planned. I attribute it to God's grace. Now I live a life of leisure and as Joe Walsh says, life's been god to me so far. I hope and pray it comes to pass for my friends here in the CS. Just wanted to get that off my chest. Now I'm going to the outlets to do some shopping. Nothing in particular, just want to see if anything catches my eye to buy. Then I'm going to do some yard work, a load of laundry or two and then make dinner for Mrs. Blood. Have a blessed day everyone.
Speaking of laundry, trying to wash the bedding, had to pull the comforter out from under the two cats...... They weren't too happy about it....... :lol:
That's a big 10-4 good buddy... :D

It's not that I don't have anything to do, it's that I have a lot to do and have to decide which thing to do. Friend of mine just called that is partners with a guy and they make custom hardwood flooring. They have massive piles of edge cuttings and he wondered if I wanted a few bundles of it. It's fantastic for campfires. Burns a little quick but who cares? There's tons of it and the campfire burns nice and bright. So, he also bought a receiver from me so I'm going to take that up to him and pick up some wood. I'll take the big old 3/4 ton Chev up on the hill.

It really is shaping up to be a beautiful day here so, I'm out.
i'm praying for some good weather this weekend, although its looking like rain fri- Sun. I've got so much i want to get to. all of it weather dependent. I guess i could work on rock walls or re roof the shed in the rain. not ideal but..... it has to get done.

We finally got some good rain this morning and it's cool right now so I got more packing done before the heat comes back this afternoon. Plus laundry.

Hope it clears up for you for the weekend.

our problem has been too much rain
i'm praying for some good weather this weekend, although its looking like rain fri- Sun. I've got so much i want to get to. all of it weather dependent. I guess i could work on rock walls or re roof the shed in the rain. not ideal but..... it has to get done.

We finally got some good rain this morning and it's cool right now so I got more packing done before the heat comes back this afternoon. Plus laundry.

Hope it clears up for you for the weekend.

our problem has been too much rain

They keep predicting it here but we just get little sprinkles. Thunder and lightening woke me up this morning, it was really cool. The air feels better now.
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I wish I could view that, but my Shockwave Flash keeps crashing my computer. I have to hit "stop plugin" when I get the window and I have placed a called into my tech as this has been happening since he installed my new W-7 PC a few days ago. Wish I knew how to fix it, myself as he is so busy and I may not get a call back as soon as I need it. It all corrected itself last night but this morning again, it is back. Nothing working but this site and this one keeps freezing until I click...stop plugin....and then I get a few minute reprieve until it happens again...:evil:
We finally got some good rain this morning and it's cool right now so I got more packing done before the heat comes back this afternoon. Plus laundry.

Hope it clears up for you for the weekend.

our problem has been too much rain

They keep predicting it here but we just get little sprinkles. Thunder and lightening woke me up this morning, it was really cool. The air feels better now.

Love a good storm :)

I wish I could view that, but my Shockwave Flash keeps crashing my computer. I have to hit "stop plugin" when I get the window and I have placed a called into my tech as this has been happening since he installed my new W-7 PC a few days ago. Wish I knew how to fix it, myself as he is so busy and I may not get a call back as soon as I need it. It all corrected itself last night but this morning again, it is back. Nothing working but this site and this one keeps freezing until I click...stop plugin....and then I get a few minute reprieve until it happens again...:evil:

Oh dearie me! That sounds annoying. I am thinking of getting a new computer, because I cannot play the latest games like wolfenstein. I already have a sealed copy of windows 7 to install on it. I have always built and serviced my own computers up to now, but this time I will have to get one built for me, because my knowledge of components is out of date. I may also have to find a tech who can visit me if it has problems like yours.
We finally got some good rain this morning and it's cool right now so I got more packing done before the heat comes back this afternoon. Plus laundry.

Hope it clears up for you for the weekend.

our problem has been too much rain

They keep predicting it here but we just get little sprinkles. Thunder and lightening woke me up this morning, it was really cool. The air feels better now.

we get down pours. there are parts of my lawn i can't cut because the tractor sinks in. even walking across it you sink in. the ground water tables are so high.

I have a 16' x 22' x 5 1/2' deep. It has a thick rubber liner, like a pool to hold the water. i have a very large population of fish and frogs in it. they deficate, which makes the water nitrogen rich and creates algea blooms. this all dies off and settles at the bottom. every spring i drain the pond, scoop out the sediment ( a very messy job, one for mike rowe) then refill the pond. this year, the water table is so high and there is so much hydrostatic pressure, when i drained the pond, water filled in under the liner and raised it up to the surface.
Good morning. It's a wonderful cloudy cold day and I'll be in the warm sun this evening in Laughlin. Yippee! Hate the plane trip though.

Oh you haven't left yet. Well Happy Anniversary again Sheila. I'll refer you to yesterday's post commemorating it and hope you have a blast in Laughlin.
And good morning everybody. Slept in again this morning since I didn't seem to have much luck sleeping when I was supposed to be sleeping, but think I got in sufficient hours that this will be a good day.
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Good morning. It's a wonderful cloudy cold day and I'll be in the warm sun this evening in Laughlin. Yippee! Hate the plane trip though.

Oh you haven't left yet. Well Happy Anniversary again Sheila. I'll refer you to yesterday's post commemorating it and hope you have a blast in Laughlin.

Thanks, yeah, the plane doesn't take off until 3pm. It's a charter flight.
I was just thinking. It was about 4 years ago i came to the USMB. At some point after I joined i stumbled across the Coffee Shop and made my first post. I remember it well because it had a political overtone and pissed off a few people, i remember samson especially. lol But I realize, this is probably the longest continual thread i have ever posted on on any board.
Hadn't mentioned it with everything else going on but the Mrs has surgery scheduled for Monday the 2nd to have three fibroids removed (finally). One is either 7 or 9 cm, I can't remember and since it's so big they wont know if it will turn into a full hysterectomy until they get in there. Hopefully not.

Well then she goes on the Vigil List immediately. Fortunately this type of surgery is pretty routine and almost never has complications, but surgery is surgery just the same. So I know there is a stress and anxiety factor involved.
Hadn't mentioned it with everything else going on but the Mrs has surgery scheduled for Monday the 2nd to have three fibroids removed (finally). One is either 7 or 9 cm, I can't remember and since it's so big they wont know if it will turn into a full hysterectomy until they get in there. Hopefully not.

Well then she goes on the Vigil List immediately. Fortunately this type of surgery is pretty routine and almost never has complications, but surgery is surgery just the same. So I know there is a stress and anxiety factor involved.

Well, I had a hysterectomy, both my sisters have too and we're still here. :)
I was just thinking. It was about 4 years ago i came to the USMB. At some point after I joined i stumbled across the Coffee Shop and made my first post. I remember it well because it had a political overtone and pissed off a few people, i remember samson especially. lol But I realize, this is probably the longest continual thread i have ever posted on on any board.

I think it probably is for me too. I had a couple of threads going--both political type threads, not social threads--going on my previous board home that had been going for at least more than two years when I left and both had amassed thousands of posts and more than a million looks, but the Coffee Shop tops both. I still have a few friends that I stay in contact with from that other board, but for the most part it had gotten too mean and too stupid and just didn't seem worth the time any more.
i'm praying for some good weather this weekend, although its looking like rain fri- Sun. I've got so much i want to get to. all of it weather dependent. I guess i could work on rock walls or re roof the shed in the rain. not ideal but..... it has to get done.

We finally got some good rain this morning and it's cool right now so I got more packing done before the heat comes back this afternoon. Plus laundry.

Hope it clears up for you for the weekend.

our problem has been too much rain

We get boatloads of verga...... Thankfully it's not virga......
Was just watching a story with video clip on Huffpo about the Deadliest Catch episode last night--I didn't watch it because the Dancing with the Stars, the Voice, and American Idol finales were all last night and my DVR can only record so much. :)

The right couple got picked for Dancing with the Stars.
We'll find out tonight if the right guy won AI.
And the right guy won the Voice.

But back to Deadliest Catch, the one captain that everybody loves to hate is Elliot Neese with captain "Junior" a close runner up. Both have been pretty much snots and not always team players with the other boats and the series sometimes portrays them as less than likable. But in this episode, Elliot risks his boat to go to the rescue of another that had run into rocks and was sinking. So now he's a hero. Strange how fortunes can turn.
I was just thinking. It was about 4 years ago i came to the USMB. At some point after I joined i stumbled across the Coffee Shop and made my first post. I remember it well because it had a political overtone and pissed off a few people, i remember samson especially. lol But I realize, this is probably the longest continual thread i have ever posted on on any board.

I think it probably is for me too. I had a couple of threads going--both political type threads, not social threads--going on my previous board home that had been going for at least more than two years when I left and both had amassed thousands of posts and more than a million looks, but the Coffee Shop tops both. I still have a few friends that I stay in contact with from that other board, but for the most part it had gotten too mean and too stupid and just didn't seem worth the time any more.

a lot of boards have long running threads like word asscociation games, or what are you listening to, last post wins. but not a lot of strictly conversational ones. even political posts run their course when a party gets elected out of office. then a new one against the new guy opens up and the cycle starts all over
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