USMB Coffee Shop IV

My maternal grandmother's mother was a Schweitzer that we have traced to Austria. We haven't been able to locate any birth record in the USA so far and believe it is probable that she immigrated from Austria, however we haven't been able to verify that via the Ellis Island registry either. One of those mysteries. :)

If your maternal grandmother emigrated from somewhere in Europe between 1896-1904, the chances are very good that she did not come through Ellis Island, it was closed for all sorts of people during that span of time. Many were re-routed over Montreal, Canada during this time.

Also, due to the Revolutions of 1848, there were waves of emigration/immigration, especially out of Baden-Württemberg in Germany and out of Kärnten in Austria, many of them first went EAST before going WEST (little known chapter in emigration history), and those waves lasted about 40 years in time.

Also, the borders were different then: an Austrian may have also had a Slovenian pass, depending on where he lived, or he may have had a Swiss pass. And Poland? Geez, the borders have shifted so often, many a time people have no idea where to say a certain ancestor came from if he or she came from "Poland". It took me a while to find the one set of Great-Grandparents for, although everyone said they came from Poland, their official nationality was, as I learned, Ukrainian.

Also, the name Schweitzer could have likely been spelled "Schweizer" at that time (and means: "Swiss"). The "t" was likely added on the American side so that people would not pronounce the "z" in the usual American fashion, but rather, as a "ts".

Two sets of great-grandparents in my family came over via Warsaw-Wales-Montreal and eventually landed up in the Ohio Valley.

Feel free to PM me if you are interested in more information.

Thanks. I just dabble in the geneaology; our son is into it all pretty heavily, and he has mentioned some of what you're saying. We have found her on census records; we just haven't found a birth record or point of entry.

Genealogy is a hot thing here, of course, in the center of Mormonism, whatever the religion or not of the researchers.

The lds church history library and family genealogy are marvelous.
So, I wonder who's going to win the final on "The Voice"?????????? I like all 3 of the finalist but I'm hoping the cowboy wins.
My maternal grandmother's mother was a Schweitzer that we have traced to Austria. We haven't been able to locate any birth record in the USA so far and believe it is probable that she immigrated from Austria, however we haven't been able to verify that via the Ellis Island registry either. One of those mysteries. :)

If your maternal grandmother emigrated from somewhere in Europe between 1896-1904, the chances are very good that she did not come through Ellis Island, it was closed for all sorts of people during that span of time. Many were re-routed over Montreal, Canada during this time.

Also, due to the Revolutions of 1848, there were waves of emigration/immigration, especially out of Baden-Württemberg in Germany and out of Kärnten in Austria, many of them first went EAST before going WEST (little known chapter in emigration history), and those waves lasted about 40 years in time.

Also, the borders were different then: an Austrian may have also had a Slovenian pass, depending on where he lived, or he may have had a Swiss pass. And Poland? Geez, the borders have shifted so often, many a time people have no idea where to say a certain ancestor came from if he or she came from "Poland". It took me a while to find the one set of Great-Grandparents for, although everyone said they came from Poland, their official nationality was, as I learned, Ukrainian.

Also, the name Schweitzer could have likely been spelled "Schweizer" at that time (and means: "Swiss"). The "t" was likely added on the American side so that people would not pronounce the "z" in the usual American fashion, but rather, as a "ts".

Two sets of great-grandparents in my family came over via Warsaw-Wales-Montreal and eventually landed up in the Ohio Valley.

Feel free to PM me if you are interested in more information.

Thanks. I just dabble in the geneaology; our son is into it all pretty heavily, and he has mentioned some of what you're saying. We have found her on census records; we just haven't found a birth record or point of entry.

Like you I dabble but my daughter has done some serious digging. Finding one of her ancestors immortalized in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens has been the highlight so far. :)

William Hone, Chronology
I'm sort of bummed out today. I just got a call from one of the ladies that is in my Bunco Club (we play Bunco once a month on the 3rd Wednesday) that another of the members had suffered a heart attack last night, and before I was even able to comment on how awful that was, she continued to tell me that she hadn't made it.

I'm sort of in shock, haven't had anyone close to me die in quite some time. I was expecting the call to be about our next Bunco, which would be this coming Wednesday, so I was rather jovial when I answered the phone after seeing the caller ID on my TV indicating it was the lady that was supposed to host it. Now I'm just stunned. She was so full of life and always the life of the party. I don't know what to make of it.......I'm pretty sad.
I'm sort of bummed out today. I just got a call from one of the ladies that is in my Bunco Club (we play Bunco once a month on the 3rd Wednesday) that another of the members had suffered a heart attack last night, and before I was even able to comment on how awful that was, she continued to tell me that she hadn't made it.

I'm sort of in shock, haven't had anyone close to me die in quite some time. I was expecting the call to be about our next Bunco, which would be this coming Wednesday, so I was rather jovial when I answered the phone after seeing the caller ID on my TV indicating it was the lady that was supposed to host it. Now I'm just stunned. She was so full of life and always the life of the party. I don't know what to make of it.......I'm pretty sad.
I'm very saddened to hear the news about your friend, Mertex. Please accept my condolences. My prayers are with you.
I'm sort of bummed out today. I just got a call from one of the ladies that is in my Bunco Club (we play Bunco once a month on the 3rd Wednesday) that another of the members had suffered a heart attack last night, and before I was even able to comment on how awful that was, she continued to tell me that she hadn't made it.

I'm sort of in shock, haven't had anyone close to me die in quite some time. I was expecting the call to be about our next Bunco, which would be this coming Wednesday, so I was rather jovial when I answered the phone after seeing the caller ID on my TV indicating it was the lady that was supposed to host it. Now I'm just stunned. She was so full of life and always the life of the party. I don't know what to make of it.......I'm pretty sad.

sorry for your loss
Good afternoon Everyone,

Hope you're all having a wonderful day, it is so beautiful here today and I continue to pack up the house.

I got a summons to jury duty yesterday for the day I will start moving of course. I called them and they postponed my service date to sometime in June so I'm happy they didn't give me a hard time about it.

Have fun, I'll check in later. :D

May your civic duty be quick and painless.
Boy it's been a gray, drizzly, rainy, windy day here, and I've done exactly... nothing.

I think I'm going to at least hit the treadmill. I hate a day without some kind of physical activity.
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This morning nothing, This afternoon took Mrs o to her 3 month check up with family Doc. then to Pharmacy and a quick walk through the Grocery.... Home for dinner then 45 minute walk through a cemetery checking for veterans graves that didn't have a flag.....
I'm sort of bummed out today. I just got a call from one of the ladies that is in my Bunco Club (we play Bunco once a month on the 3rd Wednesday) that another of the members had suffered a heart attack last night, and before I was even able to comment on how awful that was, she continued to tell me that she hadn't made it.

I'm sort of in shock, haven't had anyone close to me die in quite some time. I was expecting the call to be about our next Bunco, which would be this coming Wednesday, so I was rather jovial when I answered the phone after seeing the caller ID on my TV indicating it was the lady that was supposed to host it. Now I'm just stunned. She was so full of life and always the life of the party. I don't know what to make of it.......I'm pretty sad.

Sad when it happens to those we like.

Thinking good thoughts for you and your friend's family.
Hi all, Been busy up at the homestead from Friday until yesterday. Most of the valuables have been cataloged and secured but had to empty out and sort though bags my sister in law had tossed items in for trash, ended up taking about half the stuff out. Seems her idea is if she doesn't want it why would anyone else......
She tried it again on Saturday and both myself and my brother put a quick stop to that, so we only tossed items that would obviously not be wanted and my brother took a couple of thing that all four brothers had already agreed he could have.
Then there's the old "friend" who stopped by...... Foxy, you know the one I told you about. Talk about dealing with stress....... On Sunday, after we got back home I finally relaxed and took a 4 hour nap which meant I was up half the night the up this morning at 7AM. :evil:
I'm sort of bummed out today. I just got a call from one of the ladies that is in my Bunco Club (we play Bunco once a month on the 3rd Wednesday) that another of the members had suffered a heart attack last night, and before I was even able to comment on how awful that was, she continued to tell me that she hadn't made it.

I'm sort of in shock, haven't had anyone close to me die in quite some time. I was expecting the call to be about our next Bunco, which would be this coming Wednesday, so I was rather jovial when I answered the phone after seeing the caller ID on my TV indicating it was the lady that was supposed to host it. Now I'm just stunned. She was so full of life and always the life of the party. I don't know what to make of it.......I'm pretty sad.

sorry for your loss

Thank you Sheila.
Nothing is more rewarding than saving up for something you wanted, then getting it. I have a brand new 32" LED HDTV 720p now my first one ever and paid for it on my own. My grandmother has her own as well. I bought my old one in 2006 with my graduation money, and I got good memories out of it, but now I'll donate it. And hey, I also had to upgrade my phone a couple of weeks ago too, now I have a Samsung Galaxy S5, plus a free LG G Pad Tablet from Verizon's Mother's Day promo. Timing and frugality at it's finest.

I've been busy moving 70 lb TV's around and programming the new ones, had to replace the old digital converters. I had to teach my grandmother how to use the remote all over again, too, but now for the first time in forever my grandmother can read what's on the screen, so it was a cinch! It's awesome!
So, I wonder who's going to win the final on "The Voice"?????????? I like all 3 of the finalist but I'm hoping the cowboy wins.

I like Jake too, BBD, but I have to go with Josh for the win. I think he has the best voice and style and I would buy his CDs--the other two, not so much. You ought to join us on the Singing Competition thread:

I have to agree with you, Foxy. I like Jake because he's the under dog and sings most things well but I think he's going to come in 3rd place. Christina is going to get 2nd and Josh is going to win it hands down and rightfully so. He's really very good. Josh looks exactly like a good friend of mine who lives in Virginia and who was the best man when I married Mrs. BBD. They could be twins.
I'm sort of bummed out today. I just got a call from one of the ladies that is in my Bunco Club (we play Bunco once a month on the 3rd Wednesday) that another of the members had suffered a heart attack last night, and before I was even able to comment on how awful that was, she continued to tell me that she hadn't made it.

I'm sort of in shock, haven't had anyone close to me die in quite some time. I was expecting the call to be about our next Bunco, which would be this coming Wednesday, so I was rather jovial when I answered the phone after seeing the caller ID on my TV indicating it was the lady that was supposed to host it. Now I'm just stunned. She was so full of life and always the life of the party. I don't know what to make of it.......I'm pretty sad.

Well, I lost my step grandfather a week ago, so I feel your pain and sympathize with your loss. We're praying for you.
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