USMB Coffee Shop IV

Tuesday morning... what to do... what to do...

drink coffee then get going for the day

You getting any rain out Black River way?
Good morning everyone!

Finally caught a break with no work to do on this beautiful Tuesday morning.

Anyone planning on watching the Supernatural season finale tonight? :D
Good Morning everyone....thank you so much for your words of encouragement.

I'm still trying to figure it the funeral, it will be sad, so unexpected.

Here's what the Spring plantings look like so far. The window boxes have superbelles, salvia, verbena, vinca and something called a wave flower (it's the purple one up front):


Take a look at the tulips! Blown away by the hail storm last week:


I planted a container with wave petunias, a spike and some more vinca:


I put just one sweet potato vine in each of the flower pouches this year. Sweet potato vines are too aggressive for the window boxes and planting impatiens in the pouches works only if the impatiens are healthy to begin with. There is a fungus attacking the nursery raised impatiens, so by mid July, they get all leggy and look more like a bad crop of asparagus.


I'll put in the marigolds after I get to the store and get some more time release fertilizer. I did enough yesterday and I think I may have exhausted Daisy the Mutt. She spent her time watching me, barking at that damn kitty across the street and chewing raw hide strips.


looking great nosomo
Our half day friday summer hours start this week but i'm taking the full day. with such a rough winter, losing a lot of time to my back being out i am really behind on projects. that weekly maintenance alone is about all i can get done on the weekends and thats if it doesn't rain. I've been trying to put in an hr each night after i get home, but can only takle small projects. I really need the 4 day weekend to get a bit caught up. hope the weather holds up. i'd really like to get down to pay a visit to my parents graves and get them spruced up a bit too. thats long overdue
Tuesday morning... what to do... what to do...

but isn't it nice to have the choice instead of being told what to do

That's a big 10-4 good buddy... :D

It's not that I don't have anything to do, it's that I have a lot to do and have to decide which thing to do. Friend of mine just called that is partners with a guy and they make custom hardwood flooring. They have massive piles of edge cuttings and he wondered if I wanted a few bundles of it. It's fantastic for campfires. Burns a little quick but who cares? There's tons of it and the campfire burns nice and bright. So, he also bought a receiver from me so I'm going to take that up to him and pick up some wood. I'll take the big old 3/4 ton Chev up on the hill.

It really is shaping up to be a beautiful day here so, I'm out.
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Tuesday morning... what to do... what to do...

but isn't it nice to have the choice instead of being told what to do

That's a big 10-4 good buddy... :D

It's not that I don't have anything to do, it's that I have a lot to do and have to decide which thing to do. Friend of mine just called that is partners with a guy and they make hardwood flooring. They have massive piles of edge cuttings and he wondered if I wanted a few bundles of it. It's fantastic for campfires. Burns a little quick but who cares? There's tons of it and the campfire burns nice and bright. So, he also bought a receiver from me so I'm going to take that up to him and pick up some wood. I'll take the big old 3/4 ton Chev up on the hill.

It really is shaping up to be a beautiful day here so, I'm out.
wish i could say the same. i have two conference calls and then a pretty heavy meeting schedule this afternoon
Here's what the Spring plantings look like so far. The window boxes have superbelles, salvia, verbena, vinca and something called a wave flower (it's the purple one up front):


Take a look at the tulips! Blown away by the hail storm last week:


I planted a container with wave petunias, a spike and some more vinca:


I put just one sweet potato vine in each of the flower pouches this year. Sweet potato vines are too aggressive for the window boxes and planting impatiens in the pouches works only if the impatiens are healthy to begin with. There is a fungus attacking the nursery raised impatiens, so by mid July, they get all leggy and look more like a bad crop of asparagus.


I'll put in the marigolds after I get to the store and get some more time release fertilizer. I did enough yesterday and I think I may have exhausted Daisy the Mutt. She spent her time watching me, barking at that damn kitty across the street and chewing raw hide strips.


It all looks very lovely, except for the poor tulips beat up by the hail...poor Daisy, she looks like she did all the work...:)
If you look carefully at the picture of the container by the front door, you'll see Daisy posing and the reflection of a Nosmo shaped character taking pictures with an iPad.

After all the work Daisy did yesterday, she went for a walk in the park. The last home high school tennis match was happening there and she had a ball greeting all the parents and siblings of the players. She even bummed a bit of one of the mother's snacks!
We had a pretty good hail storm here last week. It blew up from the south around 7:30 Wednesday evening. The hail stones were the largest I've ever seen. About the size of canned hams. Well, not that big, but big.

This weekend I noticed a lot of pick up trucks advertising contractors plying the neighborhood streets. Many of those trucks had out of state plates. Now, I live in the crotch of the tri-state area and I'm used to out of staters, but from Pennsylvania and West Virginia. There were 'contractors' from Virginia, Maryland and New Jersey cruising around. Three of them stopped at Pimplebutt as I was out gardening.

"We're offering free roof inspections!" they sang out as they approached the front door. I had a standing seam steel roof installed three years ago this month. It is still flawless, undented and undamaged.

"Did you happen to notice my roof?" I asked them.

"If it's dented, your insurance company will authorize the installation of a new roof!" they said.

"Well," I responded "I'm the county building inspector..."

With that, they turned on their heels and left. Today, my phone is exploding with complaints about unsolicited contractors harassing folks her in the county. The Sheriff's department is on the case, but now I have a whole raft of visits to make to see whether or not these locusts from out of state are bonded, licensed and insured.

I saw one truck that had "Storm Response Team" lettered on the bed. I suppose these guys get their leads from the Weather Channel.
My Nieces Husband does roofing as an independent. He's been busy as can be since the storms rolled through...He probably has done a few down your way. But he is legal and insured, been at it on his own for about 15 years now.....
Beautiful Tuesday Morning today. I get to drive while we put up signs and posters for the upcoming "Sister's Summer Catechism" at the theatre.

Tomorrow, my husband and I are going to Laughlin to celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary.

Congratulations, you know you have to be doing it the way you have us beat by about 18 months........
Beautiful Tuesday Morning today. I get to drive while we put up signs and posters for the upcoming "Sister's Summer Catechism" at the theatre.

Tomorrow, my husband and I are going to Laughlin to celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary.

Congratulations, you know you have to be doing it the way you have us beat by about 18 months........

And you have great grandkids, I won't ever even have grandkids. I did my part, I had kids.
Well, on the theory that folks visiting Laughlin usually don't get on the internet, I'm going to post Sheila and Hubby's annivesary acknowledgement today:



I love Laughlin. My sister worked there for years as a dealer at the Golden Nugget. Hope Sheila and hubby have a nice time.
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So good morning everybody. A comforting hug to Mertex and the Ringels who are going through a difficult day for different reasons.

And loving Nosmo's flower projects that he treats us to every spring.

Already in the high 70's here today going up into the high 80's and the winds are forecast to pick up this afternoon and it remains very dry so we are under extreme fire weather conditions.

The opportunistic contractors must be a sign of the still struggling economy. Wind and hail damage was so common in West Texas and Kansas all the years we lived there that the local contractors were kept pretty busy with that and the ordinary work. We never had to buy a roof--the insurance company did that. Also usually the hail only beat up two sides of the house--everybody had vulnerable siding if they didn't have brick veneer--so we would use the insurance settlement to buy the paint and would paint the whole house ourselves so it got a fresh coat, courtesy of the insurance company, every few years.

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